VOL. V 11 BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON The Herald goose and weak intellectually by a Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report woman and that woman my wife is t quite enough. Yes it’* time we were separated I am now getting old but yet I feel strong and capa ble of doing great things.” 1 “Yes,” said ¡Sophie smilingly, “you ean probably, if you will work it right, be one of t.he committee on arrangement* for the coining 4th of July celebratioiF or if you will be j | right good and stay away from the; Baloons and such places yi u might I I be admitted into the M. E Church P" las an exorter, if you can exort sin- ' I have two littie grand childrer « bottle of Chamberlin’* Colie, ners to repentance as successfully who are teething this hot summer Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as you extort a little money and | many smiles from candidates you weather aid are troubled wit) tntl gave hint three do***», which I give then. relieved bitn and he tinks saved ! might yet be a partial success, but bowel complaint. no man was ever an entire success , Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera am hi* life. Every family should keep except to muddle, a man is grand to Diarrhoea Reineny and it acts lik ♦ hi* remedy in their home at. all muddle things for example, the , a charm. I earnestly recommend time*. Nt» one can tell how *<»oo it finance, the tariff, the foreign immi I it fur children with bowel trouble* iiiav lie needed. It coat* but a ti Hie gration, the banking system, the i 1 wait myself taken with a seven md may he the mean* of saving | attack of bloodv Mux, with cratnpi- much sutieriiigaiid perhaps the ¡if* rail roads, the ttlegraphs. etc; But 140.00 20 00 30 00 40 00 i 1 The King of Liver Medicines. I really Nebby I believe vou could and pain* in my stomach,one-third >f aouie member of the family. I have nscl yourSiniin >ns Liver Regu I exort—” of a’bottle ot this reined' cured me. 25 and 5() cent bottles for sale uy lator and ca 1 consciencioiDily any it is the JOB WORK king liver meiHelnea. 1 consider it a “Woman! Will you »top and take Within twenty-four hour* I wa.- H. M. Horton. medicine chest In itself.—G eo . W. J ack - •1 every description executed with neatneae H on , Tacoma. Washington. •nd despatch, at reasonable rates. ! breath?” said Jone*, “the cord i* out of bed and doing my house W-TIVEIIY PACKAGE-«» Poster», Pamphlets Irculars, work Mrs. W. L Dunagan, Bon Bill Head», Letter Head», { nvelopcs. Note Ha - ioe Z k* imp in red am wrapper. I broken, the »ilk thread has come to Head», Cards, Tic Rets, •tatemeuts, aqua, Hickman Co, Tenn. Fo- •its end. the bow)—ye* the bow)—” Memoranda, Invitation«. Dodgers, Etc. “What bowl?” interrupted his sale by H. M. Horton. T hs H erald is kept regularly on file for re ference, in the Geo. 1’. Rowell Newspaper Ad . . wife, “The beer mug you kind hus vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce at.. New York. bands are in the haMt of drinking Mrs. Jones. ■^Are J uki what every While In Topeka last March, E beer fr< m? If that's the cane I for neetla. I be mer OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Ferry'll ftrrda^^ V T. Barber, a prominent ne - spa per Io. in IL,- iouudatlon “Do all the men in town visit the one can rejoice. r on which baa been built the ~ largeel Mi d hualneAS tn the workL “No madam,” said Jone*, “its the man of La Cygne, Kan., wa taken national : saloons, Nebby?’’ Ferry’s Seed Aniaal for 1*94 president ......... ................ «rover Cleveland wjth choltr morbus very severely. coiilaina the huiu and a u be lance of “What a question, Sophis, and silken cord that binds our lives vice-president.................... Adlai Stevenson I tbe latest forming knowledge. Free •scretary of State - ’ -• ,, Walter Q. «reihum ___ r j t;„ „ * . for the asking. I together, jt’* the' jatrir^onial bowl The night clerk at the hotel where . John «. Carlisle one 1 decline to answer. {scretary of Treasury . D. M. FERRY * CO., ecretary Interior -------- ... .... of ------------- Hoke Smith - - - - - *...................... he was »topping happened to have Detroit, Mich. •‘Ah! Indeed,” said she, I did not of wedded existence to which I re •scretary of War . Daniel 8. Lainout -•scretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert fer it ’ s the turning of the one to- In union there »ecretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton expect an answer. Attorney General . .. Richard S, Olney i* strength, arid our temperate vir Fvetinaeter General .......... Wil»on S Bissell I CONTINU RD ON EDITORIAL PAGE. UTATB—OREGON : ♦oil* hunband* all combine to keep j J. n Dolph S tor» Burns-Canyon Stage Line, I J. H.Mitchell. from their much abused wives, in —Janie* Anderson and wife viei-1 | Binger Hermann formation that reflect* somewhat on •sag res* men I W. R. Ellis ted his Uncle and Aunt Mr and > I. JtwiTT, P roprietor . •orernor D.Syl vester Pennoyer their immaculate characters.” and ¡ecretary of State R Geo. W. McBrlde M rs. Charles Anderson of this place. • Treasurer r. „ R Phil. Metschan. Sophie laughed loud and Ion« »upt. Publie Instruction R . .. J. B. McElroy Arrives and Depart* daily, exeept Sunday. la*t week tate Printer ................ R -......... Frank Bakei “Madam,” said Jones, “yqtir in , . i R. 8. Bean. — Robert Ivers, who ha* been | Isprsas Judges .< Wm. P. Lord sinuations and immoderate laugh J F. A. Moore from home for some time, on a trip * I WT*> ter alike are lo*t on me. 1 feel my i SIXTH JUDICIAL district : to tbe railroad, returned la*t Sun •lstrict Judge D . M. D. C lifford »elf above suspicion.” ■¡strict Attorney ,n C has . F. H ydk Joint Representative (R) A W. Cowan Another peal of laughter from day. leiut Senator .......... (D).H knby B lackman W. W. Johnson Proprietor. Sophie, that laid in the shade all —The republican state platform COUNTY—HARN KT: efforts in that line of Geo. 8. Ma— |of California faVors woman suffrage, • eunty jjdge „.............. (D)v v... W m . M illrk •Isrk ‘ P. L. 8hideJer 1 Daddy B. or one of the Dr’s, free coinage of silver and the en ..(D)... reasurer ......... (R) .. ....... I. S. Geer { urveyor J H. Neal sneezes (R) Jone’« anger was equal, forcement of such law* as will ab A. Gittinga (R) < herid ....... (D).j. 8. W. Miller if not greater than the man’s who solutely and efiectually prohibit the Assessor .N bwkll lehjol Superintendent "(K)'” .C has David Cary was fined the other dav. Sophie immigration of all foreign laborers •tack Inspector W m . A ltnow was in ecstacie* both »killed and unskilled intothi* »otamissionsrs fD) | R. 8 its * “Mrs. Jones,” said Nebby “this country. The California lepublic- harnky u. s. land orricB: has gone qiute far enough, there is an* in Oregon would be called J B H cntinoton W il T er ...... H arbison K kllby an end to all things,—” •I’ennuyer populist*. “Some are round,” interrupted H untington . Oreg , Jan. 26. ’94. W. W. Johnson. Sophie, “for instance, “the world or SOCIETIES. The “Oregon Commercial Co.,” I a ring.” •YLVA REBEKAH Decree No. 43. have this day l»ought the entire Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. I -—this faice,” went on Jones, “is busines* of the “Oregon Construc Alice E. King. N.O. | now completed marriage is proven, tion Ce.” of thi* place including X May Worthington. Rec. Sec'y at least, with us to be a failure. Money*, Account*, Bill* Receivable, A. 0. U. W. Rura» I .od ge, No 47 I You can consult—ye*, Mr. B 1 Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, *•»1» every 2d and 4th Tbuiadaya. I believe he gets the heft of such W R. «radon, M. W Farming Implement*, Warehouse As old m SIMMONS the hills” and PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY never excell W. C. BYRD & SON. ed. “Tried and proven” P ublishers and P roprietors . > REGULATOR is the verdict o f millions. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Simmons Ous Year ......................... Liver Regu- |ix Mouth» .............................................. LOO Three Mouth»...................................................75 lator is the HERALD CLUB LIST: /</? T/P only Liver gerald auil Harper’s Magazine.............. 5,00 JLJCLLCI anj Kidney Eeraki and Harper’s Weekly ................ 6.20 erald and Harper’s Bazar...................... 5.20 medicine to which you «raid and Harper’s Young People 3.75 ■erald and Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 can pin your each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cent»: faith for a W cents extra per volume, postage. cure, A •»“Copies of all the above work» can be ex gained at leisure in the Reading Room. mild laxa- tive, a n d •»-Publishers of periodicals are solicited -tendclubbing rate», a copy of their work for purely veg- ■ar Free Beading Room—We file and bind the e table, act- fetter at close of every half volume, end r>«v <. i »•pies bv advertisement. ing directly I on the Liver ADVERTISING RATES: ITACI ' 1 wk j 2 wk j 1 mo J 3 mo J 6 mo and Kid '»11 00 '»15.00 neys. Try it. »ft ’ M) » 2 50 »5.00 »1 50 1 Inch 1H 00 4 00 6 50 12 03 28.00 3 no t Sold by all 24 00 40 00 3 50 5 00 « 00 15 00 3 32 00 50 00 4 50 tí 00 10 DO 20 00 4 Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder u col. 6 00 9 00 15.00 2H.00 4ft 00 54 00 £ 80 00 120 00 12 00 ltí 00 28 00 4ft 00 tw be taken dry or made intoa tea. eo.oo 110 00 Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Than I-’ ,r Pills 44 «• FERRY’S SEEDS Wines Beer The Liquors Best Brands Cigars New Billiard Table see me The Improved J W Sayer, Rec'd case*—” “Ye.” said Sophie, “and you he both can have the heft of ! fi»ot if I think you deserve it. i jt’j awful funny. Man born and Real Estate. And assumed all and debt* and liabilities of «aid “Oregon my Construction Co.,” and have Incor But porated with 150,000. Capital f . of a ■tock fully paid in. The officer* Meeti a* ---- — -- - i IV Fellow» Hall, every Saturda), I t r Aava and then he 7»»® p Bl, i •°F “. w . y . King n . o . woman i* of few day* and men ne are- W . C. B)rd,becy. W generally go»* up in a fiixle. Poli R. M. S teel , President. HA SMET FO8T NO. 48, O. A. R. tics and studying how to deceive J. H. A itkin , Vice Pre*. ■ •nTh*Jre.rLjl,t •“d 3,1 W*dne»d»v of each hi* wife and make her believe him "72»!.. I4 Hall. All Couirad. G eo . A. S teel . Secy. loe» itandingiavited. to he perfection. Jone* I tell you, Oregon Commercial 0®., per J. you are a g«»o*e, and awfully weak H. Aitkin, mgr. Ü. *. MAIL*. i in tbe upper *torv ” 1504-VALI : “I have lived fifty year* ” *aid I trfvesand departs daily, Nehhy, “and never l»een kicked by Dr. Price’» Cream Baking Powder 15WI-CANvail city : ••••< Departs daily, exevpt *«ndey World's Pair Hlflmt Medal and blptoas. a mule, and now to be called a M » urwosia HONOR i.odKe, No. » ■••tssvsryM »nd 4th Monday. — harnbt lodge , no . 77. i. o <» 4’ X>. --I Ò_____ _ . j . b WW *• Queen City Incubator, Cannot be overheated and ha* no equal, ■5 'W ' First Premium Seattle Wash., Fir*t Premium Loo Angel** Cal Bend fur illustrated catalogue of Thorough bred Poultry Egg* for hatching, Poultry 8upplie*. English Setter*, Iri*h Setter«, Fol Terriers, Skye Terrier* and Pug*. Our stock ha* won S3 premium* in the last three season«. Mention this paper Caldwell A Larkin«, 1510 Front 8t. Seattle, Wash