Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1894)
1894 « magazine in the home is no |onk.,r a luxury. It is a necessity, and meet the demands created by thii I L k USTRATRD necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving vearly, g» n ILLUSTRATED. Harper'* Max zine for 1X93 will centinue *0 _ does, L536 pages of reading by th, maintain the un ivalled Standard of exi éllence which haa » h ra teriled it from the beginning ablest living authors, with ovet Among the na ab e features of the year there will be new novela b> A Conan Doyle, Con 1200 illustrations hy clever artists, stance Fetilmore Wuolaun. and William Black,'b'oriea will * ♦ 'o tribii'ed bi the most I has stepped into the breech, with ia.pular « ri ers of the day, including Mary K. {srue^’s Magazine. I FERRY’S SEEDS WORK FOR US • few day*, and you will be »turtle»] at the ui. ( h - 'U-.J auooe»» that will rewurd >our e£urta 1» »«»i.ively have l.:« be»v Lu-it»»-» to ot!» r an age. khat »*1B be fuaud *>u tt.e f~c. ut thia «-art,. • 15.»X> prouc <>U Mid >•<» V.ul'.h of bueil»» *» ' beiu/ i gaily and uuuuruuiy ma .e b. and paid .c hundred, of tneu, women, Lu » ami girl* in our employ. You can make luouey faster at work t»»f » tan vou huve an. id,-u of. 1 Im Lu*lne-a la au ' an«- :• learn, a » ! la rue.ioua »ooimpl» tlnit til) «'»cce» d frj; i ■»• »tart. Tim»« who tak»- jiolil "f t’te b»i«i«e-a reap li e a»lvi»ntage titat •ri*e» from t te aottnd reputation of on<- of the •I lea», ino«t « i*'ea«ful. un»i larg» >t |iubllfhiup noitai*« iu Amerh'H. Seeur,» for vonreelf the prof ta t‘,.Litlie tualneaa ao readlli and hand-onieh yield». All L.'ginnera aacceed .eamllv, and more than realize their greateat expect a» ion*. Thou- w.*o fe. '» Aad exactly aa we tell th» m. Then t-pler'y af room for a few more worker», und w nrre them to begin at once. If you an- air»a I -m- •loved, but nave a few »pare momema, an l wish Jo ti»e them to advantage, then write u» nt once Ifort'ila la rour grand opportunity), aud receive all oartiealars by return mall. Addreaa, TKDB A CO.. Box No. 400, Auguata. Al' F-jftTH Our Premiums fU D.t L. , Mich. YEAR IHI ----- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weedy Call! .».» I’KR k A*. ---- <»R---- H g SAN FRANCIS 0 _ i jean « IS A I THE DISABILITY BILL LAW Soldiers difla led since the war Entitled ;, Trad«-niarts Design PaterL; Capfijhte, aad al t-. ent bJ«lnv»» .ebdun-d for fees . h tnail a »■ i» ch v ; t • Invi mora without Add rev PftESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDO-RBURN, vl»u itiurf A 'omey, lox 4«b W ABHINIiTOX. D. C. •»y It managed by » comb.nati on of -t Iniiuennal nmpapm In t!ia «I ria. purpoM of prutert- eritwra agalaat uoaerupiilou* 'enti, amt ea. b paper ajea vcichoefortheresponsi. ■uu i ’_......... .„..¿..r..... .............................. 1 ------ ----------- T* l HE SAN FRANCISCO XIZ WEEKLY ‘ ALL cMf? I“ h band»»»iHH eight* page paper. Il is i«*ue<i every Thitrsdai, a».<i contains alt of ins important nr»« of 'hr weak, gls»iM»l from every qti >r. ter of the globe. ceiii|>l> tr ui> to date of publ catiun. It fur nishes the iste*t snd moat reliable financial newx .nd market <iiuCaCiona, h d give» apectai attrntt n te horticul tural and agricultural news, an»I ta tn every re*-oct a lira- Jia»» family aoer, appo-, < lottie intereai nt rvety ui»- » iter • I tli»- h u*eio»li| PATEN PERSONAL AM» I’liOMl'T ATTENTION GIVEN TO IÙT- ENTS, CAVEAT-, TRADE MARKS, etc. NO EEE UNLE S HATENT IS SECO RED. CORRESPOND- ENCE SOLICITED. STODDART à CO., 613 & 61Ô /th Stroot, N. — «4----------- MOIlNi »U <• SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION I CURE. The success of tf . ■ >*rxt Cn»igh Cure to ».--. < f medicine. without s parallel in : it on a p»».v All druggiata ure»' rc re can Hive glia'«»' !• b< come succeaaritEy « moas »'X- known, It,« Pup' l'ti-e into prnae, are plkeint ■I Canada. every home ia th»» C t ' . or Bron- If vou have a Cough, If vour chilis, use it, for tt u '.»nirh, use child ha« the (. roup, or '■ y . >lr»-nd it prornntlv, and relief ti, use it. that inaldlo'iv disease C i’R -t’RR, A«k your I»r ixiflat for > our I.n nga Price 10 eta.. AO eta. and ft. ■. are sore or Back lame, i-.- Sht’ »h’a Porous Piaster. Price IB eta. For sale by all "»'»<■ g»«l« and Dealers. (XKV BM l*BVBB A W SKK) » a Hve »■ trot .' it It is ti e M<>S I HELI \ • and ia > ecoginzc i a« th- LEADING NEW-». ■I hi I v . m.E. Per i K k KAP. I’ HARPER’S PER Oi‘IC8 De endent willows and Parents no* pende ,t wlio*c otm dii»i from the army ■» rvi»'e ar m inded if ; Morning: Galli PMlCt- •«.» Riihasd Harding Davis, Mar.aret Deland. Kranaer Matthews, and many otheis. The i luxtrated descript ve pa|>ers wi'í embrace ar i ¡es y J aliar. Rali h on new Southern and Weg ern subjects; by Theo»iore Child on India; bi B ult. ev isigel won Rimals and Germany: by Ri hard Hardit g Davison aL.inion Season: by Co.unelT. A. Dodeeot Eastern Riders; etc. Edwii A. Abbe»’s illuatratioi suf'hakespeare's p u ill be font nued Li'erary artilles will be contributed b Charles Eliot Norton, I Mrs. .lain»-a T. Field», William Dean Howelis, Brander Matthews, and others. I Wilkin». D. ft . FERRV * CO --- rH--- —THIS PAPER— FHIC'S. Í I Are just whut every ,uwrr need«. 1 he mer ita of Ferri’s rieed« the luuiKiativti up on which Lea t«» n Lullt the largeM d Lueirie*» tn the wot Id. Ferry’s Seed A a null for 1««4 CODIIXII18 i Le * uni i. nd »u»Vianet* <*f ibe lMU&t fai iuing k now ledge. Free lor the asking. Hiß: Oí vNt. toppo i i I w l’lient Offli-e.) 1 »X. it. < FENCING RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 NETTING. is nu PAPER of lite Pacifie .i»r. Either ol the sb. »• H|>ir we will »end i»O'tu mimt« on r»'C»-i t mg «ub*erlt»'lou The McMullen Woven Fence Co Win 11« an«« »»O X. Market MU. Chle«^w. it v IJ The volumes of the Magazine begin will the Numbers for June and December <> eac h year. When no time is -jwjcified, sul -icription* will begin with the Nutnlter cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine foi three yeur* bacx, in neat »'loth binding will be sent by mail, |M>st-t>ai»i, on receipt of ¡»er volume, t'kdh Cases, for binding .*>• I cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittance's should tie made by Po-tottici (Money Order, or Draft, to avoid cbanc o lo.«s. W Hau’S Harj>er’x Weekly la acknowle-iged es slant tn? firs tnn.rr illuatratco weekly perio in ab !-. 'Ineri.a. 11 ..<•» upiea a plai t l«l ..eeu th». , of the hurried daily paper and thlli ot the lest iit.e. month! mttyazi e. i .»in es b > itera ute and net's, and presents witb equa r< e aiiil leitity the rea' eieiits of »tirrett I his'or at'il the imaginative themes of fictlo.- tin aceonnt of Ba ver- < emplete aeries of illite ttat.oi s of the World’s Fair, it will be not out. be bes guide to 'he grea Exposition, but ala its l-ea suvettir. Every publi» eie r of genera i terest will ».efully illite rat».*t in its pax»a Ira contributions tieing from the er wriiet. and arris's in this couii'ry, ii will »-,. lit.ue excel in literature, news, ai d ¡Hits'rations, a o'her publications of i s clasp >«ry . taken out by u* la brought betör« e pupo, òy a nuuoe «Iven free of charge in the £runtific J^metican c »«tt, \’F ' IS Vb 10k SQUAMI X. f Smto».»»«»' r ur* « FOR SALA av ID »MI <E\VING CO.. 72S Market St. San FranciRco Dopa rfntcnt . i'i'iainrri «lei «II Cat io' Und» r> * I »♦». ■n P ’«, ’’•cu. -• tit»« than tnoss to. w»h daw ’fp- •• >4 ■■ ne*d 'ol.CMN. HARi’El. WEEK I X.................................. I H»»ra. brand har te» 'ef» »hou'.-er: » » « '•«rtet or '»-f» hit» »' tir.t'er clip . * » •ara. T. V. MrKo»»»o. tinr- • '»re. Postage Free to all bu »at'rlhera in the C » I ~tatee. ' B'lai.a.» r .'»e.\ ... ¡The Volumes of he Meekly will begin ( lie fi'at Number f. r Jaouarv of »■«. h When no ' e ta mentioned, au .scrip ion '.exin i'h tie Nutnlier nrr»"i' at rim-» ! ' eip ofonier. Bound Volume» of Har,»er'p Weiklv forth»» ! ' ears tn» k. it'next .-lo'h binding, will he ae by mail Boa »ge paid, or I»» express, free of e petiae -provided the freight does ti«»t excee»1 I per volume. for(7.U> a vo'ume. Cloth ' Bees for each Volume, suitable f». binding ivtt lie sent by mail p.»at-paid, on re reipt ..f |i. Retnittat.. es should be made by. Poet IMSm, Mone »roeror avoid chance of lose. Kddresa ’ \ RPFR A BROTHERS. Ne Yorl '•ardii» 4 Rite» . ra”'e ■:ande.f V. n le’’ • ' « I *•»■ brand“? left sf ’»- » «». Btirr» •'*» v'* H ARi’EliS M AG.V' .X E......................... ; HARl’l.i > BAZAR ............................... ! HARI’EI.X TOI NG l’F'»l’LE ’. 4 . -"(»lev, '•»•rk* »rMT'd -oñ •(■zip d . ínrae LrR»»<1 _»»n Inf* *h u M pt . \ WiJIfwmt ». ’•go ¡» chu D 71 on ritfh » »-RII«!. • Tf’r. • . ..» e' r‘v P ». Rile ’lorscs t'recded I r on left aride, ‘'strlebra ■ ' > r «»tt left hin. Marine Hu».-, srd. P» n h«r ' -i L ■’atflr dÌRTn«»n<1 <»n ler? hip. ht»raea ,'1 • -h«»’iîder. '’hurle* H ’’.»e-r* • . nrra **’*'* » . », .1 t • •forse'Tended P»»n right ph'-ntder »s ■ * rfgh’h'p R. 4. Heedrit-ks P “ <•»* Horae brand >' on le’t ehonlder. a!«»' *>r»e io’s.'. tn shape of friantrle. cattle branded an«»»« Harp. r'a I azar in a j»»nri al for the home K. »front Burns Or. ligiica lie aient Informa'lorn with recnrii r. 'he ' aahi : a. atm it» numerous illiia'ra'io' a Misa • R»m< Dl< kenaori Horse hre»'d anrtf a Praia ealv a ail. patter' ahv auppietnenit 'eft »'ifle. » attie branded I'ar R'm'cf'h»n * are i dl*|>ei el ■ r a.ike ____ the homadret.« make anti the i aal..' a mutuate, ___ No expenae i» o I Ji wen Ore •jure ■ ake it, ania'i. attrai 'lvei exa of th' r 7Z i I. P Di< kersnn » ettle brand J l‘ t« t r e»'»» • 'eft hip Horae brand anvil on left ,til < I high»-«» r :» » . Pa I., _____ ,kh'a »»r . ee. __________ ainuai'iK eon» ilea. a i'hough itr»w»'r aatiafi all tantea IJlwen Ore. ami Ha an ¡»age ip lam- na aa a Budget <»f wi Cattle brand figure 7on either hip: marklivM «»id h'Hi i • ueek laanea everithiuz I» iti» tn». tu ei» f I lereai o women Th» crop off ea» h ear. « it» In each ear. ami watt X P • NIX \OUlt 4 -erta a •>n left jaw. Horse braml figure7on either htp. »11; la* wri :en t»y Walter Besah J. H. Bunvard.Burns Dre a -I i ' l... tine* tn a ' hri ii.t Terhune Herrici I K» le' V ill th ft a I" «< • i» al seriep. e:i*itle»i “At tb' .i 'f In- 1 ... il.. hi •:eo Williams, horses and mitlee brandel T lie ' Ins it-.Im a. e .»Ing, ' in- l harne Miller, an a a in.luat»* pr»»l»..» t . 'eier > i i ‘m »rtq'ie eoniribat.m rounding w. „n right stifle. P.O. Riley Die. The -, K F« -i i ' v n .1 • t i he : imbian Exp. Home brandy on right stifle. James Rouas'l .. k. I. Nr. fS ai I... » 'ui icprepente.1 witb mauv P na »• i i c ■ nr i.i .K of T. " 11 .r ..... i»i “Wome N emu «>'•»■». »»»CAB a »I ‘.»f • I ’ plearr • ciiltivated audience. tt h n • «.rn P O Burna ore ■ my e' th. -e tn Horae brand bar m on left ehonlder: Can to . -...iry pts brami har m on left hip and rthe. • stberrna family is • utrt ER’S PER!<«l»fCALS Marshall P O Narrows ore. I.i.«»» A CLK.AP 11 III.»!**!, M. LampahlreA aona<anle b»sad^ pj • v. . • t. ndenveae aetrdght i» s ef 11 lite: the re»e »e If ) ■ t.. . d I.INE OF HEALTH I connected, ear m»rk saallow fork in right •*’ ‘ bi • : K> »II. the t e» *" biute under Mt tn left. P O Burnt ore No . t -r ongaznep Ln*beo so 1 VRI'k.i. 4.« • a ZAK Cattle marked swalloa fork in rirht re», a •< • to i t n d »ne t ome circi» You «ill H V RI'EX'- if H. , ZINE ... 4 D deci io «xtrettee of Mgb *| Irti» or d» *t<»tid ARI'» * W F F h 1 V 4 « and underMt in left ear. branded Zl »■onaeefsu if vou b » f»e t.lílDl.E OF IK I S well Il a KI- on left bip; horse brand the came »»B left kip V'l- N»; FKOP A / 0 k*d keep np « » tr »I» nix ny having Den.oee«t'» P' a a» ree to all eu'ai ribera in the I’nit. < bar lea Zeig 'er, Beras M» ti . to rv d B. eub-.riM' f to it for IHM -tatea Cana ia. or Mexico. »•«» wl1 r <w r- a t Herr of exqui» te w«k* »-f an Horae beaa«i on left shoulder fl Miss Las’* of re at » Cue b.-» <t » t'.e an • rb pnntlun. ph" re. rtn vo "mes • '»• s e u » ith he fir» tíxí I ■ *«. - I'.n a D.i*v!**'whlen la a moat a real u th' r for Januar» ,.f ea. n ear. When »•» Baby «».I eqs 11.» ths orli" kl «»il rriaring «Lieb sume is pient|un*»l. subscription will Berit fttancIML Burna Ore. •o-t tka», and yon wi I bxv ■ m>zaziu« thuAcannot • i h hr Number current atthetimeof receir Horae brand g on left abonlder and same ee » eq4» <d by aav in tbe wo hl for It« bean Hal of < r-ler tluMrat >ns an -abject matter. t> at w»U ke- p l ouu i eso rpa * .‘»aiar tor 'tire neele of right bind leg. Pbil Smith. you p,Mt, n all tbe op e, of t'w day. a> d all tba ira-i eat'-lutti -Indilli. I. he pent hv ma' fa."» a' 4 nt Item» of I» terre» ab' «t the p sic •• id’ «»r by ezpre • ‘ree of expense boa-o-ho i, be-ud.-« turn -b n- intereming rend as ftir .vidsd th rstgb’ doua u ax eed one do! matter tw fram end gav, foe the «bote family : I it t er * Intre) or |7 a o'ume an»! «bi.« De n >n * i ' b i* t, l ■ f».hk-m n arazin». tki'h eaere f each VS arri,suitable for M bs Il» fwh'on pvg » ar« «e fort, a-d p"« gel «Mb il. Ing will be srntby mail porpaid ci rvceip of •tue of con , «ti the patire»»- y-w wi-b t»> a»-- ••«•♦ng I', «ai h th« ve«r and tn «ny • »e imi eh O-' «»mi in Kern I tances shoal I bo made by FiWtOfHc« yoar ••ib«-rtsi,»u »:.•*• rm < f flp ard vo»» • tit M • •»• y i »rder r Draft. tu ave d chanco of io»s r-aUy g. » tore • «.,-.» ,n , > rtr*. tbr poh. Ad-eea H y RP. B A BROTHER.« n*her W. Jen«I *. T*mm«*t. F Ba-' 14'1. St.. UK»Newspapers ars rot to Kx ■•««» aav Poe U»T » rMtal -gne New V wk if » a a e snacqualrted w * th« • II of the ahore a , —‘«rmeure without tbe Wmhitiftoti. Neu Jereei. M «g«»'-»e «n d'œ» «reviwen mpe A to*V» <?•' D i aprese <rdae wf H AkPK* MbtuTHBKc M ' NGI. m mean- hauwatv: a terr* THI vni . i F few •» It* . P'H'T t»<VI»N»W «> THl MR ••mog «til ¡ |jf»NG SBCVND DIVISION r-a-eu rn-’«««' • The MOCNT •>? JCITTBR he ok na I WM o t«mf «f-«VTl RN, |<nd me ; II.« hl N • «»j Vv-.rf ».iw», M «RS c >n ace; MiM'N. tw»«r ra 1 r • "• VBNÜ*. lev» of p'etenrs . amt MRIH I RY hi É fr* ^^Jkriirv *. -■« nudi re -• T ke ■ r al»«ce ■• above a-4 •«• •• ->• -art I« pa«»*«, th« tou amd n>w4 valaattr ■ II ■ aWftv^A.Sic—"ANtlvk-M.' wmfy. li !■■■■ V1M Ml*. New \urt CkU 3 S STOCK BRANDS. I L LT ST l< A r E l> I I. L l) st R a T E 1) . TMtrf-iatsT; WÏSOWOHK Burns Ore. A»idre< HARBER »t BROTHERS. Nev . York. Hap’ Baza For to foHBaUoa and fro» Handbook write to MC*N Jb CiY. St Buosuwsr. New Tour. ,t»«< • -.a for sucurtiig patent« tn America. pretentious homes. Our offer fur nishes a help to all faniiliee, t,o matter how modest their means, o keep in touch with the greatest minds of the w»>rld, as The Cosme piiitan ha« today the stronge-t regular staff of any existing period ical. Send orders to T he H erald , •'•RFF HRA\'> _ 1ST SEND FOR FTRTHEB INFORMAI 10? A m P *J HARPER’S MAGAZINE ...*4.01 HARPERS WEEKLY 4.0t HARPERS BAZAR 4.m i HARPER’S YOl’NG PEOPLE 2.<n Pox age Free to all >ubscril>ers in th« i I nited States, Canada, or Mexico. PKK VE' combinati» >u : Mu.hh... Year: a reduction in its price that h« tart led the literarv world . The H erald , fully alive to the tieetlfl of its piitroris, has nia»ie special arranget..«-ntB with tint s'lpcrh monthly, whereby it will receive orders for yearly subecrip. tioiis to both publicationscomhin»d for the num of $3.00. The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past han been ! |30() and $4 00 a year, and they I were to Iw found only in the inure HARPER’S PERIODICALS i<1 a* a i»»e- of t'te fell»»'«, priées l',r tu« DAILY C8U A high-cla«» illustrated trigm ’