Notice. —Don’t miss it, "Better Than . —I. S. Geer and Co. haw an ex- — ■Garden seeds at C. H. X ORgt- Gold,” the 2nd of July. cellent selection of garden seed.from ly’s. , Everybody 1» nown themselves in- WEDNESDAY JUNE 27. 18P4 1 —Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy. ’ * n nip »ill —Cal] on Canaday and McGee at the firm of D M Ferry Jt Co. ; . . . debted to Lee Caldwell ® will The universal good dentistry done City Meat market for fresh meats, Grand Jury. . , . . n pleas«’ come and settle bv money ¡bacon, bologna sausage, etc. by him has gained for the Dr. a . » . » 1 i . m<n |A8 THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF j * , ; or note before July 1st 1894. or mtt reputation. 1 4 .... . s _ Peter Clemen*. Fereman. L N lasting — W. R. Gradon is now among * . accounts will be put in an attorn- ANY NEWSPAPER IN THISCOUNTY. Stallard, Jno E Martin, J P Kidd — \ ic Otfiuei will sell you bacon, ev’^ hand* for coihition and cost 1 the residents of our town who can | 11 Dixon, E B Reed and Frank at 10 cents a pound, hams, shoul • wj|| be added boast of an excellent cellar Edwards. ; ders and side* The bacon ia well 1 I. ek C alowki . l —Samuel Kenyon has now a Local News. ■ cured. Leave your order at Geer well regulated meat market, with 1 Lint of Juror«. — Prof Newell and family visited A Co’s, store. ! —William Harvey is sole agent- an excellent refrigerator attached i Harnev last week. , ,, . . ... —No more politic*. Jorgenson I for the Salem \V»»o|en Mill , Kt’sre —Miss Leia McGee is teaching • . * . The following named citizens 1 —Bob Copeland paid our town a has pot off his trip to go np salt 1 in thisan«! Grant counties. Blank I toe lenii oj have l»een been < drawn as jurors for the the »piiug spring term of scnoqi school : hi ; .\ \ ine the < .have ¡river till the last boat goes and he ets fine as silk, robes inferior t« Visit last week. • I McKinnon school house seven miles ^pring Ih » ritta j&an lkirai of court: E B Hanley ; p is to be found at the same old place none, overshirte and underwear ns —Chancey Cummins was in town I notj^bf this place. ’ ’ 1 r\ B P *,er Clemens, H Peter C one day last week. . ''Parties wishing to purchase a|Brow^^>‘1 Bruner.-J W Jones. [ repairing watches, clocks, sewing cheap as the cheapest, sockvj gloves, j machines and any thing that comes ! mittens; overcoats. Haunels by the —“Better Than Gold,” nex't Mon small band of gentle dairy cattle (George Standift. E I) Baker, S H along he also takes photographs al ! yard, cloth bv the yard, ladies dress I Wpuld do well to call and see Austin Simmons, E B Reed, James Pirie $4.00 per. doz . cabinet size: day night llannels. etc. etc. Takes measures —Dr Marsden is now Living in [ Goodman for a bargain before go : K F Clavpool, F rank Edwards, I’ for men’s ami /-youth’s clothing. the A. C. Worthington cottage. 1 inR elsewhere. • ,M Burnett,.C F Dorian.Ed Stauffer ¡Call and see him, office at th« •| Wm Longgtrod, J E Martin, W E WANTED. French Hotel. _ Our jeweler, W; N. Jorgenson | I — “ Texas ’ Resort” which has I Greenlee, L N Stallard J J Gregg. r , been run for some time by Bailer A j* improving his building. — Get one of I. 8. Geer A' Co s. I) Dixon, George Shelley, John Q Ag. •nts to sell our choice and bar Smith has lost one of the firm. Adams. J T Barnes, Wm Phelps, premium purchase tickets This —Geo. Young has about com dy Nursery Stocjr. W<* have manv Smith has withdrawn, Bol» Reed 1 E G Marshall, Sam’l Mhkel, Phil new special varieties. both in fruits firm agrees to give the bolder of girted the foundation of his dwell is now chief dispenser of liquors ’ ’ ing house. I Kidd, J Craddock. and ornamentals to offer, which ar» | 8iicii tickets a fine life size Crayon and cigars. ------------------- - *•«»*-• controlled only by us. We pay 1 Portrait absolutely free of anv —liiss Jennie Racine ¡staking, —La were present at. this term Petty Re^cngei- .... ‘•ommission or salary. Write us a* charge, by purchasing $20 worth lessons on the violin from Prof of court from a distance: Messrs It once for terms, and secure choict of goods for eash at their store Till Glaze- 1 Parrish and Dustin of Canyon City One would not think that a of territory. is not necessary that the whole —Elsie Brown of Diamond Vai Thorton Williams and Mesick ofjCountv Judge would allow his self- , M ay B hotueks ,.Nurserymen, | amount should he purchased at. one ley is lately, the father of a 104 lb Raker, and J. Nat Hudson of'ifeb, partial envious disposition to ' ’’Rochester. N y time, but any amount from 5 cent» boy of which he is very proud. Enterprise. 1 reach so far as to interfere in a to $20 as explained upon the tick- Altegtion Troop A I ets . —The Living Issue a Populist ’ —D»ck Biggs purchased a span . publication of so small a matter as I ,.i M t'-rr ----------- paper published in John Day .Grant1 horses from Neil ilall of Grant , | the publishing of an administrator Mefuber* of this troop w»ll report County, struck its colors last. week. [County,.last week. They are fine jnotice’vet »««h is the fact. Last for duty in full dress uniform a’ -D ntington Oleg March 1 ’94 —Reports of a heavy wool crop steppers and Dick thinks when he | week an administrator notice was hi . ah S ik : Our articles of Cor the Armory by 9 o’clock a in in this county^ come to us neai lv gets, them trained-to-bis- liking no promised the H erald , the Judge poration provides, and we have ar- July 4th prox I span of horses in Burnsand vicinity when so informed peremtorily for evsry day. ang» •! for the accommodation of Ab W. G owan bid the attorney tn give the notice will beat them in style. • ir customers, who are desirous of C h pt —Horace Dillard has taken an 1 to the H erald , declaring he would irrxmg their Bank account in —Albert Wiseman, a bachelor ,net recognize it. He will in all industrial streak He is very busy '1 ' ? < 7 » X ■’ ÌÓ'1. 4 . H iintiiigton. and have >;p<- i«d an cropping the Geo Stanclifi ranche, ’ probability be out of o.’l’ce at the Nothe. helping erect himself a dwelling. ■"Exchange <)ttie»<’ hs a met with a painful accident last]' final settlement of the- estate, tlmi ; tanking . »MiiV —Miss Kelly, who is now teach 1» p.ntinelli Friday afternoon. His team if Judge Rutherford is as selfish I I We1 will trad I»- <>iir saw mill for ing school on Silver Cr««k, a hitched to a two horse wagon.started and ptckayunish as the ex county catti«- <>r borse«. <»r take pa-rt pa > 1 W«-are prepare»! to hamile all daughter of Captain Kelly, paid a t to run away, Wiseman being some Judge, he mav refuse a final settle iilumbcr. The mill is ^entrali j .•tuques pre««-nted. ’ visit to her parents last Saturday I Issue certificate« of D-p«?«it, pay- little distance from the wagon, in ¡pent, because the notice did not tocated betwH*il B«:avèr Creek, S. F and Sunday. attempting to stop them, they ran appear in a paper of his selection, John Day. rfd Ì饒 Crtek /and Bij. ing Hindi interest on tin»-de posit a* —Frank Buckland was throw ■ver him. bruising him about th» • •ausing a re publication of notice 'rtTvfji Crer^ ,.qnd;i several «mal conservative hanks do. from a hors« a few days since, 1 re | race and head very much and break - I ■ R»‘ceive money on depo- it sub- The brains of a cow-pen full otj 1 lenient« We have to much stilting in the fracture of the bone oi mg three ribs, Dr. Marsden was j»-ci to cheque* such cattle would rattle in the era other work. Call on or address the bone of the left arm just abov •ailed in to mend the breaks and We ask your considers« ion and Gdchrist Bros. ilium of a mosquito. heal the bruises. the wrist. 1 solicit '. our account. Fife, Crook Co.. Ore Respectfully. Oregon Cm nercial Great Caesar! How blind are.- —E. L. Oliver, a resident 01 the _ a . 0. U. W. Grand Lodge now Co , J H. Aitkin, mvr Blitzen neighborhood, made final ;n Be8Bion in Portland elected the thosç wfio represent the Democratic proof on his homestead claim last I following officers for the ensuing party at Washington! Whv, they Wool Grower*. 1 .»» • . u——;—— Thursday. His witnesses wer» term: G. M W., W. W. Brannon t bave almost thiown away the j 1st Readers it I 2oct* Deaf’Sir: H'u^tjngton has ad Messrs Simmons, Johnson and •f Pendleton; G. F., H. D. Rams grandest opportunity a party ever 2nd. Kl •• I Dunn. dell, of Portland; G. O. William had. Whv still neglect it’ Whv vaniageS for. shipping and sale of 3d 55 •• ~ R New r can’t they rise to the occpsion? wool, no other point in Eastern —The grasshoppers and crickets I Colvig of Jacksonville; G 4th st) •« Or«-gon has, namely: L Being th« are doing nd damage in our county ton Clark. G. Rec., R. L. Durham Durban j Why not yet redeem the mistakes terminus of divisions, the point t< 5tb. “ ‘kl •- yet, that we have heard of. ' | of Portland. Supreme représenta-• of the past year by enacting reve which all rates are .made east 01 Mont* iths Fh m< 1 ■ >nhy fives, J. J. Daley, T C. Mackey one tariff and free silver laws? west Ixuind? Wb: ¿vt same to Bos 65ct> Mo'Utith« Comm o«ive —Judge Clifford is on tne beneh and I). Solis Cohen. A proposition After the Democratic party had for ton and east aft do dlk-points east t< Geography • 1.25 i’l • vinai during this term of court and is tn reinstate all annulled members years opposed the Republican Caldwell and lower nites to Portland dispatching business with his usual over 45years-of age, was defeated.! policy of silver demonetization our and San Francisco than the |>ointi- Grammar .SOett- 81I.» •nrnar eastofus: Our rate to Boston ie 65c.ts Ami :.l oth-o . characteristic alacrity xiokt 1 • President and a subservient Con *$1 90. We get same rates to Port- ' —We have not yet received a | in pr- portioi uh.l ,<»’ ■ !-«te I —The jury list was exhausted i''«>‘»uw our fir.t oppor.umly U. lahll Sa„ Ft,nci,cl) 1 as doet- will h «- school ! 1 t-k . . abov* roflooin our mir nU-tirpu hv vmlatino ___ I _ 1 ... . 1 I redeem pledges by violatine Baker City - and yesterday, by the court, and only- a lower rate eas’ prices tor «a-o a..q fi.. lion. We would gladly publish it only. them. And if any tariff law is than they. , H . two jurors selected as being coin for the benefit of our readers and Orders <>v »nail prompt n ted 'The above are facts, no town can passed at all it will clearly l»e along /.z . ------ ---- petent in the Hog Smith case the town, but from some cause the protection 1 n«s. It is monstrous! ■ *'9ua’mir advantages fo- shipping to. Dat«*»! t.tiis 1st .J > March Sheriff Getting is now out in the secretary’s of the meetings and com-, L. _ . .. or selling Advances made—haul 1894 country after 25 more jurors. I . ' i j r . . . The Republicans are quick to see :n„ „i,ar.u.e » . imttees neglected or forgot to send . mil» ? . !!nK charges paid—wool I insured * r t C. H V. •LY. I Mr. Cleveland’s mistake on silver, ii immediately, Send your wool in —Mr. and Mrs. Will Hanley ■ Jus proceedings, as it ha* l»ven the 1 and are preparing to profit by it our care. Respectfully, ta.-« residents of Jacksonville this state, custom here to do so and request its 0. C. Co They mean to abandon their obi are here stopping at hi* brother’s publication. The proceedings of position, leave Cleveland in pos ranche We say hi* brother’s one meeting, which we published is session and go forth clamoring ranche (»ecause Ed has made it his the only one reported to us. “All Notice«*Timber Culture. home for several years and Will the same” we sincerely hope it will against him and in favor of undoing 1 their own work. And still our wise remained in the Valley, but we pre be a big success and surpass any Land Office, Burns Ore. i ... „ . - , . sume they are alike interested in (effort heretofore made by our citi- I leaders at Washington are quiescent May 29 1894 while the months are slipping Notice is hereby given that Jam«-* ' lands and stock. zeus. away. The stupidity of these peo- F. Mahon has filed notice of in 1 —Notice the ad. in this •ssue of p|e jg enough to provoke the saint*. »» tention to make final proof liefor»-! —J Nat Hudson addressed the Register and Receiver at hi« office People here last night. His subject H. A. Williams, contractor on the Gov. Stone of Mo. in Burns Ore., on Friday the (itb Mr was ‘ hard times.” His remarks Ontario Burns mail route. The foregoing from Gov. William day of July, 1894. on timber culture were conservative and to the point, ( Williams will take charge of the $tone uf Missouri, a life long demo- application No. 168. for the SWJ giving his opinion of the cause o* line the let day of July and pro- crat. strikes the keynote ofdemoc- NE^, EL SE-j of section our present distress. Mr. Hudson ! poses as far as possible to give en ra<>y and is exactly in accordance I No 14. lb Township No. 22 S He also ad with the sentiments oft he great ma I Range No. 321 E will again address the people here tire satisfaction. j Hr names as witnesses: J. W. on the same subject, in a few days I vertises comfortable coaches for jority of the party, President Curtis. James Pirie, Smith Good b* was not prepared last night to passengers, provided that parties Cleveland has dona more to dis-I speed, J ’¡»«••ph Rector, all of Harney MOST PERFECT MADE. •*t the time, but will give due no- will give notice any where on the organize the party^ihan the civil, Ore. A pure Grap« Cream of Tartar Powder. Fra* T homas .I one * . tic«. I line, two days in advance. war. Register. «*■ Ammonia, Alum or any other adultoaA Ths HeT3.ll • V v> 11Ä v C 1 W vol V O wl I ■ ’* V v XZT v • V A A * V mv iiivvun^n UII’I a * O • - I _ 11* • 1 . » v **» IW W Ilin 'A* CREAM BAKING POWDHI 40 YEARS THE STANDARD.