í THE TOLEDO BLADE. Hafner’s WORK FOH OS In answer to a general from all parts of the United Harper’s Magazine for 1893 will centinue to maintain the unrivalled atandard of excellence the Toledo Bl ape has publiihed in which haa ch iracterized it from the beginning Among the notable features of the year there one volume, cloth bound, all of ths will be new novela by A Conan Doyle, Con stance Fenimore Woolson. and William Black, “Nasby Letters” ever written by short stories will be contributed by the most Detroit, popular writers of the day, including Mary E. the late 1). R. Locke, omitting per Mich Wilkins. Richasd Harding Davis, Margaret Deland, Branaer Matthews, and many otheis. haps a few unimportant letters on The illustrated descriptive papers will embrace árdeles by Julian Ralph on new Southern and local or fogotten topics. Only a few W estern subjects; by Theodore Child on India; by Poultney Bigelow on Russia and Germany; of these letters were ever published by Richard Harding Davis on a London Season: I byColonelT. A. Dodge on Eastern Riders; etc. in book form. Everybody has read Edwin A. Abbe *s illustrationsof Shakespeare's Comedies will be continued. Literary articles some of them ,but who has read will be Contributed by Charles Eliot Norton, lames T. Fields, William Dean Howells, all of them? The book contains THE DISABILITY BILL IS A Mrs. Brander Matthews, and others. over 500 large pages, and all ths LAW. HARPER’S I’ERIOiHCS war are Nasby Letters written during Soldiers disabled since the Entitled Per Year: period of twenty-five years; also Dependent widows and Parents HARPER ’ S MAGAZINE ..$4.0 portrait of D. R. Locke from his pende t whose sons died from the HARPER’S WEEKLY .......... . . 4.CM army service are included. If ; HARPER ’ S It would sell at 11 AZ A It .. 4.(M last photograph. vottri'«'m speedily and successfullv prose HARPERS ¡YOUNG PEOPLE ' . 2.Of ono dollar or more, but will never uted, address ’ JAMES TANNER, Postage F *'ree __ to .......... .. . all Subscribers in tin Late CommiBBioner of Pensions, WASHINGTON, D- C. i United Slates, Canada, or Mexico. be placed on sale. One hundred The volumes of the Magazine begin with , thousand copies are now being the Numbers for June and December o‘ eac h year. When no time is specified, sub printed and bound, and one copy scriptions will begin with the Number cur will be sent postpaid by mail fres at» • *-** • rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine for to every person who this winter re« PERSONAL AND PROMPT three years baeg, in neat doth binding will mits one dollar for the Weekly sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT be per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 50 Blade one year. Everybody invited to send for a specimen copy of ths ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE- cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should oe made by Postoffice Weekly Blade, which will gives MAR K8, etc. Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc oi ' fuff description of the book “The NO FEE UN LE S PATENT loss. Address HARPER BROTHERS, New I Natby Letters.” 18 SECURED. CORRESPOND York. T he T oledo W eekly B lade is ENCE SOLICITED. the best and most popular weekly W Han ’ s . STODDART à CO., t newspaper published in this coun 613 & 615 7th Stroot, N. w. try. It has the largest circulation [Oppo i i. U S. Patent Office,] of anyweekly newspaper, and goes Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged n* stand D. A' lilNi.'TON. I». (J. ing fiiBt among illustrated weekly periodical« to every Stat, Territoy and nearly in America. It occupies a place between that of the hurried daily paper and that of the lens every county of the Union. Only *iinel\ monthly magazine. It includes both one dollar a year, including ths iterature and news, and presents with equal Send ’«.ree and fe'icity the real events of current above metioned book free- history and the imaginative themes of fiction posal to T he B lade . T oledo , O hio , On st count of its very complete series of illus •rations of the World's Fair, it will be not only for a free specimen copy of the pa- lu’st guide to the great Exposition, but also RIBBIT AND P0ULTR1 its he best Send the addresses of your suve' ir. Every public event of general I per. terest will be fully illustrated in its pages. | friends also. Its contributions being from the best writer« tmfi year, and make up for lost titna «•’Fry’» Seed Annuitl forlr*M wiU five you many valuable bints •bout what to raise and how to ndee it. It contains informa tion to tie had from no otbeij •ou roe. Free to all. D.M. Ferry 4 Co. FÜRTH: PRIGS OF ONE. ---- -e----- Our Premiums FOR THIS YEAS. ---- -+•---- THIS PAPER— ---- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call ! PRICE »!.!-> PKR Yi.AK. ---- OR---- '¡HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! PRICK • «.<»> Pf K YEAH. ---- JM---- Carsah. Trade-marks. Design Patents Copyrights, SAN FRANCISCO H < WEEKLY ( ALL jX/o 1» a liaiulsotll« eight* 4nd all Patent buslneu conducted for MODERATE FEES. page paper. It is issued every Thursday, and contains all of the important news of the weak, gleaned from every qu ir- ter of the globe, complete bp to date of publication. It fur. nishes the latest and most reliable financial news and turn ket quotation!, »■ d gives special attenti. n to liortleul- tural and agricultural news, and is In every respect a first. Blass family paper, append, g t<> the interest of every member of the household. . n to inventors without > PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, *!iiu iglng Attorney, W ashington , D. C. ->inr is managed by a combination ol r I o»t influential newspaper* In the t ir exprei.* purpose of prolrrl* loBcriisen against unscrupuloui . Pa ent Agents, and ••< h paper rttseuient vouches for the rcsponsl- . i , .uid lu.,u stshdlag of the Pre—‘Jamis Couipaoy. r y ■ I SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION The sneers« of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel In tin' history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell iton a pos itive guarafUc n test tliat no ot her c recan suecesHriilly stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex- pense, are pla i.ig a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a t'ongh. Sore Throat, or Bron chitin, use it, for it will cure you. If youi child has tho Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is anre. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, uae it. Ask yoir Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts., 50 cis. audit.00. Ifyonr Lung- are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. ILLUSTRATED. PLANT FRK R V’S HEFD<4 TRUE & CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me r. O. Box 4G» And book containing all the Na*, by Letters for One Dollar. U S T R A T E D a few days, aud you will be tiartled ut the unex pecu 1 siicce*« that will reward mur vtlurts W'i ^»•itively have tile best bu*iue.*s to Offer an ag< nt Uiat can be found on the fuc< ot ' ii* eartl • 15.00 protit oil »75 OU vtoi ih of uusiuess it beiug «aiily and honorably name bi ami puid ic hundred* of men, women, boy*, and girl* iu our employ. You can make money faster at work for u> than von have any idea of. The bs«ine-s i* so ea.s' to learn, an I instruction* so simple and plan, that all s iccee«! from the «fart Those who tak<“| hold of t'm limine«« reap the advantage thu: arises from t ie ioun<l reputation of one of the i oldest, most successful, and largest publishing houses In America. Secure for yourself the profits that the business soreadilv and handsomely yields. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realise their greatest expectations. Those who try It find exaotly as we tell them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge them tu begin at onoe. If you are already em ployed, but have a few spare moments, ami wish Jo use them to advantage, then write us at once ffor this is your grand opportunity), and receive Tull particulars by return mail. Address, Ini rmstlon and t'lvi, charge. Address Magazine« I Woven EElinillf WIRE itNuiNb 1 0 I HE MOKMNG CAI.I. (SgVKN Issltas A WHKKJ Is a live m> troi'odt >n ilailv. It ¡»the MOSTRELIA- 151. E. aud is recognized a* in itie the LEADING NEWS- NETTING,. PAPER of the Pacific Const. Either ot the above i »per* w, will send i>o*tl> iid as a t«re- iniiiin on rcceii t of the follow ing subscription prices for the combination; and artists in this country, it will continue to exeel in literature, news, and illustrations, all o'ber publications of 1 s class HARPER’S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: House, sign and carriage paint- mfr fgrSLND 1011 FURTHER INFORMATION Kalsorning, decorating, graining, McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co and hard oil finishing. >»O N. Market ML, Chica«®. Postage Free to all subscribers in the L'nite Cows, horses or anything suited tatcR.' snada, <,r Mexico. i The Volumes of the Weekly will begin witl I my purpose will be taken by me he first Nmniter for January «if each year I When no time is mentioned, subscriptions wil I rotn parties so desiring. edn with the Number current at time of re ' Prices reasonable I believe in ÏOITI FUTURS t celpt of o tier. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weeklv forthre« ’he motto “to live and let live.” \ears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sen’ L. B. C ulp . I by mail Postage paid, or by express, free of ex HARPER WEEKLY ............... HARPER’S MAGAZINE 4.0< ARPER’S BAZAR....................... . . .4.0 ARTER’S YOUNG PEOPLE 2.0 I I pense provided the freight does not exceed ♦' > er volume) for $7.On a volume. 1 «'loth Cases for each Volume, suitable foi inding will be sent by maii post-paid, on re eipt ,.i |l. Remittances should be made by Post Ofiict Monev Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss, kddress HARPER di BROTHERS, New Y - 11 Scientific American Acency for Hap’ Baza 3 Alcwt For Information and fre«» Hnrntbook write to »II NN X CO- .VI B uoauwav . Nxw Y oiik . Idiwt l'iiri’AU for securing pstvnt* In America, very patent taken out by U* I* brought before Uie pubUu by anolioa given tiro of «giargu lu t liu « I'cirwtific American taraeat circulation of any ectontlfio paper In the worl.L Fplemlldly lllu*lr*tiil No I u t ell I gent pieu »bo,itd I»« without It. Weekly S.I.IMI yoart »I ■*>*'» «outil» A.ldrwea MI NN A UO Vi ut.l’iikus, Stil Broadway, A'i-w V ork atjr. IF IOU eri- 1'ESTl —**. :/\TTGe>\/AtNT§! J> wsodwork » --------------------------- •¿ó |KW( Msetjirx coloi ^ gim ** * «•Hit A«O, AÄ— "■ UIOU CAltSnr atMFHIu'iG. rz UNICM SÇUARF. M a v. ss*’JJ*c“ra 111 3T KJViVMfc Su»«0».»AS* A'VSSVS GA CAIAAAWU FOR SALE BY HOME SEWING MA < O., 7‘2 d Market St., San Francise«». Cal. nictie Depart inent. V E W -1 • • \ V INrO’tVATION Al CUT erm. j Ä Í51' ,n rewiiM-. a‘ ■'’* ’ *bór »¡£¿‘* ' ' " 'i’«-r'-. i-.',,'} |< ’,*,,r' C;v t led ’’ cl- Marks <'Stained inda" Pat cu' I’.' - .in's* ,. edili te l for Mod r.i r I ,’es. Our On e is Opposite U S P 'ei'* Vtfcre i .1 « .t . ■ n> I’Gi vt Io less tine thaï Lióse TUI. 'e fn m ;ishliu'l> b *. im m i drawing r photo, with de-' tip- I ' M up «... if patentable • r iu t li * i* .r tee pot due lili paten ilow to 1U lair P, A ! I' T« I cileni» In yoi.r s’tai Adurs»». •r'.g f«»e new law.^SSJ'W odl'et (<> j, •-UI --^7” » eh., :-,. . C, A.SNOW ■ o Hoi 4H3. ______ ' M.A-U.N, T y .. feOLDlERis"“"'* , K'-vri 7' » CM í L orfm Winn# « N. PAR S '*u..oA te .'mat otile«. Wa>n*. raw ••fer». I.« I w-M* muniti •» •» ‘ ►••* U h A« I» 1 * Ms* . At MU 31 »• 'H«p»~. • « -,il Cfkt s IlWWrwU»».», M t H • j Ùùii» (Musa e ßracele^^Lf)^ THÏ ^IM£5T> ?. IS IN Y OU II OWN HAND, to tell r ’ ■■ MBiimcs ... __ «hat the lines in your hand i .re. .ite. It will a nuec you. if nothing more. j. Tu.- u.'.ue «lUgrani almost explains it-elf. The The le . ; of th,. L NE OF LIFE indicates probable m.' to w ucli you will live. Each BRACELET «ri «■* » m thirty i.-ire. We I marked LINK «'F 11. \lt d.'t, Itan power: citar LINK OF FoRl'l’NI' fame or rit hvs. B >th combined mean •u«’iv*«in lite; but you must keep nt> a nh modi rn iti- a- to win t. You «1.1 find p.i-nty of these in D t«i t's Fami.y Maga ne so «tiractively pia si t l't every member of the family is enter- I • I - i it ' • n nuif i.’.in. » ' In one. A ............ ... CLEAR 1 I! ' K HT ue-p, .iks tenderness: a straight LI U - .' i-Al i) i «ful life; the revetse if er. .1 u, mud I INF. OF HEALTH •pi * v.i doctor*' bi is; rn will the licnilli hint! lu I'.'o >re».‘* No ot .r mneszu e p bli»hes so ■ tefst tlie I on lb circi«’. You «ill b- -ct toevr, ■« of I i .plrits <ir d- *|«md- en :f ion h vs r*-e GIUDI E OF VENUS well ni» k- d keep tip ouïr -p riis l-v having Demorest's Ms- r - t. ir for ivV4 mu wil! rrt \< a »illcrv of exnnh’te work» of art of j- u \ I «’!* I. « the pujh rh nr* miun* picture. KvC. Inches. •• l\n a D .i-v !” chicli ie» aìmoat n real bah y . and equ I to the ori >»al cil pain» ing m Lieh •oat ^3*0. sn-I you ni I harr a nviiraxtne that cannot oe C'l’ii • ,1 by any in the v oUd f*»r Ita beau iful dlua’rat 'n» an i «ubject matter, t» at will ke- p rou i til t» > op’tf of t» e day. a» d all the fa • a* d ”fT»’ -'nt Item« of Interrar abolit th« bou'thod. besides fnm -hin’* Intercaline reading matter !»<>!•* erara t d car. for (be whole family ; ani a i e 0« n«*r\»at‘a i- < 'ta fashion n ara/inr, Ita f.vh on paj a * •» t «• i- ct, •• d y«»n r»'t * nb it, free of c -*(, all tae pa. t y n wi-b t*> Anting the year and iu any - re \< n ch oar ?*cnd in you*- aub-4 r rMon V • • . r. oñ’y • 00 and ron w ill A div«» •' Ir« putì. r - *- li<her W. Jenni - D*,m*'re«t. . f- Ft-' U New Ï If » ’ti * <■ nniieonsit't««! wvh the M s- <|',«i.- "rneopy A IsreeQl" D- It \ XGI I’ mean* b. « ,•«• v ; . 1 in-c TRI V N« ; i K, faner.- ' •' ■ DO I'll ’N 0F Till MH. •trn» ’ w 1«'NG SECOND DIVISION. r-v*«»n- tn • ft. • •rr»'. Or ’ v -if < ' T RN. print • r : thr M M, <; I« V ' v- t or ' ' ■ r MN M KH< I ICY, Ir* T k- i «I -e *« ntx’V«* sr«l vM • V •ai ’ to pu*«**. U.C U*l auJ u,o>t **lu*lAr s. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW NOTARY PUBLIC, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I L L U S T R A T E D . CAVIATS, TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etoJ M, R Biggs Harper’s Rnzar is a journal for the home t gives the latest informal Ions with regani t« he Fashions, am! its numerous illiistra io <■ Praia < reigns, and pattern sheet supplem nt re ii'dispersible alike t«> the home dress mas. mil the professional modiste. No expense 1« spi ed to make its iirtis’ie attractiveness of th* highest order. Its l.r.ght stories, amusing com dies, and thoughtful essnvs satisfv all tastes nnd its Iasi page is famous ns a budget of wit and humor. In its weeklv issues everything 1« In uned wliiee is of I merest to women Th« ■ei a s for is: 3 will he written by Walter Besan' and I dna l.yall. < hrstine Terhune Herrick « 1 furnish a pnu ti< al series, entitled "At th« T let" Gru'e King, «»live lhorue Miller, and caudate Wheeler will be frequent c<»ntribtitor« Thew.irkof wo nen in the Columbian Expo si’iou will be fully represented with mauy 1'1 us'r it ions. T. W. Higginson in “Womei u,«l Men." will please aeultivated autiieuce. Office at Sheriff’s Office, BURNS,---- --------- - - Oregon GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTORNEY, B urns , .. ............................... OR EDON. Land business, Collections , IIQIIU wuniuvov, and --- R®*1 Estate matter prompt!» attended to. 8 B M ^’IV.^T'îRS ’’ 0. riiybician <x ourgeon. HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Yeir T a RI’ER'S bazar M\ i .\Z1NE lltKl'IR's llU’F.IUS WFEKI.Y HARBER'S YOUNG I’Ft» hostage Free to all subac tat -s Canada, or Mexico. 4.0 4 Of I <► J 0 Tho vo times o -he ’ t if ' eglu with the tlrat timber 'or Janiisr' of each 'ear. When ni s time 1 b ncniiotie I. subscription will hegit nrhihe Number current atthetimsof receipt . i • rder I'ouud volumes or Hsrp« s Bazar tor th re« tear in neat cloth dndtng, will be sent bv mai (usage Mid* or by express, free of expense r videil the freight does n ex« eed one dol l iiirv lume) er |7 a 'ohime. i !«> li esses t !each vo’unie,suitable for bind I < . . «.-••> B»il lu’Spai 1 . n nceip <i«a< h. eml lancet shoul 1 be made hv PoetOfTice ■ « v <r- r D-aft. to svo <1 chance of loss A l ess H \KI-I R A BROTHERS New spapers are r .'t to . <>n' any one n >r It of th- above a . •-•nientt without th xp < ►* « rdei of iARPEft IKolHEK- -i * OSkEMS”giv *‘.n- <’.<! is an in; (Sarafar I ilea. i I»niirg<st«<>r mmi. Snn.««h- free. A<Mn*«“ AN tkl-Slv' Uox *4.<*, New Yuck Ulï A graduate of the Iowa State Univtrsity and College of Physi I cians and Surgeons. Office at res.det.ee in Burns. Barber Shop —Tonnorial parlor Ed Walton tiup. All work in hi» proprietor. I.’. line ’ teed to be first das«. Call guarant__ ____ ____ and aee him. TOUSORIAL PARLOR. JOHN ROBINSON Bsor Everything in my line guaranteed __ to be done satisfactorily. The only place in Burns you can get baths.