í BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. Lj. The Herall _____________ was in the year 1811. At that time, “As old as too, the spring flowed freelv until Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov't Report PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY the hills’’and . BY never excell­ after the battle of New Orleans, W. C. BYRD & SON. ed. “Tried whenjt again became dry and proven” 1 The reason why Lindsay Coats P ublishers and P roprietors . } ^REGULATOR; is the verdict predicts war with such unerring o f millions. certainty is that there is a legend in SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Simmons the family that the periodic gusht 8 One Year .................................................... »2.0u Liver Regu- Six Mouths ................. 1.00 Three Month«............................. . .75 lator is the of spring are precedent to and con HERALD CLUB LIST: 0 /"fp only Li /e.- tinuous with a hostile clash of the Herald and Harper’s Magazine............. 5,00 The Squire’s fath- ¿JCiiC/ and Kidney armed nation Herald and Harper’s Weekly .............. 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar 5.20 medicine to ci is now deceased, but the Squire Herald and Harper’s Young People 3.75 which you remembers hearing him tell of the .«raid and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 saen additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cent«: can pin your spring’s action in 1811. Coupled W cents extra ver volume, postage. faith for a with that is the direct evidence of ¿^»Copies of all the above works can be ex cure, A «mined at leisure in the Reading Room ( mild laxa- his own eyes in 1860. In 1869dur Publisher« of periodical« are solicited I give them relieved him and he links saved tive, a n d ing the great rain the spring re bowel complaint. M semi clubbing rates, a copy of their work for Chamberlain ’ s Colic, Chofera and Ids life. Every family should keep jur Free Reading Room—We file and bind the purely veg- mained dry. Squire Coats is tell- latter at close of every half-volume, emi r>-v t, tuples bv advertisement. etable, act- [ing his neighbors to prepare for Diarrhoea Remedy and ltJacts lik» this remedy in their home at all ing directly any emergei ev which may arise | a charm. I earnest y ryqommend limes. No one can tell how soon it on t.he Liver ADVERTISING RATE«: ( it for children with bowel trouble» may be needed. It costs but a tritie 1 wk 1 2 wk J 1 mu J 3 mo J 6 mo a n d Kid ­ • F ÀCK I was myself taken with a sever« ind may be the means of saving I —ri Returned To McKinley neys. Try it. l inch »1.50 » 2 50 **5.u0 »8 ‘W ‘♦11 00 »15.00 •« attack of bloody flux, with cramps much suffering and perhaps the life 28.00 1 4 00 18.00 3 00 6.50 12 UJ I Sold by all 3.50 5.00 8 U0 15.00 *24.00 40 00 ' 1 44 C incinnati , O., June 9.—A spe- and pains in my stomach,one-third >f some member of the family. 4.50 their aqua, Hick man C«wr Tenn. For sale by IL M. Horton. I subscription for the relief of unrili Z V* ««up in red on wrapper. >* I ' ployed t'k'kifiMrQ ho 29th lit \I:lV miners fin on 1 the of May, which he spoke of in iKs letter of T he H erald ii kept regularly on file for re­ ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad­ traiisiiiissi.m as his “mite ” Here While In Topeka last March. E vertising Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New York. nh^Air Just w bat every is th” letter of the Relief Comni’ltee: T. Barber, a prominent newspaper iicc.li, 1 he mer- Ferrv’n >eed« Massillon, O, June 9. 1894 7 — man of La Cvgna, Kan., was taken OFFICIAL DIRECTORY bn in the loumlHtlon r on which I uih lei n built the ~ FROM OUR EXCH ANGEM William McKinley, Governor of with cholera morbus verv severer, laigeal seed biisine>.H In the world. Ferry’s Seed Annual for 1094 Ohio: Sir:—1 ?•«•«.;«•«<» <111 will find national : clerk at the hotel where column« the M.iu mnl sutwiance of $10, vour donation to the miners ulp the latest familng knowledge. Free •reiiilent .. .............................. Grover «ileveiand j^Fitas 8t«)p^mg Tiappt./pd^f • Uas stoppnig -lUppt Z h ] / . fo- 11» asking. rice President. ........ AdlaiStevenson I . ^nak-PERRY ft C'JK, ieeretary of State Walter (J. Gresham MEANS WAR. I Massillon. They emphatically re-I a bottle <>f Chan.herlnft k Detroit, Mich. * •eeretary of Treasury . . John G. Carlisle « Ieeretary of Interior ............ Hoke smith I fuse 10 accept a “ mite ” from the Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy «•cretary of War Daniel S. Lamont Ieeretary of Navy .......... Hilary A. Herbert The people of Bridgeport, Penn., hand that assisted in smit ng them. and gave him three do.es which Ieeretary of Agriculture .J. Sterling Morton Attorney General Richard 8, Olney are perturbed over what is believed Your donation was solicited be­ Fu«tiua«ter General ............ Wilson 8 Bissell cause the miners believed >ou was err to be a certain indication of war STATE—ORE«.ON : —— « t tor« | J. N. Dolph which manifested itself a few days at least in as much sympathy with | Eurns-Canyon Stage Line« A spring on the farm oi them as the ordinary everyday citi (Binger Hermanu ago. Vengressmen tW.R. Ellis I. J ewitt , P roprietor . •overuor ,. . have divested , D.Bylvester Pennoyer Samuel Coats, in Upper Merino zen, but since you •ecreiary of State . R Geo. W. McBride Treasurer yourself of your covering and vour 1 R Phil. MetBchan. Township, near the borough line, lupt. Publie Instruction R J. B. McElrov Arrives and Departs daily, except Sunday. lute Printer R............ Frank Bakei has been sending forth a copious true character stands out in glow > R. 8. Bean. flow of water after being dry ing colors, they abhor the contarui. ' for Supreme Judge« / Wm. P. Lord I ) F. A. Moore nearly 30 years. James Hetvier i nation of your charity. Your am SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: • ¡strict Judge.................... d M. D. C lifford son is the tenant of the Coats farm, bition in a political way so far aft •■strict Attorney ............. D C has . F. H yde Jo ut Representative (R) A. W. Cowan and on the spot where the spring is the miners are concerned is sure to Jeiut-Sauator ................ (D). H enry B lackman bubbling he had some wheat, as he be gratitiedh enceforth. Yours, etc.. W. W. Johnson Proprietor. COUNTY—HARN K Y : did in the rest of the field. The (Signed) •ounty ujdge ............... (D).. .. W m . M ili . sk JOHN WILHELM, Pres. 1 ;1 Í R. 8 it« was leaking. Farmer Henderson day. The Republic of the 7th re Pleasant Cloh Ron™ 2 — Ta ■ r- HARNEY U. 8. LAND OVnCt.' ■U A ran to Bridgeport and notified his porta Ohio strikers holding 'up coal J**'*,er ............................. J. B. H untington Receiver ..................... H arrison K elley [ landlord, who is Superintedent of trains and burning bridges. The the water cempanv. The latter. striking miners near Peoria attack W. W. Johnson. ! when he learned that “a big spring Little Bros.’ mines three of Little SOCIETIES. of water was flowing in the wheat Bros’ were wounded and ^ne strik­ • YLVA REBEKAH DegreeNo.43. j field,” <1 id not feel the least concern­ er killed. Riot, fire, bloodshed and Meet* every 1st «nd 3d Wednesday. Alice E. King, N.O. ed about the water company’s prop- murder are in the air. One man K May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. ’ ertv. but he did Itccome alarmed for killed near Terre Haute Ind, by the safety of the nation. Landlord miners The Govern« r of Indiana A. O. U. W. Rumi Ixidge, No 47 Meet«every 2d and 4th Thursday« Coats, who is now a Justice of the has in all probability, martial law W R. Gradua, M W J W Sayer. Rec'd Peace, caried a gun during the re- At Cripple Creek Col., two men oellion. The year before the war wen- killed on the 6th. and thirty BUKNO n IA HONOR l odge. N o . 8 began the soring flowed then as it deputies driven off. The strikers of, Meet« every 2d and 4th Monday. Un a E Young C or H. __________________ is flowing now. When the civil Cripple Creek have laid down their | i V» -«i H arney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . I war wa8 OVer it became as dry as a arms. Troops have l>een ordered I 7 Jo O4 standing Invited. Eggs for hatching, Poultry Supplie., English Setter., Irish Setter. Fo. neighbor« that there would be war, same all along the line, So much Terriers, Skye Terrier* and Pugs. and war there was. The elder for foreign immigration. Our stock has won 83 premium, in the last three sea.on., u. a. MAILS. Coats, whose Christian name was I burns — tai « : I have two little grand childern Mention this paper. Lindsay, saw the spring flow once k wives end depart« daily, Caidwell A Larkins, before, and then hia father told him who are teething this hot summer iorn «— canyon city : — 151(i Front St. Seattle, ««»ad Depart, daily, e.cept Mndey | lhal t|iere Wou|d be war. Tudt weather and are nibbled with Of every description executed with neatue«« tud despatch, at reasonable rate«. •ircular«, Poster«, Pamphlets Bill Head«, envelopes, Letter Heads, Itatements, Note lleaoB, Card«, TieKeta, Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. ;,i ,1 -in ■ ii” I In ii«-if.—«!>:<.. W. J ack - l'lK-oina, Washington. «J-EVEKY rACKAGE-C. von , FERRY’S SEEDS N ews I n G eneral The Best Brands New Billiard Table see me The Improved. ■; Queen City Incubator,