The published EVERY As old as the li ills” an 1 never exceil ed. “Tried and proven” is tiie verdict o f millions. 8 i in in o n s Liver Regu lator is th 3 only Live/ and Kidney medicine to which you can pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, a n d purely veg etable, act ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder tii be taken dry or made in to a tea. Wl BY W. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ................................................ Six Mouths .............................................. Three Mouths............................................ .75 Bette) 1IEKAL1) CLUB LIST Herald and Harper’s Magazine................. 5.00 Herald ¡uid Harper’s Weekly ................. 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar....................... 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Young People... 3.75 Herald and Alden’s Manifold Cyclopedia, . .2.60 each additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: K> cents extra ver volume, postage. Than »^-Copies of all the above works can be ex- imiueil at leisure in the Reading Room. Publishers of periodicals are solicited k > send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for our Free Reading Room—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, end v-' <i eopies bv advertisement. 1 1 mo J 3 mo J 6 mo e* 1 wk 1 1 »1.50 »2.50 '»5.00 »8 ‘10 '»11.00 3 00 4 00 6.50 12 UJ 18.00 3.50 5.00 8.00 15.00 24.00 4.50 6.00 10.00 20.00 32.00 6.00 •J. 00 15.00 28.00 48.0(J U col. 16.00 28.00 48.00 12.00 SO JO b “ 20.00 30.00 40.00 60.00 110 00 1 “ 1 inch I “ » “ Pills I ADVERTISING KATES: • PACK NO 27 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. VOL. V 11. l- »15.00 lyri 28.00 40 00 SO DO 54 00 120.00 140.00 The King of Liver Medicines. “ I have used yourSimnvms Liver Regu lator and can conscienciously say it is t lie king of all 11 ver medicines. I consider it a medicine ehe*t in itself.—G eo . W. J ack * tON, Turning, Washington. JOB WORK Of every description executed with neatness and despatch, at reasonable rates. Pouters, Circulars, Pamphlets Envelopes, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, Note Heads, Cards, TicKcts, I Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. ■ peeled to be present at the conven tion of the Pan-American Bimetallic League, which meets in this city next Tuesday. They will come largely from the West and South west—possibly a few from the E ist. four from Mexico, two from the Central American States and two from Brazil. A delegate is also ex pected from New Zealand. This will make the third convention of the league, the previous ones having Deen held in Denyer, Colo , and Og den. Utah. Mr. A. C. Fisk of Den ver is the president, and to him , principally is due the existence of the league, be having made a tri through the Southern countries > aid of its organization. What the league is striving for is to lay the | ; foundation for the adoption of a sil ver dollar that will pass current be tween the United States and the Central American countries, which, it is argued, will result in stimulât ¡ing trade relations between them. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov t Report Baking Powder Eurns-Canyon Stage Line I. JEW itt , P roprietor . Arrives and Departs daily, exeept Sunday. i rtz rTi’ERY PACKAGERS* “If half the citizens of the world, 'said a young woman who works on i umbrella covers, ‘‘only knew such T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad- a simple thing as how to roll up an rartising Bureau. 10 spruce st.. «New York. upibrellti, most of the umbrellas brought to dealers to be mended OFFICIAL DIRECTORY FROM OCR EXCHANGES. * would never have needed repairs “The right tvav to roll vour um national : President .......................... , brella is <o thold, of the ends of I .......... Grover Cleveland i Vice-President. _.............. Adlai Stevenson > GROVER’S POLICY I the ribs and the stick with the' Secretary of state ’. f Walter Q. Gresham . Secretary of Treasury ............ ... John G. Carlisle ' «ame hand and hold them tightly I Secretary of Interior ....... Hoke Smith Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamont I W ashington , May 18. — Repre enough to prevent their being twist Secretary of Navy______ .. ______ ... A. Herbert Hilary Secretary of Agriculture. J. Sterling Morton sentative Wm. S. Brvan, of the First Cannot he overheated and has no equal. ed while the covering is being twirl- | Attorney General Rieharu S, Olney ' Postmaster General .. Wilson S Bissell Nebraska District, has sent a letter ed around with the other hand First Premium Seattle Wash., First Premium Los Angeles Cal. STATE—OREGON : to the Chairman of his Congression Then vour umbrella will be as nice | J. n . Dolph ' tors I J. H.Mitehell. al Committee, Judge J. H. Broady, Send for illustrated catalogue of Thorough bred Poultry ly closed as when you bought it. ; (Binger Hermann Congressmen................. iW. R. Ellis of Lincoln, declining to be* candi will be. Em for hatching. Poultry Supplies, English Setters, Irish Setters, F om and the only wear and tear •overnor D.Sylvester Pennoyer Secretary of State • R Geo. W. McBride date for re-election. His reason« for I Terriers, Skye Terriers and Pugs. on the cloth. Treasurer R ................... 1 Phil. Metschan. -, ... ... ** uii. lurid unii. Bupt. Public Instruction. R j. B, McElroy retiring from congressional life are Our stock has won 83 premiums in the last three seasons. “It is twisting the ribs out of lute Printer R ... Frank Bakei that he is unwilling to enter into a shape around the stick and fasten- Mention this paper. ) R. 8. Bean. Caldwell Larkins, lupreme Judges ■ > Wm. P. Lord contest which, to be waged success I i ing them there that spoils most of ’ F. A. Moore 1510 Front St. Seattle, SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: fullv, would confine him to his dis the umbrellas, Never hold the • ¡strict Judge................. D . . M. D. C lifford Wash Bistrict Attorney................D C has . F. H yde trict during the campaign. The umbrella by. the handle alone when J oi ut-Representative (R)......... A. W. Cowan Joint-Senator ... ..(D).. H enry B lackman district is Republican by 6,500, and you roll it up and you will find it in the Iasi election Mr. Bryan won i will last longer and cost less for COUNTY—HARNEY: Bounty „Jdge ............... (D) . W m . M iller I bv the narrow majority of 140, and repairs.”—New York Advertiser. •• ....................... (»).. . P. L. Shideler Treasurer .. (K) I. S. Geer surveyor Jo, ......... J .11. Neal as lie wants to take a more active Iheritf. (K) A. Gittings part in the state < arnpaign than he Ice Half An Inch Thick. Assessor .. ,(D' S. W. Miller iyiiool Superintendent . i R) could do with a doubtful congress ..CH AS.NEWELL »lock Inspector.............. . David Cary ional campaign on his hands, he B loomington , Ill., May 20.—The Commissioners ID) ) W m . A ltnow STENGER & McGOWAN ALL. ,R'( R. Sitz has decided to decline a renomina- unprecedentlv cold weather which H arney u . 8. land office : tion set in Friday night has caused hut Re^’i'vJr • J. B. H un TINOTO n I In his letter he expressed some little if any serious damage in this ' er ...H arrison K elley ' _ __________________ j doubts as to the future of the Dem vicinity so far, although the garden On June 4th 1894. ocratic party, saying: “If the ers and farmers have been very SOCIETIES. President’s finahcial policy becomes greatly alarmed. Ice nearly one. SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. the policy of the party I do not see half inch in thickness was formed Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Ed Jordon, Manager. any reason for the continued exist- Friday night and Saturday night, Alice E. King, N.O. E May Worthington, Ree. Sec’y. ■ ence of the party, because the Re- ' vet, strange to sav, vegetation is publicans, having followed that | not yet injured. Even such deli A. O. U. W. Burnt Lodge, No 47 policy longer, are better prepared cate plants as beans and tomatoes, Meetievery 2d and 4th ThurtdaA ■ W R. G radon, M. w. On the other scarcely show the effect of the cold J W Jayer, Rec’d than we to support it. hand, if the party repudiates Mr. and are not vitally hurt. The BURNO n IA HONOR Lodge, No. 8 Cleveland's financial policy and temperature is much higher to Meets ever» 2d and 4th Monday. Mn A E Young renews C of H its devotion to the common night than last night and the dan W. W. Johnson Proprietor. people, it may yet become an effect ger is believed to be over. The H arney lodge , no . 77. 1. o o f . ,?* **’• at Odd Fellows Hall, everv Saturday. ive instrument in the securing of owners «f the immense area ofi W.Y.King N. G. W. C. Byrd, Secy. good government.'' market gardens about the city feel Wines Mr. Bryan states that he will re greatly relieved —The Republic. HARNEY POST NO. «*. G. A. R. m'íeo*”erí, an<l Wednesday of each sume his law practice in the city uf r" "'J'1 Fellows’ Hall. All Comrads Best Brands The secretary rd the Elkhart. Carriage m good standing invited. New Billiard Table Lincoln and Harness M fg. <•», of l.iahart, Ind., Hu Te 7- *-x*-imp in rod on wrapper. The Improved N ews I n G enerai City Incubator, hand. Pan-American Bimetallists ü. S. MAILS. burns — vale : twrlve.and depart .daily, : Departs tally, except Snndxy canyon city i W ashington , D. C., May 18.— Several hundred delegates are ex- informs us that their orices will be lower ,or 1*.H than ever. He wishes us to a«k our readers not to purchase anything ything in ilcych- - < r th** line ot carriage«, wagons, hicycb ii.irn< until they have - ; ■ nt fl stamps to pay postage on their 11? page I catalogue. W<- adv i-e th»- r< '.<!< is of tnia ! pajs r to remember his rutje-t» il Pleasant Clnh Rnnm see rr,e .»• «to a