Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1894)
I A Presently hi« patience was rewa’d ed. and his quick eve saw Dorie glide swiftlv past him to the wait- FROM LADIES’ WORLD. ing carriage. As she paused for CHAPTER III the coachman to open the door, the j “Doris, you ssy I have taught gentleman hastened toward her, you many things since you came and lifting his hat, said: ‘‘Miss to me a year ago. Among them Shirley, is it indeed you?" have I taught you how to love?” | With rather a haughty turn of .GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY » ONLY $1 A YEAR A consciousness, new-born and tjie head Doris looked coldly and Any' reaher of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice a terrible to see in its intensity, filled inquiringly al the speaker; then, Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The the girl’s eyes, as for one instant with a slow, sweet smile of recogni Republic with $3. they met his; then, wrenching her tion, she said, in a low voice utterly FREE BRAND COLUMN. In addition to obtaining the greatest news v.eeklv in America,every Hor». brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle subscriber to The Republic will save ten times »he price of the paper, or hand from his clasp, she covered free from emotion, save a well-bred barren on l»ft hip and upper elip on both more, every year by th»’special offers made subseriU rs from time to timet I her face and crouched low in the surprise: “Mr. Hunter, is it possi ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon recep corner of the boat. ble?” Hardin A- Riley, cattle branded Von left side Horse brandy leftside, p . o . Burns, Oregon of a postal card request. Address Really and truly possible, Dor— • all ...... oid« . r«. -• Unheeded the blue skv ‘ “ i>raii/um sky above IKE PJIVIJC- St. Icvis- Mo them and the dimpling waters I Miss Shirley, ,” answered he, an al- J. C. Foley, cattle brand = on right aide about them, glistening in the morn | most boyish nnir of gladness in his Horae brand — on left shoulder. ling light, while the forgotten lilies j voice. “I need hardlv tell you how J. A. WUlinma rattle brand, II., on left rib at their feet lay <lroopii:g silently. i well you are looking.” he continued, horse brand 71 on right stifle. P, O. Riley Or. “Darling, sneak to me,” said Mr. | his eves paving her compliments Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand I ed )■( on le't hip. Marion Bunyard, 1’0 Burns. Hunter at last, in a voice deep with | “Thank you. 1 am quite well al Catt’e diamond on left hip: horses CV on lei ways,” said Doi is, with a little I tenderness. »houlder. Charles H. Voegtley. Burns Oregor I “Hush!” burst from Doris’s pale laugh, Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle P lips, dropping her hands and show- “And happy?” asked he, more on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. I.aweti Or mg him a face white with pain, eagerly than he knew. ir ?x Horse brand 86 on left shoulder, also thre« (i s in shape of triangle, cattle branded same Have vou forgotten, Mr. Hunter,1 “I’erfejtly.” answered she. giving E. F or ir Burns Or. him a glance so cold and stern that that vou are a married man?” Miss R ea Oickensou Horse brand anvil or lef- s ide attie branded bar R on left hip p “God foigive me! yes.” answered the warm light in his own eves fad- 0 i mve ‘re <■ he, starting back as though some ed. «nd he winced perceptibly. P Bi, ke> »on cattle brand .1 1’ Conner ted o | “ I o ft" hip re brand anvil anv ¡1 on left stifle P. p •se “I beg your pardon,” he added one had struck him a blow. ]>i -1 2 and sav- ' quickly. Then, as she turned to- figure 7on either hip: mark light With close pressed lips » Z C e-e> l > s > @0 ear. sip in each ear, and watt J» age eyes Hunter rowed swiftly to ward the carriage, he held out hi« •rse brand fiunre 7 on either hip. H L1 • • H. Bunvard.Burns Ore. the shun-, and, springing out of the'hand to assist, her * eo « i i e'e b Hit, held out his hand I to Doris I “M«y I not call?” he asked. “I r.u in n rights'! le P O. Kiley Ore. •” Y°rk f°r a few days, As her cold hand once i more lav in ’ ’•hall j" on right slide. James Rouss land I would be so pleased to meet his their eyes met, and swift the P ■ ' ’ill-US »re I your uncle.” treacherous blood (lew to each face. ti .rse brand bur-m on left shoulder; Cattle The corners of Doris’s month bran.I a on eft hip and rib«. Catherine With a sudden movement he bent twitched slightlv as. banding him liii.s.iall P > Narrows**re. ¡and kissed her. whispering hoarse her card, she silently bowed her .- .iinijsh re A >ons < attie bt»i nd > B ly: “Forgive me, Doris, and good- consent Thanking her for the per CO .eeie.. ear m-rk Bvva'low fork in right ear »liner hit in eft. p > Bums Ore bye ” Trembling and silent she mission, Hunter raided his hat. and 1 n't!e inarke s vallo'.v fork in right ear sli h aid his footsteps die away in tbe 1 turning, walked swiftly away, while •nd u > ierbii in left -ar, bran.; Zl.i uiiiiti. <ed o: left hip; horse mail I the same . u left hip, 11 st a nee; then, gathering up the. Doris speaking a little sharply to Charles Ze gier. Burns Ore. neglected lilies, she walked slowly I the wailing coachman tbe one word toward the cottage. In the silence “Home,” stepped into the carriage >f her own chamber every word ami and was soon out of sight. —Inuit Back and f rth over the velvet ever look was liv, d over and over again; w h e rt carpet of her handsome chamber W r 11t ami to the question, “ Have 1 taught L x -51 h > oi Disease commonly comes on with slight Beat) Doris Shirlev paced swiftlv, with V, s < ■ •r1 He . , ' \ ou how to love?” her pure heart, symptoms, which when neglected increase j through an agonv of humiliation clenched hand« and flushed cheeks, in extent and gradually grow dangerous. hatching a glimpse of herself in the made answer, “Even so.” If you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS long mirror, she paused before it, TAKE RIPANS TABULES zln the crowded smok-r <f a ri PEPSIA or INDIGESTION, . . . and wi’h a look <>f scorn at her L eastern bound train Lee 11 unter II you are BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or have r* llection. muttered bitterly: “Oh! TAKE R3PANS TABULES LIVER COMPLAINT................................... 1 sal gnawing savagely at the end of vtirtss, tlull • lyuuiet i*, ßeact' voii weak fool; whv do you shrink If your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you Ian unlit cigar. Holding a news- TAKE and cower before that man’s touch? RÏPANS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING, j paper close to his face to prevent jH ¡t, possible that, beneath the ( For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR TAKE RIPANS TABULES I any chance recognition, he thought ashes of a dead fire there still DERS OF THE STOMACH, . . . i over the occurrences of the past, few I smoulders a live ember? Whv did Hi pans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. | hours. “I never realized before,” I I give him permission to call? Can EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. he muttered to himself, “how easy 1 bear it? Yes, coward that I am, I RIPANS TABULES^ Amsnca’sGreat Danger ta! e the place of I SAVE MANY A DOCTOR ’ S BILL. . COMPLETE r-rr j | it was for a moderately good man , W»H v*'t shame mv own weakness,” A Sold by Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. ♦ : ♦ to become a scoundrel. ” land Doris bowed her face inlier Box (6 vials), ió cents. Package <4 boxes), $2. « MEDICANE CHEST For Freo Hampl.'O addreoo 47 ENGLISH COMMENTARY. : nn<T K'l 'il/i be kept for Three years later, one cold day bands and wept. use < ■ cry family... THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ai.1 ani nainect En-_'li.liscienti.-trccent’y : 10 SPRUCE STREET, - - NEW YORK. in November, Doris .Shirley stepped I “Was there ever a face more fair i........... —... iiieii.inge. limi coliinaits lliugieut AllKl i- from her uncle’« carriage and pass-1 «>’(1 sweet?” soliloquized Hunter, can |> op e to-. a/ i* ma thè pu»>iblo uó< p- i "ii ni a img iinaiKÌk.1 lOiLy for ll.e ed into one of the crowded empori- aH ^‘»wlv sauntering along he li.ri*>n. <> ino »premi «f Eocia.i.-tn, <r ilio unis on Broadway. Many changes t,h°”ght °Ver hiR 1h’* intervi*w wi,h I • r • u <.f c >rri ii- a mnong palaie non. j Doris. “How coldly the little dar '* .Il 'O ? J l . ii CIMlllgll, tu oc sii c, Li.t nad come to her since her residence I . pua.'uii MAN hoc t icy nrj i s i* .tliingc mp :re<l t > t’ e te r 1 leed locura n.ii ling looked at me; and no wonder; i F ».ver. Headache. Wuk • I m New York, Surrounded by every li * i •nal n.K.ire—i liudalniu t sai.l natici) I < n ne*«.ail drain*» aiu: h , 1 what a brute I must have seemed c ima *.f ov*-r ■ ork. ’i'!;o iiimi » ?• ì i r ¿i .J by overexertion, youtluu1 » » » mxury that wealth could supply, . <n p ulHiit«. which |en»Ito tritiri; i *'■' li inutili a l;iilirgp ec,i.nil tl.uusai.,.. n i *’***’ve<t p«K*k<»t. 1*1 per h<»x. <1 in those old «lavs, yet was man ever 1"> l'v llia m v i w .• ve r. tenderly beloved l»v her indulgent e n rllt, n *nai ■*nt'e !o ' nreoi Vr»-« . y »triiiir ^t«. A’K for H. tax** P" » '• I more tempted than I? Well, they Lu LöiNU I d pialli wrapper. Audi est» A Í1K » • SEL» • u arj l’kcly tifa C33 tf U13 vlcEno ! uncle, who sought in every wav to For sale in Burns.Ore., hr 11. ?!. HOL I u.N. In sav tiiai all thjngs come to those ilnwdow.k •*? 1 «e - j it i< ine .. a ? c ; i - :....... ri'\r tl"' "7'«« "1 H- I"*« .„h(> w„it,„,,<| Heav«n know. I’v. tion t.i tini u j;<- t, r vi.iu^n ■ f mlult ■ in I’ve >’r 1 «v Nervcus Laordira j e i", 1 ;. » I <1 Ion« enongh." and he .miled » ,r* ulinit *i.a fear.U| ra id’’ . Ai * r l c rt fined and lovely woman. The , grimly, Twenty four hour« later ut —Huka, E •, L ,ioii>ue. ,e*. <1 ! Llaet. J lazi « . 1 girlish figure had grown full and Hunter stood in the drawing I n *rn.g Ben» b n, J J .it ■ round in its proportions, ami the room of Marlow Shirley’s Filth Iirl .b iily < f t!.o ll.ait.M an ■i j * y. 1 .11 : g Meni piti.tiol). j 11. 11- Iliive no.:; t-> con«*» • r. Il >wer like face was even more Avenue mansion, impatiently wait . r e H » sivil I mi ;0 <i th » | 1 » Mi i » ], «atli. t li t ple-sniJ > r- S 1*1 a Oli’c a iiu-11 HTc.t i i d untilv beautiful than before t V’.’.; !■ »'u- \ i' J line I: r ing for Doris to appear, A b her T* I «b, N situi Ih lulilv. 1 ifp. , u . y t» «,• i j -i i c ■ th •' )■ I r,1,! v-* • A. C \ I ir ! I t Swift as her dainty feet had i light footstens and the rustle of her r.. J. Wo p.iy trri titb j * ■■ HP<t h: t .-r. Warrant I'T'J y< ■ ' ■ j ■ •y an i ' ( ' ‘ ìJlowKpri pel), wiilesusf 1 (;W.l (. t->;.',9toor-icrf-ry< e t • :■ .trussed the pavement, a gentleman . i violet scented draperies sounded f 1 , '*■« *>1,1 »r. Mi e- Re -.turni¡ve * ■ t-e Fo-Tlr-freo. Vio take oil r.: . . r diiu..' ‘ r Msix ni mlau 1 Lml it mu h: e sbipp.oiz ^HQLEGA’-C PRICES. who was sauntering leisurely past (.|(,pe bepi(le him, he turned toward ’ ¡’ii «■ i thè w’ole m-rv ik » -te ■. f Ko. ’ 1. Surrey. Cpring Wacons* SCI to SCÜ. he store at the time, had ample her with his face all aglow, while sasellfoiGOt’t'. Gcrrc-'O, $C ito ' ' »’ut f"un<l itsegiiiil io givirg imniew te fc-.a.e ar well for »1» t<* ». -, Tap Et*C - ■ l>r. Mi,«»' little ,\, rve »«nd I :’.er N9.77. Surrey L-raere. S37.50, a1* r r pportunitv to scan the beautiful passionate words rose to his lips. ■» < b y i c,.,| n |r; | nr,j q„.v w||| r,, ,,rl. to 5100. Farra Wai-ons, Waconc fice and form. With a muttered But something in the face of the Milk Wattons.Deli, -v WaPon'.T" r < u-iubelve-* tu be t. e test p.lls in thè Carts. mr»< inni: i.\, no n . * •1 ‘‘ •ii ri; e.” r -xclamation, he turned ami gazed regal looking ! woman betöre him Mn£t ir ?.F five.Trar* I bave R.'ffereil fr*>rn ?'er- ê'î to M* .fUr her as she vanished. Pausing checked his impetuosity and told o. 777, Head W asoli. Owr , * * “*,r- liun, [ w m iiti.t le to v«*rl< or líamete DotiIZ ■ «a fore one of the great shop win- him, more plainly than words, that t m <‘ r ' t q{ Cr. M.les' Remora- $55 are»ol4 at 3t • , ’ ^’'rylasg e ni-rei « f,«nd < tb u ows. he seemed apparently en- this was not the child Doria, but a BIann*ar-1 N0.7U Í, Top Buggy. *• ' I f* wonid noi cor» r l c gn <1 it I i.s tnrer** l'r rw, . * JOHN NINCIILK, Yoi ngs xrosseil in the magnificent display womftn, in her pride an(j »ri«». *' n. ’ 'lilO. é - of costly fabrics within, but a close purity; so, with only a common f r’. y**.°** Ristorai ve Nerv r»e is un- No I. Farne»- ib-rrver could not but note the place greeting, he sank down into a EjanG NAJHH .£« •■<» FLY M-T.V ____________ ____ Slattar» Be-zelo. Sia.wheelK "*• la cvaiso Nervou. I»i-eaae». Il ...Tr-^ an I !»-»*<• cMVaiagaa. **'■• n > opiatevurdaiireroiiari ties. I ' I — Z p »nxious scrutiny he gave each per chair. I>» \ J.0*’*** mwrantre l*v a11 dnii-gista, e*r ’y, ELKHAET, IND. nii that passed out of the store A£i".rec? VL R. FRA • • » Oec • • Mi,e» Medica] Co., E.khart, iod. TO BE CONTINUED. STOCK BRANDS. j Pure In Heart. ■i i ji * I r 1Í I * A ! Do You > ( I Í ■ ■J I 11 ■ . .lUtiGANSs I d < / :. Í 4 I J.. $ H I 4 N