Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1894)
WEDNESDAY JULY 4. 1®N- burns pioneer livery stable . | H untington Oreg., March 1, 94, I D eak S ir :—We again call on you ¡soliciting your business for 1894 Our Warehouse will have the same 1 attention as formerly, all business Business Locals.':".." Prop. HARRIS & BEDELL, • our care. I We continue the jobbing in Gro ceries. etc., and will be pleased to —School books at the drug Btore quote you prices at any time. tf H. M. Horton. We buy our goods direct and will be pleased to divide Margins —School book» and stationary with you, thus giving you goods as cheap for cash, at the Hardware cheap.or cheaper, than they can be The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accommodate their cuitom, •tore of C. H. Voegtly. placed here from Portland. Charges very reasonable. Job Wagon in connection. ire. If. L. Sttltof . Your correspondence solicited. a «n k„»o 1 — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham J. H Respectfully, O. C. Co., t v-es- “i:y f-co aud bod7 , * i baiber, desires a part of your pat Aitkin ronage, at the new barber shop. I .d » «aertw ou... “ I help my my case, teip case, but after « taking four bottle, . . . w —Who «aid you couldn’t get a( ! Hood’s Sarsaparilla good flavored cigar in town for five' HOOD’S cuneo- cents? Call at the City Drug Store' paint House, sign and carriage and inquire. « 1 ng. -—Builders tools and all kinds of' Kalsoining, decorating, graining, .0' o----- of- i building haulware at the Burns ( tnd hard oil finishing. Cows, horses or ant thing suited hardware stotye, at bottom prices A. J. McKinnon my purpose will be taken by me for cast*. I q T> M from parties so desiring. I —M rs. Racine always sets the Shop opposite the Curk's Office. Prices reasonable I believe ii i-nysician <x surgeon. ( best of tallies, everything nice and rhe motto “to live and let live.” plentiful. Her rooms are unex L. B. C ulp . A graduate of the Iowa Stat« An experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. ceptionable, and every one of her University and College of I’hysi patrons knowt she spares no pains •ians and Surgeons. to accommodate and please. He aolicito a share patronage of hin frendB. M, R Biggs Office at residence in Burns. —The Saloon, in the new hotel i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, building, Richardson and Stephens NOTARY PUBLIC, proprietors, is nicely furnished and AND its customers is given the best j REAL ESTATE AGENT. ouclas brands of liquors and cigars. Office at Sheriff ’ s Oilice, NO SQUEAK*NQ. — Do you take a California I BURNS,---------- _ _ - Oregoi paper? If not try The Weekly > 54 »3 s.o FINE CALF&KANGARM Bee! Published at the State) $3.4? P0LICE.3 S oles . Capital. Bright, breezy, reliable,, ' Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 ? m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« < qso >2.WORKINGMEN s GEO. S. SIZEMORE, EXTRA FINE. 14 independent. literary and newsv. I ATTORNEY, ♦2.$l.7.? B oys S chocl S hoes . —The Best Week v Paper in B urns ............................... O regon •LADIES» Fare One wav #9 00. Round trip $16.00. California. Only $1.50 per year.' Uoilecdons, Land bu.'iness. and Rea ^«9S0»2 »1.7? ' best D° NG0 ^. Batate matter promptly attended to. Address SEND FOR CATALOGUE Through freight 3|cts. a pound. T he B ee ; I '"W-L'DOUGLAS, . _ BROCKTON, MA33. t Sacramento, Cal. | Two days notice at any P. O. on the route and covered coaches wil’ • œbsâ =^^==^====SS!== I W. L. D S3 SHOE Burns - Ontario You enu eave money bihp".71,,l’,,,< Stage Line. b* — 1'he Red Front Saloon, now II. A. Williams, Proprietor. •be furnished for passangers. TON SORI AL PARLOR. again agiin under the management I’xor H>e bO;t2M;^dim.n’.profit, 8 Our shoes of its old proprietor, Lee Caldwell, JOHN ROBINSON ‘>rlC?J.?.t«’v in 8tvl?, easy filing and • 5 his friends will find him the same equal , We have them sold every- lower prices for the value given than ,CXrr "r Tfke ’■» substitute. If your courteous accommodating gentler Everything in mi, lino guaranteed ... Let'cannot supply you, wc can. Sold by to b« done satisfactorily. man, dispensing the best brands of gjWThe only place in Burns you liquors, cigars, etc. can get baths. i — A farm on Trout creekcontain-1 . INFORMATION ABOUT ing 160 acres. This ranch has Barbsr Shop I about 100 acres of meadow and is —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton | admirably situated for a first class Manufacturers •h«-ep, cattle or horse ranch, being I proprietor. All work in his line 5 ✓ •urmunded by - the very - best range. I guaranteed to be first class. Call Tinware & Sk t* ron Good Title good For terms call at. this | ,n(i ^ee him. I Ad-Irc-» » letter or r-CW'i office or write Rvrd A King, Real THF PHEMM CLADIN COMPAWT, Estate Agents, Burns Oregon. ALBO DEALERS IN JOHN WEQOERBURN, - 1.1 GEER & [0. P.O Box 1«3. James Edwards, I SOLDIERS, CHILDREN, i A Wumlaiïiil Dlarnirry. Real Estate, l ife and Fire insur awoe. Collections a Specialty. OREGON BURNS, _______ WASHINGTON. 1». < TENSIONS PROCURED FOR WIDOW? PARENTS. Ahis f‘>r Soldiers and Helion dleabled tn the Hn • Juty In the regular Annyor Na; ▼ »in rein ttrvlvort of f*e Indian warn of 1H3‘2 to *in' their wtdewa, now entitled Old and rejected claim Lipectaltv Thouaanda entitled to njirlier rate‘s □4 for new lawaT *** charge for advice. Note« an til euaeeaafu) paints HARD- OILS WAR17 GLASS, doors O A o V E. O òi. & WIN' DOWS f n A good ranch belonging to 11. G. Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 ’ miles south east of Burns This ranch has about 100 acres of good meadow land. Price $800 or will trade for sheep. B yri > A K ing I AMMUNITION & FISHING TACKLE- TINWARE, ^RAN WARE, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GARDEN SEEDS, F A MERS’ A MECHANICS’ TOOLS <fc UNDERTAKING GOODS. Call and see cur Holiday goods. ¿ H. M. HORTON, Proprietor A Superfluous hair remove 1 per tlotal h«» recently be»« enlarg»« »«■< ••n-frely rrnnvmed in flr«t eia-» atyie. manently, inatantnneouelv, without pain, by Electro ('hemical Fluid. Table is Supplied with the Best the Mark. I Affords. In order to prove stipeiioritv. we will for next 90 day* send ,•ample latttle and testimonials free, on re Travdirg wen will frd this Hotel a nice ccipt of nintteen cents to pav |>ost age. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East •top. I 14th St. New York » ^.DFATFRS TNjfc^J DRUGS, MEDTCTNFS, CHFMTCALS, PATENT MEDICINK-, STATIONERY. DIAMOND DYFS. CHOICE PERFUMF8 A FANCY TOILET ARTICLES. TOBACCO. CIGARS ETC. Fine Wines & Liqucrs for Medical Purpose# Prescriptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Done.