Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1894)
■*- 4 Ths I Weekly V » it i » • rt. one of the 10,(XK) people was pre Max Min. —— - • pared for the terrible slashing of . 62 ............ 23 W ed nesd av .......... Two Men KJiletl. wiDN«8DA\ SEPTEMBER 13 UM. leeords that began with the won! Thursday............... .. 77 M "Go!” thundered from the stand by At the Tex Saloon, m th»s place, Friday ....................... . 65............ 2! BAg the LARGEST circulation of Starter Walker Time first heat now under the control of Bai’ev and Saturday .... . «9............... 27 —Please do not forg-t that . 64 ............ $2 anv newspaper in this county . 2,O3|; second heat, Robert .1.2 024; R- ed a tragedv occurred on the Sunday.... Jorgenson has the best lot of spec Monti a v ................. ..77 .......... 31 Patchen 2.02]. Third heat Roliert 5th or rather the 61 h. which cast a taeles, eys-glasseses, go]»] pins an»I T uesdav 80 ........... 30 J 2.03,'; Patehen 2,05. Average gloom over the town and country . holders an»l magic pencils, etc., etc. —Get one of I. S Geer A Oda. time 2.034 and resulted in the death of T. H. Local News. A letter, from Lou Boaenhurg premium purchase tickets Thia *Gl»se and Bud Howard. A feeling Voi ho n Creek. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan’s now jjvej| jn (he poothern |)Or*| of resenlno iit existed Between Bud firm agree« to give tb»‘ holder of baby is quite il^at this tiino. i timi of our county, to sheriff Git- - uch tickets » fine life size Crayon 1 L. B. and A. W. Culp are on the Howard. T. H. Glaze and Loren B ob N_T6 the wife of A. C. J Hugs informs him of the killing of *' >r»rait at»solntely free of ai>v mountains this week preparing Pirkeri HiMif by something that Worthington on the night of the « man in that section by another. irge. hv purchasing #20 worth happened on »tie d of the 5th wood foi the coining winter. 5th. inst. a boy. The sheriff or a deputy is now on , Vie »line met in the aforesaid I >f gtauis for cash at their afore. It Mr. Porter from th»* Island is still «aloon and the trouble began, there •s not necessary that th«» whole —An immigrant died of Asiaatic WaV *f»ued with a war chokra on the 6th of this month in | ra"‘ *,C ’ to 'nv^’>Rate the matter putting up hav on Billv Miller's we e eight shots tired, afirr the •n on» shonht t e purchased at on« V11 ftnn __ a _ r*nch on Prater Creek but he thinks and uvruat arrest tk/> the »>>¡1«.. guilty — party. .• 11» tin g cea»»'«i it wa* found »hat •• ihuii î »mm 5 cents Cumberlasd Md will fini»h in about ten days *2'» .« X . .1 • lik'd up- »hk tick- Glt«Z" and Howard were both killed —J F. Bov le. photographer, re- —Mr. and Mrs. Hogan and Mr. •Is All three ot The job of hav making on G. W Bui Parker escaped. .,7 m ™'Boh'«•Ur-er. in Burn. «">«••• *>>«« h. .ill re. ® rilutti ot 1 Young ’ s ranch i® completed -!< It it* ih- i>ar»hs •ogaged in this d»- main at Ruma until 1 Sept. rx. 9th., V A pevera! dava of lant wt-ek. . nncalled for thought the yield will weigh out g|tceflll .llld W hull» |k)sitivvlv no longer < » A rare op r • -Atty. G W Hayes of our town 1 j)Mrtnnity i(l presented to trag«dv nr« well known in sporting n •kfi. »x a > al! who 400 tons. i » 1 . • ban been commissioned, by Det. | baVe not alreadv supplied them ' and other in »his sta ’ e I circles 1 * *■• ■ 11» of « Mrs L. B Culp returned from1 Pros. Attv. Rand, to take charge of eelves with samples of his excellent, Bud tl.iward vas k no vn | ■ livi ■ her visit to the mountains last places. w h»'n pro I this part of his official territory. work. Remember the date and his dangerous man to a work. • ugh1 Fridav, with the entire family of h li al««» known j voiced aitil 1'1 I Glaz>- 1« —Geu. Porter, son of B. R. Porter 1 prices, $3 00 per doz for cabinets, children complaining sick. ♦ tfe h 'tolinve lieen tiecn a m «• <' "f »he «Hine I <♦ •nr und well known to the older school lb guarantees to pirase even the citisene It is reported that about. 300 strip»- Mini »♦ ••♦■»i angeled imi « a ter pupils of Burns is now in California most fastidious, ve H II • ■ n and Indians from Montana near »he rible man to abuse and l»r«»w bt-a Ì with his uncle and d»»lng well. p . nt —Prof. Falb is now laid in the j Briti-h possession passed through 'all who crossed his path —Mrs. H. M. Horton left here shade. August the 30»h has past, thevallev hound for Steins Motin ili • t « ’U I •Lick Parker on the other hand last Wednesday or Thursday morn ¡Juniter, Saturn, , and other planets htin mi a hunt. We <1'> imt see why | ^ud from <«n h ing, for Portland and other places inhabiting space, have not, as pre '»ur people should suffer foreigners 5»M • i j acquaintance m hiii> «e won! I to l»e gone sometime, on a visit to dieted by the Prof caused this especially the red man who 1« fed lake Jiilll to be mi inoffensive and to relations and friends. ¡grand old earth of ours to get 1»1 and clothed by our goinrnm< nt to . generaII v • oiirieoiia and verv Wei ‘ ’ drunk, ' —Mias Gray, a resident of Port . terou,'b heave her bottom come into our mid»t and carry awav l»<-hav«‘d «o mg man, Lu I whet ' I th>' few that are vet left. guest ori of.“He to the toil, and by the heavy li laud, hut at this time a guest, 'drinking W" presume like most < f Mr. and Mrs A A. Cowing of out I PreS'‘Hr** brought to bear upon her The Idack bird pest is quite an others who indulge in thni mr.-e. I certain parts hv reason the of town, is suffering with an attack of r the worst, of all curses . eirong drii k I noying about, our grain stacks. G itt ’ xo - drunk,cause a port on to out sink pneumonia he says ami doe« things a sane mm Nher» tf. G. W. Kellogg talks of trving of «ight and in the agony of the i?. r-1? ^ t . would blush to think <*f — Bob Drink water started last an artesian well in Burns "puke” as can la* vouched for hv ar*‘ ,rulv t",rrV for the louiik' Sunday for Eugene or that vicinity hope it mav give better satisfac ion' ,‘K 'parties who, “have been there I man that he allowed himself to !»♦ than the county case He is going down after Mrs. Drink hump her back and dump New »'Pli h XT R VM. OI'I'GOV, drawn into thl« troiihle and (oal waler who has been absent during | AUX. '7 I- They tell UM John Jones put "'’¡knows, we hope it will lie such n York Citv into the ocean and manv « her. »lien i >■ !•« f- !..iv(.ir- the summer visiting relatives ami It • VI II >■ i- . 1 . 1 hl« hit, r,’ i .■» • •ther capers predicted caused by about 500 tons of bay this summer ! 'lesson to him that he will eternally .< h », ». ••• » i mien, r f’> « v'aii hi t friends. « )>r.>.if JI e tim e < t,ne 1 hv l»v ir , f •b »h’s baechanalian freak of our We are informed hi good auth- I vow- "'»I keep the pledge, to let tin rt- ver« •!' » it'-u. • »' •». 1 1, i 1 - 1 , r ««<> n . D ied —On Thursday evening a» grand old earth, which has lieen.' vit cursed stuff alone that results wh- n 1 ority that John Bowen’s cattle are 1 »U 1 nr »tv ->»»', ■. >V . re 1. .!•• I 7 o'clock, the infant child of Mr since we can remenit»er a sober in 1 . NW . .« T11. :» i ft. tiken into the stomach in crazing N1.. V , »11I (dying with Black leg ami some* 1.IV« »ir • >wl •vr m d Mrs. James Moore. The re duttrious body, tending strictly to| ‘■i r.'V® ,the brain, and not onlv him but all ti r l,v >iiUt 1 <• * e 'n »n • ' lì <!|l ill >> ' other disease. ii.HiH •rph n tins wete erneir-d in the Burnt' h r own business This prediction i (others here take warning and l*c a oful.l id. lx e R. W. . M fielt | The ranch that George II »gv oc • f « r re -, iii , harlvx lorti.n. .■nd n. cetnetary on Saturday morning fol of Falba constitutes a basis for a | man and not lit tie > rutiah in Th ■ 11 i . of ii •I is ¿'I r-g"» is N vq . Cernir. lowing. grand damage suit, because the. cupied on I ninon Cre» k is now free. stincts which are < ominon to lilt I I gnitv and the heretofore uneiillieil . Gpen to settlement by some goo< ii iiv-Hi j r * 1 human family get the rnn*le«\ —Poke Gearhart his wife and ’ * . • ■ ■ ■ I i,,.« / mi/1 it lu «■ <in>ui .'.warded character of this earth, has beei> I neighbor (and it is n go<»d AliP one ) I The jurv Brough» in two s> parit# <I « in in town ivwii lari uatui'ini child were last Saturday Highest Honors- World*« Fair. i W. C. II. , verdicts, which are as f ||ow*; and Sunday. The child needed « vimj,,|.v ’rro"Ked 8,‘d i"»-"lled • Är S"S-i rr»i * • A Harney county girl was called ' I We the jurv imp-in l> a d - won medical attention and Mr. and Mrs. In the preliminary examina tion in the Justices Court for Burns District. Loren Parker was h»*ld »0 appear Wore the nexi grand jurv for manslaughter. TT>» d » d » o Gearhart brought it into thxt that nurrv.iu purpose A Shooting Affray. s I ! I — a town for upon at school to write a sentencej I ' ... i. . Ilóiki.iieit OZI* » 4 • A 1 ■ * 1 B » a V t th»* t k 1 I m ,u_ the l blackboard containing FALL RACES. WEI»\ESl»AY. •tn inquire into the can-re if the 'death ofT. i. Glaze, whore dead Body now lies l»e»ore us. and w hose i r * » AW i repent 2 m d. •> 1 o0. 1 1 word delight. This is what she —The body of Bud Howard was 'horses entered: Wild Bill, Bud 1 . death occurred on the night of Sept I uried in the Burns cemetery on wrote: "Where was Moses when j H»»ward rider. Mackey .Jack Parker | 5 1N94. fimi that deceased came to last Friday. The same day JohnP**’®*11 went out?”—Canyon News rider, Kiilv Ayers, Jack McDonald his death by a gunshot wound or Hunaucker and Dike Jameson* — rider. Wild Bill became unman by gunshot Wounds, the weapon lhe bodi I * n Union, have been causing said wound or wounds •tarted to Prineville with ageable and went to the »table. 1 Being al the time in the hands of wiped out hv forest fires in 24 of Till Glaze. Mackey won the race, Billy Avera Bud Howard. | hours. The towns of Hinkley, second. Win. Hogan, Foreman. —To all subscribers of the _ E 0 ■Sandstone, Pekegama, Sandston« | Stephen Woods, H erald ar.d those in arrears, who, I THURSDAY I Junction. Skunk Lake and Mis-inn. V. 8. Curtis. will pay up and renew, we will send I 1. Jew» tt, Creek there are 355 persons know« Saddle horse race for a $50 purse, j MOST PERFECT MADE. he Weekly New ork World free , burned John Craddock, and many missing. I won by Gimlet. A purs Crapa Cream of Tartar Powder. Free A >>e House. •rrx months. For reliable News Tbe Ch ca<o Times estimates at | FRIDAY. Coroner’s Jury. 40 YBAHS THI STANDARDl ^rrern uu better paper than the persong dead as follows:) The second verdic» read: World. °r ' I Hinkley, 250; Sandstone. 40; j mile repeat 2 in 3. for $150. We. »he jurv impaneled and sworn . ~ j “-The Gee Hing a Chinese secret* Sandstone Junction, 25; Pokegama, Three horse« entered I ay Dav, il v . to . jl(qU . jrr . into lhe causes of the F CREAM BAKIN6 pmn Won by •'icietv, organized in America, with 125; fckunk Lake, 29; Pinetown ,12, Ayers and Wild Bill 'he avowed intention to overthrow‘ Misi-iiiii Creek. 9, Partridge. 8;i Pay Day. the present empemr of China The Kettle River Junction, 6; Carlton, SATURDAY. <• ie»t'als are holding meetings. and 3; Rutledge, 2; miscrllanious. ............. .............. HO. Conao)ati»»n puree $70,for a quar ••pidlv increasing its membership. The destruction ofpro|«rty $12, ter dash by Gray Dick, Susie D. —Monday lhe 2nd of thin month, OOO’(M,° this month and Soda Won by Susie D. *' I andon thia state, James Barnard ' From the Daily Statesman of •bet and killed Myron Hamilton.' Barnard was tried last spring and Sept. 7th. I ndianapolis , Sept. 6.—Tonight Hamilton testified agaimt him. the Hag of honor Boats over the L«ter James Barnatd committed track of the Indianapolis Driving ruicide wl«.ü about ^to be taken by club, and the sun of Terre Haute •heriff’« posse. and Fort Wayne baa t«en eclipsed ““Atty. Biggs lost his driving Str Rolierl J, the great «on of Hart Fanny, by an accident, the ford, reigns supreme as king of th« ar morning He waa exercising turf and the pennant waves above afuJ'^u )ea<l|"g her around his stall at the state fair grounds. The match race for a purse of anim t’fn her water, the $5000 between Robert J and J<« 0. * r,,rn *•»»• cause or notion **r own reared up and fell, Pate ben was expected to bring forth ■ ^kmg oetk in thefal| some phenomenal speed, hut not FERRY’S SEEDS death of Bud Howard, whose dead body now lies before us. and whose1 death occurred on the mght of Kept. 5, 1894. find that deceased came to hie death »y certain gunshot wound«, the wraiams causing such wounds l»eing in the hands ot T H. I Glaze and Jack I arker st th- > mW said weapons were di»charg« d I Wm. Hogan, F«>r«tuan I Jeweti, Htephen Wo<de. V. 8 Curtis, A»»e Hou«e. John Craddock. Coroiers Jury. I frw BByctoM» to th« U s , o« r»c«lp< of C m K Money Ord«» or I’oMal Not« for fl.M. anal« «vary war th« lioota <1 in all ratal! »torn for ♦ 1.40. Wa maka thia boo» oaraeivM, tharafora wa ««or- ««fr* tb« Jit, tlult <iRif wear, and If any oua la Dot aatlafl«4 wa will irfuod lh> nu nay or aatsi anol her pair Oper« Too or Common Henan- width« C, D. K. Ik KFL al .«a 1 to • and ha. J liaa Jittttl j/oir utt; ««»j UM rata* C«ta- D exthi S hoe lirai C cl , I« DawMrw I The recreury <>( Me Elk* an.i Harun«. Mh¡ » o . »»• ■ informa us that inc.r urico »> ■or i«ui than « vi :. lie wb> »sir ma'lera not to pi.’eha« the mmol carriage«. »•.sa ■ üarmM until ib«r nevi - •tanps to | mj - r-osta^e on • m»t»«X»ie. ' » ».«ivi** h» . MUVk'r Ul |V4M> . lIK'l ti.a a •• ;«x ,• it ¿ « I I I Ì I I » <1. k