• Bretiis F*ren*i* I ' X p- •e< - ' - cur* .«air a Eroet • . • u I—»- • t » populists, labor and capital, Uil. ways, churches and college, J(1 alike and all in solid good fajth grel such a future as that L. WEDNESDAY JOLY» 1*4. or ih Q" UlJ J W. C. BÏKT» C U =» c 5 I 1i—t caro» v^rjx 1 Alinoet p. . aad B :-co consUfAtion. Ker» •’] r liear. b. .-ro. 1 -—**-.n, «kk t-nalacb« «a4 kidacjr *ul tirer •..«-•ubje» a .tb »ut ffrioiar C' locv.r ' CONSTIPATION, »- - .*• ' t 1: gwalns haidtt 1 xcd chronic oliti yóú, .atb» primo cause <4 all sick sena. 1» ■u. ¡ see to Itta t.-jie; tbean plUa *.4 cur LADIES COMPLEXION "«o P-ICT.TI30 RCCT1FYING FILL. :*»—a«*e It ts U*. only safe «ni harm;»*» r-rnedy that will »aroly CZAUTIFY t-o r *4 M c^ar the akin and r»<.-ve all I ■ uhe- :*->m th-, *1«. 4AMES IL WAITE, Try* box a*d see tor your 3» Cent* a box. sed- ef Wiite'i Ce’.«Vr»te*i (xa*dy Oa. PrezLas Biii *id Or:ce*trfc GOLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or aect by m*:. npna rec*;pt of pno by X ■ * I Dr. ¡flirt Hlhart, In <— •. iTTTo-- T J - ~ »• ■■Cf —» p“‘c c—r r-nTtlratt*Ti --r ll.r*ireern4M!p*Uon TAKE RIPANS TABULES rt rworo»M.K>V<.CONSTIPATED, ekm U«a COMPUUNT................................ TAKE RIPANS TABULES If »rw MartrYWHI « »ALLOW •» yaa TAKE KUFfta mtmm anta eating . RIPANS TABULES ALL DIW«- Fax OFFWWF BfiFiTH MJU OF THE STOMACH, . . . TAKE RIPANS TABULES EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACL SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BlUv , A COMPLETE Hold by Druggfeta nr »ent bv mail on rorelpt of price. Box iC rial**? 75 rent». Parkaae <4 B.XiA $2.*- MEDICINE CHEST t Fa» Fro« •»(■»!«» addrraa and ahmtld ba hatd fnr in a. thi. » : ; r .p »’.' u i « .h re to »X»- i**« bi t- ro any ox -eg n I l.'.'.|> *fr».*ht|. h -y« If n> • ■■(•. t .« Warrirlf rly .r 1 ■ y : I '-fry > I r y r ■ w., <, ,; 1 r|n»fr«(.. V.« l*_* *>| ri*< of C* l .X4‘ it, • hipplug. $11.00 ♦ . » r r nj War. ■»«,.'; I : : • ' 0. ■ I »*•»..,( r«fct • u. r _"«y3. I **. phrotonn.«.» •• ' ■ n f 1«IA Wagon .,*■> ■ V ’.igotri* mi»*% * ■ Carta. »(< v i ♦37a? ( (il .1 —- 'j| .( ! T-» rnr«*M of thU Orm ffh Cure {» _____ Con _ without a par*. iel ml be h.»t«>rv ol medicine, til di ugg: tty are authorized to »»II it on a po« the mi ir»*,tee. a trjt that otherc rerun ■ vceaatull^- V*R.4- Tralljl t>*y become nown. the Proprietor», at an enormoua ex- •"n«e. are pla'-mg a Hartl pie Botll« Free into ¡' i ibe l'mtr.l State* andt anada. ’f’vrln SvVe'a Couzh. Here Throat’. or Bmn \ 'A7K- »' rn J.uu / No. .1* $43.03 T >r B CT» ; Í J c *-o, ’ fc- • * MANHOOD RE‘ ■ c*Wia«M»4 U>< dfw a . * «•" ue<| M l’ower llwaà«»*# Ktlr >jir.. »• \ x r«ae •turai». f |M .f I 1 • «HtlAAloh r-WtMMt rrrroVl’rT*. a ai.i.»h«cft leaJu« Ir'Frtaiir. < »»i.ami ... e*«-*»» •li-ri' • t..r » . , , , \ . T . . al.» • w ».«tea ■»»ra.o.l. e..r» , ,,, <*««• •(«*•» •. .. ■ . ■ ,, lup.aiaamparr Audro», kkKl » •» * ,. t o . Fot MW >■ Murua.ur» .»V II M UuRTUN leriMUiiM. * l> I, . . STOCK BRANDS. . « • V. IV T. C, ->T ley, cattle brand on rlg»t »M*‘ Uor»e brand — on left »boulder. ■ ,*. 4 «, f ' J. A. William» cattle brand. II., on l»ft borae brand 71 on rigid atiBa. P. O. Rile? t. Horae branded P on right shoulder, rattle ? or millionaires should be allowed on right hip. R. A. Hendrick». P 0. L»wetivr | to interfere with the comfort and ‘ * r.-*" Horse brand 36 on left »boulder. »l»0 IWWt | well being of the people, who are dots .•. in ghapeof triangle,cattle brandedMtne./ E. E. Grout Btlrn» Or. ' ■ ~ n t»t .. in any wav . restMinsible for the Mi»» * . * Mi.» Roaa R.wa nickenaoq Dickmsoq Home brand atwil «J, Cattie branded cunti 11 |O n H existing Itetween the I ‘ .title, . fattie branded bar bar R R on on left left nip. ntf r, • <». I^wen Ore (employer and employe.. . J. P Dickenson rattle brand J Pconnerird« “------------------------------ '----------------------- S i :> atok Don Dufneroii, of Penn., savs of the silver question: •T.. those of us who have had ■■».*;’ chietly in inind tin* struggle between silver and gold, this is the question which tor tiie .'iionientpresses hard esf. I he single gold standard » • 5$«L iDee.ms to us to beiworking ruin abd I '-ut Oesign Ptto* romite. v o,enr’'th“» I iiotAing <*an stand. * l i-r 1 . . » A 't. « eondtr '-.-d for ' If its influence is t<>eontinue for the E FEES. • I future al the rate of its action dur­ M ' a * • .11 ■ la r»n loe» wttboat ing tbh twenty yea is since the gold I, Q ■ • btandurd took pbssesstofi of the . CLAIMS CO^.J I. I |> « ♦«'<*!• world, some generation, not very d ~r4 X WEDOvRBURN » r< mote, wrili riv tn the broad ebnti I I V*da < n< AT’ortH-y » v- a •t «• neut of America only a half d»sen 1 16« " ktlll^iÎTON. D. C. • » ». qretgrbwv cities, keeping • guard >« riaaaav^ Uy » <- w»xr»t>o* ef i wTiew.fJiC-i ui iS. overamass of capital, and lending rn« »urpro» nt prwtxeX it out tma population of dependent I *1 wro ■g»iB*l uawrnyuloaa I I ■ \ k-*«et». dad Mrk paper laU»rrra on-the mortgftge' df'their I m n* rot 'Nro f<\rike v.p. M*_ groewig ernpen and« handiwork. I UWPre*«* Su»h sight» have Iwr-n common eisRr^liwi the «urM's history, but agauiM.H we aU* i^hcD Rich And poor alike, republican«, democrats, - »41 * O' n 2 »yy»jl. f®r lt wilJ rnr" •*"“• y°H’ bib. ha* the Croup, or Whooping Cough. u»e «peeewAlw, arrd relictiaihre. If you our effort* W ... , . ■ Uvei Urol y tiave the beat Lu-iu».* to offer an agr-ut* iBUSt SUnOT a IleaVV loSS. Still this I that be f'Mind on tnc fan «75 oo uurih <>t bu»iu< »* i being ea^Uy aud uoi.orabi . i e b. uná pui'l ,c hundred, of men, women, bo'., aud girl* Í» our • his part of the taxes to defray this employ. Fou cau make luouey faster at «urk for u. ’hanvot* have au idea of. The b.eiDe*« ts ,o enormous expense, the cattle or ea*y to l-»ro, au 1 uu'rurti m* *o »i: ipie and plain thal *11 « i roed from the .tart T’.u*. who tali | horse dealer, or a stock dealer of bold of th* bi.ine-« reap the advantage that an rot from tie .ouivl reputation of one of the any nature his stock is ready to roo»; • reroatfu'. ond !irge«t pt.b)i.l>ing 1*00ro*id AmeFié*. leide All bdginoer» Meeeed .-rändle, *rd more than e ofcha”s»nd prevented what at one certainly, impress us t..................... lief, that in the disturbances of large j time looked like it might be a revo­ business relations in corporations lution. and volunteering aid to any that employ so many men and effect imaginable extent, in both men so many people who are not respon­ and money. The President a„d sible in any way for the conditions his advisers believe that the worst of labor at the time of the Btrike. is over, but they none the lest feel that the injury done to the country proud of the confidence reposed in at large far surpasses any good that them by Congress and th« people I can possibly arise from a lock up and will continue their effort»to deserve that confidence. such as is the case in strikes. I Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. HB FROM HEADACHE. OTS- HtDHUmON. . . . i In this last strike freight and passenger trains were interfered DR. MILES’ NERVINE with to l«oycott the Pullman Com­ and in three month, i w.a er»».ert» eu>t». 1* m - tr»< e*»ewh year, » Leo I »• e me ihu^»-uds pany Tue mails were stopped, all i of physical wrecks, •nfwri zg fmm nereoij proa- - - _ Cation, uting prrocrpilons from kinds of business suspended, re­ L m A ; < t. phyvicur.« whobwenoknouL I I PN k» buauets enga«cU in, 1 wouJA The expense incurred in invok ^¿THOUSANDS ing the civil and military arm of m a sum euro for all suaeaag from the»» causae the States and Federal Government, J*M2S K W*JTA , t - 1 Li protect lives and property from Sold on * Poeltlve Guarantee. DA. MILLS* PILLS.50 D osi »25C tp . . the fury of the mob, must be very 1 'ureat, and the tax payer, however, 1 innocent of any uart or parcel of j he fray has his proportion to pay. The agriculturist, with hie grain, fruits etc., in condition to ehip a f*w day*, and yon will be .rartled at the une* FEEL SICK? IEPMA m Kdltor. I I left hip Hur.e brand anvil on left s’i"’ ’■ , t I.awetr Ore. ’' " i Cattle brand figure 7on either hip; mark Hr crop oFex h ear. slip in each ear, »nd wall on left jaw. Home brand figureTon either hip. | J. H. Bnnyard.Burn» Ore. ... . c.eo wu rounding W, on e r °F * *..e i- • «■ i. Hor»e brMtff'i* on right »tifie. James R oum II P O Burn» ore Horne br»nd ber m <»n le« brand Kar in <>h left hip Ah' _______ _ « .1! I « rl»«H VhV’. k for catalogue Ki wayor Wa^hiuftun. Naw Jersey, < Ut Daniel JW rite F Aw*i*f BEAÏÏY'MRGAJ!^ for caialotro Adrraa. Hon Waatilufton Naw Jersey. Dantal F. e«*w