1894 I U U V1/ a few days, and you will be »t.irtled at the iiip a ■ecu-1 succe»» that will rew ml iour < rtort» W< positively have the be»i bu-im ■» to oth r an agent Chat can be found on tin ot rhi- n.rm • 15 (»0 prolit >n 8.3 OO um lii ill Liikiui ‘ ■ is beiug easily uud Uouorabl; e b and paid >c hundred* of men, women, I -> and girls in nur employ. You can make niouej faster at work for us 'hail iou have any idea of. 1 lie badne-s is eo •asy to learn, ail I inttruction. *o simple ami plain, that a - d : i »tart T hose who take hold of t ie buviue«* reap ti •• advantage H at arl.e< from t te sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and largest publishing hoiin hi America. for vonr«elf the profits that the business to readih’ nnd tiandwimeh ilelds. All beginners succeed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectations. Those wno try ft find exactly as we tell tlietn. There ¡«plenty of* room for a few more workers, and urge them to begin at once. If you are already em tloved, but liave a few spare moments, and wish > use them to advantage, then write us at once for this is your grand opportunity), and receive .Aill particulars by return mail. Address, TRCE & CO-, Box No. 400, Augusta, Me Don’t Lose Heart ÿ Journals L Our Premiums FO.i THIS YEAR. ----- -H~------ THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- , ‘ Weekly Cali i » PKICK »l.a.y I’l 14 V. AH, ----- OR----- ¡HE SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning Call! PKK I «Hi t» > 1*1 K YEAH. TP>HE - ’- 3 Oes ;■! Pater’j Cppyrighti, SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY ( ALL I-< a liaml'tiim’ eiglit- page paper. It is K-mctl every Thurstla», »"<1 c<»n«nins »11 of Ute inip>>rt»nt news <■« the week, gleaned from everv qu tr­ ier of tlm globe, eoiiipb te up to date of publication, It flir­ liishes tile latest and most reliable fiimncial nrwt >md market qnotatluns, n il gives special attenti ti tr> hnrticii!- tural »nd agru-ultursl new», »nd is in every re'i ect a tirs1. •lass family iiaper, app"i i totlie inteiest of every Ulen.I. ;.| tile houseimld. fl *■ i ! . •! ’ bi>inuM' conducted for ' •V*ODTRATE FEES. • ■ In\ • ntorn without C *F' F CLAIMS CO., SS ». j M.N WEDOZRBURN, Mnn g!ng Attorney, W KSÀI! I MITOX. I). C. nmnav»-l by a combination of Imluentnd newapapera In the ■» purpo e of protret« ri’MT*» ugidnst un.s« rupuloui »t .. . and ea«ii paper .1 nt v<> .< irpforthc rcspoatl« .1. . <4 ihr ¡ 0 1 * iiuiiiuLompuuy. j Î SHILOH ’S CONSUMPTION The anrc*«i* of this (irc-ir. Cough Cure fa without a parabt I in th • b dmy of medicine. AHdmggist ’Hb'-ii o i" «ell ¡ton a pm- Jtivv guiirn”* • *' ttb ti» othrre 1. can suc'cesroull.v siand. _t ni.iy become known, tho Ptcpri "torn it hi i »orinous ex­ pen - arc pin ’ f . • S-|i nt ’ii'ttle Free into eve.y home in tb I’nit’ 1 » ht .»nd Ounnda. ] f von hu\e u •’em*'h, > I’hr«» it, er Bron* c'hit ¡g, usq it. f»»r it. v.il» . nr»» xou. If your child hug the < roup, or Whoo »ug <'»»ugh, use it promotIv. and relief i-i »: re. If you dread that in-’ lii'ie • use < sumption, use it. As\- y»»-*r • . K s 1 s<; <’ A I (SEV«N l»HIJiC» A V.'KKKJ Si A Is a live In. trm ii tt I I daily. It IS toe MOS 1 RKLl I BI.E, »nd is lecnixtiiz.,. i NETTING. in nig the LEADING NEW BARER . I tile i'»eitio C' , E thci of the Hbove 1 tip» r- w will send po-tu id as a p miom mi reel. t of the folio ing subscription priee.s f .t the Its eoutr billions being from the best writer, and arlis's in ibis eountr.», it will continue i< excel in literature, news, and ill list rations, ai o her piiinieatioiis of i s class HARPER’S PERIODICALS. PER year : coiiibiniii Ion : Di I SEN» FOR FUBTHFR IN FORMA 110? The Mullen Woven Wire Fence Co ntn' »SO N. Market St.. Chieu»». ?.. YEAH, AHI) t lima Harper's Magizine Magazine for 1893 will continue to i Ferry’s« ••ecd Annuiil tori-' I n«;>Mh«kwi>u*r«> Bolne of them .but who has rsa Charles Eliot Norton, all of them? The book contains Mr-, lames T. Fields. William Dean Rowells. THE DISABILITY BILL IS A Brunder Matthews, and others. over 500 large pages, and all the LA W HARPER’S PERlOiUCS Nasby Letter.- written during a Soldiers disabled since the war are period of twenty-five years; also a I Per Year: Entitled Dei indent -------- widows )\\ s and ¡tliu Parents I invita» now ........ de portrait of D. R. Locke from hia HARPER ’ S MAGAZINE.................... *4.01 ’ . • -<>, ops died from the • efleers o of I pende t . who-e i-dLd .”........ ;L 4.«* ar a e in included If' you wi-lt wi-li • HARPER'S WEEKLY ‘ 'rvice rvice ire ltuieil If last photograph. It would sell *t ............................... 1.« youri a i h speedily pt and I succe.ssfuil.' Micce."fu l' prose ! HARPER'S BAZAR HARPERS YOUNG PEOPLE .. 2.0« one dollar or more, but will never tit. .i, address tddress ' ‘ .lAMESTANNER, JAMESTANNER, Postage Free to ....... all Subscribers in iln I f'.imn issioner of Pensions. lie placed on sale. One hundred United States, Canada, or Mexico. W A.-H lN<.TON, D »'• thousand copies are now being The voltimes of the Magazine begin will lie Numbers for June and December o [ printed and hound, and one copy ear h year. When no time is specified, sul < options will begin with the Number cur­ will be sent postpaid by mail fret» rent at time of receipt of order. io everv person who this winter re­ Bound volumes ot Harper's Magazine fot for the Weekly 1 I ree years liacK, in neat cloth binding will mits one dollar PERSONAL AND PROMPT . ai- vent by mail, post-paid,on receipt of $:■ Blade one year. Everybody invited ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT­ I per vi.u me. Clnth Cases, for binding 51 to send for a specimen copy of the I cents eat li—by mail, post-paid. ENTS, CAVEATS, TRADE Weekly Blade, which will gives Remittances should be made by Postottici Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chime o Ai . ! KS, etc. fuff description of the book “The I NO ¡ EE IJNLE S PATENT I O'S. Natby Letters.” Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Nev IS S ECU R E i >. CORR ESPOND- York. T he T oledo W eekly B lade i» ENCE S »LICiTED. the best and most popular weekly i newspaper published in this coun­ bi ÜÛDART à CO., try. It has the largest circulation /th Stroot, IJ. W. if anyweekly newspaper, and goes Patent Gill .'.] to every Stat, Terntoy and nearly Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged >’.a stand ing tirs among illustrated weekly periodical) •very county of the Union. Only in tnieriia. It occupies a plaie between th» .f the hurried daily paper and that of the lest me dollar a year, including the iniei. monthly magazine, it includes b ti tbove metioned book free- Send ilera lire and news, and presents with equa . r. e and felicity the real events of < urren postil to T he B lade , T oledo , O hio , historv and the imaginative themes of fietioi >r. aeeomit of its very complete series of illns for a free specimen copy of the pa- I nations of tn» World's Fair, it will benoti.nl Send the addressee of your he cst gut .etotheg-ea Exposition, but als I per. ea stive ir. Every public event of genera | friends also. RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 its interest will befall) illustrated in its pages FJfiTH' FRIG: OF ON:. | Hanoe p ’ s Magazine. I I YOUR FUTURE IIAll?i:iJ WEEKLY II ARTEK’S MAGAZINE 4.0* 1.0 ARPEK’S YOUNG PF ‘I’l l- 2.0 1 PoHtuge Free to all aitbacribera in the Unite 1 ai<-a. < Ht B \ z a K................. Scientific American Agency for T/ House, sign and carriage paint- . "g; Kalsoming, decorating, graining, tnd hard oil finishing. Cows, horses or an t thing suited my purpose will be taken by me from parties so desiring. Prices reasonable 1 believe in he motto “to live ami !• t live.” L. B. C ulp . Hap’ Baza I L L U S T R A T E D . 3 AL-J/t CAVEATS, trade marks , DLSICN PATENTS CUPYHICHTS, eU For mf rm«tb'-i nnd free II ie,!t.. . k wrttoto Ml » • • , ■ l Bln» \' v ' i Naw YOU*« OLt » ii, 11 for securing j Jri.t.« in Ater. ■ ■ i. V \» 1 !.•’» out by V’ is» l»r«»iik!h* 1.« i »10 (he pi. u i.v’. 1 ’o ¿.iveti i ■.< 1 • 1'iuipc .u t Im I A". 1 » * i-iivCt’KEI' » ou ECLDITRS, CHRDRfN, WUO" »4 -, r»FUNTr. • • >. t r sv ' . r« I s rr,ui.ir Xrc > r N » »turf Fv •. ’r ,.. i-<." Ke I is i-j, *» • Ir Mv. », m » w .•n’U' O I î __ _________ » »iwl.ltv TlwwV'.u rnttt|(.*■ iw < ■ ovtioi ir • • ..!• m< nf I ti;< e«i»rr IW—1 4J ia t . !• c( >' m » i 4 y i" letd Hif*.. Bl * t> « via voNFioes wsGDwe.RK Î" IN YOUll OWN HAND. rt-ipi’m«*' to tell w I at the line* in your .f. It will a n you. if nothing mote, above iaenrn - mo*t explain* itself. The • the I, N ■’ Ob’ LIEE indicate- probable to wiuvh you w II Lve. Euch BRACELET • v î - y \firM. Wi 1 ib.-itk»" I j NK ' ■-» rain po*tr : char LINK of IT’XE t ’ • or ri- I . - R th combined mean -- ir. 1 »••, b'it yon mu-t k cep n.’ w ith modtrn • to win t. You '»i î rtih. p • nty of ibcao in - E.un. v M «0 attract vely pte- i » h • very in ri » r of the family ii enter- • ■ n in « • < i. » ne A CLE \R \l. V !>c-p ;n s (undvrnec*: a nindght 1 .,< «00. r:>- n .'O h ôÇUASt. t< tv'STOM.MASl «î, «NT4 C t FOR SALS. BY »»"»«uro ¿M CALl.AS.Tl*- I I arre it circular I. 11 of nnv -p nttflu paper In the world. ^1 iun.| v tl’rued >o h t-’l. .1H IHHH phfii.4 t-u > ihoui H. Wee’ 'v, a jiiirt fLN'r'i iWi'tiC •» A./'n - m V \’ X a (\j ’»I 111 ! Ill IK dt> I eft- • or • at ! e ir • ' • *t (Lli’lM lONlM^V. I 4, m WAMI \ i . ! • \ I i *»’7* 0 ¡uh-’ • T ‘ 1 3 .ml 4 X* Ol'lH- i . i (or Mod' f < ’ € PS. V * I ; .4 • a. : e t : in an - : » u •tn ’ î p- • •( h i‘T CWÄ GO. we .1 I IM. OF HEALTH von hva ao In L)u ri to li t r 'I .e I «e- e circi» . You w ill m hi Irita or d< -potul- b •ibit'Ci to extrt » 4 of I î 4 z ' m v ’ e «dlHH.E OF YE La veil ri tn* ned • ■ -p up \ » t ' ■ : : -4 in ‘ t \ iig Peiuorebi’i r bb g t»» It for 1MM Ila: • »• to r il B - y »11 will r ce v a Herr of exip'.ii* fr work.- «•( art vi i' N's I - t rl't»n miiin. pirli.re. of .-f it ■ I n i l> : v which I-.unoat a iml 1 ' > :i • al » H p: lining which b*hv e» I » I It» 'n I > ■: v I .v a m . n < th Ccannot tn«t ■ pued in any in the wo ld for ilr beau iful oe e vi t matter. Hat will kc p 4111* rr yon p " ” i Ul the »»♦» !•< of f e d:iy. a« d all the L - « a Tr nt iti n-i of b r» n -t ab» tit the I • >»«•- 1 •« f irn -h'n » Interratine reedmg tn-iuer bo* . for the ix bob faiml) ; and wd e t a fashion n neaxinr, . a »I ▼»•« r* t with it, Iti» f > m five of • ’ k 11 u ’■ h to u>'* dii’ing »« it rh >< nd in ( v- r 1 I in ’ v <■' »io ai <’ you « ill r» »b ti r pub. Ea-t 111 St., “ d wf*b the 4» . or n ” (1 -Of t:t wi.i E wie«r* • in ATTORNEY - AT-LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Harper’* Harar in a journal for the home OtHce at Sheriff's Oilice, ■ tfi\ ch tlie iatvat hifornnuIona with regard t> •• BURNS, ------- Oregon. hr 1'iiBhioiiH, and its nmneroua illustra io- s Praia ■ eaimis. and pattern sheet supp emeriti re i* dispensi hr alike tot he home drea* make ind the pr.»f< asi tal modale. No expense is Kp i e»’ o make ita artis ir attract ive ess of thi ' i-hrpt order. Ita I.. igM R’oriep. am up i nix com GEO. S. SIZEMORE, leh. and though fill cami h atitiafv all taatva ami >a Ina p«g • ip fam. iia aa a budget of ui and humor. In ita week!' ishhvp e\er\tinnir if ATTORNEY, i 1 hined whire ip of i errai to womrn Th< B urns , .............................. O regon . r ia s f. r H ; wil be written bv Walter Beaan UoUec.iims, Land business, and Real (’hi bi in»- Terhutto H< rrt< L » • i furniah a pra< tii al avriea. vn’ i’ led “At th< Estate matter promptly a.tended to. I' i et iirirr K ing. » »«ive I home MiHer, and am a t Wl.vc’cr v i.I be ircpuent contiibiit».rs Tio‘ u» ik of wo '»wii in the Collimi» an Expo ■ ioi wi:l l e full' teprrar . rs< ribers in the Unit, tut ► I ar a n. or Mexico. A graduate of the Iowa State University and College of Physi­ cians and Surgeons. Office at residei ce in Burns. Barber Shop 'in.'s, he z i- egin with'he nn r ■ , li ■ MU’, wten ’• stime it K'vhtiel, su'.sei ipil.m will lievh ' with the '¡umber current atthetimeof recelp —Tonsorial parlo* ,1 < nier oiiu-rpe s 1‘Smr tor ih.e. proprietor. All work .<■■ 1 nett cloth vili tre eent nv bv niHI nisi " ’ - II ' inditi:', . t. I till -H* acuì • • . -H v».i- ..r i.i expre », fre-of expense guaranteed to be tirsi y » .................. ‘.nt the frelgh'does n >' exceed one dot ___ i,;,„ ..r ............................. and i see him. I. o li <•«»•■" ‘et< h vo un e, suitable for Mnd X m ill !»• s.-cil.y in til potptiii < n neeip >f ii ■ ai h .1 tanees shoul I t>e mH* by Petti'Bie • v >- r 1» aft. tv »void cht'ice of lo-s Al'.ss H\K RAHROTHKKS yWk- ' *" *’ »ners nre 1 toi op mt one n«»r It of h sbovt a. '-.men'« without th * ip -» «1 ct f of ii \ K IK b Ki' IIIK Rs Ed Walton in his line class, Call î TONSORIAL PARLOR, JOHN ROBINSON l’«o THUMB • rva«on *»’<»k'r» t r M N im-v/ na v;an i RY w and o-t «aluaUX* » irt 10 p' M, R Biggs « ■ M ô â . i »•!*’■ • ir.i i.l is an ‘ Nw N..H.« ì 'II m . . L • Wlini;'.'i»t«i»ni.iil. C ilfrt*. .\tiS.” siZ Uox -t.o.AeW \mk Everything in my line guaranteed __ to be done satisfactorily. gW^The only pla-'e in Burns you