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About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1894)
4 ’T-»-» • ‘ ’ WEDNESDAY MAY 16. W 4. Editor. W.c. BV«” democratic ticket . COUNTY JUDGE. WILLIAM MILLER. enf Iv lav at the same door, laws' enacted to make millionaires at the' expense of the laboring class charge ( to the same, a centralization of1 wealth into the hands of a fey I causing distress, starvation, murder and suicide, originated in the brain-1 of republicans and was successful!» carried ^ut bv the party. Then fit. God sake! Mr. Horr or your 'call black, black. POPULIST TICKET. GOVERNOR. Ji’AN PIERCE. secretary joe state ira W akefield . STAT E TREASURER. R. P. CALDWELL. ATTORNEY GENERAL. M COUNTY CLERK. L OLMSTEAD. SUPREME JUDGE. P. L. SHIDELER. DEMOCRACY. I i SHERIFF. THE PIONEER FIRM ì i/ County. R P. BOISE. SEPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. The idea that a few persons if i N. BROW I T. C. JORY our midst advocate, that to be I ASSESSOR. democrat. one must agree with th« I STATE PRINTER. SAMUEL MILLER. I administration it. every partícula G. M. ORTON. COUNT i TREASURER. is simply more ubeurb than ridicu | c. H. VOEGTLY lous, and more ridiculous than ——————— COMMISSIONER. orainv What do smh men ha v> | fONGKESSION A L NOMINEES. to say of Bland.,M’lls, Vest and a . L. N. STALLARD. vinck tnriiinrlv hob mgini? t<» (■III host of others who are leaders in , FIK.-T bif'luit ; COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. I Gf* •■»m prÌKÌHtr • the democratic What do ROSE HEMBREE. I such men—and professing to i e SURVEYOR. H A ÌU'\l AKE, ■ »A .4 I - « >> I.AÖMI Aivto, 1 1N W Alito, democrats—think of the large ma T. A. McKl ’ NON. i joritv of the democratic partv. for a CORONER. 1 tug majority of the party condemns . lilikA, a LrtULL? 1 LÜB il Ai» 1/M A J . . . l . the veto power as used by the ad LEE CALDWELL. ministration to crush proceedings SIXTH DISTRICI NOMINEES.i llii- euuic 4»»» eu»i > r < »»1J ILUUCIU jJllVCO »ul t.lúll. of congress in the interest of thi CIRCUIT JUDGE. majority? Democracy claims as J N. HUD.-oiN one of its vital principles that a 11. ULU1L&Ì . M r . II orr is considered a great' majority shill rule Prien «tin DISTRICT ATTORNI Y. campaign orator and as such is al I right has one man or a minoritv W m PAR*ON’S ways in demand by his party (ie- j to dictate? Then again whit d< publican.) In a speech a short | these democraisf hiuk >f t Ie msjlve I MEMBER BOARD OF E<4> ALIZlTION. time since delivered, bv him, at in point of fact knowing tliey ar» o. P GOODALL. m sympathy with the republican Marquiim, he allowed his partizan party? A party whose principles zeal to carry him, beyond the limits are entirely antagonistic to tlieii of endurance tty an intelligent own political opinions. COUNTY NOMINEES. audience, bv positive assertions of falsehoods plain to every hearer, in COUNTY JI 1 GE. $100 Reward $100. declaring the democratic party the t and B Street. C. P. RUTHERFORD. gyle cause of our present troubles, The readers of this paper will fie CLERK. in the very face of the fact that a pleased to learn that there is al G. O. HENDRICKS. Proprietor. majority of both houses are demo leastonedreaded disease that sci SHERIFF. (■rats and favor a strict adherence ence has been aide to cure in all • JOHN JACQUEMIN. tn the Chicago platform, then we its stages, and that is Catarrh . ASSESSOR. ask in all candor how can the Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the on I blame rest with the party when the! positive cure known to the medica MARION HORTON. President backed by the party Mr. fraternity. Catarrh being a con TREASURER. Horr upholds, holds the balance of Stitutional disease, lequites a con J N. JORGENSON power in the form of his prerogative, -titutional treatment Hall’ COM MISSIONEN. the veto p over, sustained by the re Catarrh Cure is taken internally HENDERSON ELIOTT. publican party? acting directly upon the blood am And further does anv intelligent mucous surfaces of the system, SURVEYOR. thinking man suppose, for an in thereby destroying the foundatioi L. M. SEA WEAR!). stant, that had Harrison been elect of the disease, amt giving the pa : COUNTY SCHO il St Pi- i INTFNOENT, cd, the condition of the country tient strength by building up tin EDITH CLAYPOOL. would have been otherwise? Know constitution and assisting natun COIONER The Piopnetms ul the W bite Front Livery Stable as ing that this crisis has been gradu in doing its work. The proprietors sure the pubih that thei are prepared to accommodate GEO. SOUTHWORTH. ally coming for a number of years have so much faith in its curativt m every way in Ibeir lint- ot business. caused bv class legislation, started | powers, that they ofli-r One Hun J H h. y amt grain constantly on hand, and careful help. and carried to a finish, in this dred Dollars for anv case that it % country, by the republican party. I fails to cure. Send for list of testt- I Passenger« taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage« ÄV k. ¿i Toe policy pursued by President : menials. n cot.m ctim . hrâ kt » We.’ ». Cleveland in the financial proceed I Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO . Drugz.- inn ■■■, free. A< It In • -s“A * ESI i, " ings of onr congress is precisely ' Toled o, (). Sold by Druggists, 75c ßox 2416. New Vorir City that which is advocated by Mr. I Horr’s party. Then how can we expect relief from that side of the house? Mr. Horr’s speech, and all such fa a Freutlss fc»ctitylug pilla curo consti) 'lou Premi ss 1- ili.jiug pili* curecoualipallon SMITH A BAH.EY. Proprietor,, Prentlss Roctltylng pili» curo consti. • IFronti s l'eetltyli‘4 pu.scuroc :i ttoAtton speeches, will certainly lessen the ♦e ** I----------------- ---------- -—, ----- ------ ■ ' ——— - li respict, with which his own party winn. Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts n or, p has heretofore regarded its policy, gg §8 Good Billiard tallies, Pleasant Card Rooms, et«.. < II and will strengthen the democratic SE a c 53 Salo in is first class in every particular. Experience barte « « party, for the republican party says ao c ’■s ( leveland is right while on the Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. an other hand a large majority of the tCM - ** President's own party declare him I ¡I to be wrong. ú Then why should the party he ** *-* Almost al' pills and modicino produco constipation, here Isa j I t . ,;t cures torpid ¡S a held responsible for the actions of J Et liver. biliousness, rheumatism, indi-ostlon, sick headache at.<l khlney and lleer 9»a< troubles without griplnr or leaving any trace ot CONSTIPATION, which one man, and honor the republican s a is the primo cause of all sickness, bewaroof ft getting habitual and chronic with you, party for upholding this one man’ li see to It in time; these pills will cure you. | At | Use PRCNTIOO RECTIFYING PlLL, "e are per.-uaded to honestly ex si g\ I 11 MH it is the only safo and harmless a s § JOHN SAYER I ■■ remedy that wtll surely DZAUTIFY tha Proprietor press ouj thoughts—Mr. Horr or 38 2E the republic.m party to the contrary 3 y 3 o Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridgi Notwithstanding—that the republic « - kk clear the skin and remors ail blotches from the face. Try a box and see for your i . • n party is soh ly and wholly res. self. 25 Cents a box. ___ L “ ponsible. for the present Plate of it OCLD DY ALL DRUGGISTS. diatrese in our midst. The Coxiy J •* Or sent by mall upon receipt of price by Customers wii receive GOOD FLOUR from |U| Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., nnoveinent grew out of republican ?-? 406 CALIFORNIA STREET, ____ SAN IR AÑUSCO. CAL. ’'’•^•¿ininiptratinn, killing th’ Good Wheat Prentiss Rectifying pills curt .^astlpsGua Li vu.tos Lo:tltylag pills cure couaSIpMkitl I I Prentiss rectifying pillee ire const I paflón Freni’■ ■» ! — ' t p'Usr'ireeossftggksa ' vaiue of the adver dollar you can W. E. ALBERSON. n u COMPLEXION u