Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1894)
THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! THE CHERUB ife froui as cowardly and dustard y a set of blackguards as ever Ined. I found out who and what FROM LADIES’ WORLD ■ '___________ '_____________ ' I you were, your condition in life CHAPTER IV. I and. sn forth‘ a* J together we went I look at Lilian narrowly, fierce I up into the interior, struck a min ly. Her eyes are full of mirth. | a> J. thanks be to God, here we My indignation would probably ! are—rich men, happy and str ver.t in a severe naîtra lecture, i.n» GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY ONLY $1 A YEAR?1 tin»! ""1 ve,ita but »v.« the, and with many years of fife b f ’ ’ j; thought of Jackson entangled in j ! us, let us hope.” Any reaber of the E ast O regc I n H erald can get, The Twice a- Mr. Bancroft,” say I. nerving Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The- .ithe cage and rolling down the steps into the snow comes to me at myself for a question, the answer tj Republic with $3. •>. In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America,every this juncture, and the laughter that which I fear may kill me, “do you FREE BRAND COLUMN. subscriber to The Republic will sai’e ten times the price of the paper,or' escaoes mv lips is caught up and know the name of either of those Horn- brand bar ten on left ghiiriider; Cattle more, every year by offers made subscribers from time to timet re-echoed from my father’s room. men who died?” barter! on left hip and upper slip on troth Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon recelp. i"«rg. T. A. McKinnon. Bnrna Ore 1 At dinner I am introduced to a “For the life of me I can’t recall of a po.-tai card request. Address all orders. Hardin A Rt'ev, cattle branded Von left aide Levis-Mol bronze-faced, oewhiskered gentle- ei,her name,” he replies after some Horae brand ~ left aide, p o. Burns,Ort gon man of the name of Mr. Hubert i « flection. At this reply father Bancroft, and the joy caused by . stops short in his nervous .striding >. C, Folev, rattle '.ranil = on rlgnt aide » Hurae brand — on left ihoulder. my father's return quickly drives a>J, looking at his friend, utters a J. A. Wlllfami cattle brand. II., on left rib « 'away all (hough's of the eventful ' low whistle—a most ’extraordinary e h-r»e brand 71 on right atifle. P. O. Riley Or. j afternoon. performance, as it expressed wonder Iforat-a branded ) (on left atffle. Cattle brand -------- I at such a statement. I grow sus- ed < on left hip. Marion Bunyard, I'O ilnrua It is a happy party that gathers ) picious. Cattle diamond on left hip: horai-aCVon lei ehnulder. Charleg 11 Voegtley, Burna Oregot before the grate at night. Father’s “Was there anv token left by MANHOOD • 1 -w-i.uerful remedy . e i , , • guuruiiued tufinv lul nervutl-diteaGe s*.-- ■..... Horae 1 randed P -.n right rh-nltier. ra'tle P i uury.-'Aissoii rain-thrilling stones ot adventure, told ei i ’ her? On (he little finger of him I . v r.tni >- . I ■ : . • n a ISeivous- N. L. » v a - Power, Uea.iaehe, Wukeiulnor'S, LoscMaidiOx d. >. 1« . i.uj tuns, on right h p. R A. lti-i drl< kg. P. o l.awen Or „ ntbs.all drains anil of power!?) Geieir.’etijcr »ex cau*ea i 1. n»n tchlpdd «t v ip nurl his rlocfrir». j bvorrreienion.routhf»: errorn, except o nn-ui i bacro,opium orstlni- 1,1 niv ic, UUU illb uebtrip- who died in Valparaiso was there a , rfgau- ul.iat», which leaa to Inttmikt. ConsuraptSoi. or P unity, (tin be carried in ; .1.« t H-iree brand on left shoulder, alt-n thru .r.e vc-t pocket. Si» 1 per box, <; for .S«*» by xxiiHl prepaid. With aS.» ordi r we ‘ tion of the peoples among whom it band of gold, such as you wear dote, .if ghai-eof tiiHii.-le.i-Httle brai.di dexnie I Ki ve n written irimrat* tee «0 cure nr reoi nd the money. Sold by all 1. E. i-r- 11» Burna or. ______ <iri--fL’-*t«. fur it, 5.ak° r»o <»ther. V’rlte for fren .Mec 1 i-onk pent sealed was his fortune to be thrown; his ‘ “N-no. 1 don’t think—the fact is inpiuiu wrapper, /.adrebs N EK SEED CO., Ala&uaic leiupte,C hicago . if.«. It. ea D'cki-ng.iii Horae brand anvil ot For tHtic «n Bur.ia.Orv.. ijy ii. M. UOKTUN, DruxxiaL . L Nnl I rlnn'»_ irrepressible humor, shaded occa- — 1 I think I Can. can. No! don't— ” ' li ' h i ' attle branded bar R-u ¡eft hip. J O I ./me 'I re fionally by a bit of pathos, all con-1 Again that aggravating whistle ' P Dlekeneon ra-th-brand J P connected <1 ii-tt bip tforte brand aftvil on 1,-ft ei ¡He p I tribute to make the evening one from father, who now stands direct- l.e . ' never to be forgotten . Iv at the window, looking oui at the < H f f> ni'i'1 flvtir.- Ton either hip: mark llitht ►a • !» off en h ear. g ip in euch »•nr, mid WH n I have not had the opportunity of j snow. co 1 !•• *• J h H -iM- bi •( id 11 juro 7oi: either hip. examining Mr. Bancroft’s face as ‘ If I mention the name of the .1. II. Bun li.UuriiB Ore. r< we I as 1 would like; he is taciturn j ship that was wrecked will you con- 1 Tfl », h» r»< p «nd tnti’« s brHbde Cl's -•» ► irte I’ <>. Kiiey (>re. co land sits in the shadow, and I am fitm it?” Z O - I • : Ji s'i Ì» .¡Him-F R ouhh o | rather shv after my brilliant per “Yes.” CT! z g» ç I I formance of the afternoon “The MarV Brown, wrecked off .irHJl £.0 CD “Bancroft, my cherubic friend,” t t he port of Arica, on the night of the .ef’ £5» cries father, finishing the story of I 11th of May, 1882.” uis success in the gold mines of1 “The same.” car tu ' ( Mexico and iiis ventures in th< • i’ in lei.. “And the name of him who was SÄ' copper fields of Chili, “you concludt saved was—” j — ■ -TP«, vi | that store, my lad, and tell us all The lump in my throat has to be now it was that we came together.’ cleared away before I can mention Thus appealed to, my father’s. it. r.ei d tells how he left the United “John Mortimer!’’ is the thrilling I states for a South American port as response, uttered in a low voice, a sailor; how tie suffe red, being i I gasp hvstericallv, totter to my green,” on board the vessel; how ■ feet, then fall in a heap .1 last, when nearing their desti-na- I At this juncture a most unlooked- Do You, the port of Arica, a fearful for incident occurs. temblor, nr eaithquake. came, and Fath' r. with a dart like light” the Vi seel was wrecked, al! cm board Ling, si lings at the man, stiatchi 8 peri-hing save three. I from bis face a false beard arid Disease commonly comes on with slight “ 1 he three—what became of bom his head a wig. and as Jack- symptoms, which when neglected increase them?’' say I, leaning forward, •on and Aunt Chloe—the latter in extent and gradually grow dangerous. rather pleased with the narrator’s ! holding tier skirts and taking most i I i It yea SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS vo < e. -idiculous steps—come or: the scene TAKE RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . lUnarica s G reat Ranger If you ara BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or tiara “Of the three, one was left on a in response to Lilian’s cries of LluER COMPLAINT, .... TAKE RIPANS TABULES desert isie, having become crazed ilarin, my reeling senses ¡after days and days on the sea in tbefbfm bl him who went to sea It your COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or you zv SWlrtH cj', TAKE RO PAWS TABULES SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATING. an open boat.” : but was'not drowned ;i. I animine .t Envii >li M'ienti t recently: For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR | “ How cruel in you! And did he TAKE il- .. mije. I (xiiiiioiiH thug eut Aulì. i- “I have coinè back for you, Rose, R3PANS TABULES DERS OF THE STOMACH. . i i l |i «.f t ay l ■ Imi ilio IX'i-'iiilu uhi p I die alone, forsaken by all who loved dear ” cries John Mortimer, hold- I . li >>i u « i :» i j n i y fur It <- ft ¡pans Tabu/es Regul-'e the System and Preserve the Health. i i .-u. i l. J i p i . I < I’ mx in . in, i r l'.e him, with no hand to help him, no ¡ng me itY his strong grasp. ‘ From iii i> < f i i ' u tiinoii^ pul i.a u i n. I RIPANS TABULE EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. LES i one to hold his dying head?” say I, your father’s lips I hea’d of your < U .u o o I d »limigli, l > bo t.ii c, I i t the piar« nf M SAVE MANY A DOCTOR S BILL. t i. v u -, 11 I'.iii / c i:>p nil t > I ' o It- : . quickly, my breath coming in gasps. 1 repentant spirit-, and at lest you are A COMPLETE u i h -i .i I. ..-i i — 1 |,.„i ninni 11 u.l n it il 11 I Sold by Druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. ♦ A great fear seizes me, I know noti mine, mine!” MEDICINE CHEST '■ Box (i> vials). Ta cents. Package (4 bux-as), S2. C im • I ov oil. 'i n i . I i - i i F For Free Snrupie* addreM • and and a ?.. lh<>uld (»«• * ■ ni for ♦ 1 why . it i < M t ><t a l.iili:uv, . <1 U Ul.trJI. I “Well done, John, mvEcheruhic u*< !■ in eveti1 fainily.. • X ! U'- THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. L- i io w y « w ;■ n r. I ’I he gentleman hesitates and friendl” I hear the voice of father £♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦•**•*• •< • • 10 SPRl'sr GTr»EeT* - - NEW YORK. f u ari IJti t t ) cri i ? Ciò vx" kxS56oòóttòc~ ioccLU looks at father, who in turn looks I above the confusion. Then, grasp lo l tlo We I. 1 ci: h -<• it i« the t Ml ■ l.ll I .1 I i.i i « r v oiiuii « sharply at him; then father sud ing Lilfftn arourfd the waist, he |-ii’itl lie !.. Nervous L i jo.-ik ri 1 denlv bolts from his chair, as is his pointed tA ‘ where we are. •‘Lilian •pi miinx v . .i R- h ul r:»| idîi . A1 i<- ; I — »• i> n he, lOtl.illl , » • f custom when excited over any mat- mv dear.” hef says, his eves twink i « 1 1 1 it. 1 iï I «, i .<4 I 1 ti*r. ami ho floor. ter, and strides t the ling. “look at vDur future brother. "i < f l'll . 1. .. 1 -, 1 ni ' . I i ' ti ::¡ < < t I. i :• nit. J ' Of that innn who was left on. the Look at hini; I say! It is said <b:it , J i. i Km • ■ • 1 J.t. Ui'lt. Vlaxe »« d t:> (iwmfrf tor year 1 airen-islsntl,” continues the-.nar your father can do some tall pre i , Hi it bit: i .1 . t « ; !i- i-r.i- -, .» a-, ft i t o t vi.b r’s profit. V» ' ’ jo t’x' U Oi4< oi 41'Tvwt i.vtnuiac:ur»i < » i a « k r- ■ ' • 4 ' 1 ’ I ‘ . \l. 1 I'll litv, 1 il raior, •"nothing was ever heard, but varicating, but for piire, unadulter L‘4fk’.l. >c Vobivh-* and llr.’Tiessi U is wv.y « .tp ■sraea v I tit» to ' » e arilro t> 'kbvft’iv rte-ey K .7. « . A. I . I:.. -I : I r I ni II t • \ p.»y fr.M iitbv.U ' f i H h F U' m Í í ’ c - 'li- boil containing the two seamen ate lying, if our son and brotb°r ■'* I Y. I ... vKpt I px, I iti.usi I ' i . v. \.u: t for y cat ' hypr.vain nt'.’U u ' I I- f V ' 1 1 \*r ' r own Oitl 'f. ■ v ■ u ,-1 I r. Al i v- " live .Ni- w s p ckiXil up by a coasting vesSel here don’t excel the Baron Mun- I \i:* : V, v »alo r.ll risk of daiuage m ’> • p »I ?: X lu »it hu, I ¡ nil it rils b. 1 BlilpptQK. _ and the p kir fellows were landed ait chausen UH eat the whole book— WHOLESALE miCES. n ■« i rni », i t h ' v t v • > Cpring fanoni, t3l to $•. C- <•• imnte«U Un-inuiteMl No. 741. Snrrey. b e fi *. fi intuì i I h < <| ini in giv u g minili' la? at-Valparaiso, Chili, Here owe and the Baton, too.” •' “ ••’ ‘»LM i Cu’-reyc., toClCQ l-l-.f. l'r. Mi,«-.’ Iiltlv Nt\<> timi l:<. » io »4 »V|| f< r *i.w f.. <•' — »...« • ‘Top Fu - 'ic. > urrcT 1 t r L* 4 et k J , V PhVilo ,3.« o (heuKd^-fJ—” J'i n-ilvieiil 1 tr ! ni-itli'VwiUnirli J V.-.’ . - ,1 ■». \A to SIO3. . farm ................... p ëVe<xon«tt« »11 ili *i<-iu««lit*. tu bv ti e l < -t p.lls i.i ti w.i ronn, Dciiv« v - 'arro * r ons.Ddi»- "HhwWuWe?* ’ I. Cry. Mr. Bq.» Z “Jackson,”says Aunt Chloe,' wot i.... »11 iliv ’ C^rts. ‘ ‘ : ■ “ . »V .. 'S • u n:.. » • i i**^ t'f^rittXs’a ninu’e, then waives aiil dis yah thing?’’ holding out the " i <>• (ivo vi ir» 1 b ire . fi' -rii frm-i »30 !• y. Ti»1 « l n-lr 111 n, ini. im < l<* t<> Wm \ tin- liUestilH»- it false whiskers worn by Mr. Morti- ;x. UnJ Wubii. C p ‘Hij tir-1 il,- i i Cr. Milcs'Rr>'ur 1 —t*bW*-The other, b ippening bv iper. ' | a • ri-rviie p o t< , f, xml n « n •‘ani’f >< » ' , | in w . il 1 < v 1 e M1 «• 1 Xo.. ’S ,. .c|- l I the iBen-H chance to save the life of “Go ’wav’ Chloe! Don’t cum d,..,., JjiilN MINCHI E, Y v J43.Ö3 an Anirri an from assassins in the botherin’ Foun’ me. chile. De? * < T V, < ! I X I r. Mil't* R’fc’orsf.c Her» no k I (I «ir».-tn <>f Valparaiso—’’ b*tii ’citement 'nuff ’rotin’ heah f>> ► pillisi i» Ct'iUNU N1rn.11« I’ im -. w It That’s modest. Huliert.” II) V de las’ free week? to set one craxy- • h • li\ coitum. n < cpiutiM < u «¡.il «i r.11. I 11 • H ' ; «• ti t'w» 011 >» pM UW irti ir in'.v bv n'l ti-u.-g »1«, < r t it!p r breaks in. »peaking rapidly, You jfs’ go frow dat thing way. l>r. Àll i» Cv . l>kl «.4, ¡mi. l.-t me finish it. Yuu saved tnv TO BE CONTINUED. I STOCK BRANDS. TWICE-A-WJ5EK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. I i i I ' I I I 7LL rutile, St. • . A1 tV.’ . W'?AX7 .1 * and iSOECS KFS. GO. r4 ---- - — —1 1 —