THE TOLEDO BLADE. Hangers Magazine- Don’t Lose a few day», and you will be startled at I.,- unex peeled siiccess that will reward ' our > Horta. W< »«¡lively have the beat bu*iue*a lo <>B< r an ngei.t xh-it caii be found uu the lucí of U. h earth. If 15.00 rotit-, ii 4$ I H OO worlil of In.allies* i Being - u-dv u»d áuoiorably I...... . b Slid paid .' hundreds of men, woiucu, bo s, ai. i girls in our errffcloy. You can make uiouey fam . at work for n> Ilian iou have anv idea of. Tin I »•iiie-.a la so ea*v tiili-urn, an I inatructiou* aoaii .pic and plait Unit all «’iccced from the »tart Tlios.- who tak- hold -if th» bu--ine«5 reap the ad-aotage that arlwea from the sound reputation of one of the i oldest, moat »nci-esiful, and larp.-t publishing houses in .America. Secure for vonr-i If the profits that the business so readily and hand-omelv yields, j All beginners succeed grandly, and more than I realize their greatest expectation». Those wno t<y ft find exaotly as we tell them. There is plenty I of room for a few more worker», and we urge 1 them to begin at once. If yon are already em ploved. but have a few spare moments, and wish Io use them to advantage, then write us at once (for this is your grand opportunity), and receive .*ull particulars by return mail. Address, THUE CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Mf In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United States Harper’» Magazine for 1H93 will centlnue ’ to G maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence lhe Toledo Blape has puhliihed in which hits ch racterized it from the beginning Among the notable feature» of the vr»r there one volume, cloth bound, all of th« will be new novel» by A Conan Doyle, Con written stance Fenimore Wuolaon. Black “Nashy Letters - - - »» # * iviru by ov • ___ . and William ..«.UIU UKSVA —_ — ” ever D. M. Ferry i Co. 1 Mh«>rt stories will b* contributed by the most ! the late D. R. Locke, omitting per Detroit, nopular writer» of the day, including Mary E. . , . i .. r» rx/«' Mich. Wilkins Richasd Harding Marvaret | haiw a tow muinnA»«.- -- ----- r, l>avis, uiaiK*rVl —-------- Matthew», ------------ and -J many othem. haps a few unimportant letters on Deland. Brauner The Illustrated descript ve papers will embrace ariicles by Juli»!. Ralph on new Southern and local or fogotten topics. Only a few W estern subjects; by Theodore Child on India; by l’ouitney Bigel -w oti Russia and Germany; of these letters were ever published by Richard Marling Davison a London Season: Everybody has read by Colonel T. A. Dudgeon Eastern Riders; etc. in book form. Edwin A. Abbe ’s illustrationsof Shakespeare’» Comedies w ill be continued Literary articles some of them .but who has read wiil be contributed by Charles Eliot Norton, Mrs. .lames T. Fields, William Dean Howells, all of them? The book contains IS A THE DISABILITY BILL Brander Matthews, and others. over 500 large pages, aud all th« LAW. j HARPER’S PERIO i MCS war are Nashy Letters written during a Soldiers disabled since the Entitled period of twenty-five years; also a Per Year: Dependent widows and Parents now de HARPER'S MAGAZINE pendent whose sons died from the efieers of . <4.0» portrait of D. R. Locke from his arc.iy service are included If you wish HARPER'S WEEKLY . . 4.01 It would sell al bazar .......................... .. l.Oi last photograph. vour- •aim speedily and successfully prose- HARPER’S.............. HARPER ’ S YOUNG PEOPLE uted, i.ddre-- ‘ .JAMES TAN NEK, 2.04 one dollar or more, but will never Postage Free to all Subscribers in th« I ate Commissioner of Pensions, United States, Canada, or Mexico. WASHINGTON,D (:- be placed or« sale. One hundred i thousand copies are now being The volumes of the Magazine begin with I the Numbers for June and December o’ j printed and bound, and one copy I eac li year. When no time is specified, sut scriptlons will begin with the Number cur will be sent postpaid by mail fre« > rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine fot to every person who this winter re, three bacg, in neat cloth binding will mits one dollar for the Weekly PERSONAL AND PROMPT lie .-.ent years by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 Blade one year. Everybody invited ATTENTION (JIVEN TO PAT per volume. Cl»,th ('uses, for binding 50 to send for a specimen copy of the ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should ne made by Postoftiei Weeklv Blade, which will gives MAUKS, etc. Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o ! fuff description of •>» the book “The NO FEE U?»LE S PATENT loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Nev f N’atby Letters.” IS SECU R EI ). ( OR R ESI’ON D- York. T he T oledo W eekly B lade ii ENCE SOLICITED. the best and most popular weekly W Han’s . I newspaper published in this coun STÛDDART à CO., try. It has the largest circulation 613 ¿2 Giù 7th Stroot, II. V7. I L L T S T R A T E D. of ar.yweekly newspaper, and goei [Oppo i r I I’.tieni Otllce.] Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged as s’and V. _-V -' I. I ON. I». C. ingfirs among illustrated weekly periodical» to every Stat, Territoy and nearly I in America. It occupies a plat e between tha •-very county of the Union. Only ! f the hurried daily paper and that of the les» •ne dollar a year, including th» iineli monthly magazine, it includes hot I i era’ure and news, and presents with equa above metioned hook free- Send . rce and fe citv the real event» of curren bistort am'the imaginative themes of fiction to T he B lade , T oledo , O hio , ' u> account of its very ceniplete series of illus nations of lie World’s l-'air, it will be not null for a free specimen copy of the pa lie nest guide to the great Exposition, but ala. per. Send the addresses of your l es stive ir. Everv public event of genera RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 its terest will bofully illustrated in its pages friends also. FOR TH; FRIS: OF UNE, —— • ■ Our Premiums FOll THIS YEAR. ------ ------------ —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- - THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! ----- UK----- ■1HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning; Call! PKICE •«.<» > Pt It YEAR. ----- ------------ SAN FRANCISCO ' WEEKLY(ALL 7 b a Itand-onte elght- page paper. It is issued every Thursday, ami contains all of the important news of the weak, gleaned from every quar ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication, It fur. iiiahes the latest and most reliable financial new« und market quotations, a- d gives special attention tn horticui- tural and agricultural news, and is in every rest ect a first, jlass family paper, app--ni g Co the interest of every Ul--ml>er of the household. l HE MODERATE FEE.J. I • n t «luvt ntorw wjthouf - PRESS CLAIMS CO., J sj HN WEOO'.R3URN, Mauaglng Attorney, W ashington . I).C. n;|ry |g maniifred by a comb.nation of o«t Inrinentitil newspapers Ip the t rxprt m » purpose of protect- .Miri iiM rs against unscrupulous P i « ¡it Agents, and each paper rUs«’uient vouches for the rcsponsi. hi, .isuuaiugof the Pre •<Haluu Uouipuuy. The .nee»»« of P -i Great rough Curo fs « it lu- it a parallel :o t 'e u. • . or y if ni«'<licine. All druggists i '• i ■. ft i * »t il it on a pox Itive guar < t ■ *. ' ;i ,-. n. » ni livre recai» Succerrlilllv ■■net. T ,.<(■ It may become known, the Proprietoi ■! &■> f ornions ex- pense, aie placing n S. note I'.otll? I-'rea into every home in the I n> ed t::t ml Canada. 1 f you liave a <’'High. S -i- Tliro.'.or Bron chitis, ti-t-; it. for it will eure you. If your child has the Croup, or Who.-- ingt'ough, use it promntlv, and relict'la sure. If you dread Hint insidious disease t'oiisiimption, use it. Ask yo-ir Druggist for SIfILOH'S CURE, Price 10 eta.. NO ets. andll.OO. lfyour Lunga are acre or Hack lamo, u*e Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. Fo.-sale by alt Drug gists uud Dealera. S FENCING nil E MOHN 1 Mi CALI, SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION (SF.VKN IsSUBH A >VB«K) is a live im trot out ui daily. It is the MOST REL1 \- Bl.E. aud is lecogniged as b-'tntr the LEADING M.WS- PAPER of the I’aetfie C'-nst. NETTING. I Either of the above i aper* w«- will send po-tu-iti as a pre- niinm on recei t of the follow, lug subscription prices (<>r the coiiibiiiatlon: The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co • KO N. Market St.. Cblcago. WEEKLY CUL 1 House, sign and carriage paint in;. Kalsoming, decorating, graining, and hard oil finishing. Cows, horses or anything suited my purpose will be taken by ms. from parties so desiring. Prices reasonable 1 believe in- the motto “to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . HARPER WEEKLY . . HARPER'S MAGAZINE ARI’ER’S BAZAR.................. AIiPER’8 YOUNG PE'iPl.E 4.01 ....4.0 x.m 2.0 Pi.tilHge icetoall totbarritiers iu the Unite' tales, i h > mi I». or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will begin witl he first Number for January of each year When riot me is mentioned, subscription» wil lerin with the Number current at time of re i < ipt of order. bound Volume* of Hnrper’s Weeklv for th ret -ears bti k, in neat cloth binding, will be sen by mail l’os'age paid, or by express, free of ex pettse (provided the freight does not exceed f i er vo'unte) for $7.03 » volume. - loth t a»es for each Volume, ■suitable fo tnding wfll he B-.-nt by mail poat-paid, on re el< i »1. Rcn.ittaneea should be made by Post OfHct V'om-v Order or lira ft,to avoid chance of loss. Addres»: HARPER A BROTHERS, New YotK AI.V i.NCK. Aud 1L1- P p , P r Lar, 7 Nr per year : AHI) IHli l;,r., , P.i.1 ÏEAP, G < 'I * I IN Its coutr.butions being from the best writer» mid artists in this country, it. will continue t< excel in literature, news, and illustrations, al o her pH., .cations of i a class HARPER’S PERIODICALS. DAILY CALL I USTRATED ILLUSTRATED. PLANT FERRY'S SEEDS this year, and rnaKe up for lost tiiua Ferry’* Seed Aimunl tor Lsid will give you many valuable hints about what to raise and howto ralfteit. It contains informa tion to be had from no othe^ source. Free to ail. i’Kiee. •!.!».» PKK Y AX, rrinir’ -i and charge Ad-lres» IL And book containing all theNas- by Letters for One Dollar. FOUR FUTURE 'J i Scientific American Agency for ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, Hap’ Baza 3 CAVEAT8 Juúori trade marks , design patents , _ , , „ COPYRIGHTS, etc. *in •n<^ Handbook write to Mt nn A co.. «i U koahway . Nrw Yomr. Qlilnet l-uri-.iu for ecurlng pitientn In Ameilca. Kv.-rv |«<- it taken mil by un 1» brought l-eforo Ui» publlu i-y »notice given flee ot eh ary e In the Scientific ^mrfiiitn ATTAdtVAfNTv,; pr£Ctl^scfÌ,f7? 2 St .,W3t’PW0W|î If- IN YOUIl OWN HAND. fW ScWlQG MQ W P:i’nf-*r a«Fume- to tell wl at the line* in your hand indicare. It will an. ;*c you, if noi hing more. FOR SALE BY °*““-«*- Tiie above uiagnrn »«lnio«r explain* it^vit. The loH^m of the L’Nii OU LIKE indicate* pn>lMible Lar»reet rtmitatlon of any aelentilta paper In tho NEW HOMI- DEWING MA «..«• to which yon will live. Each IHtACELET world, bplrnthdlv lllimtraUhl. N«» IntolligoiU ei <■> v.-ii thirty yenrs. Welnnoketi LINE uF coin ahoutd bo without it. Work I v. SM.00 a HINE CO. 72Ó Market St., t1E\l» denn os braiii powtr : cl« ar LINE OF faari H month« Aitdn'p-« Ml’N\ A <’O. EollTl’XE f.i«ne or rl' ln«* Both combined mean Pi uni iBMa Ml BroMwaj, New ' rk Cltj. aiefic San Francisco, ('al «nerv* ’* in :i:v; but yon mn-t kvvp n with modern Departnu nt idea’» to win it. You \\ i i tliid p.« nty of thrte in I» - Fam jr Ma >• eo at raciHely pts» «en'- i uiit every in-m »t r of the fuinily is enter- I i V - •» d” n n .’ i/.’i .< in « tie. A (’LEAR Li I <) Il \ !»T t'c-p« ’.k!* tenderne?* a Mrdght • f ero , d » \ we I id LINE <>E HEALTH apa* X voti doctors’ bi > ; FO vih the bca.t - hints in D< » »res.‘- No < t ■» r n aguxii e p bliche* ho man- *i «ri- * to h.t- r» >t t e I omr circo . You "ill be *1151001 to ext rev'ci of I _h »pirita or d» *i»ond- rnc if von h v«’he i.IRlH E OF VE -U>uell ■narked keep up wur >¡> i* by having Bcinon ai’i . «d«» 1 Tr i. ohiainrd ««nda!ir*t Ma : «Z '■* to re oí B »n ribh g to it for IsVt (»• i for Mnckra c I crs. \■» *,-**•• i you nil r ce ve a •» ilerv of e\<ini? te work» <»f art Ì» U < P'tcir Office, •ns» !•><»*» ci.ipi» 4ov$r»NV. of ” ■ t value bea ib « the » rs pn rd ini pi' ” HL i t In io«« t nu» than those I Kx^?inchea. ’• lin a .1) i-y !” which JOHN W- ' I- -ÜÄY, • 4.m.u,i s fitter e» i ie a m<»«t a 'vai i hl tic ton. I - »•. ., ____ 1. A t ■ X I’ < baby, m-l equ 1 to the • ritrai < il painting which ! r photo, with dfurrip- eo-t < i V. an«l yon u i I h:»\. annt-azini tb^tcanrot ri55«iob* •'harviian n-n »'Ltnble . r »• i free •'f oe eqna'ed by any in the * o Id for he bean iful t-OLDIIRS. »•?. _ iwitiM ’ •» «»wnre-l cure CHILOREN. nsR'NT'. Obtain Î *rio< ’ with 4 4lM*trat<ma ant -nbj»vt matter. II at will ke p roti poete»’ on all the op cf of t’ e d:«y, ft’d all the ' I« . f rflr p ?-« • f '• « ‘5 n viMxrPt.iK, » ouuiy, or «•I*, a d iilTe t nt i’< n* of interval about the Í i»> ) uir-i r*irw T»r Ir** - r Nv ' •lure”- • • I i »i-Ht« of • • ; ’.till«’ ' -4- • 1«<^ I***.', hon^ho’d. besides turn -h»n.* Interratine* reading IL tr « Mow », a«*** <*nvik-1 <'»l«n^t • » » ^matter ho» - çrave .«nd gay. for the whole fanuiy ; » »iM .fRitv T • 05«n<U •Dtltle-1 tc u» . r • ’and whi’e T)emorc«t’a i« ’»«»t n fa-hion n ararli'«, • t *wr n*w Uw«. M ' charge for Nwt*x' it* f.k*h <>n pa : » :r » v fret, a* «I y« act* ilk it. mrei n ü lì • «MdI Auc- ««««fui free of com . all the part-r* - y n«i-l: to n* «‘mlng the year, and tn any -/c xon ch o»r x n » in yonr «iib* r pt’on it re o»»'v • ' «ï> ni d v<>•; " ill r illy g- t nvrr 5 .T A» ,.i v * A • <lr- •» A ** t! • pub. li«hrr. W, Jrnnr ^* P nior» »f It &!•’ 14l>. St., New York If vm . 3» e an acquainted wh the MarftF '»” «r d ’ora .... nropr A -arc-t,’U ' D- Il ' Nili K mean« h -•» ; a large TRI v Mil K, crnt’r»»* t"VI*tfiN O» Till MH .-«••• in* r " 10X0 «Ft'nsn DIVISION r.-.n <«'rk. V Irci» <1 ' »rn’tr The » MOI NT OP Jrt www-n ’ O” . !>-»• of S V rt KN. pm.’ M IV VI V It* , .,!■ • 1 -st ’»-r MUN n •» ■ • V OX • ♦ ' ' a- I'tir Binto f yi. Itcrr \ EXU*. love -.f fp:«™ p , i- t ; ai MKIh I KY. l.'4b <'f i.'W , Or3rv»r ke ont- o,., «■ above gv»d voU vr • In h. pa'r. ti t» ■T«' *** T kr o«i? «hire i'. - n*»v frs Fl II • -ure to U.e iaal aud O'O-t va!ual4r iw <uMiauv4. Luì » ). iMlCAOO. Ill 3T L ö VI UM A •" .-»•»^.. n LNICM •*•••-•• SQUARE. — N — V v»» ’«>KiJr0 • OSTO.,»*». «,»«.»< M l ' l Ï»«». wmovc I I AND I L L [I S T R A T E D . Harper's Bazar is a journal for the home it give» the latest informations with ...__ _ t< • regard the, and it* numerous illtistratio ■ l’mis «-signs, amt pattern sheet supplem nt a re i’ dlapei>«ib)c alike tot he home d res* eta* mid the prof« *si.nisi modtsre. No expense i» spared to make its nrtis' ic attractiveness of th« highest order. Its Lt.ght stories, amusing com edits, nod though fulessnv» satisfy all tastes mill s ln»i page is famous ns a budget of wi> and humor. In its weeklv issues everything i» ini limed wtlice is of i terest to women Th« -etin s tor lx. J will be written In Walter Hesani and f dim I.«all < hr »tine Terhune Herrick wil furnish a practi« al series, entitle ! '‘At the T i’et " i.ra.e Klug, olive Thorne MHler, anJ < iinda« c Wheeler v ill be frequent cmittibtitors The w< ik of wo nun In the I'olumb-an Expo silion will l-e full) tepresented with tniiuv i- us-, diet s. T. W. lliggins.iii in "Womei a-.d Men," will pleaxe «cultivated audience. F M, R Biggs REAL ESTATE AGENT. r r. Office at Sheriff’s Oflice, BURN’S,--------------------- Oregon GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , ............................ O regon . i Colite.ions, Land business, and Real Estate matter promptly attended to. S B M ”■ n. r-nysiuiMn oc ourgeon. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Yetr "lR ’EK’S BAZAR 4 o H »Kl-Elfs M »•; »ZINE 4 0( » K PER'S WEEKLY I o- lIARPFR’h YOUNG .......... ... 1-EOI-Í r. •> _ 0 , . . ' ... v uu __ _ in th? t’nitpi rï‘‘ , ,o 1,11 Rtltw ribera tat-« Vanada, or Mexico. Th'- vo nmcg i -he • aztr -i*giM with the firs’ umber or Jannxn of each -ear. When -< ■ time will ... h ih. is c men ¿ lotie 1. ’• -«""«ripnon Will begli begli ' ' . r<iír '""'•‘-"‘«"«H »tthetimeof receipt 1 «unti vOu-n.-» of -turpe » Bazar tor threi I yrar in n-et r-loth - Imlh-v, wlll be »ent hv mai p a age* «>r by ezpre-n. free of expena* r. v tha frelgh- -l->e» n >• ex- ee<1 oue dol ter», lume) or >7 a ohimè. !<>-h <•»»••« f .'eacn vo tm e.f-uitable for bind . vili be aantby mali po»pai-l m recelp <•! ». ■ »< h .n i lance» .houli ba ma-1e bv P.>»tOffic M. • > v <>r-ier , r D-afC lo avo 1 chance of lo». » • ■ «• H < K R * BROTHKBS Ncw.patier« ara - - t io <>p any one n->r of thè above a . ‘-•'-menu without thè . apre»« < rdai of H »«PER BROTHERS f si <%“*'■ Ul-d-t’-rnsW • I Ls 3|. • fete lb. file-. . • ltritfgistsor m-»i1. S in><-> free. ArtdnKS“ A' I K »->(*.' Box 24U>.NeW \>j.k City A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of Physi cians and Surgeons. Oflice at res.det ce in Burns. Barber Shop —Tonsorial parlor Ed Walton proprietor. All work in hi« line guaranteed to be first class. Call and see him. TON SOCIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON Pao» Everything in mv line guaranteed to be done satisfactorily. f!W“The only place in Burns you can get baths.