««•4 A» <• . . * < » VOL. V 11. - U ' * BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. SEPT. 26 1SU4 7 - - - - - ___ ______ _______ .__ -X. * ‘ T * ' •* T ‘ p • J The ffiftBI I . ir '•** • • | ' “ As old as the hills” an I never exee.l-’ ed. “ Trie I and proven ” is the ven I cl of million-«, Simmons Liver Re^n- htor is the '•only Li e • ail Kidn ■ nsiicine tn which you cm p.n yoni f.4 th for a cure. ?. mild I «X v l va, a ii <1 I tr.*’v ve;- rt.ble, act in : directly, on the Liv ?r a n I Kid neys. Try it. Sold bv all ’hru;» »ist* in I. pi: 1.«»rin Tow ler ..•I i>e taken 4/.■ or .nade intoa tea. rüßLlSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY iUSIIRD 19 V M\ 1 VV UHJM4A 4 ! W. C. BYRD & SON. " • »'It P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .................................................... |2.0v Six Mouths ,............... 1.00 Three Months . ...7» ■; ’ Highest of all in Leavening Power.» Latest U. S. Gov’t Report tenses should remain nnexiioaed. when the ability tot'xpO'M! them is al hand all the tifte. H 4 ridiculous their preien»ta to reveal ‘things fro,., the spirit world when j ' •they can reveal nothing ill thi« !• • • * ’ i .world in advance of the mails,, dis patches and other ordinary means of communication. If Queen Vie | “ -***■ • *»' - Rjwder toria would demand of all the spirit, j rappers, spirit mediums, south sitv* | ers, and all other pretenders to Herald and Harber's Young People... 3.75 revalation of every sort, to furnish ■ersld and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia,. .XVO ssi'ti additional volume after VoL 1 5o cents: the war news from Italy, in advance tu cents extra ner volume, postage. of the mails, or the ordinary means . £9~Copies of all the above works can be ex- «slued al leisure in the Reading Room. I of communication, nr be pul to death, the world would soon seethe Publishers of periodicsls are solicited 1« »end clubbing rales, a copy of their work for A good ranch belonging to H. G. Hi ntinoton , Oreg , Jan. 26, *94. end of their silly cl «Im«. Why snr Free Reading Room—We file and bind the The •‘Oregon Commercial Co.,“ latter al close of every half-volume, «nd r*v | can they not bring ns the news of « Campbell, containing JflV acres 12 tuples bv advertisement. lutve this <lny bought the entire asingle battle in advance of thi> or. | luiie- BOuth east of Burns. Tliir dinarv means of communication?, ranch hat» about 100acres of g'*1,1 business of the ‘Oregon Con str uo- ADVERTISING KATES: j 3 mo 1 0 mo Ii* they can not do this what Mte »11 meadow land, Price $800 or will tion Co ” of this place including •r ACK 1 wk i '2 wk J 1 mu Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, »11.00 t •neb. «1.Ú0 «-2.Ö0 »5 00 »8-W iheir silly claims worth? Mirajlea trade fur ahevp. ■*v.: 18.00 28.00 1 3.00 4 00 6.50 1'2 03 Merchandise, Lumlier, Coal, Wood, 3. ¿0 5.00 3.00 15.00 ‘24.00 40 00 1 were wrought in different ways, as : ti. B I yrd r. v- A K j ino . •• 4.50 6.00 10.00 k 00 3'2.00 50.00 Farming Implements, Warehouse 48.00 54.00 j - • » follows: 1st. Bv Christ, or at his I U col. u.OO 0,00 15.00 23.00 C 1'2. W) 10.00 >28.00 48.00 80.00 1 120.00 and Real Estate. And assumed all 20. W au tn 40 00 OO.O0 110 00 1 140 00 calming the pea. • bidding, nimiing, raiiiiii'w um raging ..... r ■rhö Kill« ..r :.!». r M Sometime ago I was troubled with debts and liabilities of aaid “Oregon ..‘ » h . f'e«n* ■feeding the multitude, raising Lax- an attack of rheumatism. I used Construction Co.,” and have Invor* JOB WORK I •artis, etc. 2nd., In some instances Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and was porated with $&0,P00. Capital • f every description executed with nesttic«« So far as can be seen without bis «nd deipateh, at reasonable rates "i I have since completely curt*d. ” \ ' :: fully' paid in. The oflioere stock fully Pamphlets |bidding or solicitation. CkBes />f F<«lers, Similars, I.................... advised many of my friends and are: Letter Heads, Bill Head«, envelopes, •this kind are seen in the parting of Note lleaua, Cards, Ti< nets, Ita:erri«gii«. customers ty try the remed v and t<> bvdgera. Etc. Memöramiä. /Invitai¡«aia. II. Nt. S teel , President the heavens above him. the desceiil speak highly of it. Simon GolJk Tng Htk*Li> is kept reKUlarl) on file for re- J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. uf the Spirit upon him, and the Voice fsrenee, in the Geo. i‘. Rowell Newspaper Ad ba tun, San Luis Rev. Cal. For vertising Bureau. 1U spruce at.. New York. . G eo . A. S teel . Secy. Poison Creek. ; of hit Father acknowledging him at |«ata by H. M. Horton, Oregon Commercial Co., per J, I his baptism, the earthquake, when OFFICIAL DIRECTORY II. Aitkin, mgr. J. When anything of thia kind oq-‘he died, the darkness of the ¿un. J. Hull ella. K m ‘ | curs, we know that it could mkhe sundering of the vail in the ■ '■ ............ T’-ir»/ NATIONAL.: . Grover Cleveland | have taken place without f°r*'’Fn j t<.|up|et and rending the rocks. LÏ -TnTwœ'^i.’Zr' î? VWfUa»». Itole Ml I President V «ult.'lMtto* ..«44-iWM..... If . ri I; ■ ■ ■B^U*AIAKESM ”irlvwnnrtant . al t-htir Fiee-Frtisideut. „ 4 Ilk.. 4 **!■«• IU.|w*4taA. .a W tfc. .11 . . »’»I direct interposition. This is a (3rd By the Apostles, or * at their 1 9 I ■ K ■roller and to an iaGf.U * 4 Walter Q. G reu li a ni lecretary of State ¡¿■llZLV. m 3 ««to. *1 <■■1 Candir Pile«. I rle $1. >./ Bsereiary of Treasury -» ibt JohHok« »mm. ,uiracle» B *■ a^°v® and ■uperior to' bidding cases of’this " kind are seen le reUry of Interior Iseretary of War HnZr*e A5?'iitmer! I '<11 human art or device, above and in the healing of the cripple at the 1 ■ » ■■ ■ p ■ ~~ri » ' r Secretary of Navy . .. ’* ” | * * • - J-------u. J. sterling .Murton Beautiful (»ate, the raising of lecreiary of Agriculture superior to anything ever done bl Rieharu 8, oltiey Attorney General . Wilson s Bissell the |aWB (>f |iature> gg well as differ Tabitha and healing of the sick. Postmaster General STATE—OREGON : J. n . noiph ent from anything they ever do. TO ItR CONTINUED. | J-. I HiaUir> Pretenders ¡to miracles sometimes I (Binger Hermann Î succeed in their work of deceptio^, • IrungreMmen ............ iW.R. Ellis ........... R. E. « haniberlaia. Attorney «.euersl and sin, whom and God sometimes ........... b.oylveater Fennoyei • duplicity •overuor . .‘I., * Thoae invvsts | Aj?enl(l to pell our choice and h^ir-! •e -retary of State ............R Geo. W. McBride Those Whom God invvsts | Fbii. Metichai». they fail. - ----- --------- Treasurer . Public Instruction R B. McElroy with the power to do miracles, in | , r •apt. -------------- Nur(lerv Stock. We have many* I* ................. R............... Frank Rakei •Ute Printer R. b. 8. Bean. ¿BBetf'wbvD they haves Divine and * .'i . . . . , , . u Lord i ...o »new HjM*cial varieties, both in fruit« Wm. P. benevolent purpose never make a ■tnd ornamentals to offer, which are F. A. Moiue 1 fdlure. Whatever they undertak« •oiitrolled onlv by us. We p>iy SIXTH JUDICIAL IltSTKICT: •lstrict Ju-ge...................... D M. D. 4‘LlFFoai- After all the flam “ommiNHion or «alary. Write u« at ....................... Jauii ■ A. Fee. they perform. •istrict Attorney ........................ J. i . Kami loiiit-itepresentativ« (R) .. O. L. Patters,.n. iiig pretensions of the ancient ma , •once f«>r term«, and secure choice! ionit-rieiiaior (R) A. W.Cowan giciaiiH to the possession of power t.i of territory. ’ COUNTY—HAHN KY ; reveal secrets, when Nebuchadiiex I •on nt y . jd«e ......................... C. P. Rutherford. M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, •Isrk ................................... (D).. ........ P. L. shideler . K<»cheeter. N Y. | ....... 1.8. Geer zar demanded of them to tell him Treasurer ......................... (R) lurvevor ..................................... T. A. McKinnon •henil ................................ (K) . .. A. «otti it* what his drea.n was that he had 8. W. Miller Assessor .. ............ ID;... C has . Newe I forgotten, and the interpretation of tsaooi superintendent . (R) it»'« inspector ......................... R J. Iter» it. they shrunk from their high UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. A.B. Mark. •orni» issi oners ........... *||{ | • • • _ K. K. bi.« , claims ai d meekly responded, iati KUH KN F. the king tell his dream and we will HAKNKY U. «. LAND or ríes : Eurns-Canyon Stage Line Next Beas ion Iwgina the 17th of •esister ......................... .. . Thoma. Jone. But teceiver ......... ... ... A. A. Coding show the interpretation of it. I SepU-mlter, 1894. I. J ewitt , P roprietor . when the king jiersisted. Tell me ' T iii H oh , free. Board 12 50 a .... the ------------ dream and 1 shall know that week. SOCIETIES. Arrives and Departs daily, exeept Sunday. Five courses: Classical,Scientific. ¡you can t-how m* the interpretation, SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. a. they replied. There is not a man Literary, English and business. Meet« every lat and 3d Weuueada). Allee K. Kin«. NG- •in the earth that can show tl»e dormitory . I May Worthington. Mee. Bec'y king's matter. Here watt an ac The Boarding Hall for roung A. O. U. W.Baraa Urdge. No 47 knowledged failure, and the king ladies and the Hoarding Hall fur «Mueran *» *h MW, Iwcame enraged at their lying pre young gentleman will lie under the J w bayer. ber tences. and said. There is blit «»n* personal superviMon of Mr*. Munra. a lady of refinement ai.d la’ge ex I decree for you, make known to me. perirnce. For catalogues, addrewe, I HI KNonlA HONOR lodge. No. « i the dream with the interpretation ' Hwiksverv m and «th Monday. „ W. W. Johnson Proprietor. Mrs A E ^oungC or H. J. J. W altun j thereof, or ye shall b* cutin pieces, Hecy. Regents. market lodos , ko . ti , i . o v F- ¡ ...J . t—: house« shall tie made m Meeia at odd Fellows Hell, «very «aturdsy, I ana ) <> ’•■top«. I. 8. Geer, N. U. Idling hill, [Seo Ilan 2-11 J The cosfri. W. C. Myrd.Beey. Ate’l H arney port mo . ««, o s ■ k°rd then confuted lheMf lying pre- had I'1— ewul U»* *■/ k . . 4UU.4 < try i..e . ’ ím . ...a of a a«.., m Sc-k-fcao,. ,. e<r,L«ta15M M -Wsdneedsy ut eech tenders by enabling Daniel to make «be »p - -*41 4M j p. «., «« V 4. .a, lárraUt«:.-, « — _..u. . a*-o a.. i>,, 1. ms A:!» 'u »» a j- i, iu«l r«u.... , . « —-X.’KSa.-"- 0“'-. dl..... -nd HHUPW. Cor Nervous >«eúi..«y a <1- i <n tat m. j... I aiWtsavin :»••»<« din *« r.r'- ru.h rr»- ■. |.,i I r^i —_____ • A "A h f • > lion. If tonte of our modern lying f-ilbousan hnfcMia. la-f n|.,.f i. r.CfitSc ilktoiwnli« ‘ MiferieeP-li-wra Actuaúdti ihto ( pretenders were vig troutly subject ancle*«M ad--» ~ I >rt ar »rr.er’tit. | ed Vi the same test, the whole tribs , will srtvl free of ebar»»,« »adv hnd<ww« M.tí.to____ rrdpe. f-tb K« rraai, I r*-wh ar e. FnrU b. with f .i S0fi * TYifi d.rectinv —neb!»<«--t n< e-rebye-,« “w would soon be exposed. It is ae- t-r Wide — -ve'!» s» ” rg.r«»n r< th-« Mrer. »J.*. ^<toe'.««Mrw. I*. * todishing that their graoeises pre* | W. A. Nat Uk— I HEBALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Ilar|ier’.-. Muguxine... Herald and IIari>er’H Weekly .... Herald and llurjier’H Bazar........... I • “ lit . AA 44 ra-.p,»'- --- , —.— .**►*• IS At u! have c 5 •-•••.» ’J 4 » • it «)• I » .4 I •*4t.l.W4 |f|*.4 !4>U>i ' II °.,: V‘ * DG“UCtl»*-‘ . *t » He* 1 ' • I •*'r — . S.» -4 I HO I 4M>;’i«1 »»’• , V . ’If .» ACK- fiit.*».-n*t, • /•. » i i * t'9, I » ' I • v upper. -ir~ - , ' •-«. L W f 11 r WANTED. ■ JW. w. I U v UnGiriit . r»ll, , ewa.w« ---- --------------------------- - .... J Ì . 1 Look for this space Reserved for I J. Dnrkheimr. • ( 4 Beer "in Wines Liquors Cigars Etc. Best Brands New Billiard Table u