1894 WORK FOR OS • few «lays, and you will .'«e ktartled at the unex pecud isocsM that will reward ,'our efforts. Wi »»ilively have tl’.e be,t bu»iiiers to offer uii agent iliat can be found on ftie fam* of tlii.« «urtii. * l.VOO probt bn S7S <*O w orih of bust near, it bein'* easily aud lionurably uiuue by ami paid ,c Im.oiled» of men, women, buy,, ami gill« in our employ. You can make nibuey fatter at w ork for u, 'hanvou have any idea of. The basinet, it ao easv to learn, ami indructioat ,o simple and pluiu, that nil succeed from the start Tims» who take hold of 1'ie bu,ines, reap the advantage that arise, from Ute tounil reputation of one of the ' oldeM, moat ,nece»,ful. and large,! publishing hou,e, in America. Secure for vourwlf the profits ", that the tudneaa ,o readllv and liandaomely yields. All beginner, tneceed grandly, and more than realize their greatest expectation,. TI iom who tn* I’- And exactly a, we tell them. There i, plenty of room for a few more worker«, and we urge them to begin at nnoe. If yon are already em. »loved, but bars a few ,pare moment«, and wish Io iim them to advantage, then write u, al mice ,'for this 1, yonr grand opportunity), and receive Tull particular, by return null. Aadre,,, THUE A CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, Me FjRTHx PRIC£ OF ONE. Our Premiums F(H THE YEAS . , .. —-------- —THIS PAPER— - -. 1. , . ,-y-wiTH— ; THE S N FRANCISCO Weedy Call I FKiCKSI.ito FKIC Y. AH, ------ <IR------ iHi SAN FRANCIS 0 Morning: Call! PKii l. •«.» > Fl It YEAP. l ini* buHinr«*» conduct d for a l < : WEKKLV < ALL FEES. -DTP' iati A ' ------ -4------- T74HE SAN FRANCISCO narks. Design Fater- Copyright, Ira I eight. liaml-oiiie p.ige paper. It is i«'U«*<i every ’¡'htirsdai, a- <1 contains all <»f ti«e imp'-rtant now, of '«lie £S£ CLAIMS CO., »OHM (VEDO RBURN, weak, gleaned from every <|U .r- »I«.u g UR Attorney, t W ashington . D. C. . I a 1« t n f < Inventor« without r t* .« managed by h combination of , • r Intiiiential nr wh |> n |>< t 4 In tlia • • h purpose of protect- •• l'»< ra against unucrupuloua . ent», un«! «a< h paper •' vo- im for tho rea ponti- I . h . . <<fiüul'.c "f «¡aiutaUOaUpukj. ter of the glob«*. coiii|>l«'te up to date of publ'catiou. It fur« ulshea the latest and moat reliable ân:>n<'l*l naw, and market qiuitatiiiiiN. » d give« special attenti* Il ( h liorticul- rural and aurit'ultuntl news, ami tn in every re-.ect a tir««- jlass family pat'er, iipp'i i g to (lie iliteresl of every men. I er uf tile hoUoelllilil. —— SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION 0 I J « Don’CLose1 Heart. I i ------ ,.HK iliciic x I Ml CA I «. J (S kvkn Isanaa * W hkk ; I js a live in* trm n it m «lai 1V. It ia tt«e MOS I' HELI \- I BIE. tuiii ia lecoguiged n« b«*iii*2 th» LEA DINO NEWS PAPER «•( the l’a«*iUe C*«: ik |. Either of the ab««ie aper- w- will »end pO'tli id as a pie. Illium «III recel t of the fellow, lag sub«crlptio«i prices i. t the fOinbiiiaiion: .’per lt\. Ul> k lama IS eta. I » ILLUSTRATED. PATEN. T ’•I K e * fencing Its contributions being from the best writer» mid artists in this country, it will continue l< exeel in literature, tie vs. and illustrations, al other publications of its class. NETTING. HARPE R’S PE RIO DIC A LS. » i __ : And ,. USTRATKD , Anti book containing all the N K. by Letters for One Dollar. In answer to h general demand from all parts of the United States, Harper’s Mag nine for IH93 will eentinue 'o maintain the unrivalled standard of excellence the Toledo Blape has publiihed jn which has eh racterised it front the beginning Among the nuiable features of the year there one volume, cloth bound, all of the will tie new novels b- A Conan Doyle, Con- s'ance Fenfmore Woolson. and William Black. “Naaby Letters” ever written hy Short stories will b< contributed by the moat Detroit, popular writers of the day, including .Mary E. the late D. R. Locke, omitting per Mich. Wilkins. Richasd Harding Davis, Mar aret Deland. Bra« aer Matthews, and many otheis. haps a few unimportant letters on The i lustrated desciiptive papers wiH embrace ar iclea tty Julian Kai - h on new Southern and local or fogotten topics. Only a few Western subjects: by Theodore Child on India; by Poultney lUgel won Russia and Germany; of these letters were ever published by Ki< har«i Harding Davlaon «London Season: by Colonel T A. Dodge oil Eastern Riders; etc. in book form. Everybody ha-t read I Edwin A. Abbe ’s ill tstrationsof «hakespeare’s Come 'ies will e continued Literary articles some of them .but who has read tensions, will be contributed bs Charles Eliot Norton, The book contains Mrs. lames T. rields, William Dean Howells. I all of them? THE DISABILITY BILL IS Brander Matthews, and others. over 500 large pages, and all the LAW. HARPER ’ S PERlOi ’ ICS Nasbv Letter- written during a Soldiers disabled since the war are Entitled period of twenty-five years; also a Per Year: Dei endent widow* and Barents now de | pende‘4 whone «otm died from th -eifeers of HARPER’S MAGAZINE ............... ♦4.0» portrait of I>. R. Locke from his ur.nv .»rvice ate included if you wi-li HARPER’S WEEKLY .................. i 1.0 last photograph. It would sell at . yourclaim speedily and sue e«sfu ly prose HARPER’« BAZ\R 4.01 HARPER ’ S YOUNG PEOPLE I ut<<w>t'.Ures« \E>TAi NEK, 2.Of one dollar or more, but will never Postage Free to all Subscribers in tin I.(tty Coinmissioner of Pensions, : wabhington , d . u. I United States, Canada, or Mexico. be placed on sale. Oue hundred The volumes of the Magazine begin wit) thousand copies are now being the Numbers for June and December o‘ printed and tmimd, and one c«tpy eac It year. When no time is specified, su) -cription.« will begin with the Number cur will be sent postpaid hy mail free rent lit time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of Harper’s Magazine fot io everv person who this winter re 1 liree year- bacK, in neat cloth binding will mits one dollar for the Weekly be ent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of I" PERSONAL AND PROMPT per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5* Blade one year. Everybody invited m send for a specimen copy of the each—by mail, post-paid. ATTENTION GIVEN TO PAT- cents Remittances should lie mai.e by Po«tottict Weekly Blade, which will give a j E N TS, , CAVEATS, TRADE Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o 3 MARKS, etc. loss. ■ fuff ilescription of the book ‘ The Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Nev Natbv Letters.” I - NO EEE UNLE 8 PATENT York. T he T oledo W eekly B lade is CORRESPOND-1 I the best and most popular weekly 1 IS SECURED. ¡■ENCE SOLICITED. W Haio’s . newspaper puolished in this conn- -ry. It has the largest circulation iTüDDART & CO., I LLTSTRATE l>. if any weekly newspaper, and goee *i 613 & Glö 7th Stroot, If. W. Harper’s Weekly ia acknowledged r.s «'and to every Stat, Territoy and nearly rt . npo tn- I’ S. Patent Dtti«'«*.) it g Sra uniting illustrate«! weekly periodical, in inierl'H. It orciipiea a p!a< e between the «•very county of the Union. Only •V’l • M.”i < »X. I». ' of the hurried daily paper and that of the lest me dollar a year, including the lime! monthly magazine. it includes b..11 Tern lire and news, anti presents with equa ibove metioned book free Send rec and le icitv the real events of < nrren his or' and the imaginative themes of fi.-'ion posal to T he B lade , T oledo . O hio , On account of its very cemplete series of illus nations of the World’s Fair, it will be not only for a free specimen copy of the pa he best gui'ie to he g-eat Exposition, but als per. Send the addresses of your its es siivenir. Kverv public event of genera friends also. i tercet will uefullv illus,rate<1 in i's pages RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 SEMI FOR FI RTHEU INFORMATION The McMullen Wire ’•O N» Woven Market Mt., Fence Chicago» Co mi. 11 your i*.r < Mnirh. nse’ I i T<Mt dn-ad ’Dthni, iihc it. 'TITRE, If your Lungi hjinh’s Porous IL PLANT FERII Y’S MREDS thia year, and rin.m* up for lost lima . F»rry’«'see<l Annual tor istH »¡ill k give you luauy ‘aliuitiie Units A about whar to ri.Ise ano liow lo^B raise It. Il coinaina liitoru.H- WkUon tots* had from no SOUn e. Free to M. Ferrv & DAILY C'L’ AID iltli Kanaevs Magazine, THE TOLEDO BLADE. » FOUR FUTURA Pi) I HER YEAR: House, sign and carriage paint- ‘“g- Kalaoining, decorating, graining, and hard oil finishing. I'eutage Free to all subseribers in the Unite 1 C owa . horses or anything suited tiitvs i iiliana, . r Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will begin wi’l 1 my purpose will be taken by ni« ihe flmt Numlie- for Jauuarv of each veat I When not me is mentioned. s«i'«s' ription, *,i 1 from parties so desiring. be tin with the Number current at time of re Prices reasonable I believe in i vip- of order. ' » i 1 outid V,o union of Harper’s Weekb forthre» the motto “to live and 1< t live.” ><arsback,in neat cloth binding, will bench L. B. C ulp . ' » mail I’oS'aze i « h Id. or b' exprenn. free of ex , HARPER WEEKLY ..........................J."«, | It ARPER’S MAGAZINE 4.0< ’ HARPER’S BAZAR............................... 1.0 . • i ARI’Ei 'S YOUNG PEOPLE p**nse (provided th«* freight doe, uotfixceed $ per vo nine) for $7.00 a volume. Cloth Canen for ea«*h Volume, suitable fo’ .1 J binding w til be sent bv mail post-paid, ou re .1 * i eipt •i. Remittau* e, nhonlil be mi«le by Post Offi« < M. i «>' Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Address IIARPFR v HR >T IKRS. New York | Sdentino American Agency for Hop’ Baza I L L U ST R ATEI). ” J CAVKATS TRADÌ MARKS, I DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etoJ Fer Intermatlon and free Handbook write to Ml SN A CO.. Ml IluoAliWAY, Naw Voll«. <lld,»t I 'ircau tor securing patent. In America. Itriiry patouk taken out by us la brought Before Uie punito by a notice glveu free of charge lu the WOODWORK I ---- «1C A«<K >ricnfific Jàmtrican ILL iouikm U. Jarweat etrcnlat'on of any sctenUflc paper In the world. Aplettdidly Illustrated. No Inteltigent piati aborto be without It. Weekly. MJ.RS a icari II.II1U month, A.tdreaa Mf'NNA <XK FrBIJ-iltlU«, 301 llr.Mt'1way, New York Cltjr. — N Y . tt UNION CÇUARL • oBTOM.MA8S ar. attTA 64 FOR SALE BY $aM»»x*<u C4 *• OAUAKYUU ' K W 1 Murk.- 3 •“ :■ aÄ» • •«rv-i ('Mix. i oai 'M, JOHN WS.Î I SHJÄM. *•-a * liwnc I O. Hol «43. \ UINt.l'ON l».i nt or iihuto., with dcH^rlp- if . ifiHitable > r • t . ret* i>| r-xaio.'s ntucviuu no» nOLOISRS, CHILDREN, WI''O'Mt P4P'Nf\ Ata-', for So ’'era »nA »«flora .‘lM'*ls<t In a«.«. I. Ik. rwawlar Aro.» . r N» • ’ »twee «h • ai«l».<« of «»>., war, of l'Aia I’M their « Mow», waw rntltlMl tltdandre*- «..telahna • ,i»*et«trv Th u,«n<t, entitled Io tn. her mir. Iri'.l f«w sew Hira die cMvce for advice. No it« • bui • u << w » m «’ I ÂJà» »Ok** haiiMlc bo,It., • raMado'« Vu«( ■ I » 1.« • \ >> / * vJ* 1 will, wt 1 ’»Ml. • IZ !4K \ « I Ibra ’i'iaalL« u by I’M,.. I,t.a « was td'.rsTi twit» tn ma . i 1.^,0, •« «*•..'«< <•* obiafoert. Anda!) ? a I IH’fgft for V(n»i ra e I evs. O m ”,* i»p L. S . P 4*r **€•. Mt if lu ¡CA« tim« that'. l.iOM f. a^t C « - la til.MUU. a moli f ia j * - > a t u .: mô m MOW&CO. hLt. Mush-roLi A f IS IN YOUR OWN HAND. r.i!«n’,.«r nssnme- to tell what the lln«-» In your •mild ¡« di. ale. It will ■ *r ee you. if lurliii g inure. Tue atxnc ,l»i-ri»*n almost explain« it-, if. The i. **»ni of the L Nii OF LIFE indicates pn'liatile to which you »"Il live. Fateli PRACKLKT the- »■•ni ihh’y yearn. Wei maikci 1. NK vF IK\D riouotea train power : cl« ar LINK OF FOKTUNE fa ue or rh li.s. Both combined mean •nc< v«-iii ite; but yon must Ma p n with nnidtru i«l<-a- to "in u You "1 I timi p .nty of ih«*,« ia l> nr«r f- Family Maeaame ao at«ractlvely pie- I I t « a . very m. ni .<*r of the family i» ente», t I i«*«l li « » doz n nuigazin* a In « tie. A CI.KAR I <’ Ut YKT ne-i» ak, tenderne*«: a atrnight 1.1'.. OF FATK. p aceful lira; the rive A if er.m.,,1 t well detlmd LINK OF HEALTH •pi « von doctors’ bii’a; ao wit. tin- t en.tn hint, ni De «I *re».'«. No <>t er magasine p bii-hes mi run -I ri-a toli.ter> -t the home cln-fi*. You »ill -nhiei-l toextrv'nea of I Igh e| Irita or d« -oond- enc if «ou h v the i.tRDi.K OF VK Is well niAiked keep np your -pnt, l»y having l>ei* on-at’* Ha*riz ne to re .a By -ub-< ribb p to It.for Is9l ffn* will r n- •/ I*. • v of exipii- (•■ ". rk- . ( art <if T -nt v line, bea <1 « t ie su|s rn pn mlun. pleu re. lici'IiM limt, I'm a D-i-v!” »Iik-Ii I» a*moat a .eal baby, «nd eq a I to the original oil pnin'ing »lik-h Co-t «3*1; an I yon wl I hav. a magaaint th.*t cannot m* equa ed by any In the »o ld for its l'eau iful 4. i-rrat on» «ni -abject matter, klar will ke p •on po-t«-i on ill the op.ea of the day, •> d all th» I, Is a d iiff, <-nt Item« of inferrai ab. ut the h 'ii-i ho’d. bende» furo -hin - Interratine reading matter l»ot>. grave : i d cay. for the whok* family ; ••id will)» Da-nore-t’a t- m«t a fashion n aratii », It.- fiatilo» pit »are • •■ feet, »• d you get with It. tree of co«t, all the pattern - y » wi h to u*. «’tvlng the year, «od In *ny • re you <*•» o-i -< ml in your -iib« rptl.m ,t orce. on'y f.' (10 ,i d yon « ill e illy ip-t over *7)01 ine se. A ttr“, lr< pub. ii-hir W. Jennl •« Dmon-t. !’• Ea-’ Itti St., hew York If »on a-«' onacqnalnted w**b th» F '.vir «e'-d 'ova . neri men cop». A l«T-<)!' D R'Nm.R mean- I. n.*«*v; a ¡irre TUl'NiUK te ieros *r |o..»F'ir»T UtVjuiON O'* TH! ' « e»mn»«i)!; in\»; stiOMi DIV1»<ON r>a—» I« • f«-»'» H-«**». T te 'mt ' T «>F Jt I’lTBIf ' «,. n, ambi «a : t«’»’of s‘TI RN. pni.l i..e- tb* s* if. I I «f ..lent..r II « !:s con a w; MOON, tinse »- I «« VEND*, lenir of r’enenr» ; »n*l M Kit» I RY, It«- ' * ,m» -y « |,ier «« nboer a«*d »«•» *U' N «re lo por-»• « the la»l ami *m>4 '-■.laabk* *»c,*y( arper’a liarnr is a journal for the home t gi'ca the lnteat informa'Iocs with regard t< ho Faahiona, ami its iiumeroiia illustra io s l'.aia eaicna. au<l pattern ,lie«*r auppleutenti me i di«|n‘i>alble alike (o’hch«imeiiriWs*mnke* and the prAfewai >*«»l >n<*di»re. No expen»«' b ap'a e.‘ to make ita .«rtia'ic attracilve osa of thi hivheat order. Ua t.'.ghtator ea. amuai ig com e lice, in.d then li fui eaaava an'laf all taafea ami a las pag ia fam«*na aa a budget of wi’ and humoi. In ita week »* iMUea everethms it I in lined whice la of i lereat t»> »vo tien Th« *eria a 1st.8 will lie written bv Walter Beaau’ i and tne all < hr atine Terhune "errick .. i furnish n pia< Hi al aeri« a, entitled “At th T let” firme King, «rive Thorne ‘ti'’er. and amia. «■ W fleeter v. ill be frequent c.intfil’ll r. The work . f w.> own In the ('«dumb an Exist • t on wi be filili repreaenleti with mauv U US'r ttioi.a. T. W. Ilivginsoii in '‘Wome it <i Meli.” I p cure aeiibivated audience. i> ■ ^*7 '.-a r ijn ’» ! M, R Biggs ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office at Sheriff’s,Office, BURNS,---------- _ - - Oregon. GEO. S. SIZEMORE, ATTOKNKY, B urns , ........................... O regon . Coliec.ions, Imitili business, and Kral 8 *tate matter proiuptlv a.tended u>. i-nybiuian <x ourgeon. H a KI’ER’S PERIODICALS Per Year II H 'ZAR.............................. « •’ I M Xi. vZINK. .. t «' I IV : S’I. Y ... 4 (* ■ If.- Y*>* x<; PROP . • ’ t^e ree to nil S’ll'seribers tn the Unite* l a* s a. or Mexico. .o «unes o he Rasi«* egiu with 'he firs | timber or la* «lari of . each 'ear. When «u ! . .. .. ■ «<. », iteti «1« slime ia <"t'l,nel. su su «scripti «•Smi >n •• wlll '»•” Bevit >-—*- e'vi.ned, wi e Ite < iniber .... . cWrrent atthetimeof receip ««■ order I mill I >■ lu **, o ... » Bazar lor ihret '•*rp. ieri«* mat cloth dindin«;, ;. « ili he sent b' mal p - a : * t«al*i* of fj expre a. free of expense -r------ «r bjr v de.! *be freivh ’ does reivh' do*« n n ’ ’ fv “« eed one ----- dol J I itcrv lume) or *7 • o time ( 'o li case» f teach vo un e.«uDatile L r ' Ind ti.g V.« Ihe senti y mail posimi* I co n ceip .d II ea< h emi tance* »boul I l«e man* by p stOTIce M ’ «y <» r D aft. avoid rhanc* of lo a Alea« I i RP! R A BR >THKRS RO-^e »miner» r* n< t i* co > inr one n >r li I have al ■••emette wi'houi the IJt ». Iters! H IKPIK I'RtiTHEKS .• N U • L X> ’ . i .» iPnir. - ■ <r r«> tu. 3| fr»e. A ■ » . —• « - Ik. « f». ■ Vvr* A graduate of the Iowa State Univ< rditjr and College of Physi cian* and Surgeons. OlHce at reside! ce in Burns. Barber Shop —Tonaorial parlor Ed Walton proprietor. All woik in his lio® guaranteed to be first c|at<r. ( all and see him. TOKSORIAL PARLOR. JOHN ROBINSON I’..». Everything in my line gii.^ antred __ to be done satisfactorily. I'be only place in Bn ns you can get bathe.