1894 WORK FOR US I • few days, and you will I bs itartled at the sues uected «scssss that will i reward year «Fort«. W< to sder an agent Mwitiraly tears tbs bsal bsiiueas I till» — earth khat eaa ba found on the — fae«- ----- — of — eLA.IM» proAt on S7S OU worth nt huaiueaa it iug ea»ily and honorably uiaue by aad paid >0 huuilred» of men, women, boys, and girl« in our employ You can utaks rnouey faster at work for us than roa tears any idea ef. The baalue.» is so ease to learn, and laHruotioas so simple and plain, that all succeed from the start Those who take hold of 1'1» business reap the adrautage that arises from the sound reputation of one of the eldest, most »neeessful, and largest publishing house» in America. Aeeure tor ronraelf the profits that the bnsinsss so read Hr and)iand«omrl» yields. AU beginners sneeaed grandly, and more than realise their greatest expectations. Those woo Sr» it And exactly as wa tell them. There is plenty ef room for a few more workers, and w» urge them te begin at enoa. If you are alreadv etn | ■loved, but na»s a f»w spare moments, and wish 1 so use them to advantage, then write us at once ifor this 1« veer grand opportunity), and rerelve •nil nartlaulars by return mall. Addres«, i I TRUB A CO.. Bex Ne. AM, Augusta. Mr | YEAI nii •+•-------- —THIS PAPER— TAB S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! ----- v»R----- • H¿ SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Cali! 1 PRICK •«.<» • Hl K YtCAlft -------- ”+*-------- Design Patera Copyrights, I HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL I» A tiauii'UlHe eight* ’ busluest condD^d for • FESS. ¡ t • luv ntor» rttbouf I I i i u g ux A um«y. W am : hn (!T ox . I>.(X .1 managed by a eomhmat'on of ' lntluentiHl tn w,|tup< r. tn ths ex ri.» purp '♦• of prw»s«fa ■ ibera agutina uawruputoua A enta, and set h paper . n ui vouches for the reapoaai- .14« uf hhi . Either of the above aper- we will «end po-tu hi an a pre­ mium on reeri t of the follow, iug •ub-wriptlon prices for the ceiiibinatloti: wire P¿.« YEA WEEKLY "’Ll W Halo’s . I . FENCING I l.l.TSTKATElt. Harper'* Weekly 1s acknowledged re stand Ing firs among illustrated weelclv periu.licab in 'merit a. it «»<■< upiea a pirn e liet ween tha of the hurried daily puiu'r and that of the lest time. monthly magasHe. it includes b. tI litera'iiri anti news, and presents with equa force and fe ii itv the real events of eurreti histor> am the Z-k.. ------------ t. Imaginative themes of flctlov ^ d •< uf jig \er\ < einplefe Kvriew of illug . . » ... ’ «IV svari ■ r air, ll lie not ull I •of he World ’® Fair, it Will will benoluiil he lw«> guide to 'he g-ea Kxpoihion, but ala I ita l ea auvetdr. Even-public event of genera internal »’ill '«fully illua rated in ita pager Ita eoiilril utioiie teing from the Itesi writer, and arti«-» in thia country, it will continue >« excel in literature, news, and illustrations. a< o'her ptibhcatiotiRof i s class nffinniNp amiw aaiii vm RABBIT ABD PQULTR1 t,Ml • • NETTING. I HARPER ' Pr t. it »DICALS t< • e f « BTHKB INFORMAT«)? í Jf. Market MS.. CtetaMtw. HARI’KR " 1 EK FREE BRAND COLUMN. >.................... HARPER’S MAGA HARPER’S BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG K Horae brand bar ten on leO «hi.nlder: C«'”a bar »en oh left hip and upper clip on holt eat». T. A. McKinnon. Burna 'ire. i >1’1 E Postage Free to sll sub«erl!wr» In he (J11 States. Canada, <ai'»r»z.uu a volume. volume. for each Volume, Volume, «tillable suitable foi i Cloth Cases for binding wfll be sent by mail puat-paid, on re (I. ceipt of |l. 1 Kemitlaneea ------------- --- .»vu.u OJ K «>■« >>n>n should be UIWWV made by Fuat Ofllct M.»"—« Order M.inev Onler or er Draft, to *.«<«: avoid cLsuve, chance of low. Addrcua HARPER A BROTH Addreee BROTHKlW. Efts. Ne Ne York YOl'R »’UTU'tB. Aud tu. P p , ' o 50 » ■ • | »Hi i Hap’ Baza ILLUSTRATED OAVBAT1 *D< MAI OBSIQN FATI COWYAIOHTA, «free Handbook «»Hi 1 B uoauwat TN sw a^mriiw patenta In America. 1 out by a« ta bmusht betör« oegirsn free of ohargs tn ths £iirntific JAtncnran •ml”»“« " « deZ'**’ CMÍLofevN, * «è «so „ r\ •«■a- ivwv.piAUTt WMDWSme I NfyjlQtttMlRV lCA«a CQ.awfct.MP N UNIOS JMIANt. H. < f’Sftlllm »MT»«.««» «TV but *, a*. -AW SA LX BY -w*-.™- NEW HOME SEWING MA (HINE CO., 726 Market St., raicfic San Francisco, Cal. I »Apartment. C i »th at .i r-» t . - .-mini ted fur M iml rrr I sea. ft » » s 0-maae* V.f.f '•« '.'•vs. wi - i « <11 aveu rs paient a. l«ee time'.han those vumt. item Wsrhlngton t*vua i*»*ic drawing or photo, with dc-.rlp- lon U advl-e. tf patentable >■» «♦><<. tree uft bury.' Vi-i foe mH dne till patent • ih«t. A > • I'. iw •« CtMa'n INt-r-a. ' '♦■th initie* 3 ■'noawta »’ iea< OMce. «Sajetrut ' H York. w. » The McMullen Woven Win Fence Co AÄD i Hl j Harper’s Mag for 1A98 will centlnus •• maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence which has ch ■ racterised it from the beginning Amuag the ne able features uf the year there will be new novels by A Conan Doyle, Con­ stance Fen imore Woolson. and William Black. Short aUaies will I* contributed bv the most p. pular wri ers of the (’ey, including Mary K. Wilkins. Ri« hssd Hatding Davis, Marvarei Ifeland. Branaer Matthews, and many othets. The i Inktrated descript ve papers wi'l embrace ar i< lee liy Julian Ralt h un new Southern and Wes ern subject.; by Theodore Child on India; bv P< ultney Blgel w on Russia and Germany; bv Ri' hard Harding Davis on a L >ndon Season: by CidunelT. A. Ibxlgeon Fastern Riders; et< . Edwin A. Abbev ’s illurtratlonsof -ihakespeare’s Comedies will be >‘ont.nue<1. Literary articles will be contributed b> Charles Kliot Norton, Mrs. .lames l'. Field*. William Dean HoweLs, Brander Ma thews, and others. PATEN and is in every r*«i set a Bro­ llas« family i>ai«r, apponi g pt tiie in terrai ol every ■s-->i.|>er --- -+----- 1 ILLUSTRATED. ^^^Are J UM »but every Pensions, ----- WITH----- BKIC'k. •>.».« FKK Y- AH, I lia Ü8TRATKD —rl.v«u ureon '1 br la.r- ^■>.« of Ferry'« f-erda^^^ turni the luunuution up-^^^B r on wbicb bus Leen Lullt the ~ largest ae«d I UBI itera in lite world. Our Premiums F03 ¿{anaf’s Magazine. FERRY’S SEEDS. MAGAZINE, giving yearly, u ¡t does, 1536 pages of reading by tb» ablest living authors, with ovt( Ferry’s Seed Aoasal for 1194 1200 illustration« by clever artimi, contains the turn and Bu>euu>ce ef I the latas farming k now ledge. Free I has stepped into the breech, with tor ti e «»king. i I . ». V. FERRY A CO., I a reduction in its price that h« Detroit, Mich. I I i tart led the literary world . I The bbald , fully alive to thg I needs of itd patrons, ha« node I I special arrangements with thi< I superb monthly, whereby it wil'. THE DISABILITY BILL iS A receive urders for yearly subscrip­ L.\U tions to both publications combined Soldiers disa >lt-d since the war are HARPER’S PER Oi'ICS for the sum of $3.00. Entitled )><*i endent widow« und Parents now de Per Year: The price of the great illustrated pendent who-c -on« died from the efiecTs of ..fi.ot monthlies in the past has been arni.v service ar included. If you wish HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKLY . . i.Ot HARPER’S BAZAR ....... .. 4.ÍY $3 00 and $4 00 a year, ana they HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE ....... .. .... 2.0* Poa'nge Free to ali Subscribers in th> were to l»e found only in the more I I United States, Canada, or Mexico. pretentious homes. Our offer fur­ I The volume.« of tiie Mugitznu* begin witl nishes a help to all families, n« the Niiniliers for June and December o h year. When no time is ««»ecifted, kill matter how modest their mean«, PERSONAL AND HM M PT eac I «cription.« will Itegiit with the Nuntlier .cur­ o keep in touch with the greatert attention tn ven to pa r- rent at !ime of receipt of order. Bound volume« of Harper’s Magazine foi minds of the world, as The Cosmo- I ENTS, CAVEAT'. TRADE three years I mick , in neat cloth binding wil MARKS, etc. be sent by m.iil. post-paid, on receipt of ■ politan ha- today the strongM per volume. Clt'th f;a«e«. for binding 5< regular staff of any existing period­ NO I’EE UNLE S PATENT cent.« each—by mail, post-paid. IS SECURED. CORRESPOND­ Remittances should lie m.iue by Postottie« ical. Send orders to Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o T he H zhald , 4 ENCE S tLiCiTED. io-*.: Andre HARPER A BROTHER*, Nev Burna Ore. STODDART & CO., I forth ; miCiOFiME. A high-clai« illustrited «apiai m*5azine in the home ia no lo^ < a luxury. Il it a necessity, 1 meet the demand« created by thu lm.AW-.if- ------- necNaity, THE COSMOPOLITAN '■ * Hnr|>er's l axsr is s journal for the home It giiea'he laieat in forma: Iona with regard t< the Fashions, and it» numerous illustrations I’rals ueaigi.s. and |>atterii-shei'Slhle alike to the hum. drees makei I and the prof«sslonsl modiste. No expense is ap«re.’ to make Ps nrtia'ic attractive 'eaa of th« highest order. Its L. .aht s'uries. amusing com etliia. and though ful eattavs antuifv all tastes 'ami its Isa page ia fam. .it» na a bndget of wit nud humor, lull week!v inaues evervthiue il lu> ui>e«l while ie of I lervat iu women Th« t-eria a for lst)> »ill I m * written bv Walter Beaant a •! lima I > all chr a Ine Terhune Herrick wil' furnish a praetiial aeries, en'ltled “At the T< t'.ei ” i-rs'e Klug, '»live Thorne Miller, and < a'idai e Wh«e>er v.-ill lie frequent conlribniort The »< rk of »«. nun In the Columbian K x | hi alii. hi will tie full« lepreaenteii with mauv i»i uartti.il>«. T. W. 111 a xi n ««>n in "Womet and Men,’* will pleace a cultivated audience. Hardin A Rtlev, cattle branded Vonlaftiidl Horae brand "? left aide. r. o. Bnrna.Orttna .1. C, Folev, cattle hrand^on rignt side. Horae brand = on left shoulder. J. A. Williams cattle brand. It , on left rik I orse brand 71 on right s’lfle. P. 0. Riley < a Horses branded H on left stifle. Csttlehralw,, e<1 )■( on left hip. Marion Buny ard, PO Bnm». Cattle diamond on left hip; horses CV on Isf shoulder, Charles H. Voegt'• v. burnsOresnr Horse branded Pon right nhottlder. • attte P •>n right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. l.awenOr Horse brand :u> on left ahonider, a'no ’hr*« dota.'. tn shape of triangle, cattle bra titled sat"«. E. K. >nt Burns Or. Mlns Roea Dickenson Home brand anvil <4 left s’lfle. Cattle branded bar R on left hip. f <>. lAwen Ore. J. P Dickenson rattiebmrd J Pre’t eriti’a left hip. Hone brand anvil on left Mil • P- lotwsn Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on eitherhip: markli«M crop off ea< h ear. slip In re h ear. a rd IS IN TOUR OWN HAND. on left Jaw. Horae brand figure Ton either Mp Fslmlstr'- atunmc- to tell a i al Uir line» in yout J. H. Bunvanl.Burns Ote. hand imUcain. Il will ai" -r you. If tiudiii.g more The «bove «Uirra-u Mina»! explain« U-elf. Th« • ¡co Williams, horses snd mules brsrded b-ogut of the L (IF LIFE indicate» probable —e to which you »>11 Lv». Each BRACELET rounding w. OI1 rtxhi a I tie. P. O. Riley rbr« yon thlr'y «er«. We I ni««kci 1. NK l»F Horse brandy on right stifle. James Rowsll HEVIi di'iioic, i rant |e»«t ; clmr LINK OF FORPUNE f : ic or rl> I k - B >ih combinen mesa •ucce«« in Hie*, bot you r.iir*t Li« p n »iihn>od«rn P O Hurns Ore bica- tonili t. You «i i limi p • nty of there ta Home brand bar m on left shoulder; J'*”* U m.»ri- i'» Family Magasine »<> at mctivsly pis- I brand har m on left hip and ribs. Cathenss r« : ivi l’ut < very m nt cr of the funidy ii* enter- HARPER’S PERIODICALS l I -d Ii • « dox n rasrnain » in « ne A CLEAR | Marshall PO NarrowaOre. It ” (» HI\tl r’ie«|» ak» tendetnsm: a »tr»ighl N. Lampah're A Sons cattle btaud^ 0 1.1 OF r ITK p- sccfiil life; Hie me re If iru-ikmi y wr.l -l-Sied LINK OF UKAI.TII Per Year connected, ear m»rk swallow fork in right tat -pi-.« tn, doctors' biile : co « III the l.m.lh hint» III De .I >r»B.'« No Ol er magasti e p blish«« no H ARI’KK'b P O Burna Ore 4ft under bit in left. min «i .ri » to V.l' tert the I omt elrcb . Yd the name <>a left ■ • I*. s age Free to all su hoc ri be re in the Unite« Maias '■» to rv 4 Rr ,iib-< ribli g to It for irM I harlea Zels'er. Pams <>n rm will r re «>• a » Herr of eninla te work» «■( an Malie Canada, ur Mexico. Horas brand oa left ah.mtdrt R Miss Laars of »r-su »»lite, he» il • ttw rnp< rt’ nr mln«, plcmre. The vo urnea «»’ the sair ' egtu with 'he Ara' Ksi ! Inclus. ' I'm » D i«vt" «bien I» s>m«*si a real baby, »nd eqn I to ths origit al «41 pal»'Ing »Lieh t u 'l»r(or January of each 'ear. When ns | «n»t MP; «ni yon wi I h»v a m«casim thrteanMit la time ia uisn'lone'l. subscription will begli Staaclift. Ruma Orv. as eqa»ed liy any ia the »o bl for It» bean Iful wi h he Number eerrsat al the Ums of receipt | Horae brand J au left shoulder and sama sa llurtramrus sa -nhject matter. Hat will ke p «4 . r 1er I oua.l volu'iee o -'arpo a Basar lor thru* ' •• wsele of right hied lag. F*» rm pom,-1 on «11 ttie -op'ra of ti e dny, a> d all the *•?* fad». a.«t Item« sf intere»« ab. nt the yea !■ neat cloth 'Indine, rill be eent hr mai hM-eho'd. be-id.-s firn -h’a • lniere»Hnr rendías r-0 are mid* or by exprs-s. free of expeeoe Ove. pe .vldsd th« ralgh* doaa a >’ ax < sed one dal matter bot . ersrn -nd rar. fnr tbs whole frani, ; and «bla D« n.irv«t'e I- » 4 a f»»hk>n a acnaln». I o t er V In wie) it ft I o'ame. » lo'b cases f ■ each va ama,suitable foe hind It» fashion par • ar» »» feet, a’ A you r-t • uh it, free of com , all th« ps’tvt«' y» a wi b to »»•• "a-lr.s Ing will be eentby mail »un p aid ti reeaip uf •l each. tbs yeas and In any -isn y St . Xcw York If im «-» enaefftuirred woh the •^-Newenanass ara r«d io op’ anv sne naw rifui tbs abañe a» * "»—-monta wi’hont iba Marasi— as- d ’«V a «neeime» ««,•» AlaT»«,!' D in*aaaevsAesuf HABPKR BkuTnBlU. RvNGI.R mesa- hnUba’vt a Utg» TRIAS' K ssnem-W 1— -fK» ; H » MJN >•» »• ve«f -ni»,, 'or a < pu r« wrut M«<»N. Im«el»« • M 'taV* I t «•» VRXV'*. In»» of plea—re ; awd MÈRCI RY «ft» !»•-' T ke ««r »4. V» as elw»e s»d »as ■ as M Çvt* •*« PII—. * *<' *«» «sre to pa«— — lbs last sud a«e-4 »alaahh I m T ILtOSteí'iB; i J