Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1894)
Weekly Weather ReprtJ that they should take advantage of —To all subscriber« of the E O “Bl. ssed be the tie that binds, Max Min. === J h'8 offer and send him the money H erai . d > and those in arrears, who '. Our hearts in Christian love. Wednesday ............. 73 .............. 23 immediately. will p.iy up and renew, we will send The fellowship of kindred minds. y|)l)r|,^ay ’................. ß«j WIDNISDAY SEPTEMBER 5 ISM 23 Thursday... . the Weekly Weeklv New York World free ,Is like to that above , ' Friclav ...................... 77 '......... 35 —The foot Race between Jake [the 21 'Saturday Falber Tavlor on Poison Creek Saturday ........... «5 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Welcome and Bruss Byrd was won for s;x months. For reliable News Father 27 Sumlay.... ... 69 Afiy NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. by the former. there is no better paper than the i„foriMn ua that the crickets are 22 1 Monday........................ 64 World. | nut so destructive as in other years. 31 Tuesday .. 77 —James Gittings is quite ill this —Please do not forg *t that week. Clayton Harris passed through —Get one of I. S Geer A Co’s, Local News. Jorgenson has the best lot of sper: our neighborhtRai this week with a premium purchase tickets. Thia —Judge Rutherford is here at __A1 Sutherland is in town tending probate and countv court taeles, eye-glasseses. gold pins and load of freight for Mr. Worthington. firm agrees to give the holder of holders and magic pencils, etc., etc. A sojourner informs us that the such tickets a fine life sise Crayon lili» wee^ —Since the weather has turned — Beulah, the little daughter of times in California are extrenielv Portrait absolutely free of anv —We have an invitation to at- I cooler sickness is disappearing, still I Mr. and Mrs. Dillard, died Ust dull, and that some parts of that charge. I»v purchasing $20 worth tend the Oregon State Fair at! there is mine sickness, rno-tlv i’ con ¡Thursday of pneumonia, after an completel' of good» for cash ni their store. It ' R l.«z»i na Qaarti T t K * fined _ _1 a to children. 1 • 1 I country is almost Salem, which begins Sept. 1 17th. illness of two weeks. Grateful |,lrollthe,| out. Hay 3.5 and 40 is not necessary »hat the whole —The many friends of Lytle —Mrs. James Moore’s baby has thanks are hereby V expressed to the |H.r tl(ll And i<> mrtuv in amount should be purchased at one Howard are pleased to welcome been very sick hut is now improv I many friei ds who were so constant stances, as vs he. men s«dd their tilin', but hih amount from 5 cents birn again in our midst. ing. Also Mrs. George Fry’s and helpful during this severe1 entire herds of cattle tor the low to $20 as explained upon the tick- trial 1 sum "I »5 ets per h »m t«i siv eta. —Dr. McPheeters moved on to baby, but it is getting better. the property, last Monday, he —Peter Stenger returnert several I L ots of H oppers —Tom Gilmore ! starvation oi ih*ir bands. —K. A Mathews, who is now bought of Prof. Newell. idavs since from hi.« trip east with pells iih the grasi-hojipers have taken j t woU ) ( | J,»,i.»«iter to the moral owner and proprietor of our meat sold in I’he country across the Columbia. | ri.|1gi,,UM horses. We understand he i D ied —The infant chila of Mr. ■ ¡»■iu '-•«•«' "f every oom- market, was raised in the business ami Mra H. A. Dillard, lastThurs- the state of Virginia and made That in the foothills the leaveF Imunity to see their neighbor or and proposes k ■ , ng a first class pretty fair sales have nil been eaten off the oak tri rs neighbors drawing the ox tr<»m the market in every respect and being day evening at 6 o’clock p in. . »nd that the corn has been stripp’d pit than to reap and thresh their • bor<.ughh familiar with the bus —Mrs. J. W. Buchanan —The foot race between Joe iness out. needs the patronage nnd Sewell and Fred Dewitt, of the resident of our countv. but now of un»’l nothing but the hare sti ck** grain on the Holy Sabbath day. remain. The hazel bushes have ♦•ne »urageinent of our citizens to Baker Citv, is in town this week Narrows was won bv the latter. He that labors faithfully six days „ ,r ' visiting friends. Her many friends been roblwd of their foliage the on ' and te-ts the seventh, will, in a have a market our town ami its “ • —Mrs George Tregaskis was ly thing not eaten being the bushes proprietor will be proud of here were very glad to greet her. U.1 •• en 1 i me. accomplish more than immersed in Silviea river last Sun and the nuts, the latter of which! Nil’e ’t ptztr«. —D ied —Mrs. A. J. Wilson, who have had their busk« eaten and on ' if' he were to labor without inter day aftermon, by Rev. Richmond. 1-«’<> i! rug the whole period, After the first Monday in Septem has been an invalid for several I ly the hardness of the shell saved —Winnie Gowan is again on his j years, died at her home < n Poison them It is fortunate that they Ihe institution of the Christian her 1X94, all tax collections will be '•pegs” but uses a cane to favor . •’ The county aalhorities Creek last Thursday morning came too late to tackle the grain Sabbath is exactly adapted to the forced. the knee lately ojierated upon by : have been verv lenient and now the 1 Her remains were interred in the organism < f human natur»«. Like last call is made Save coat l»y | tit Ids — The Dalles Chronicle Dr. Marsden. In a few days he ’the recurrence of balmy might, it making pay nent at once. The Burns cemetery on the following I will be able to dispense with the , | frees the mind fro.11 enervating Sheriff has no discretion in the ^a-v‘ . Ix>«T I a >« t —Between II C Levens cane I cares, disenthralls the body from matter ami must comply with the —A. C Worthington received a | gate going into the pasture south of. —Photographer Boyle is taking1 , . . 1 . servile labor and prepare it for rs law. . supply of candies, notions, etc., k ’he race track, arm th»« gift« g<>i> g A. G ittings . first class pictures. Do not forget 1 turning efforts. Sheriff. day or two toace. He has the best into section 31 [on the west side, s when betting on horBe races th-it Ruma July 17. 1X94 »election of novels ever brought to breast pin containing th" picture <»f• The Sabbath meets toiling man you want a good photograph of this town, from the verv best auth*' Mr. Caldwell father of Mrs. Stenger. | «nd exacts re«t. The plow must C*INA>. PROOF yourself and family or for your ors, nothing of the cheap “John”'The finder will confer a great favor stand still in the field, the hammer sweetheart. style, and trashy, still the books | tupon upon Mrs. Stenger bv leaving ihe must lie silent on the anvil, the LANG OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON, Aug. k< >* h —Congress has adjourned, and it are verv cheap, considering the' pin at the H erald Office or by r»* I num ami din of machinery must No'lie 1« herehy given that 'he folliiwinK- n»in»«<1 wilier hsi" flk'l imtii S <>f hi« Intention 'cease, the roar of the locomotive io is generally conceded hy advocates standard. turning it to Mrs. Stenger inn Io* ttsnl |>*<H.f In tupporl of h r claim, and the' proof will I«» inn.'e before ■ he Keglaier | must be silenced,the merchant lock anil Raid of reform that the Wilson tariff hill i Receivers! Burna.• ireiton, on t. *,4, im »4 —J F. Boyle, photographer, re —Chairman Wilson has expressed .1 *MIW A sokrhos . up hib store, the judge descend from vie: ie, at least, a move in the right di-' lid. No lieu For 111* HW>, -W, rec It and himself as follows, regarding tarifl piests us to state that he will re N>, N W% ami SK'4 NW, See. 14 Tp 111 8 R. the bench, the politician leave the o«»* rrction and quite an improvement « B. r. . reform: “The outlook for genuine main at Burns until «Sept. 9th.. He name» the foil lowing witncMee ------- to prove . on the McKinley tariff law. tariff reform is very bright. W< positiv«*ly no longer, A ra re o| h ■ continuous reei<le>'<*e U|»*«n tm oil! I vn't*«» —Abraham Lincoln was the tall have taken the fi st step and that lurtunity is presented to all wh< ■ I stillness prevails in the hamlet, the Thompson, «»f >»'"i* vlx n rharlce ”•»<»•’** "• e . M«.ifatt of ,, Hurns • iregoii. Anderson, and H. Ore# village and the city. THOMAS JON FF, fesser. est president, measuring 6 feet 4 in always the hardest, and, having have not already supplied them Whenever the Sabbath bt 11 is in length. Benjiman Harrison was jone that mUch and done it i»erfect •elves with samples of bis excellent the shortest. The oldest - at . the .. ]y, it will be easy to proceed to the I work. Remember the date ami his heard it check* tie rush of tart h's Awarded ” prices, $3 (XI per doz for eal ¡nets. | millions, tn their pursuit of the, Highest Honors—World's Fair. time of inaugeration, William fu]| realization of tariff reform. Hr guarantees to please even th« I world, and cites them to the sanctu- Henry Harrisoti, and the youngest . , - . D j „ ’ 1 . —Quite a number of both sexes most fastidious. ( ary audio bow in the presence of r.estdent Grant, he was not quite . .. , , ,, n are in town this week, attending i the Lord their maker. The eager 4i years old. . . , our races from every section of th» | I mind is forced 1o pause amid its —Chas. Newell editor of the county. We would like to give as | O regon district . Selfish plan« of pleasure and frantic Items and county school superin far as possible names ami residence J S Anderson, of Union, presiding I scehines of wealth anti aggrandize* tendent, has moved to Harney, of the visitors but want of space ’ * ment and is made to think of death where he will take charge of that forbids. Harney is represented, th« I i and judgement, of God and his • Baker City, 0 A «Smith. school and continue the publica Lake country and Blhzen also’ C. H. W. to be «nippli» d by Frank commandments. tion of his paper. We hope thia Silver Creek and Silviea V lie • • I ' Burns if __ I T Howel change will prove remunerative to and all other neighborhoods ! Caldwell and Payette, George W I I the Prof, and pleasant ta hi» family. I M onday ’ s R ace —| mile da«l. Kenmdy. I —Rev. Winans while here sue- Six horses entered: Oregon Chief.' Canyon City, W. L. Wilson. ceeded in getting subscribed and Mackey, Gray Dick. Susie I),-Soda 1 DeL’imar, A. M McCart MOST PERFECT MADE. A purs Graps Cream of Tartar Powdsr. Fro» promised by responsible parties. Water, and Dick Whooten. The t Enterprise to be supplied by J from Ammonia. Alum or any other atfaiMwawfr sufficient money to pay off the race was won by Dick Whooten. |W.H Miller. I I n Y our O wn L ocality A© YEARS THB STANDARD. debt now resting on the church. Gray Dick second. Haines. W. C. Erica. made easily and honorably, without cap! tai, during your spare hours. Any man Mie are authorized by the trustees T uesday ’ s R ace —J mile dash 1 La Grand. Alfred Thompson. I woman, ls»y, or girl can do the work hand i to notify the parties who so kindly I Five hoi res entered: Wild Bill.’ Owyhee, T. W Atkinson. knrrR«iaM ily, wltliout experience. Talking un neceMmiry. Nothing like It for mon.j ••A dollar ».»r«d 1« a dollar rarnod .M subscribed towards the payment of Mackey, Susie D. Pay Dav. and I Summerville. W. T. Koontz Thia laMitea' SolI'l Frwwch Ooncvla KM VlwB. >n iking ever offered >»efore. Our worker» d«Uv«r*d frw anywhere Is Uw U S..M this debt, that they can. now at any ' Gray Dick. The race was won by ’ Union, Walter Skipworth. tlways pnn<|»er. No time wasted It receipt of Cash, Mos«y t»ii»«, earning tlie Ituslnesa. We teach you it or Postal Nou for SIAS. time, pay the money subscribed by : Wild Bill, second Pay Day and Willow Creek. W. II Zollers. a ala evary way the boots i niirht how to succeed from the flr»t In all retell etoraa for them to any of the following namel Mackey a tie. G. M. Irwin, of Salem, member tour. You can make a trial without < x 8*.50. Wa make thia boo* tense to y«mr«»elf. We start you, Dimisli ouroelvoa, therefor« we yaor* of the union quarterly conference •v<*rything needed to carry on the buM persons, who have been empowered antoo the Jit, »tylo and weor, and If any ooo la not eatlafled by the board of trustees to receive ' Gov. Wai e of Col. >t ado is under icm nuccesFfully, and guarantee you we will refund the money igainsl failure if yon but follow out or »end another pair. Opera Mr», arrest, charged with opening a letter , ■nd receipt for the same, ___ To« or Common H«o««, tl in pie, plain Instmetions. Reader. 11 I>, B.k BE. Harkey, Mrs. Byrd, H. E. Thomp addressed to another. The c«»m-1 Christians should all believe in I you are iu nerd of ready money, and to I and Seif •on. W. C Byrd and the preacher': WM ro**1* b* Mr" 1 Likens, close communion that is with God want to know all about the brat payin*. jfentf goitr —no; v>wdneita lie fore the publh, send us your teill Jtt y«e. 111« «rated •n n» charge. The amount coming to formerly malron at s‘ police h»*ad and Christ. Yea, ami Christiana uh I res s, and we will mall yon a docn- Catn- «neut giving you all the particulars. 1°!** R-v Wakefield, which in the ______ first quarters. Mr. Waite when inform* shouhl have close comoiunion with TRUK a CO., B«x 400. P’acc was $100, and has been re K ed he would have to give hail, be each other. Not that they ahould S hoe C o ^SM AuRusta. Maine. dneed to 75 or 76 dollars with in- came very indignant, and he de •xamine one another’s fitness foi gpoatnf Urmo Io Daolaes. tcreEt, the trustees would like to I ckred he would goto jail rather the Lord’s table as some of the de-1 collect this immediately, for th« than do so. It was finallv decided nominations du, but they should so ’■’’sson Mr. Wakefield has written hy the commissioner to accept the live aa to 1» in close fellowship TW»H*./ntns » hi .». VUH >n .„t i e*-l V 1h«ni if they will send him as soon Governor’s personal recognisance with each uther Thia ta the secret aZv<1 f;u Ji »tu ih » «»J»v, • » 'i'll of success in the divine life. Paul tit -I't »J | I I "4 .«Atti *• possible $60. he will donate the to appsar for trial. He pleads nut 4 JO W>| »À3I»} ' '«OJIVM ’♦.»■ • nt desired that the hearts of the «maind«r, which is 15 or 16 dol- guilty U< 8»f| (1 <•«’. MVt|Nnd :»«» • k. •» • ■ JfW »-«V'H >*n nu chriet:ans at Colosse ahould Ire knit ,rR ln church. This is very J-) >»n| .tq »ti e a *« ij » i • '•» mb • « ' L>- I « * ,« lnd of him, and the trustees feel Dr. Price’» Cream Baking Powder together in love. •U ^3 I I Dit F CREAM BAKING POWDHI AvarM G«M *•*« MWmmw Fair Saa Frww»«