BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. The Herald. “ As old as PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY BY W. C. BYRD Sc SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year .................................................. Six Month« ............................................. Three Month«. .. ....................................... »2.W .1.00 ••7& HERALD CLUB LIST: Herald and Harper’«: .Magazine............ Herald and Harper’s Weekly ............. Herald and Harper’s Bazar.................. Herald and Harper's Young People .. I I 5,00 5.20 5.20 3.75 Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.110 each additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: lo cents extra uer volume, postage. Publisher« of periodicals are solicited K> send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for our Free Reading Room—We file and bind the tetter at close of every half-volume, end v«v ci sopies bv advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: 1 wk j ‘2 wk 1 1 mo J 3 mo j 6 mo 1 1 1 >r, 1 nell <1 .-4) 4 2 . >0 45.00 ♦ft 00 '♦11.00 '♦1.I.OO 6.50 12 03 3.00 4.00 18.00 28.00 2 44 8.00 15.00 5.00 24.00 40 00 3.50 1 6.00 10.00 20.00 4.50 32.00 1.0.00 4 col. 44 1 0.00 1'2 00 20.00 9 00 16.00 30.00 15.00 28.00 40.00 28.00 48.00 60.00 18.00 80.00 110.00 54 00 120.00 140.00 Betta Than topics of all the above works can be ex ■ rained at leisure in the Reading Room. IF ACE the hills” and never excell ed. “Tried and proven” is the verdict o f millions. Simmons Liver Regu lator is the only Liver and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid- ne vs. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Pow ler to be taken dry or made into a tea. Pills The King nf Liver Medicines. JOB WORK Of every description executed with neatness and despatch, at reasonable ratea. Circular«, Pouters, Pamphlets Envelope«, Bill Heads, J.etter lleuda, Statement«, Note Heads, Card«, TicKets, Memoranda. I nvitatiutis. Dodger«, Etc. “I have used your siinni ms Liver ReffU- iator a ml ca 1 consvienciousl.v say it is the kin;/of11 liver medicines. I consider it a medicine ehe-'t in itself.— G eo . W. JACK- b<>N, r.u’i.'..» i, Washington. e? TZVKRY I’VCKAGr-W ha . -J'lmp In red »»n wrapper. T he H erald 1« kept regularly <nt flic for re ference, in the Geo. H. Rowell New «paper Ad vertising Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. ■CTrrm MBaJWajWMa-^-^-a.Ori W I I W M——B. - THT»»T" In» <*ï assassinat ion which occurred at] Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report A that place Sunday morning. mob of masked men went t> the < a miner house of Walter Glover, I who had refused I to strike, and called him out, telling him thev • were olTicers anti desired to see him. Glover opened the door, when a I , volley was fired. Glover was rid dled with bullets, and died instant ly: His bed, wherein s'epr several children, was also riddled, but ti e children escaped by fleeing from the house. The mob fled, closely pursued by Deputies Hickman and Massev. who wure armed with rifles. A running fight followed for half a mile. One of the murderers fell wounded, but the others lifted him | pip and the entire party escaped to He took a seat in the corner, and just then seemed to arouse the the woods. When Sheriff Morrow pulling his hat over his eves.appear engineer’s suspicions, and he kept arrived with reinforcements he ar ed to be lost in thought. Presently t close watch on him out of the rested Con Sullivan. Jerry Hillery a certain part of the machinery be corner of his eve. Pretty soon the and John Driver, three strikers, gan to sqm ak. The engineer oiled spindle began to squeak again, and who were brought here to jail. it and went about his usu il duties. slipping up behind the ventriloquist Dogs that were placed on the mur | In the ci urse of a few minutes the' the engineer squirted half a pint derers’ trail aided in locating the squeaking was heard again, and the of oil down his neck. There,’ he men who were arrested. Other ar jengineer rushed, oil cab in hand,to said T guess that spindle won't rests will follow, as ‘here were a • lubricate the same spindle. Again squeak any more.’ ” dozen or more men in the mob. | lie returned to his post, but it was i Great excitement, prevails at the only a few more minutes before the Pratt mines. The strikers -ire high •>ame spindle was squeaking louder i ly indignant over tie arresf of the than ever ‘Confound the thing! J C“^!-****7 “Whvn J -gan yotir w treaf'nent 3 "ic». o I wa*. »0 / ' meo, and held an iWWc- iGon me»-t 'A hat in ‘he d—.—matter *h»n«Uu hy aliments Yhat i cuuld not kifbrc. A fier. H iris wotk. Tne aci'On-p>tiiyij «14- z!5 Ibc 195 il* <0 II» :rc» cno h- suit of 3 pHintba* ..rat iBiisl V . S1 . ù ing.—East Oregonian. , with it?’ yelled the engineer, as he nvr ï-.* JHkaau lil.l VVai»t... 4k 4M In. «lia u dru are ail gon». N-, fYknds arelHip« .... ti ÍB. 4b in. 9 in» pr’A-ii. Will chee.-folly rtply to inquirirá wlth ilmp inctotrd. administered more oil. Something ■ lY ’LNTS TKEA1 i BY MAIL. CONFiDENTIAL •rtjlfw. ïo Starviaj. -nd f. cvnU >n »tempe fur partieui-r» t» A Firecycle. about the ventriloquist’s manner J. tíf SMDU. U1KUU 1 IMEATti. CHICAtO. U» I j OFFICIAL DIRECTORY national : »resident ................................ Grover Cleveland yIce-President. .Adlai Stevenson Secretary of state Walter y. Gresham secretary of Treasury ........... John G. Carlisle Secretary of interior . .. Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont Secretary of Navy ...........Hilary A. Herbert Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Morton Attorney General Richaru S, Olney Postmaster General .... Wilson 8 Bissell A Queer Kitty. About the latest thing is a bicycle intended for use by fire depart “Did you ever see a snake killing ments. It carries a chemical en cat? I had one once that had a reg gine and a light ax, instruments Eurns-Canyon Stage Line » ular passion for killing snakes. I that in many cases are all that are STATE—OREGON : - tors .... | J- »• Dolph was running a lumber camp in jnee^)l({ to subdue a fire if they are ............ I J. H.Mitchell. I. J EW itt , P roprietor . i Binger Hermann Florida. It was in a very sparsely • at hand in time, In some cities of Uungressmen ... . • ( W. R. Ellis Governor D.Sylvester Pennoyer settled county, plenty of marsh Europe a part of the fire depart Secretary of State Arrives and Departs daily, except Sunday. • R. Geo. W. McBride Treasurer ...»».. R ......... Phil. MetHchan. and rotten trees, and altogether an , ment is a swift horse saddled and fupt. Public Instruction R — .1 ... J. B. McElroy State Printer R........... Frank Bakei ideal retreat for snakes of all kinds ' bridled and carrying a chemical > K. S. Bean. We never did know where that cat I lupremo Judges apparatus for subduing fires, with ................ / Wm. P. Lord ’ F. A. Moore come from. It strolled into camp an ax attached, and an expert rider SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: 4» »iatrict Judge D .. . M. D. C lifford one day, although there was not a ready to spring on the horse’s ba.:k District Attorney ............ D C has . F. H yde The the moment the alarm is sounded joint Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan house within 10 miles of it. Joint senator -(D). .H enry B lackman next dav we found it engaged in and ride swiftly to the scene of the COUNTY—HARNEY : mortal combat with a rattlesnake. I fire. He can reach it some min-j Sounty ujdge ................. (D) W m . M illkk ;'erk (D).. p. L. Shideler The snake did not last very long. I utes or seconds before the heavy, Treasurer ........................ (K) - S. - Geer ’ ’ "j. lurveyor } ai J. II. Neal After that the cat would kill every lumbering engine can reach there, • herili (R) A. Gittings Assessor ,(D' It would begin by and often this saving of time is of S. W. Miller snake it found. School superintendent . <K) C has .N KWELL •took Inspector Cannot be overheated and has no equal. . David Cary patting them softly with its paws, the greatest value, and the rider’s perhaps scratching the skin just a H» t W m . A ltnow services are all that is necessary in First Commissioners Premium Seattle Wash., First Premium Los Angeles Cal. /R' Í h. Sitz trifle. Its purpose seemed to be to cheeking what might otherwise fie HARNEY U. 8. s. LAND OFFICE: irritate the snake to the striking come a disastrous conflagration. Send for illustrated catalogue of Thorough bred Poultry RecX*« J- B- H untington R<( cl ' er ..H arrison K elley point. When it rose to strike the This feature of the Fire Depart Eggs for hatching, Poultry Supplies, English Setters, Irish Setter», Fox t cat would jump around it. and nip ment is one of the means by which Terriers, Skye Terriers and Puga. it in the back before the snake could so many fires in Euroue are con Our stock has won 83 premiums in the last three season». SOCIETIES. | turn its head. It would yank the fined to the room or building in Mention this paper. Caldwell & Larkins, Si I. Y a REBEKAH Degree No. .3. 'snake by he tial, and ke p on which they start. Meet« every 1st and 3d Wednesday. 1510 Front St. Seattle, Alice E. King, N.G. nipping it until its back was broken A bicycle has advantages over a E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. Wash. in several places. Then the cat horse for this kind of service, as it A. O. U. W. Burna Lodge, No 47 would drag the dead snake to camp can travel as swiftly, is more easily *een every 2d and 4th Thursday« with great pride, and would purr handled at the scene of fire, requires W . R. Gradon, M. W J. W Sayer, Rec’d and sing in great shape. » hat cat but little care and no food, and ’8 kept the camp itself clear of snakes. especially adapted to small towns “' KNO n IA HONOR Lodge, No. H «et»everv 2d and 4th Monday. Before that time we were almost and suburban districts. - Mr« A E Young C OF H. afraid to go to sleep for them. . H arney lodge , no . 77, 1. o o f W. W. Johnson Proprietor. When we broke camp I tried to i The Squeak. b«0b m* O<1<1 F’llow. Hall,every Saturday, W.Y. King N.G. bring the cat away with me, but iti — W. C. Byrd, Secy. would not follow. It stayed in its “During a trip down the river ir. w ». HAR!*KY POHT no - *>- O. A. R native woods, preferring hunting a steamboat a few years ago,” said » ) ■ Wines Liquor Cigars ®" i-W’.'',?, •t1'1 3i1 Wednesday of each Etc '•« ro.,d ^,l"»« Hall. AU Contrada snakes to a civilized life.”—Ex H. G Wareham. of Memphis, at «'»ndinginvlted. the Laclede last evening, “I was The Best Brands New Billiard Table Murdered By Masked Men greatly amused at a joke perpetra- ü. s. mails . I ted bv a ventriloquiat who happened Pleasant Clnh Rnnm cûiuü l BURN«—VALE : B irmingham , Ala , May 25—The to be on board. The man had made '»rivesand depart* daily, striking miners at the Pratt mines friend with the engineer, and was S68 IH8 *rrí».... ’I*"’— canyon city : '«B’i Depart« iaily, except Sunday are held reepunsilde for a cowardly permited to enter the engio room. ' The Improved Ï ueen City Incubator, Tbcû’n Turas W. W. Johnson ? .¿