A THEORY IN MODERATION, perfectly a war® of it. _ ___ _____________________ _ _ , »...iaciiii: .-tolva 3; hrvoUM B*alK*a Jreuu»« 'R®ctify:ut PreñtlM BrcUfy»'. Fw>rft« Reèìifying R«et!frln» pili« r lil« curo conetipaika» >- ■ -• > ¡ '■ Pronti Fron'' »4 41U-.- ivi ’ ' ' ■ ■ •»'■rot, ,, ■ •,. rn, , e*18t®nc®» They try iuy patience aordv m child.” ” From Demon«t Family Magaxlne K: H' fel“h««Urt wl.icl, .............. “Well, come here, my child if ’"d th'n'''itb<>“>»»ord,,l!,(ir„' you But what *C ^*8 encircling arm, her you i waul to be petted can be the matter with you today, I *Ce U8^,ng wneitively, and the Cicely? Do you not feel well?” > *J*bpy light of her innocent mirth ‘ Oh, vea, perfectly well; but I— ^,n8 Uf)der the chill of that im I—mien the boy» and mamma a lit-1 Patlepc®ln hi* voice. With a little .i„ — — a .'sick feeling at her heart »he then tie, r,,_ for I i am not . ---- used 1 ._ to being ».. left custo alone lo myself so much. I—I — realized she had missed the CUFtO- think that 1 am homesick fnrthem.” mary warmth in his embrace, and “•Homesick,’ Cicely, and mar­ at this »hv get upon her feet and ried inly three months! Is not this stepped back to her former place bv his desk announcement a poor compliment “I—I—bog your pardon,” «he to your husband, my dear?” »aid, in a tremulous voice. ‘‘I (jjj “Ah, forgive me!” she said pat JAMES R. WAITE, Mw*f of Waite’i Qehbritc«’ Com«dy O, ting his cheek remorsefully. “I—I not realize that I had interrupted Premium ry'* end OrcteeUt. —didn't quite mean that, Roger, you for eo long a time. It—it«, Jfr. true» Motieai Co., Xlkhart, Imt. Yon will remember the eondUlon I wm in flv* dear. You see, the hoys were not seemed ouly a moment since my year, ego. when 1 wee afflicted with » combine» (ton of d>«u-es. and thought there waa ho hvo ; always writing as you are, and—and entering the room ” roe ar 1 1 mea tried »11 all sinonui kind»of meu,nirea,aw> medicine«,and »eorel i .oner - , # “A woman’s disregard of ihe pas­ of emiuetit physic isus. My nerve; werepnmtrated. they had more time U> Spend With producing diixlne », ijeart troubls *»nd «nd all ibeilU „ r pniJucing dixxine-«, heart trouble the ills Inal xnaia life miserable. I commenced ** to take I me. We three were always tn sage of time.” he said, smiling in DR. MILES* NERVINE gether; they would take me out for diligently as he again took up hi» and la three montha > waa erii’.eny cueta. Dipping Is rar traveiaeach year, a hen 1 are the inou^.nda lovelv long drives and walks, and pen to resume hia work. •i payalcal wreck», aufleriug from nervoua or©*. _ - _ -tration. taking prv»cr'pUor.» from i then—and then—they were always it in the ink he paused and looked kl A local phyalclMin whohavenoknoel- ■ • tf their cane, and whoee death petting me, you know. Dick es­ up at her, as he said in a thought­ 1« cortaia, I ferl Like going to them and laying, ••a«v De. M ilk «* N« wv < m < aaa a« ey»«».-. J? pecially. He”—smiling brightly ful tone, “Cicely, you believed in my profeaaion. B n pa where there aresomanyiu r^ll R E D ffe,rfcra at the recollection, “he used to give my absolute truth once, did you I vver.Toek.men'^^ ■* “ t»l I not?” toou a:.d nervous exhaustion, brought on by the character ol Ute bualneaa engaged la, I would me such bear like embraces,—just “Oh, yes, indeed!” she said, (to tease rue, you know, for he was ¡S 'such « d..r, ...rt brother he >«*<"« •»him ».hderin,!,. “Ido aa a aura cur® for all Mtflbnitg from thee® causae Jaaaa R. Warm j 1 wouldn’t have hurt me for anything! now. Why do you aak?” ■old ea a FoelUve Guarantee. r “The day upon which I Mkod O r . MILES* PILLS.SO Doat«26CT«. Then when I would cry out for- I you to marry me,—three, five I mercy, Al would rush up in pre­ tended fury to re»eue me from months ago,— I told ycu that I I Dick'» clutche», and there would be loved you with my whole heart and I 'such a wiettling match! They soul, did I not?” ‘ Yes ” *ould rollover and over on the* I “Well, I have net changedin my floor, while I would scramble about in a hurry pulling cha MMltlvely bare the be.l bu.iue»« to offer an aget.. »and stool» out of their way lest “N— o.” that can be found on the fucc ol this earth they might happen to strike their •43.00 profit on STB O<> vvorih of buKiucsa i being eaailv and honorably niaue by and paid •< |u, employ. You can make money faater at work for my cause. Sometimes I ¡9 it? Do I not give you every com* us 'han rou have any idea of. The bu.«lne»H is ao ing in easy to learn, au l instructiona so siiiyih ami plai: would not be quick enough, and fort money can buy, and the entire that all succeed from the start. Those who takt boi'l of the business reap the advantage t'..c I then bang! woul« ¿o somebody’s ( devotion of my hoart?” J 133 ! r- « : 1 fi o’ B - j * Almuet al' pill* and nMx’.ldae produce constipation, here iai It. t ru: t torpid 3 il liver, biliousness, rheumatism, in«:: -estlon, sick headache and kidney auJ liver 2 S fi troubles without grlpintr or loavln^* any trace of CONSTIPATION, which Ils the prime cauMof all sic knees, bewnre of It catting habitual ar.d chronic with you, see to it In time; thoee pills will cure you. «o.¡ I |— Uro PFIENTI3G RECTIFYING FILL. i>ecauso It Is the only safe and Uumilesa > un^w I L mb r •medy that will surely BEAUTIFY ‘he ZTM I mu ó Ü « •/) J I w*™ JI Q , I COMPLEXION clear the «Un and romovo all bkitche* from the face. Try a box and see for your- a X x O «•If. 23 Cents a box. fi C □OLD DY AU. DRUGQIOTO. 3 3 3 n * Hi Or Mat by mall upon receipt of price by XU fi □ Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. ¿ 3 406 CALIFORNIA STREET. Fronti»» Rectifying pills curs .^nstlputiou I1,- ,'iiUa Rectifying pills cure constipation , Prentiss rectifying pills rare constipation Prentiss rectifying plllseureeoaetfpoifcsn ¿ j b.-. Do You FEEL SICK? tt fe« «vwn FMB NEADACRE, OYE- FEPMA ®r ISMtEaTIM. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES « fee are BILIOVt, COWTlPZTtD, ®r bass LIvM CMPUMT................................ TAKE RIPANS TABULES If RW COMPLEYWa IS SALLOW, sv fea WRU DISTUM XFTIS LATIB4, TAKE RIPANS TABULES Pro OFFENSIVE SOUTH ead ALL HIM- OCAS OF THE STOWACH. . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES WORK FOR Hipan» Tabu /•* Regolfe the Sjrittm and Preserve the Health. RIPANS TABULES tabs fto ptaos o/ A COMPLETE J MEDICINE CHEST and shouht b* tc(< for use in «Mry/amüy.. . EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. Hold by I>rr grists or sent by mail on receip* cf ;rice. Box (0 vials),..> cents. Package It boxet), $2. Few Free »ddrfaa I THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREET. . - NEV> YORK. arises from the sound reputation of one of th< oldest, most successful, and largest publlshin* Imuses In America. Secure for vonrself the promts that the business so readily and handsomely v ields. AU beginner, aueceed grandly, ami mor. than reallae their greatest expectations. Those woo try It find exactly as we tell them. There Is plentv •f room for a lew more workers, and we urge them to begin at once. If yon are already ern- ploved, but liars a few apare moments, and wiidi x> use them to advantage, theu write us at once for this Is year grand opportunity), ami receive ■- I particulars by return mall. Address. TRUE • CO . Box No. 440, Angutrta, M> EL^IRT CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFC. CO. Ilnve eoltl to consumer« for Bl years« •King them tlio UcrJcr's profit. We arc tho lililrit and Lnrtrsl manufacturer« in Atr.cr- Ice «oiling Vehicle« and Harness tbit way—ehip with privilege to enr.ilrn before any money 1« {»r.M. Wo pay freirht both ^5y«lf not eat 1st al * j.-y Warrant (or3 year”. Why pay an a^entf'O t i; *9 to orTor f^r y«vi? V.’rlte jovr own order. J • *» tut free. V»e lake all rit< of damage in (shipping. WHOLESALE PriCC’ Ki3?. Surrey T CprinK Wneono, e ,1 to $50. • t »•» &. m ii io« $*)»«>t rre* n, s.f ex:, o a * «ell (or F lío. 73U Surrey. r :.o. IU*a4 W m * o* Top Buggy. E hurt OH >-‘n.whe* .?< ► rwt 4r. (n ; i <|tufUI *‘T* ‘. *♦•«• iM <4.41o(iik\ M«el uiblnv. dnm rotgtrifK. Bo. A Fega Wagon i THOUSANDS Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. I CHAPTER II. acereta W. B. PRATT, Ccc’y, ELKHART, IND. 4 V « I CONSUMPTION CURE. i TO BE CONTINUED. •»■yea p.ering out at me through a j 00 YOU WANT TO ADOPT A BABIt Maybe you think thto to a new burinem. mass of tangled hair that had fallen sending out babiee on applicalion; It has been before, however, bul never nave tnotw over hi» eyep, like a Skte terrier’s, done furnished been so near the originalsamplca« this one. Everyone will exclaim. Well I and Al with his necktie and one of that's the sweetest baby I ever suw” Tins little black-and-white engraving can piv« , bi» collar sticking straight out be-, youbutu taint idea of theex<|tii«te<|n,'‘’''• tr— ■ *' ■ I hind his ear in the funniest way imaginable!” And she laughed i i merrily as she lecalltd the scene. I She wu» kneeling down beside ;his chair with her pretty cheek ■ •ti Qesign f-aiató CopynjhL resting contentedly against his • !*i» • ó rendurt»*d for shoulder and his arm lightly i-: -3' fC FE ES. ■circling her waist. He smiled n i ' iuvvntor« withoui sympathy with her mirth, for she j was very dear to him; but be stifled | . .ÍS' ^I.MMS CO„ -V.IX 17£DO'.RBURN, a sigh of impatience as he realized vían g ng Attv.ccy. how iact tlie precious momenta ». 4C1 W ashimutox . I). Q were slipping away, nowise dimin­ ' v»y :« m.aag^ by • comb.nalloe ol ishing that pile of blank foolscapi «vt InHumci.l sewasape* >• Ux t i ri me pdtpoM of p r esesi (lying upon his desk A DAlST " ■M'rIS.r. ag.lBSt UMcr.piiloM ‘ But, Koger, — ” vhich we promo®® to aeod U> yoo- P « ut Asvets, sed sach pepw ustión pakT TÛ® Itttl® Cerilmr rwts aninjj I -’!■ at ol vourhMdar tbc raepenai- “Well?” a, pillow, m 4 to la th® r mnk sock, th® mat®of ,whtob WJ*"’" u. ->au.a«’• Ufe «iae. and abeo.utcly Hf®^? „ ur ap­ boaieet man in town, I love you.” aleo In preparation, to P»*"1 metur” 1 » “Ah. no, Roger, not in that tone, Lnuto IkethAinpA, fixxl otbem of ,it » pera'b-i in i.ie h >io-y of netftciae. “Come, come, Cicely! this is WJZmne for :«l *ulP°*7*’ r beoríes » All d; - > s ruó. t- sell it ou * pu> works of ait of f ^.1?^ 177ny I® What a sentimental Vf ..«Mtr ttlve pw«Me*ta ? t.41-rsjt u.» other c ro c»a | foolishness .ruine that cannot bo roxttoed »ucee . r,.‘1v itivi Ti.»1 it tu ir bvcom« ihr V .rid tor ita beautiful «wt- Here you subjoctm.ittrr. km< »a, U.V »• V' -•■1er», to «i eme»»«»«« ex- 1 girl you are, anyway! that will keepd A9M< -I“ p!-». í A o« all the toytoe ®C «b» ito Fotti« Fre<» Intv I waste forty five -4 •a!» and dftoent ««^0*221^7*0.¿wett 4t»WH »nd Lsa«is. ’ have made me ;vs- ; bom.- ¡»‘h !»•. iw hold, t t e Hr e furnMün« " fort* If you 11.1., a o., -r*», ITtro».or Liren- minutes by the clock, talking non- ceadln« matter, both gravv e"* g«T #o4 ML, •• ¿ ■'..•’or it will r"-« »wu "'it .♦C'W whole family: and while Itrmoro« ■hin. * lyi.-ri. ®t Wb:-wfia-«.anl werive F”*-'TÏl^ror. . »■ L .-nro. If yea dread written a dwten pages on mv man- ter bsl .«Minn® ■*«■••• Ooraur- ■" It ta you wieh to me áur1¿JL fut>- h> on vaine yoa cboçer 8*odlin yvm t»w pour rwo«g>.t. tor snii4>H’S cure , uscriut W hv is it that vou need se-dptlon •< once, oaly ML and roa N ^. r M'* l*>cta . «•«». aa