— I. S. Geer and Co. have an ri- H untington . Oreg , Jan 26. ’94. M cellent selection of garden seed.from ■ t pa-ties nut so well posted in The ’•< Iregon Commercial Co., Jaw. | will give an example, two entire the firm of D M Ferry «k Co. for have this dav bought, the The republican randtdahe I candidates now nominees for office, Construe-, —William Harvey is sole agent WEDNESDAY MAY 9. 1*4 ........... and countv <>H <•» s will ad luj-’ne-s <>f the “Ort gon district Iwilongiiig to the legal fraternity. ' dress the people of Har <ey Countv tion Co ” of this place including for th»- Salem Woolen Mill Slwrw had the settling up of an estate, in ' on the political issue of the dav at Moneys. Accounts, Bills Receivable. in this and Grant counties Blank hah the largest circulation of which I a.n personally interested. Merchandise, Lumber. Coal. Wood, ets fine as silk, robes inferior to the following times and places: I any newspaper in this county . I his firm was given a pension check Diamond.[at School House. [M av 1. Farming Implements. Warehouse none, overshirts «nd underwear aa - <»t $24 to settle cost at the clerk’s Happy Valley, [al I). H. Hmvth’« and Real Estate. Ami assumed all cheap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, office amount of cost $10. the firm ' residence.) Mav 2. debts and liabilities of aa d "Oregon mi’ten». overcoats, flannels by the FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING . 1 T —<• t>. Agent, 21 Merchant«’Exchange , sen Frau- Charged . for its Services anti ill ; Cran«* Creek,[at School House,] ' “ 3 Construction Co.,’ ami nave incur vard. cloth bv the yard, ladies dresa eieeo, our in authorised kept on in file his office. agent. Thie paper ia (’ne account presented for settlement Capital flannels. etc. etc. Takes measure* 5 poraled with $50.000. Drewsey, the estate was credited with $3.50 I for men’s and youth’s clothing. stock fully paid it»- Pine Creek |0,1 pension check leaving a balance H? i •are* Call and see him, office at the iJi*rur\v I due the firm of 136.50 Now the • Harney R. M. S teel , President - - - ,2‘ ' Silver Creek [atSehool House.]" French Hotel. Local News. « 'question is, what became oi the Ap)>oin1 menta for Cawen, Nar-1 J. 11. A itkin , Vice Pres. I —Garden seeds at C. H. Voegt balance of the $24 pension check ’ G eo . A S teel . SVcv rows and Burns will be announecd Oregon Commercial Co., per J.! H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 D rewsey . Oregon, Apr . 28 ’94. later on. ly’B- D ear S ir : Our articles of Cor To the voters of Harnev Countv Democratic and Populist candi II. Aitkin, mgr. —Peter French was in town ves poration provides, and we have ar having received the nomination for dates are inviteli to l>e present and | terdav. I ranged for the accommodation of County Judge tendered me by the! take part in the discussion. I our customers, who are desirous of —Carl Cecil paid us a visit this Populist Party and as circumstances 'earning their Bank account in week — Politics is the order of the dav | are such that lean not make a SUMMONS. Huntington, and have opened an —w, H. ii Canadv 7_„ ’. * is now on the personal canvass of the countv I ever» where. i>nt not so al the Jewel “Exchange Office” aa a Banking sick list. 1 wish to sav to \ou that if el< cted rv Store the order there is this: department —J L. Cross was in our town ',,,v earnest desire will be to pro Cloi’ks. Watches, Jewelry. Spectac-I In the Circuit Court of ihr Stan We are prepared to handle all of Oregon for Ha.nev County yesterday and the day before. I mote the interests of the entire les, Machine Neeules, Silver-war**, I I cheques presented. 1 Photographs | Zimri L. Thomas Pl’ff, T , . . ... . I county regardless ot locality or j Pieture Frames am vs —John Biggs is visiting our town I . . . 1 Issue certificates of taken nv W. N. Jorgenson. . .< i, n. ¡individuals. . . . Emma J. Thoms* Do’ft ■nd his cousin M. R. Biggs. I To Emma .1. Thomas the above C has . P RUTHERFORD. —Get. one of I. S Deep Co s.' —Drummers have been nuiner- ! premium purchase tickets This named defendant. In the name of the State of Ore — We published last week a re ous in Burns in the last week. firmagnestogive the bolder of gon you are hereby required to ho | to cheques. i-..-. —Peter Clemens is having the port of a robbery committed at Lake such lickels a fine life size Crayon pear and answer the complaint1 ’ ’ ’ tiled against vou in the above en- vour consideration and View, said to have been done l>v I Portrait absolutely free of anv hi nt of his livery stable painted. titled suit on or before the first dav | solicit vour account, Rav Dusen'oerry and an accomplice .charge, bv purchasing $20 worth Respectfully. Oregon Commercial M arried —At Drewsey last Hun-( I whose name was not given. We of the next regular term of the of goods for cash at their store. It Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Co , .1 II. Aitkin, mgr. i ay afternoon at 2 o’clock. John • get further particulars of the rob is not necessary that the whole lor Harnev Countv, to wit: on or J alv and Miss Daisy Robertson. bery from the Lake V-ew Examiner, amount should be purchased at one before the 21st. day of May 1894. f.,j| so to answer for waul —Editor John Roberts has moved of the 26ih of April. The robbery time. hut. any amount from 5 cents rfl( end j jf if vuu vou fail wain 1st Readers al 25c ts his printing press to our town ai d was committed at Blv P O instead | to $20 as explained upon the tick [ thereof th'j plaintiff’ will apply to 40 • » the Court for the relief demanded 2nd. in ths future the Harnev Times wili as reported at LakeView. $40 was ets. in the complaint, to wit: for a 3d 55 be issued here. • | the amount taken. The robbers busy decree of the Court d'solv'ng the — Dr. Cate is kept prettv 4th. HO were captured at the J. J. ranche at —George Moore will move, to! The universal good dentistry done marriage contract new existing be 5t h. $1 00 I Plush bv Harry Riggs ami Bob tween plaintiff ard defendant Diamond .Valley, this week. He by him has gained for the Dr. a This summons is ordered to tie Monteiths Elementary Geography Ford. They gave their names as h<iH been employed bv Peter French * ......... t|)e ___ paid defendant 65cts. Monteiths Comprehensive lasting reputation. ... .1 served upon ’ t... _______ Mayer and Wilson, but the Exami to take charge of one of his ranches Parties wishing to purchase a Emma J " Thomas bv publication | Geography $1.25 Clarks Normal ner states that the one claiming bis thereof once a week for six conaecu Grammar 80cts Sills Grammar —Hon. A W. Gowan started to name to be Wilson <1 lid not give his , small band of gentle dairy cattle t . (live week in the E ast O.< ko <* n I I dav for Grant County He will I real name, soil may be that Rav would do well to call and see Austin II frald . a werklv newspaper of '. 65cta. And ah other school nooks visit Morrow County before return Dusenberry had nothing to do with Goodman for a bargain before go general circulation, in said Harnev I 1 in proportion and after this date I ICountv Oregon, printed and pub I will sell school books at the above ing. ing elsewhere. l the r > I ery. lished at Burns, in said Countv and ■ prices for cash and for cash onlv. —C P. Rutherford, candidate for | “Eighty years young.” said Dr. State and appearing to he the paper. ()r(lenJ hy Inafl t| attented WANTED. count v judge, is in our town inter Oliver Wendell Holmes when asked most liKrlv to give notice t<» said * • [defendant, by order of Hon Morton I to Dated this 1st day of March viewing the voters, and of course bia age on a now famous birthday. 1894. Agents to sell our choice and har I) Clifford. Judge of said Court like all other candidates asking in For tot tv-four years Harper’s New C. H. VoEGTI.Y. made slid dated at chambers in1 formation as to his prospects of Monthly Nagazine has kept abreast d v Nursery Stock. We have many Canvon City Oregon on the 16th | i ■ . . r]. new special varieties, both in fruits’ day of March a . I) 1894, and duly election. ot the • eat art and the latest knowl NOTC’K. He- 1 and ornamentals to offer, which ar* filed in this Court. I —Attorney Frank Kellogg of.edge. It is new every month. I- M R. B iggs Heppner, the democratic nomine* j sides its articles on gem ral topics, • controlled onlv by us. We pay Attorney for l’l’fl’ | Is hereby given to whom it may May Number contains six com commission or salary. Write us at for joint senator will visitthiscountv the 1 concern that the promisson note once for terms, and secure choice in a few days. We can assure him. plete short stories, a generous instal given by D. L. Shirk and F. M. be will receive Ja warm welcome ment of Mr Du Mauriei’s novel, of territory. Shirk, to 0. W. Parrish for the sum M ay B rothers , Nursery LIQUOR LICENSE. "Trilby.” half a long stn’*v by James from the members of his party. of $600 dated—-life—day of May Rochester. N Y Lane Allen, and more pictures than 1892 due op <»r before yeara ■ harley Johnson has returned To the Honorable Court ot the average illustrated book. A tillable Women from th southern part of the countv Han>ey County of the alate of from date has been paid, said not« where he went a short time ago, to Oregon, for the county of Harney ’S supposed to haye been lost in th* Tbo secretary of the Elkhart Carriage Wanted in evrrv county to estab We the undersigned, your pe (J. S. mails. if now in the possession work for the P. L. 8. Co. His wife and Harness Mfg. Co., of Elkhart, Ind., lish a corset parlor for the sale of titioners would respectfully repre of any one or in existence this no* was taken ill and they were com ( informs us that their u.-ices will be lower ior 18M than ever. He wishes us to ask Celebrated Spiral'.sent that we are each and all res* polled to come back in order that, our readers not to purchase anything in Dr. Nichols’ tice makes it necssary th»i said lino of carriages, wagons, bicycles or Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages I dents and legal voters of Drewsey Mrs. Johnson should receive the, the harness until they have sent 4 cents in precinct, in said countv and state note should he presented immedia* $40 to $75 per month and expenses stamps to pay postage on their 112 page medical attention her condition re-1 catalogue, we advise the readers of thia and we ask that a license be grant lelylo 1). L. and F. M. Shirk or We furnish completo stock on con ed A. I. Johnson it Bro to sell and otherwise l»e considered cancelled. q aired. 1 paper to remember bia suggestion. signment; settlements monthly. ' digpoge of spirituous vinous and I Dated at Burna Ore. thia the 22nd —Attorney Frank Kellogg the 1 $3 Sample Corset free, Send 18 malt, liquors in said Drewsev pre | day of January 1894. democratic nominee for Joint! cents postage for sample and terms. 1 I einet in less quantities than one * • i* V’ ' D. L. S hirk . C- 1 M _ tN. » Senator in this district, has prac Nichma Mfg. Co., 378 Canal St.! g illon for the period of six tii'inths, troni the 5th. day of Mav A. I). ticed his profession in Morrow New York 11594. County for ten years, he is ( Dated at Drewsey this 2nd. dav an Ohian by birth and during the of March A. D 1894. war served in the Federal Army in NAMES NAMES. the 2nd Ohio cavalry, he is a mem- John D Daly Geo N Rann . l*r of the G. A. R. and was educat Willie Altnow Al Weatherly ' I W A Robertson F M (Jitiler 1 «d in one of the best engineering I Perry Roobins Jeme Bartlett •chools in the state of New York and . Joseph Sivkgny S N Williams’ practiced the profession of civil ZT Moffet E L Robbins I engineering for ten years, a part of Math Wavers I H II Masterson of that time as chief engineer of a Chas P Rutherford C S Stewart f A G Johnson S W Hamilton southern railroad. MRS. LOUIS RACINE. Prop’t. W M Harness M F Howard W F Kingsbury W F Moff, t E d . H erald : It is not always Haul has recently been enlarge end entirely renovated in irei clans Myie. Goe Morgan J H Wright the l<est posted or smartest man | R Drake C N Cochran that makes the best county judges W H Wilson W J South Table is Supplied with the Beat the Market Affords. j"int representatives, sometimes ‘M J Masiker John H Wright i.Geo Lindenburger Andrew Hassett MOST PERFECT MADE. *uch men are too smart. For in- TFKvaliBg wen will «rd »*«■ iîcUl • nkr ” d • S B Stewart Wm Fredricks I A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free a stance they may Iw disposed to use t-Tbomaa Delanv Rolla Stewart , kom Ammonia, Alum or any other adultewC their shrew dnesa to benefit then« R O Lehman. 40 years the STANDARD. •elves which would result in a loss PUBLIC SPEAKING. <• * I *k 44 K I 4. 4» • A I I -.... i »I A4 • 4 »4 • 4 4» 4» I IK ■■ “1 ♦ DR, FRENCH HOTcl BAKING POWDER I I i J, I [Í 15