■pranupiLa curecouMipiuon : Pronti*" ' iitylt’SPlllscureconstlpatK'n F A THEORY IN MODERATION 3: tN"ISSIRE J 1 n Fnxn Deware« Family Macerine CHAPTER IV. CUREES J I i \ V Almoet al’ pillsand medicine produce constipation, hen .? a ,<>rpld • I liver -I, which .th you. • e liver, biliousness, rheumatism. Indigestion, sick headache i d ; .<* troubles without griping or loavlng any trace of CONSTIP 1» the prime cause of all sickness, beware of it getting hal : geo to It In time; these pills will euro you. !?« /i AgA I J I I I r c 5 c y v 2£ j □ w’ Ü « £ g ■■■ « Va» PRENTISS HGOTIF Q PILL. because It Is tho only safe m. harmless _____ remedy that will surely DEA'JTIFY Iho MMM COMPLEXION AA ** dear the skin and remove all blotches from the face. fl a ■elf. 25 Cents a box. 0 .1 ¡mi < Try a box and sea for your SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Or seat by mall upon receipt of price by Dr. ttlloo ttedieot Co., Elkhart, Fnff. You will remember th« condition I eras tn year. ago. when 1 was afflicted with a com bl Me Uon of diaca-es. and thought there was no nets von ax I tried all kinds of medicines, and »cores of eminent physicians. My nerves were prostrated, producing disione-a, heart trouble »nd all tbs ilia Uat make lifa mlaeteblo. I oomnwricod to taka Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co. SS 3S 4— CALIFORNIA SHEET,_________ fivg FRANCISCO, CAL. a i frMBtiaa lUetlfyinc pilla curo constipation ProniCThcctif yinr mile • a É : ES i PrentlsB Kectlfylag pili, euro constipation Prentiss rectifying pilla«ureeeBMIyot«*!} DR. MILES' NERVINE and in three months 1 was eca.ccTiy ev.ts In mr travelaeach year, when I xe the ibouwaM» Of physical wrecks, suffering from nervous proa. • o« tration. taking prescriptions from U l<4-al physicians who hare no knowl- • ■ t<jve of tbolrcaaa. and whose death la certain, I feel like going to them end saying] Da M ilco * Ngavint aoo as cuaao.-* >4 myi.roTeaaiou, z^| where therd are many su (^1 I M U fferers from overuork.men^^^^ ** ■“tai praatr« lion and nervous exhauatloo. brought on by tho character of tha buaiueaa engaged in. I would Do You FEEL SICK? ^■■-THOUSANDS Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Naaviac ■ “ aa a sure cure tot all mffbring ftnm tbaaa eauMK ________ Jaxxa B. Warr*. ■old on * FoolUvo Ouaronter. D r . MILES’PILLS.60 D osc «26C t «. RIPANS TABULES ’’^FS^AiSS’K^r take RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES take RIPANS TABULES take 100 DOLLARS 1 * i and thou I ft be kept for uae in etery family.. • I n Y our O wn L ocality EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR S BILL. Sold by lYruggiata or sent by mall on receipt of price. Box (6 vials), 75 cents. Package <4 boxes), $2. Far Free Naaiplee a44reae THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREFT. - • K i. 37. Surrey II»rnese. ♦37‘- Have sold to eoaaamers for Ml years, Bering thenl tbe Hosier's protic. We are the OldeitaWdl.arge.t tnnnufartorerain Amer ica selling Vehiclesand Harness this way—ship with privilege to examine before any moner Is paid, v/e pay freight both ways It not satUtac- iory. Warrant fori year«. Why pay an agent HO to$50 to oMer for yon? Write your own ordor. Foxing free. Wo take all risk of damage in ■hipping.WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons, SGI to SCO. Guaranteed car.re a«Mll forUOtoSU. Surreys, SC5 toSIGO earns as sell for 1100 to ti:A Top BucrJcn. 537.50, BS fine a* sold for«* Fh3Btonu.SC 3 to SIOO. Farm Warons, Wnfjonettc Milk Wa50n5.De r0" Carts. iicTciEst. <ini.. «!n^ fHtov ‘ No. 71 b -i, Top Buggy. $75 t DO TOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABTl Bayba y«m thtak IMa ta • BK8T gt.fio NHOK Pt THE WOBLDk "A dollar taoed it a dollar tamed." Thio Ladles* Solid French Dongola Kid Bui- iivr^x any wiiciv in r».. W toe Boot delivered 1 free anywhere In mo the u US., os -— — --■— of -*-* —»- >■-- - Order, — a— receipt Caah. Money or I’oatal Note for SI 40. Equals every way the boots suM in all retail stores for I-’.». We make thia boot ouraaivaa, therefore we guar- aeltf the Jit, rtyle and near, and if any one (a not satisfied we will refund the money or ««.nd another pair <)|>era Toe or Common Henee. widths U, D, K. k KK, al«ea 1 to 8 and ha»f Send your tn., wo mil Jit you luetratod Cats- Io (US 2 c 2 H S* '— coldest formalities, for neither was popular with the other, and then, ( with a Iasi smile from Cicely, the | colonel drove away. Husband and wife walked slowly toward the house. She did not | cling to his arm as was her wont, n<»r had she even lifted her face for | a kiss of greeting when they were Hur n cm Dcublo $55 ■reteld al Lu.'^s | alone Instead, she was bright, OiS-OtA tnrer’a lively, and full of the details of her Ta rm. iJO U drive, and talked incessantly dur- • j ^OO s » No. 1, Farm Hurne*». ______ FREE . ing their slow walk up the drive-' Klkbart Hie zde. am.wheels, K1BTXU SADSUS oa4 FLY KETi ____ D exter S hoe Co., ¿.Uà Urea, wel.Heaa S gvrerWL .T »hr r«-l> Wttk Sen* *'■ »" pn.-irnaU«. wav; hut it was more as though her | which we propomt to send to you, transport alvei tubing. «tr.'D ferirli.«* stamp« i« pay pelage ea I Itt-page < ^uU«gwe. bus «! lub!O! lu’lon paid. The litthi darling rests aguinal .Spartaf leal to J/oalero. IND. 'conversation were a continuation of . pillow, and la In tbe act nf drawing off iu Address W. B. PRATT, Sec’y, ELKHAHT, l>lnk arrolt. the mate of which ban bewn pulled that which she had sustained •ff end flung aside with a tHumphant cot,. The fl.tsh tints ere perfect, and tbe eyes follow throughout the afternoon with ner you. no matter where you stand. Thcexqul. 4 wte reproductions of thia greateet painting o( late companion, than the more con Ida W augh tthe most celebratod of modern painters of baby life) are to be given Io thoea fidential tone she might have adopt- I who subscribe to Iiemoreet'a Family Mega* tine for IMO. The reproductions cannot ba a ft"» days, and you will be startled td while alone with her husband pecte , .acce»» that will reward yotar ___ told from the original, which ooet >400. and are the same sise . 17x*! inches). The baby* waitir.ly have the beat l>n>1 nene to offer an agmt He missed something from her life alae. and absolutely lifelike. We have di at can be found on the fuce of this earth also In preparation, to present to our iut>- •43 UO profit >>n •■£ (M worth of bwalaeM 1» being ta.ilr and honorably b> au.1 paid .c bearing toward him, but could not scriber« during IWl, other great pictures by such urt mta as Percy Moran,Maud Humphrey, htiudml. of men. women, hot., and girls I m our lack. Nevertheless, he Louis Hum barn 1 hi , and others of world wide employ. Yon cau make money faster nt work for define its us'hantoM hart inv M< a nt. The baslnemi I. so r mown. Take only two examples of whal we did during the past year, “A Yard of I’an- easy toll arn.au i in.tructioas aosinipli and pluin, found a relaxation from the tension «ra.” and “ A White House Orchid ” by th« that all tneeeed from the start. Thoa** who take wife of President llnrrtosm, and you will ae« hold of t'le bu.ine« reap the adTiwttage that of his thoughts in her bright chat wh.it our promlnea mean srl»r« from t te «oond reputation of owe of the I'liose who autmerlbe for Demorest** Family oldest, most •■irrewfnl, and largest pubb.hing l»*r. whici. also acted as a stimulus M.ignilnr for 1«J will p<.earea a gallery ol ex' .louse» in America. «*etire for yoarrelf tlie profit, •hat the ba-lrw»» »o read it', and l.awd«omrlv yield». to his jaded Brain. iiiHlle work, of nrt of a rest value, beside« a I M isrnzinc that ciinnoi «>*• eaualrd hy any io Al! beginner» »nroeed vrandly, and more than the world for Its beautiful Illustrations and Throughout the evening the -ealixe 'heir greeted riprr’ation». those woo subject matter, that will keepeveryone post- r» it find exactly aa we lell them. Thee» 1« plenty *■>• on all the topics of the day, and all the >f room for a few more workers, an.l we arge same spirit of gayety possessed 0*04 and different Items of Interest al out the . ui to begin at once. If you are already em uiuechold, Ixmldea furnLdilng tub-renting ►loved, but have a few "parr inomeuU, aa4 wla* her; she sang for him, played for reading matter, b >th grove and gay. for tbe • 'hem to ad.antsge, then write a» at once whole family: nnd while Dmsorret's la not ■ 1*11« 1» year grand ofgvwtaaltyl, and revel,» him, and then read aloud to him s fashion Magsslne, its fuahton pegre are per ••»rti "dar. by rerarn mail. Addreas, o fect. and we arlve you. free of ml, all the pat tRt’B A CO . »W» *•». ♦«>. Aagwata. M until the soothing monotone of her terns you wish to uae during the year, and p voice lulled him to sleep. Then I IB any aiae you cbo<«r. fl«nd In your sub- «rrigtton at once, only t3. and you will renlly it wa» that the look was laid upon get over AS In value. Addrrea the publisher, W. Jennings Domoreet. U Eart 1 4th M New York. If yon are unacquainted with tbe her lap and her head fell back '**■ I—*- ano- < Uagaaine. send 10 oenia for a T f la oopy iQLrt h*»i..lea. 1 wearily against her chair, Her * re-norlir- -I a.- ■8« Srelih oYii' rT. -Y » —. It !-'.»IJ- I 4 face looked white and sad, and there ~»ratFe,k ff**emed some mental process in pro ffA|| Bl 4V*A!UKEM<'*ir«r’«inarar» • . 7fff4l gresn that shadoweri the brightness Il I ■ W RBrelK i airi a an uu wa. • a»»? <»I '«»» young features. « » UlL- Ko. 727, Boati V\ MB>o. WORK FOR CD ? X B mw •ending on* babiea on application; It baa bee* done before, b< »waver, but never have tboaa furnished been no near the original sample aa Uila one. Bveryone will exclaim. •* Weill that’s tbe aweeteat tiaby I ever naw I" Tula If tic blnck nnd-white engraving can give ruu but a faint idea of theex'iubnteoriiHr.l, •she was lifted to the ground. The TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine gentlemen exchanged merely the MITER «SOK CO.. Ine'p. Ctettsl, *1 «M* No.TSl, Surrey. TO BK CONTINUED. r..... NEW YORK. ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO ffil AA ^ll.UU PER MONTH the coalff, her thought» far away in her western home with mother and “the boy»." What were they doing now? Were they thinking of her a» they eat upstair» around the fire in mother’» room? Were they talking of her and wondering what •he might be doing that very night, glad in their hearts, despite their loas, that she wa» happv in the de voted love of her clever husband?— But »he wa» tar away from them, on Cicely’s face startled her hut» ah, so very far away from them! •band with the amazing beauty iti la* ' A »ob rose in her throat and ' bad brought into life. A feeling,— , choked her, and two scalding tears, 1 it could scarcely be called jealousy, ^Ithe first she had shed since leav'ng 'he was too sure of her absolute | ' home, rolled down her cheeks and fondness for him to call it that,— gleet, of "hav'iiig been I UP°" thti lx,ok in h/r ‘•P* a sense of nr| Lhwn. .,hill«l hi. h.urt I Ah indescribable longing for her forgotten by them,chilled his heart,) ' mother, for the loving arms that and be returned to his desk deep in had never before failed her, filled thought. her with a sort of terror and deeola **Bhe must have thought that she I tion. She eeemed cruelly, nay, had kiksed me good-by before she ” . ’ i coldly, shutout from the dear hoius left the rooui that time," t__ LllC # . circle, and grew positively faint at conclusion of his meditation; then, I the thought that she could never go sighing patiently: “Dear little ‘back te that happy, untroubled life girl! Her intense attachment to me and be one of them again. Is this needs disciplining; she must learn strange change which had c«me so i that moderation in love, as well as unexpectedly into her married life, in other things, is essential to its sweeping the bloom from those lasting happiness, and that thus) dreams of her future with Roger, i nly can its strength be preserved what her mother had meant when throughout the wear and tear of the 1 years spent together as man and •he had tried gently to warn her that married life was not all roses? wife. I will be very gentle and i If so, why had she not been better patient with her, remembering her prepared? Whv had it crushed her? youth, and will teach her to control to endure week* I And how was she , that warm, loving heart of hers and months, perhaps years, of thit that she may be spaied much nee<|- new lonelitiffss, when one day of it | less pain in the future.” And he had almost broken her heart? laid the copy of Miss Young’s I made easily and honorably, without capi tai, during your spare hours. Any man woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand lly, without experience. Talking uu uecesaitry. Nothing like it for mom y m iking ever offered before. Our worker; always pros|>er. No time wasted h learning the business. We teach you In a night how to succeed from the fir | “Womankind" down beside his, hour. You can make a trial without < x manuscript. 1 peince to yourself. We start you, fUrnin Late in the afternoon, when she everything needed to carry on the buei ness .successfully, and guarantee y<» returned, radiant from her drive, he ' against failure if you but follow oi was walking in the grounds. He simple, plain instructions. Reader, i vou are in need of ready money, am met them juBt as they were about to want to know all about the beat payin,' business liefore the public, send us you turn in at the gates, and at her re- address, ami wc will mail you a docu I quest the carriage was slopped and meut giving you all the particulars. flipant Tabula» Reguiatn tha Sjfttam and Prat art a tha Haalth. RIPANS TABULES lake t M place of h COMPLETE : ♦ MEDICINE CHEST V He aros«, ostensibly to select a i book from one of the many sh'-lyes1 which lined the walls iron Hoor to! celling; but happening to be near < tbe window at the time he glanced out at the occupants of the carriage a* they drove past him. The face the colonel was turned toward his wife in respectful admiration, and they were laughing over something with a lighi-beartedness in which i he had no part. The brilliant light' Tha aveuing wore away tbufl; her hueband sleeping calmly on, hia heavy breathing the only sound in the room, while »he Bat there be fore the tire gasing into the heart of ? PII