A high-class illiBirat-d nuîtlI( FERRY’S SEEDS • few day«, and rwwlll l>e «turtle.l at tlw uin-i See.. 1 mcc « m that «*.1 reward <onr effort«. W si.hivaly hare the be.u bu-me-a to oiler tin agent that can be found uu the fuc. of thb eurili. •45 UO pront on »>5 OO worth of biiaint aa it being eaolr aud bouttrably iiiu..e b> ami paid ,c huiaired, of men, women, bora, and girl, in our employ. You can make money faster at work for •• 'han you have any idea of. The bariuea. la to •atv to learn, au I Inc ruction« »otimph and plain, that all «'icceed from the »fare Those who take bold of the bntlne«« reap the advantage that ari-e, from t.ie «onnd reputation of one of the eldt-sl, m<wt «uecetufnl, and large.t pttbllahing houses la America. Secure for vottr-elf the profits that thebutineMioreadllv and hand-onielv vield«. All bepnaera raeceed gnttidh, and more than reallie their greatest expectation«, i'boae woo ►« <• fled exactly aa we tell them. There ¡«plenty •f room for a few more worker«, aixl we urge them to begin at once. It you are already em ployed, but have a few «pare momenta, aud wish So me them to advantage, then write u, at once >for thia 1« your (rand opportunity), and receive <UII "articular« by return mail. Addreaa, ILi USTRATKD ILLUSTRATED. Are jtist what every huiler needM. ’i h** raer- ii« of lern’* SrtulM io4in (Lv fuuiKiaiion up on uhich tiuM Iwn Luiit the larftHst se<-<i l>ubint^N in the world. Harper*. Magulne for 1H93 will centinue 'o maintain the unrivalled Nlandard of ex< ellence lOhichhaach racterised it from rhe beginning An ong the noiab e feature, of the year there will be new novels by A Conen Doyle, Con st ance Fen I more Wwoison, and William Black hjiurt stories will be contributed by the most pi pillar wri ere of the dav, including Mary E. Wilkins. Rii haad Harding Davis, Margaret lieland, Hrai aer Matthews, and many otheia. The 1 luetrated descript ve fispets wiU embrace ar i' lea <>v Julian Kali h on ne v Southern and Wes'ern anbjecte; bv Theodore Child on India; by P. lilt ey l.igel won Kuaaia and Cermany: bv Ri hard Hard! g Davison a London Season: by CoviitlT A. Dodveon Eastern Riders; etc. Edwit A A bbei *a illuitra'ionaof Shakespeare’» Comeilica will be coot uued Id'erarv article« will be Contributed b Charles Eliot Norton, Mrs. Jainea I'. I'lelds. William Dean Howells. Brender .M irtheivs, ami other». Ferry’s Setd Aanual for 1S94 contains thr bum i nd suloiance of the laUfbl fai nniitf L nowFree lor the Making. D. F. FERRY & CO., Lctioit, Mich. FOi THIS YEAR -------- •+•---------- THIS PAPER— ----- WITH------ THE S N FRANCISO Weedy Call! TRUE a CO., Box No. WO, Augusta, Me » PICK ¥ FKiCF A«. ----- i»K----- Hi SAN FRANCIS O Morning; Call! THE DISABILITY BILI LA \V Soldiers diea >kd since the war are Entitled fAC O” A’C FE7S. '> t ■ Inp ntora «tthoit ■matl'-ni. All.li c. PXr ;s CLAIMS CO., JOH‘1 WE0Û.3BURN, Mtn g ng a Horney. lox 463 W ashington h.C. • ‘Mmanairrd by a «»moinaroii of i imlurnilal n -w*papi r« in tno «•» *r»>a pnrpo • of protert* H'»eri» ntrainhi unarrupuloua • enn. and ea< U paper in nr vo’ ics for the rexponsi- a -U'AkU, UÍ Luc ViC * 1 44* m U» CMUaptAUV. SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. T’m atice»«, of t’ . Crest Cough Cure fa without h par lit. . ' .lory of medicine. All druggist. «ell iton a poa- Iti y o guarne ot her c re can ance «xiiiUy I m ly become it the i enornioua ex- gru p ’ • Bottle Free Into home i ui;. .' I ’ e-and Canada, If t on have a •h. riiroal, or Bron- chltH, II-- :i. i it will co-v you. If your chib' baa tl • up. <’r "’I" i'dngCough. use it iini'inntv. . . I I- . If you dread thnt nisi Lou . ,____ _ use — it. ... -eano l'on-nipt Ion, A«k yoir Di -ist for KHILOH’8 CURE, pr'.-c lOeta. »I eta. and fl .00. If your I.ungs are «or, or Back lame.'me ShDnh'a Poroua Pla-er. Price VI eta. Fur aale by all Drug giate und Dealer«. I" a hand'Ollie eight, page paper. Il is is«iii-<i every Thurtwlai, and coniains nil of tn« imp rtont news of ihr weak, gleuned from everv qu tr ier Of th« globe. Clllllpl' tr H|l to date of publ'CStion. It fur- uishea the late-t and imos I relinblo tin iwial new, nnd tuaiket q'lotati'ins, h d give« »pedal atteiiti n to horticul tural anil agricultural news, ami is in everv re-iect a tir«'- Staai- lainily .mer, i g to the luieieH, <>|' every Ul "i Per Of tile b"l|HCIIiihi. l>e| enden: De| endent widow- and Parents Parent.« now de I'ARPER’S MAOAZINK pendent whose ons die! from the eilecrs of HARPER'S WEEKLY army s-rvice are im hided. If you wish HARPER'S BAZAR HARPER’S YOUNG ....... ................ „ ,tn PEOPLE Pontage Free __ to »«.a all muif'tillH Subscribers _ ____ I nited blate.«. CanadH. or Mexico. I PER8ONAL AND PROMPT I ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE 1 MARKS, etc. NO FEE UNLE S PATENT IS SECURED. < OURESPOND- i ENCE SOLICITED. « STOCK BRAND8. I L L T S T K A T E D. RABBIT AND 90ULTRÌ fêETTme Harper’.'- Weekly is acknowledged r.a stand ing firs nm.-i'u illuRlrated weeklv periodica!» in A meri a. ii oc< upies a piate between that « » ti li f- bia'ori of fletlon Ou at eo'int . r 1 a ier> ' empiete aeries of Illi s tuli., t a of the Worlil’s Fair, it will lie not olii < be l ea' gui.<e to .'lie grea. Exposition, but ala. ita I ea’ainei ir. Everv public eve'it of genera I tens wi'l ..efully Ilina rated in i'a pages Ita cottiributioiia iibing from the nest writer» ami nr'ia s i't thia country, it will ....... i, 1 x<el in literature, news, and il iti«! rat ini.«, ai o' her publics tors of i « class HARPER’S PERIODICALS. DER YEAR: er-tiBNl» FOB 7UBTHFB INF0BMATI09 | n *\ i{ 1’’’ F « The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co m hau 11» aaU >‘W N. Market •*.. Ublc-ao. f i i. ........ ,.,-viout’ subaeribera in the Uu -tati a. t at ».la. . r Mex i o. I ¡'he Voliiiiiea of I he W eeklv will le.iu i 'lie Aral Number for .in uarv of iaeh 1 When nutime in mentioneo, au ••«••rip' ion eli wi b the Number curren, al time |t<cl ' ■ f order. Iliitinil Volumi » of Harper'« Weeklv for thru« eural.u k. in . ent loth binding, will besen' o' 11.nil I’,.« age pai'l, or bv expies«, free of ex penne pr. vhtc 1 the ireight does not exceed I |H-r volume 'or $7.J ' a volume. cloth • i'»' a f..r each Volume, suitable fo tiding ... e amit In mail p.ist-paii|.,ou re ceipt . ' Keir l"n ea should be made by Post Offici ■lotie "' ier ..r lirait, to avoid chance of loas. \ddreuH 'I \ RI’FR A-Itilo I’ll EK-i. Ne Y oil . UK Xa F Scicotiflo American Agency for Hap’ Baza I L L P ST R A T E D . ’nfomiaUi'n and frae ll.nixliwx>k write tn vn A CO_ S>-1 nnoAUWAv?xiw V ohk . pidiwt i 'v' «n for Mcuring patenta In America, g,,-, ) taken out by ua la brought befuru Ilia pal'itv uj a imito« given fia» ot chama lu Um tn»'* I ’t r.,-. ««•I'l ««.r- . ucío ^-„V l~w month I > b.Mintv«« hoh, C\ k— lh«i do r .« la I ' 'W I- t«Wt, ro * lia om , h Ida ug a I 1 .... y A, • '»«¡»r iwm.-m.. ....... 7" nt y». rsiAT.o by »¡ hc cov dm * t _l'rZI < «•* -te • ftaapsH w I B.R. f. MtML BTKUI IftAAJU u>uu m Hardin A Rilev. rattle branded Von left «*•« Horan brand k»4 *7 left aide. r. <>. Burna,Oron* I. <’, Foley, ca'tle brand =on riant «jiirv Horae brand — on lef» shoulder. J*. A. WiUlHtna cattle brand, U, on left rt* horac brand 71 on riitht s’lfir. 7” florae« bfatuled P.O. Rile.'"t. •' left stifle. I ( on Cat’lehn«*, ed )-f on left hip. Marlon Bunvard, PO Bun". Cattle diamond<>n left hip: h«r»<»CVon tf •boulder. Charlea H. Voegtl’v, Bare. Orrt"’ Horne brand 3« on left ahouhter, •'•> 'Iti» dota.-, m ah Him of triangle, cattle branded «ar'«. E. E. tlroiit Burna Or. Mian Bonn Dickenson Home brand anvil oa ’eft rifle. t'ame Mnnde.1 bar R oil left M«. f Q. Ln wen Ore ▼RADI MARKS, DESIGN FATSNTS, COPYRIGHT», — a cvwin ■ *• etcJ — >íienüfic ^meritai: Horn, brand bar ten on left «hotlldrr: (*«"» barton on left hip and npner clip uo to'* rare. T. A. McKinnon. Run.« Ore. - - • Horse branded Pon right «honlder. tgt> F on ria hr hip. R. A. Hetidrir ks. P .0.1 aw rn or. Har|>er'n bagar la a journal fur the home ■ gives he ni, « Informa tons with regard ti he ' llalli », ami 11« numerous Illustra i.n a larvae* otreulaf'on of any art ent I Be paper In th» • orld. Pfl,luli41y llluairalad bo tiiieUiaout pian abenttd bo without It. Woekly/S.A.WU a yaart »1 Mats ia<>nt'i« A'Mrr-a MTN •■l aucuM. SSI ay.Kaw T' Burns Ore. FREE BRAND COLUMN. ANU did * r W Hau’s . (Oppo iic (' >. Patent Office.J \\ ASHlNG'iON. 1». ( .. Illium oil rocel t of the fidl.iw. isg aub'Crlpiio'i prices f .r t,.a cou.btuaU' >u: DAILY monthlies in the past has been |3 00 and $4 00 a year, and ih-y Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Nev I York. STODDART & CO., PAPER ' f ti»e i'aciik' Coa»i Either of the al>"'e :»pvr-w will send po-tu id a« a in* ..<4.0* . . 4.Í* .. 4.0 . 2.0 in tin f JH1 »«A were to be found only in the tu«re pretentious homes. Our offer fur. --- W-VI tuf The volumes of tiie Magitzitie begin will the Numbers for June anil December o i uishfH a help to all fainiliw, t,a eac h year. When no time is «pecilietl, «ml matter how mode«! their meaib, scription.« will liegin with the Number cur rent nt time of receipt of order. to knep in touch with the gre»H Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine f<u three years bang, in neat cloth binding will minds of the world, as The Cnsm,. be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 politali has today the glronur-t per volume. 01*411 Oases, tor binding 54 regular eta if of any existing period- ce.ilseaeh—by mail, nost-paid. Remittances should be made by Po«tottict teal. Send orders to Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o' lo-s. T he H erald , 613 & Gib 7th Stroot, IT. T7. Hi Al< >11 x 1 Mi c 14a, c KVHK l.HSUBS A W SKK| 1» a live lie tr<i <> it a dailv. it IS the MOST RELl \- BLR. aud is lecigfiiize i «. ti'ln.' the LEAbiXO NEWS. ___ • a "T*.HE SAX FRANCISCO fl'A WEEKLY ( ALL ul F. eat bualnet» conduct**«! for necessity, THE COSMOPOLITES MAGAZINE, giving yearly, H doe«, 1536 pages cf reading by ft, ablest living authors, with o\M 1200 illustrations bv clever ar has stepped into the breech, a reduction in its price that by tattled the literarv world . The H erald , fully alive to th needs of its patrons, has made s special arrangei..rnts with thii s-iperb monthly, whereby _1 • it »¡]j receive orders for yearly subscrip- combing tin ms to both publications _ ------- vumoinnl fhu sum o..— of 13.1)0. for , the The price of the great illustrated Per Year: PHI«'», »d u * PHI YEAH. Trada-'nsrks. Design Pateri Cpppghte, i magazine in the home is no lon;„ a luxury. It is a neceuity, lm|tt ' meet the demanda created by fanjets Magazine. IN YOUR OWN HâNl>. raa kk ft»» A 0» NEW H O' * ’ "WING (’HIN’-' <’O.. 7?"' M«rlipt Vaiefir Suri Erunciavi'. < ’ i’ pa rt ment to tell v I ar tn«* line* in you 1 It * ill A M' y«MI. if M’’ Ut«»l t 4th«»\ e • ’i nv»*t plain* it*tit. Tl* .1 of the L ’ Di*’ l.IFhl imheat«*»* pr»'t»*bu to u ’ •‘l *•>! wi|| ’» Î |.ve Each HRACKLK1 y vean •*. W«‘1 iHM’k»-’ L .Nh ul • rai.i i pov t ? : cn ar 1.1 NK <»i • <>r ri* !»<*• j ) h coni!»»mH men! On? trntl » ;»|-T » it p u m uh in« *;» ri \ *»i »% ; i ft I* • nty of ih< ?e it F.I II. v Ma nziii. • e»*» at rarùveìy pt» ,irrv m r <« r of lhe fauiily i* rntvt n r. ' d"’ n ti marnali» * in • Hv. A H !M»r it ." aka ti mlvinefB a *ir i^h ft-»» r'Al'K p’Mvcf’ii iifn; (lie rc\r ** D ' *'»*i| • Í1MN1 I ISE <»F 11E\1 I ! i duct' nd bi bi •» : Fo Nt lit tin* I < ii to hint :r» No < t. ■ r it « p v H'I km ri ................ i. »I t.’ié » « -n»r. ein G*. S <•»» * ' i to ex’*? ’ten of I u h »piritw or <b s on»! xoo •» v» t »e nIUbLE OF *1’ I > v.v. LtnJ keep np »r *p « nt by havii g l>ew.«»r.•««’ . Mim r tu i\* m ) B. nbb 9 ’• h f« t keV ‘.roti mi . ; I k .- v qf ciani» tv «< rk». i ar •f .- »1 v «htr. bv» • « IM ' »1 rb pn mii.n. pbti rr • \. !"■ '"•«. I " i 1» i-l vhirh i »«'|: h » i a • <a ■•. »n I «m 11" 1« .Ai A gl <4 1*1» mg wldcl -«-I in I yon » i I bai » ni-jaam« tl" Iranno ■r rqutrd ' \ ul in the » o lu for ft* bran Ifii ii'i-irai >c« »n . -«bJrcA m»ttvt. t'at wld kr t von p->*i,-1 h 1 ,il the op'r. of t' r d.«y. «' J ah th 7» - a ’ lifc- nt treat» of tvirre-i ai>. at tl ko.i'< > I hr.hb-« f irn «»‘a-« liiterctirg rv«<’ r. m«",-r r-rrv - dm '..r the wl.«-h- •- • ’•î 1 w ' e D • nor -fa I- r t a fa»b4r r a f .-‘i 1» pie............ ' . •„ a il y a gv free nf i '-u all thr ps • y n «1 > t.- u 1 MUT » id 1» try w’7 \'-,t ch a-e ro<i» sal. -v pthm -T a- rr c-, .' J ‘rt> -id , v fk »•yo» i . c .,J *A «It •• Jr-’v -- lli.aw-j. T Er»» . If ■! b* IT ■ <r»u. I"< d i 4.4 -ar . -war- Itti >r— n Hi ’ •>-! n I) «F. 11- •» !n\ I .■«.»■ • I v. using » •—«» v»i cum in* livln si ..mi-i. lip i.,,ght a oric«. am iva. anil th.'iigb ful eaanva an'i.f• all taster ai' 1 » hh pare ir faniotia ur a budget of w i- •r d bui" iaw eek ' leaner eien th.itt i> .1 'u i I .bi'i ie i I lerere .1 women Th' eria r i. r I will l e wriiien bv Walter Be»an i ■ ' r alt < hr a ino Teihune Herró 1 I" furi a', a t" u' • , al aerie«, eu i-leii “At tin <’ i e " r«'e . inv, 1 Hive Ttiiirne Miller, m • a '«II’ IVI.i v er -■ i.l lu- rreqne 1’ coiiltiliii'« i» I'hew.ik-f an In ihv iioltiinli an Kxpi «¡ ion wi, > e fn ' lepreaeiiied with mam i1. a r t i..i a r. W. Hiag|n<u>ii in “'Aumet i H .Me w ii) i> va-e a 1 ituivated audience. J. I’ fiii ket'Bon < attlf I’lat d .1 P n 11 ''l'/ • left hip. Home brand ant il < n left »»Ha 1 l.awen Ore. t’att’e brand flgur»- 7on either hip: martlW crop off ea< h ear. ailp In each ear ai 'l.»’r* on let’ faw. Horae brand figure 7onri'ftrUp. J. H. Bin vani.Burt a I»«- t!r»i Willlama, home, and miilm brari'el rounding w. on right alide. P. O. Ri»«T ,,ir Home brandy •>> right stifle. Jatne, R'«»1 P O Burns Ore HARPER’S Horae brand bar-m on left shon'der; cst-w brand l-ar-m on left hip and rib«. Catberin« periodicals Marshall PO N«rrww«itre. I t S. l.amfwhireA hoc. cattle bi«nd^ g Per Ye^r I iKI'FK - b t /. A R I \ Ki’Elf- M v. \ZINE •. 4 A Ki r K'S WKHKI.Y 4 .... 4 lARI’-K S Vi> 'Nt. VEOP r. Vn .............. I', a age ' ree tu all atit>a< ribera I n the Dnfi tat,« l ai a ia. or Mexico. <» 0 II o ” 'O'ineeted. ear m»rk •>< adow fork in right Mf under Mt In left. P > Burn* Ore Cattle marked awa'Iow fork In right ear.»J and nndertit in left ear. branded Zl '¡p*’.'** on left hip; horse bra-'d the same 00 t barles Zeigl««, F»m* 1‘»- The vo limes he i«ir » air I eiflu with 'he flrr ___ _ -• ... Home brand on left hip S M:«a U«« uniat ea-h _ tl •'!■' i for Januar' of es h ear. When ___ 1« . i «iiratcription will ln-v't be«<t ' Stauclift. Burn« '»rv 1 suméis » mentionc mu'loué I, «11 rate Ipti-.n -till .•I uh It lie he Number current at •• the tw-.i tim« — of » receipt ■ „ l.n ahould«r M : . r 1er | I oiiU'l volu ecu »rpe « haaar tor titre. „..p. w. >eai I" i.eat cloth indtng, viD be Bent hv mil W.MPI« of right hind 1er P*» t> e a •• peiil* ur by expre e. free of expense pr vided th- rvigh' does n •’ ex< eed one dol tut er v Itime) or |7 a o nme i U h eaaee t ea< h vo un-e,euitable for hind tug will tar sent by mail poopaui «.a rvceip of fl eSI h. I emi tsneee about I t>e matte hv Puetodlc« I»v erf Mi o> v unler r D-af’. tu ave d < hence of l»»e A<1rea. H vKi'i K 4k HKOTHKRS Iw n'« 'tew«paper-are r, t io op anv one ■'» Netff i II of the abovs al • •*—«neute without the ' t catalogue. ratal.>gue. ■ E«a« --------- ”»r Dan*«1 r. ■ apreaa - rdea of H AkPiCK BkuTHBBa Washington. New Jeiwej. .BEATTY'S PIANOS “ A 5 A K FSIS » gi w-i M >•' « M relief aud ie ;»n m ’ Car, fbr Pile», èrto» ï'. r Druggist nor mail. Fni'ir1 free. AddrwW AS A BUMS,* UM SAM, Now \ urir Utv BEATTY'SORGANS, for ca’aloge* Admwe. Hon • Dame Waehlngton New Jersey.