THE PIONEER FIRM The him, but openly and publicly con-1 S tate of O hio , ) I 68. demn such a course as being hurt-1 C ity of T olei » o . Frank J Cheney makes oath' ful to the vitality of the nartv. party. WEDNESDAY JULY 4. 1W4 • I | If this is populistic doctrine, we ■ that he is the senior partner of the , I di list say it it good If this is what firm of F J. Cheney *t Co . doing • Editor. W. C. BYRO —AND— some calls being a crank, then business in the City of Toledo,' County and State aforesaid, and 1 crankism, at least, has one redeem ing feature that said firm will pay the sum of; T he democratic party has ever ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for f j T"1 If opposing usurpation of the since our civil war fought for the peoples rights and privileges is each and every case of Catarrh that j rights of the people The course ’*1 crankism, then it is a good thing to cannot be cured by the use of taken by Cleveland and ' be b„ a , crank. crank If |fu|< Hall's Catarrh Cure. Harney County , Pre,, oent . x _ ..^VVDeniy , bi, followers >. not deroocrsbc. ,,phoW kgilU,iM1 M(J Wa|, FRANK J. CHENEY. neither is it recognized as such bv Street sharks in order to be a dem Sworn to befo/e me and pub the majority of the party. And ocrat. we do not- understand what scribed in mv presence, this C h Berns Opn. .» N. BROWN, democrats here and "other places democracy is and therefore make|day of December, 1886. who hold to the true principles of no pretensions in that direction. I SEAL j A.W GLEASON. democracy are spoken of Dy some as But we profess to know what | Notary Public. cranks, populists, etc:This is democracy has been for years and Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure is taken in done through some kind of make-, it su.ts us admirably and we do not ternally and acts directly on the shift policy or ignorance of demo a • propose to k forsake ' i ou av it IV VK* to t please ’ ’ * the blood and mucous surfaces of tin cratip teachings or these nieh were ,PR.ei(lent or his f,)llowerg . or to system. Send for testi nonials. Having purchased the entire stock formsrlv belonging te Cal pever democrats. . , . > • . 'satisfy •—‘•■’■j his •*«° secretary, owiviaiv, who who before free. The party started in after lhmr|entering uponthe du(ief< of lhat Geer, comprising all lilies of F. J. Cheney <t Co.. Toledo, O to repair its shattered condition.. office ,ook everv occaBjon t There were no doubts expressed by nulgale the prniejpk,8 we aJvo. £*F**Sold by Druggists. 75c HARDWARE, CRCKEin, GLASSWARE, TINWARE. its members as do its principles. cate. There were no fears entertained Although mine of our p irty differ bTO\ HARDWARE, SUNDER1ES, Ji CARPENTERS While at Peekskill. N. Y., Mr. .1 concerning the ultimate success of with us, and some newspapers UD-.^ Scriven, a prominent mannfact- the party, because the ‘foHbwers of hold what (hey have heretofore con- ’ urer of Npw Y(irk Citv. pun-baaed | 1 oiler the nume for aale al greatly reduced prices for CASH. democratic principles;. were trying demned.we expect to remain in | a b<)tt]e of Chamberlain’s Cough- to do right, act honestly, had the the old beaten track of democracy ‘ Remedy. Such good results wer» interest of the whole:-people at C. H. VOEGTLEY. as expounded by Bland, Vest and!| obtained from its use that he sen- heart, and the welfare of the govern others, who aie standing by the||lfl(.k |() tbe druggist from whom he . jDent : • I Chicago platform. . The democratic party has been " j • If men profess to [be democrats ■ had obtained it for two more hot 1 | lies of the same remedy. When bitter in its opposition to nearly all when they are truly genuine re vou have a cough or cold give this the foremost planks in the national publicans it is no temptation to us preparation atrial and like Mr platforms of the republican party. iodo so. When men or newspapers ''»•riven you will want it when again . The republican party fayored throw down the gauntlet and taki in need of such a medicine It i»' •issuing government bonds the it up themselves at the instance cf democratic party bitterly opposed I gold bugs, we are not with them a remedv of great worth and merit 50 cent bottles for sale by H. M . it declaring it to be very unwise, and onlv feel the more sorrow for, Horton. Corner of 1st. and B Street. injudicial and a stab at the tax the result and the sufferitig of our I i payers, therefore hurtful to the people following such a course. I V. H gnvern.iuent and its progress. Prepriets* Sometime ago I was troubled with | The republican party favored a( an attack of rheumatism. 1 used, high protective tariff, the democrat . Chamberlain’s Pain Ba'm and was ic party declared this to be class | j ,“V PER MONTH ; completely cured. 1 have s.n<-»-| legislation of the most corrupt kind, I n Y our O wn L ocality advised many of my friends and because it enabled the rich to grow 1 made easily and honorably, without cap customers to trv the remedv and II ! ’ * * richer at the expense of the laborer tai, during your spare hours. Any mar spi-ak highly of it. Simon Gold w oman, boy, or girl can do the work liano and producer. The republican ily, without experience. Talking ul baum, San Luis Rev, Cal. party demonetized silver, then a necessary. Nothing like it for montj sale by H. M. Horton. iking ever offered before. Our worker howl of righteous indignation sim m always prosper. No time wasted i jultaneously bursted from the dem learning the business. We teach you i a night how to succeed from the Hr ocratic ranks condemning the act hour Yon can make a trial without ex as the most vicious, the most cor pense to yourself. We start you, fiirnis everything needed to carry on the busi rupt, the cap sheaf of republican ncss successfully, and guarantee yo misrule, the crowning point of Wall against failure if you but follow oi simple, plain instructions. Reader, i Street influence, suicide to our in vou are in need of ready money, an The Proprietors of the White Front Livery Stable a.- want to know all about the best pay in dependence and the death blow to business sure the public that they are prepared to accommodate liefore the public, send us you Are Ju»t what every sower needs. T he mer- I labor. The Sherman act was pass address, and we will mail you a does in every way in their line of buainess. HN of Ferry'« Nerd« tuent giving you all the particulars. lot m the foundation up ItfriRy and grain constantly on hand, and careful help. ed as a peace maker to quiet the on which han tieen built the lariceRt « d business in the world. TRUE & CO., Box 400, disturbed element in the republic Ferry** Seed Annual for ISM coniaiiiH the »»um und Mitatance of Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wag, Augusta, Maine an party. the la let» t hu mini k nowiw^c. Free for the ankiiiK, in coi nedioi * E't. Now taking into consideration D. FERRY & CO., VU. Cure for > .1. Detroit, Mich. xaDriigirisisoi < the fact, that the democratic party I I I'-SlS, ■ ■ fi-re. Ad<l: • U Citi Box ‘.ma. N iv condemned and bitterly fought the1 j j issuing of bonds, the national bank ing system, the high tariff, the de | _ monetization of silver, in fact alli^^" class legislation successfully car ried through by the republican fa's-pi-enUsskeilHylng pi Ils euro constatation Pri-niias KÖctityiuß pillai-ure constipation 8. RAT LEY, Proprietors, 3 o Prentiss Rectifying pills euro constipation Prentiss Rectifying [ili.a curo conati pation party, ending in the final triumph ii! of the democratic party and a vic •J w wines, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts tory of which, the members of the 0 s 88 Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Rooms, ets., ete. party were justly proud believing Saloin is first class in every particular. Experience barU the principles of democracy would be carried out to the letter Mr. Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious Cleveland walked into the White House, and his party had a ma jority in both houses. Then al) good democrats felt relieved, and Almost al’ pills and medicino produce constipation, here .s a pLI t int cures torgld liver. Whousness, rheumatism. Inclination. sick headache and kidney aud liver were jubilant thinking the day of troubles without gripinc or leaving any trace CONSTIPATION, which retribution at hand and all »he po | Is the primocause of all sickness, beware of It getting habitual and chronic with you. see to It In time; these pills will cure you. litical Jills, of which the people | Jg | Use PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL, Coinplained would be speedily i I ■■ BB because It is the only safe and harm lesa 1^ I L bb remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the cured. Was it or is it the case? JOHN BAYER, Proprietor. Has the present administration carried out the will of the people? Situated on Silvie« river 1 mile East of Burns, near th« bridgi elmr the akin and remora all bkHcbae from the face. Try a bo* aad aoo for your- Has Mr. Cleveland quietly ac mil 25 Otts a box. quiesced in the will of a majority SOLD BY ALL DRUGGI3TG. Or sent by nail apon receipt of prloo by °-f his party in congress? If he has Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co.. Dot then it is not democracy and <•« CALIFORNIA 5TWEET, _______________________ FRANCISCO, *n’‘" of true democratic principles, frTmtl«-i Hectlfy1ng7>iíTs cora vUi»ilp*U<>n 1 - uu>w leMitlfylng pills cerec— Good Wheat Pvwattss Rectifying pills e-ire constipation J’re-’ -s rectifying piHeewreee— r cannot and should not agree with r ' I Í 190 DOLLARS FERRY’S SEEDS n « X u ot HJH^rLUUHàbAW MILL COMPLEXION i.