the members of •I me the n next P X V House. A 1 Oil.» . ’ I / J .y. »y la-en rainbow chas | ( A. W. G^A.^ - I They have not I ing with the hope of securing am ~ n.iV • IIaI1.R Catarrh Gyre Cure j4 ja taken in-» WEDNESDAY bFPTFMPFR 26 1*4 Having purchased the entiiv stock formerly belonging ta Cal votes from either Maine, or V er .ternalJy an(J anR direClIv <>n th«, t Geer, comprising all lines of K.iiier. moot, and are nof to be pan’e ojnod and mucous surfaces <»f th«fj IT. C. KYRII -- stricken by any ro called phenom. • system. Send for test! nonials,t HARDWARE, CRCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINW a R m 'I * ‘ Re n *l votes, showing great percentag. s D/ I t is the «am« old story in t tree. “¿an« ‘ “ republican gains in r» -1 F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ot party platform- The republicans publican strong-hold«. ” . 1 £|^*Suld by Druggi'ts. 75c b|an>e it on the Cleveland adminis­ STO\ HARDWARE, SUNDERIES, 4 CARPENTERS I tration, and the democrats charge -■ ii tip to the Mi-kinlev tariff Both I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH I h ive two littie grand children THIS SIIOl’LD INTERES’I sides tell a calamity story well, but who are teething this hot summer C. H YOEGTLIY. YOU. t how they differ when it comes to weather aid are troubled with The cam|>atg" of 1894 is now drawing the moral oowel complaint. I give them- / open Everv man. be he Denmcra' Republican or l’onnli-f. desires t( ^Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and T he success attending the state be kept fully informed -nf the im 1 ‘»^rh-a-a Remedy and it acts hke fair at Salem is a gratifying indi events as thev oecm'l« cbar"*- * eaH.estli recommend cation that Oregon haw not been1 throughout the country. • Wf->r children .. ............ troub'ea overwhelmed l»y the hard times • We have just made -arangement- | 1 Wi- self taken with a sever* There is a good attendance and a , 'hat may he of interest to our read j -Nack ofiilood v llux. n>h irainpfr . fine exhibit and an air of cheerful ! and pains in mv stomach.'.'.»'-!hird . rs. The arrangement is tht«: We , Hess among I he visitors, just as if of a boltje nt tfiis It I»'1 <1 I'll?» <1 ll>e. I will give ion that greatest of all . there ha 1 lie. •' i>e „ -iof pluck to liave. Hard times can’t For Corner of lut. and B Street. fbr one year and The W’e. kly World i <|U h ,. Hickiiian Co. Te.nn. * ! • down our Or-gon farmers They naie by H. M. Hor ’ on. tor six months for the regular year M. H. BRENTON ........ aie here to May. and they are go’ug • I. Propriste» Iv price of our paper alone. The to hold up I heir end in spite of fate I LfV E STAC We. kly World, fearless in its utter , and congress —The Telegram. While In Topeka last March, E * ances, is the '»nly great weekb •V ■ ■■mm i —.mi i ——I T. Bari>er, a prominent nc «paper »■ paper published in America tiia s ' F hom a business point of view | ».resents all sides of i | m » great con nan of La Cvgne. Kan , wa »aken ' * tie cabimity wall, which the re | ’roversies of the day without fear m yith choj-r inorl u« very severely I Tin HrV.l I The night, clerk at the hotel where» in was stopping happened to have publican campaign managers have fuy(lr its work is for the whoh adopted us a party trade mark, i-(lR>,, pie. and not tor any class or sec ‘ il defensible tllld illicll to be regret . ||O|t i Lottie of ..Chamberlin’s Colic. * t< d. as it w ill un<|uestiotiald v hiiv« ' Cholera and D'arrh.ea Remedy Does this inierest you? ’ * the effect of retarding the growth of, If ildoes, and you think it worth ind gave him thiee doses which the busi nés» revival now beginning ( wbile to take ml y a nt a go -of Ibi- ’• rebeved him and he links saved! ^to I e Mt throughout the countryamat sju-cial offer while it Iasi- but from a partisan political point . pHV $2 .o of I he business stagnili iwn, for w lm-1 I ountry they are primardi' responsible, to a iut.‘S. Address revival of ¡> ii » iii . ss which would l-< i E ast O hmion Hf:uAJ f> ■ properly credited to the demociatii , i .----------------------- fiartv. ami will then fore be w> ri I [ I : 1 lion alida oi vot. r lo tIn* democrat F ToI.Fpo. .? *• patriotic to support a party that is * Frank J Cheney makes nati willing to talk down the bu-rim ss < t ( 'hat he is the senior paitner of th the country for the purpose '.f trv- I ir:n of F .1 t'h. nev A' Co.. d<»ip» ing Io gel the votes of thought less I msiness in the Citv of T'tjedm I ■ua v lie.needed •• t- /t I * The Proprietors of thu > White-Front Livery Stable as- . sure the public that they are . prepared ___ to ______ ____ accommodate in every way in their line of business. Hiy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. It ('lists Fuit a 11 i fie , of .fotte* n.ëii)lier of the familv 25 and .’0 cent 1-ottTes fur salp n’i Il ' Horion. r.»r °aRsengers taken to all parts of the country. •i coi.n< ction Hearse and Job Waps •4 V/.L, D ouglas : $3 SHOE CORDOVAN, » 1 IS THE BEGT. ! NOSQUCAKING. 55. r .1ZNCH&ENAMELLED CALF. 44.»3.yFlXECAlf&KA«6Ar¿l $3.C- q P0LICE,3 S oled . t <2.*¡7JB(JYáSCKC^HC:i 8. BAILEY, Proprietors. «LADIES* C2N9 FOI» CATALOGUE W«L« DOUGLAS. DROCKTON, MA^3. Von on cuu can «av; nave — •“ ■ ••nry ’nry oy by wuvMwtu» pnrebaalug l>. «« • 1». * £j f », ..iules eh.ic«. Saloon ,. _______ „___________ .ÙK I i ..oes in tl>« world, and gua.auUJ the v ilne by • the name and price or* the bottom, » ch |>-»»tects yon against big!* |>tice»»-.idther nan'» proàts. Ourahor» equal custom wot a tn »tyle, easy Suing anl w! arta» ’------ ç-.¿'.iti 1'“’ ». We *■ have —*’ them — seid ------- ërer - .. . where nt tower prie», for (lie value given th» i -ve "u r c 1 ":e ro »ubs'.tlut*. If ! •.«.„ki r kuuuv «.»uovi I »apply you, wc can. bold Sold by t wins. Liquors, Cigas and Cig.».rr&tts Good Billiard tables. Pleasant Card Rooms, et«., ete. * IS first class in evert particular. Experience barte — Mix.d drinks to please the most fastidious. i I I t I 1 I I result in Maine is hardly what we' expecte.1. considering the character of the tight made by the republic-' an«, the amount of money spent, and the speakers of national repu _ tation thiowi. into the State When 1’1’IJ compared with the I ttle that wa- 1 UJ, done by the democrats, /Ì land, may he the means of saving I much suffering nod perhaps the life i i ow I. h-gislation was responsible . will I •unnot be cured by the u«C of never be returned to power in tlii* Hall’s Catarrh Cure. l?l> I viz r cnevev , couidry. the people have rKANK J. ( IIKNE1. ., , , . , , much less sense than they a re hw nril to lief i. e me and sub • .... , . I credited with having. acntied in my presence, [...... thia * (ill ’** • I I day of December, 188G. I | ( I ' hi« life Evryy family should keep • 'his réinedv in their home at all •iliiws. No one can tell how soon it I or ignorant people, A party that County and Slate aforesaid, ami has no better nrvumeiit to offer to hat saiil firm will pay the »11111,0'1 |')NE HUNDRED dollars DOLLARS f<,. fm | gel votes tliHi. the business mis-I one hundred fot tunes of the people, for which its. each and every case of Catarrh tlnr A C1IKBKFUL feeling prevails at democratic headquarter«, as may la* judged by the talk of Secretary Lawrence Gardner, whoaaid: ‘ The ; nW i k i ■> îy RUKINJi TLUÜK & 5AW MILL JOHN SAYER Proprietor. Situated on Silvie« river 1 mile East of Burns, near th« bridf* J ustcmeis wL receive GCOD FLOUR fro«* it strikes I me that the vote »a ridiculously small The democrats in Maine t ♦ i Good Wheat ! ......... .TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES ■ «'■ y ■ « |> xr TKT WT7* H public ana had . vervthing tn gain, not only in keeping up their ma j »rities, but increasing them fi>r the effect elsewhere But back of V X vV JEiJZfXX« t • I I I t FRENCH HOTEL t il all is the personal State pride of j G E A T S E M I - W E E K L Y ONLY $1 A YEA I a Presidential Umm Personally a ■ ,, ......................... ‘ * Any ivalwr of the E ast O bbgon H khai . p can get MRS. LOUIS RACINE, PropX fe. l delighted with the result, as I Week Republic free by sending in three new v» arlv «ubecribere to The’ i^.1»..— it u _ :n have i------ aL the same i Republic • firmly believe will Republic with wiih $3. han rveentiy be»» »nlarft« awd entirely renovaMd la irvi class Sty* In addition V» obtaining the greatest news wstklv in America, evefv effect on the dv-nocrata that the I ile nncra':e vote in that State in suhscrilier to The Republic will ten times the price of the paper, Or more, every year by th. M-eria> offers madt auhs ribers hon. time i,. tut. Table is Supplied with th« Best the Market Afford«. ) MSO had on the lepuldicans. The Simple c .pies of The Republic wi|, be ■ i.t anym r niun recrfp Traveling will f, d t> to Hotel a ni democrats of the United States hare of po-tai card request. Addrees all orders, ’ determined to elect a majority of atop. I'lHE HIIUIIIC. St. Lcuis- Mo