Th? Hrh’l is also in session here. When I seal | A. W. GLEASON. ------- ; things get quiet the absence of Con I t'**^*-‘ Notary Public. gress will l»egin to lie regretted. WiDNKSDAV SEPTEMBER 12 lsi'4. . Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in-j Having purchased the entire stock formerly belonging te Cal (email) ’ and acts directly on the Keillor. J Geer, comprising all lines of W.c. B»«1»----- olood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testi uonials. “A5AKESIS” gives instar. h ardware , crckery , glassware , tin warm . relW ind is in C hairman Wilson, before leaving free. Care for Pile.,. , . . Dnigiristsormiiil. Washington, took occasion to ex F. J. Chenev A Co.. Toledo, O. frvr. A*Mrvas** AX A k Lsm Dux 241(1, New York Cm * I precs his opinion freely concerning 8T0\ HARDWARE. SUNDER1E8, A CARPENTERS f^“Sold by Druggists. 75c the effect of President Cleveland’s ' letter to Representative Catahings • I offer the same for sale at greatly reduced prices for CASH. I I h ive two littie grand children upon the Congressional campaign. THIS SHOULD INTEREST C H VOEGTIEY. vho are teething this hot summer Mr. Wilson endorses every word J YOU. fi,id in that letter; also th« action | The campaign of 1894 is now weather aid are troubled with bowel complaint. I give them of 1 he President in allowing the open Ererv man, be he Democrat I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and tariff bill to become a law without ^PpUh]iC4n or Pnpuli«t. desires to I Diarrhoea Remedy and it nets like bis signature, and tielieves that the he kept fully informed of the im I a charm. I earnestly recommend letter w>ll lie of much service in : portant events as they occur it for children with bowel f ouhu s preventing luke warmness of tariff, throughout the country, 1 was myself taken with a sever* reformers towards democratic can We have just made arangements attack of bloodv tlux, with cramp- didates Mr. \t ilson also disposed ! that may lw of interest, to our read and pains in iii > stomaeb.mi*-third iNost effectually of the republican erg The arrangement is this: We of a bottle of this r* med cur* «1 m*-. mgimient that the promise of addi-j wj|] g,ve Vnu t|)at greatest of all Within Iwentv four hours I w >o- tional tariff reform in the future 1 weekly newspapers. The New York ■out of bed and doing mv h«iu»e which the President made in his Weekly \V< rid, and this paper, both work. Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon letter, meant another general tariff f lor one war for $2 *•- 5(\or - our paper For Corner of 1st. and B Street, bill and its consequent upsetting of f„r OIIH year all(j The We« kly World iqua, Hickman Co. Tenn. -<aie bv H. M. Horton. Proprietor BRENTON ..... .. . business. Concerning this f|ir* tor six mouths for the regular year fetched argument fie rani; “The |y price of our paper alone. The i work of tariff reform will be con- Weekly World, fearless in its utter * While In Topeka last March, tinned by easy graduations and by mik ; ch , is the «nly great weekh r. Barber, a prominent ne spapeti Fptciai reductions from time to pHj er published in America tha’ nan of La Cvgne. Kan , wa taken tune until we have accomplished . presents all sides of the great con vith chob*r morbus very severely. our purpose. 1 here wiil be I troversiss of the day without fear oi The night, clerk at the h*>t« I where other general tariff Dili. 1 he tariff fav„r. Its work is for the whol* *ie was stopping hapjieued io have rates will remain stable on the great i |H*ople and not for any class or sec i bottle of Chamberlin’* <’olie. majority of articles, and it will be . tjou. Cholera and l):arrhoea Itenmdv upon comparatively few that the Does this interest you? and gave him th»H'* dos«-«- which perfecting of details will be neces- If jt doe8( and you think it worth ¡relieved him and fie tinks saved bury in order that the tariff reform. whi!e to take advantage of this hi« life Every family should keep law placed on the statute books great special offer while it lasts this remedy in their home at nil shail be a consistent whole. This pay ua $*2 (X) an<l get The Weekh time*. No one can tell how soon i* work will he |w*rforined, however.. \yt,r|d for six months or $2 50 aim The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable at- urn be needed 11 costs hut a 11 ill« sure the public that thev are prepared to accommedate in such a manner as neither tn dis-J get The Weekly World for on*- vrar md may he the int-ans *if saving in every way in their line of business. turb the business conditions of the Here is the opportunity to get much sufferingand perhaps the life | ^MF'Hcy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. country nor to affect either the | vour own local paper and the lead of some member of the family . employer or the employed.” Mr ¡„g metropolitan joiriml of th< 25 ami 50 cent bottles for sale in Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage« Wilson isconfident ot his re election, I country at ^extraordinarily low II. M Horton. n em.mctiou no matter who the republicans may rates. Address I run against him. E ast O regon H erai d I I W. Ln B ouclas ) S tate of Oitt«», | ss. R epresentative Warner, of New [ city of T oledo . » • th a « est . QQ WCIvEk HO SQUEAKING. York, who strongly believes that | Frank J Cb ■ *5. CORDOVAN, i rP.ENC lAF-NSMELLEOCALr. 1 sugar should have been made free that he is the senior partner of th* 1 î4.*5”riX'CALf&lftN6Ar:i so as to down the sugar trust, said > firni nf F .1 Chenev A Co . doing . ♦ 3.4? P0LICE.3 C olls . of the President’s letter: *The | llUMinFH4 jn the t'itv of Toledo I 1 . 5 1 resident pro{a>Bes to go at the | Countv and State aforesaid, a r d | thing tight this time, He leads t that said firm will pay the -urn * . out in an attack against the truats|o\'E HUNDRED DOLLARS f«*» | 8. BAILEY, Proprietors. ^Z/ ì ZJB oyì S chcil S hc ^. «LADIES« wins, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarmts S SEND FOR CATALOGUE which occupy the most strongly in each and every case of Catarrh tha' Good Billiard tablet«, Pleasant Card Houma, st«., ele. WL« DOUGLAS. trenched position in the center of | cannot be cured hy the use of BROCKTON, AW'.J. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experience harts Von can •«’' «~*» wçt kr »*irehanln« V» . L. the protection line. When once we Hall’s Catarrh Cure. are tae l.rse.t luannrartwrcT. of carry the center of the line and1 FRANK J. CHENEY. 1 nrt .. .«•< I w* Mixed drinke to please the moat fastidious. ...or» *n »*»« world, and guutauU s . sub I thcvM’ie by carnpin« the name and price on rout the trusts, the rest of the fight sun WiiM.t p-mects ymi ngainat high Sworn to before me i *»iia thia tttl. price» and the mid’!!«, •••ran-» probt«. Ourahoe» will be easy enough, and we will etri bed in my presence, thia this ßtl oil ! . P”1c”cuwtotn WI< .tyle, eaay Sttiog ani rtntr coliti* ». We have them sold every- . get free raw material and everythit g day of Deceml>er, 1886. er- at lower priee^ufor the value give-i than .Wa’ rr..ue" *1 Ve no »ub.titute. If you. I else we want without any difficul- » ¿caler euuuvt »upply you, w= can. Sold by I try.” I S ecretary Carlisle will not l»e able to take an extended vacation this year, as there will be manv questions arising out of thejidminis traiion of the new tariff law that will require his personal attention and which delay in answemg would seriously inconvenience. many businessmen. The condition | of the Treasury is much better than it has lieeo at the end of any month recently, and the probabilities are all in favor ofa continued improve ment, owing to ths increase in rs* Ceipts under the new tariff. tHJIW riuumAW MILL 1 JOHN BAYER Proprietor. Situated on 8ilvies river 1 mile East of Burna, near the bridge Cuatcmers wi. receive GOOD FLOUR from A4 W - ” GEAT SEMI-WEEKLY. ONLY $1 A YEA W»mMn. ha,n't h.d An, rflh. «n aie, tapn, ,«(. Thi. n«k "’"k Ç*'Pu.b!ic.?“ b-’ ♦ . "“A“T.ïl h .ub«enb.r. lu Tie FRENCH HOTEL MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop’u H*ut has recently beta enlarge aad entirety rmoxated la Irei elaea sty»*. Republic with $3. . , . . _ t the Uniformed Rank Knights of In addition V» obtaining the greatest news weekly in Amenci.evrri Pythias, about 10,000 strong, are subscriber Vo The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or Table is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. holding tbeir annual encampment more everv year by the special offers madegiiliscribcrs horn timd to time 8 unpie’copies of 1 he Republic will U a nt anyone npot recep Traveling oien will fitd this Hotel a n bere, and the Southern Develop AdTb£"¿S’OTUC. St Louis. Mo stop. ment Convention, an organisation rnKag*d in booming the southland,