Tho ’Ir".” Notice. — The democrats of this county i —I. S. Geer and Co. have an ex-l —Garden seeds at C. H. Vœgt- — won the state ticket with one ex­ celh-nt selection of garden seed.from ly’s. I Everybody k nown themselves in­ WEDNESDAY JUNE 20. 1824 ception, Phil Mitcham the re- the firm of D M Ferry A Co. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy = ! publican candidate for State debted to Lee Caldwell Jr Co. will —No more politics Jorge ison The universal good dentistry done _|Tr<- surer. please come ami settle by money has put off his trip to go i«p salt by him has gained for the Dr. a BA8 the largest circulation of I or note before July 1st 1894, or mv- 1 Dr* Price’s Cream Baking Powder ¡river till the last boat goes and he lasting reputation. any newspaper in this county . accounts will be put in an attorn­ World’» Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. is to be found at the same old place —Vic Ottiuei will sell you bacon ey's hands for collection and cost — A republican newspaper savs repairing watches, clocks, sewing at 10 cents a pound, hams, shoul­ will be added ‘‘ti.i< congres* will do nothing b> machines and anv thing ttiat comes ders and sides. The bacon is well I Local News. L ee C alqwell . restrict the worthless immigration along he also takes photographs at cured. Leave your order at Geer —Mrs. William Harris has been of foieigners to tins country. Ohl *4.00 per. doz . cabinet size: Portland °’ pox here but it is much better to California where he was several on Monday evening June 4th , at and San Francisco than the points I guard against a scourge than to get months selling horses taken from 16:30 o'clock, Charles Lillard end I east of us: Our rate to Boston i« 1 rid of one. Next week circuit I here bv him. He reports the horse iMissGracie Bedell were united in $1 90. Wegetsame rates to Port- court convenes and we want all who market in that section very poot I marriage. This event attracted no land and San Francisco as does ‘ 1 Baker Citv and a lower have business here to feel safe in ¡ndeelicaimn No. 168. for the SWj il A il k I h , n g r The counting is what finally did | pared to the election last Monday. fast. The gues’.rthen partook > I one N'EJ. A 1 S|<,J. SEj SEj of section the business. The bribing and re | The laws then in force were not vi- (of the most delicious ami bountiful No 14. in Township No. 22 8 pealing were scarcely sufficient toi Range No, 32| E u*r> at )of in Riipiiort ve V.» El.WARI. 1 . OLIVRK. the Armory by 9 o’clock a. m. 1 the 4th of July. H't N;>. .<>-0 for the NJ» SW‘4 and HJi NW1, IV. —Mrs. Goodman returned sever­ July 4th prox .-ec. 'JXS. R. bl E. Meeting organized bv electing J. _ lie k'Tp. iiHiii. M the following wltneaae» to prove rd al days since from quite an extend i ___ on A. W. G owan . B. Huntington chairman and Jno. <>i !f" hh ‘¡¡[' up”" -,.• a. «•’»J Johna.iii, ’lvaii. ° I'1 lurid, viz J. C. Himinutia, -....................... b. John*« «•h. A. i.iiRAc, and Win. Jr., all of Narrows fd visit in Baker county to friends Capt/E. Roberts secretary. Oregon and relatives Inadvertently we' THOMAS JONES, Regfater. The matter of celebrating was • ! ’ neglected mentioning her return in ' favorably discussed by Messrs. Statement Organ Fund. the issue of last week, but it is not N Brown, II E Thomppon, P L too late to welcome her back home. Rec’d from Mrs. Harkey * 59.00 Shideler and others H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26. ’94. I he “Oregon Commercial Co.,” 28 00 Upon motion the chairman ap­ Awarded “ “ By id & others The republicans are jubilant have this day bought the 19 00 tllffbeat Honora —World'« Pair. pointed the following committees: •• “ Entertainment entire over the republican victory in this business of the ‘ ‘ Oregon Construc ­ *106.00 •täte. / And ‘ declare ' Finance P L Shideler, H K DIV the next presi- tion Co. ” of thin place including 'Thompson, and J C Welcome. dential election will be Cost of Organ *100 00 .........j a republic- 10 00 'General Arrangements A C Worth­ Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable. an land slide Don’t crow before i Freight 1.82 ington, Jno E Roberts, A W Gowan, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, you pass over the bridge, bovs. Interest *111.92 T D Harris. an«l Dr W L Marsden Farming Implements, Warehouse there is many a slip between cup *111.92 and lip. Programme I) L Grace, Tbos j anil Real Estate. And assumed all I *106 00 debts and liabilities of said “Oregon Jones ami Wm Miller. * 5.92 —James Buckland arrived in Balance Committee on General Arrange- ( Construction Co.,” and have Incor­ our town Saturday morning on a M. N. F egtly . I ments was instructed to meet Sun- I porated with *50,000. Capital wheel-f>arrow propelled by Joe day evening ami appoint sub com­ stock fully paid in. The officers Morris Both the gentleman are «rcretary of the F.lkbart Can-iane mittees, and committees on Finance are- r**idents of Harney 14 miles East Mid rh- Harness Mfs. < «•. <>f tlxhart, Ind., R .Vf. S teel , President. of this place. Joe was paying a infornv us that their uric«-s will in- lower and Programme to report Wednes­ I t ,or 1*M than ever. He wishes us to a-K day evening. J. 11. A itkin , Vice Pres. *aXpr made on the office of County nir readers not to purchase anythin« in G eo . A S teel , Secy. J B. IIUNTINOTON, the line ol carri«Mf ‘ *>« wagoot, bicycle* or MOST PERFECT MADE. Jodge, the loser to wheel his sue- narnesa until they have sent 4 cents in A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free J no . E R oberts , Chairman, Oregon Commercial Co., per -tamps to |>ay po't.»/<- on their 112 page J. worn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant c*i*ful competitor from Harnev to rataloffur. We advi-r the readers of this Secretary. II. Aitkin, mgr. burns on a wheel-borrow. tutper to remember bis suggestiou. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. 4 I r ■ BAKING POWDIB