Í. % è ' «< r« r I ¡I i I » I ’ I < I » H untington Oreg., March 1, *94, ■ 'ji'.ft ? D ear S ir :—We again call on you W ednesday june «, u«'4. soliciting your business for 1894 j ---- Our Warehouse will have the same attention as formerly, all business entrusted to us. will be carefully ’ Prop HARRIS & BEDELL, looked after. Ship your goods in our care. I We continue the jobbing in Gro ­ i f ceries. etc., and will be pleased to —•'School books at the drug store quote you prices at any time. of M. M. Horton. £ We buy our goods direct and —School hooka and stationary will be pleased to divide Margins fa cheap for cash, at the Hardware with you, thus giving you goods as Mrs. M. F. lion« cheap,or cheaper, than they can be store of ..................... C. H. Voegtly. The Proprietor’s are well prepared to accommodate their custom« placed here from Portland. “ I WatTa* Wreck Charges very reaeonalde. Job Wagon in connection. —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham Your correspondence solicited t . ! With catarrh, 1 .:r; trout la and generally broken j bai her, desires a part of your pat­ Respectfully, O. C. Co., J. H »’own. Le.'oro I LuJ taken hall a bottlo ot Hood's Sarsaparilla I frit better. Now I am In' | Aitkin. ronage, at the new barber shop. I -Who .aid you oouldo’t gel a' A h¡ h.clns8 iHuhlraled ,„01„hlv food health, for all of which my thanks aro duo good flavored c.gar in low» for flee m ,ne th(. h„,„„ „ „„ , to Hood’s Sarsaparilla.” Mas. JI. F. cents? Call at lhe City Drug Store n necMÍ¡lVi ,„d D one , Clover, Iron Co., Mo. Got Hood’s PE¡S mira and inquire. meet the demands created hy this Hood’3 Piiis euro Constipation by restor- restor- U>* tlM peristaltic action of tao alimentary canal. — Builders to ils and all kinds of; nece(SKjtv, THE COSMOPOLITAN building hardware at the Burns • MAG AZI NE, giving yearly, as it hardware store, at bottom prices' does, 1536 pages of reading by the for cast. A .Marvelous Discovery Free A. J. McKinnon ablest living authors, with over I —Mrs. Racine always sets the 1200 illustrations by clever artists, Superfluous hair removed per-1 best of tah.es, everything nice and has stepped into the breech, with plentiful. Her rooms are unex­ manently, instantaneously, without I Shop opposite the Clerk’s Oflice. ceptionable, and every one of her a reduction in its price that has pain, bv Electro Chemical Fluid. | patrons kuowt she spares no pains tartled the literary world. In order to prove superiority, we An experienced Workman and sattfaction Guaranteed. to accommodate and please. The H erald , fully alive to the will for next 90 days send sample —The Saloon, in the new hotel needs of its patrons, has made >ottle and testimonials free, on re­ He solicits a share patronage of his frends. building, Richardson and Stephens special arrangements with this ceipt of nineteen cents to pay post- superb monthly, whereby it wil proprietors, is nicely furnished and ige. Electro Chemical Co., 25 East its customers is given the best receive orders for yearly subscrip 14th St. New York. j lions to both publications combined brands of liquors and cigars. . for the sum of $3.00. AN OLD AND WKLL-TKIBD R R M RD Y. — M TB. —Do you take a California I The price of the great illustrated Wind*low's .'»('thing svrup has been used for ver fifty vears by millions <>f nothin s for their paper? If not try The Weekly while teething, with perfect succcbb . Lee! Published at the Slate > monthlies in the past has heel, children t soothcB the child, soften* t te gums, allays all pain, cures wiia’k'ulh , aud is the beat rente i $3 Ot) and $4 00 a year, and thev •dv for DfarrheotX Capita). Bright, breezy, reliable, . 1« pleasant to the tante . u>id by Druggis'« every part of the whrld. * independent, literary and newsy. | were to be found only’ in the more twenty-live cent« h Jn buttle. r Proprietor Its value i« invali ., i t able. Be Bure and ask for Mrs. Windslow's . tlAifcS L5ROS. homes. Our offer fur —The Best Week y Paper in pretentious . '»oi hiiig Syrup, and take no other kind. California. Only $1.50 per year. | nishes a help to all families s, no -------- —— ■ , Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . Arrives at Ontario in 42 hours Address matter how modest their means. CONSI'.UPTIG.V i L T he B ee ; Ito keep in touch with the greatest! I A 1 old j lit-iciau.tvuivdui> a piuei»c,having huJt placed in hu baud* by no Eu.-1 imaa uosak . n- Sacramento, Cal t.ie toruiuiu ot u MUi|le vegvtauiu reu.edy ‘or Fare One way $9.00. j minds of the world, as The Cosmo- i ttry thesp-'edy and p ruium ntcurvpcCoiuunipti.n, , lirracbitis, < a:.,rib, Asibmn. aud uu l!in.n: 1.1.1 — The Red Front Saloon, i now politan has today the’ strongest j Lung Ailedn..-j 1. 1.. - .1 mid yiuiicid ci.:e >1 .d:..l \erv. i.s<'ompiuinis. «gain agun under the management regular staifof any existing period f>rNervousOebioty Through freight 3cts. a pound. i alter bavin ft' steditsv< rderftdt i.ntiM fom • > ' in tbousanlsofcne s, bn> li 1 it hi . duty to to: !.u . ot its old proprietor, Lee Caldwell, ical. Send orders to t Sn r.vn t . hi st:: ,«ctuab d 1 y this T he H erald , otivc and a de 0>l '■ h<> de<:c it. tl.i.l Burns Ore. nine, in t err > 1 1, Fr> nch or I'nclb li. with foil courteous accommodating gentle I I r | - irl-’r nod t’’ ng tit by nn.il 1 y rd ■- • 1 1 s' >"■?>. nao.b ~ th « papr r. man, dispensing the best brands ol j • z ■ i •'«’ a-... « ....cr./,. 4. —To Subscribers—The H erald • A. Nov liquors, cigars, etc. and Rural Northwest both for the Another pioposition to sub-. price of the H erald . The Rural' smbeis. Io those who will pay up! Northwest is a good newsy p.tpcr J i KENYON BROS back subscriptions and one year in devoted to the wants of the agri advance, and desiie the 1 oledo culturist. Now is the tune to pay Proprietors Blade, we will semlto their address i up your arrears’ and one year in M anufacturers r the Herald and Blade for $2.75. advance and get an additional pa OF BURNS MEAT MARKET.1 Tinware & Sk t* ron Good f - A farm on Trout creekcontuin- per in the bargain. Fresh Beef, Pork, and Mutton iug 160 acres. This ranch has ALSO DEALERSIN about 100 acres ot meadow and is ¡constantly kept on hand also all James Edwards, paints admirably situated for a first class ¡oile r meats, sausages, etc., kept in HARD- sheep, cattle oi horse ranch, being first class Meat Market. Sold Real Estate. I ife and Fire insur surrounded by tin1 very best range, OILS ance. Collections a Specialty. cheap for Cash. Give us a call. W A.^17 litle good For terms call at this oilier ur write Bvrd A- King. Real BURNS, GLA-SS, KENYON BROS. ORKOON ^TipPRynq i Estate Agenta, Burns Oregon. livery Business Locals. stable . Hood’s5^ Cures ■ I BLACKSMITH SHOP. « i I I I I A Burns - Ontario ( I I I I I Stage L * doors • O A A Wonderful Dlarovrry. I Dr Chvcini’s Electric Spavin Cure positively removes Bone Spav­ in, Ringbone, Splint or Curb in 48 hours without pain. $500 -eward failure or slightest injury. The greatest wodder of the Nineteenth Century, astonishing is it does th« •nitre veterinary »urlìi. Circulars sud testimonials free. Dr. Guy; becini, 378 Canni St. New York. i f i A good ranch belonging to II G Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 miles south east of Burns, i'lti* ranch hae about BX) acres of good mcado4 htod. Price $800 or will trade for sheep. B yrd A Kim». I ai ih ; rangeks AMMUNITION A- FISHING I’ACKLE- & WIN­ DOWS TINWARE. GRANT ware , crockery and glassware garden seeds , fab 1 k MERS’ A- MECHANICS' TOOLS * UNDERTAKING GOODS. ( all and see cur Holiday goods. 4 Ú MRS LOI IS RACINE, Prop’t. H. M. HORTON dotel hat recently been enlarge at. i entirely rev aied nt ar.-t cl a»« atyie I One scoti on of land .»boni 7 utile« Dorth uf Bnrns, fullv 160 aeree of «rhich cari l>e irrigati d and quali! » V £, O Proprietor DRT G« MT DTC txpq rTTrVTCAT,R. PATENT MEDICINES. STiTTOVFfn DT tvnvn nyFq cnnrrp PERFUMFS Table is Supplied eiththe Best the Market Affords. * F\NG5 TOTI'KT APTT ctfr . TOBACCO. CTGARS ETC. in« Liourr^ for Medical Purposes