! I’K'w V n*'** WEDNESDAY MAY 9. IK!4 W. C. BYRD Keillor. monetization of the silver dollar. It is this class that urges the nee » essitv of restriction of foreign ini migration. It is this class that’, u-ges tariff for revenue only. It i-' POPULIST TICKET. GOVERNOR Je’/h THE PIONEER FIRM PIERCE. •ECKETA b Y J oe bTA’IK ira W akefield . lationinthe interest of corporation | when detrimental to the welfare o STATE TKEA.-l KER. the laborer It is this class tha COUNTY JUDGE. R. P. CALDWELL. urges congress to «tarrv o it th ATTORNEY GENERAL. WILLIAM MILLER. Chicago platform which is alums COUNTY CLERK. M. L OL.M a TEAD. | wholly ignored l»v President Cleve Harney County, SUPREME JUDGE. P. L. SH1DELER. I land backed by most oi the re SHERIFF. R I*. BOISE., publican members of the house and i senate. It is this class that savs :• Bl’PT. OF PUBLIC INsTRUi TION. W. E. ALBERSON. I majority shall rum and that n- ASSESSOR. T. C. JOKY. president has a constitutional righ STATE PRINTER. SAMUEL MILLER. | to veto anv measure, a majority W A lib. C iíc iv i. i. i T. A. Mt KI" NON. JOE W.\ I J; hi >P > ff ci and consequently trem-mialil» CORONER. • in its character towards the peupli la iti i.^s i r.KO \ H all V ia hr... and the people is the government, LEE CALDWELL. and have the right to dictate t< SIXTH DISTRICT NOMINEES.! 1 ull»i ili». ou UIV loi eue ..i (.ivailj liuuixu yio.i» lui c.iJD. servams in office m hat the» w is h •»» CIRCUIT JLl» . desire for t he g. od of the goveruiii m W hat class <»f our government* but the seivnits have no r.ght o J N HU i >' »N ILb 1 LX.Y is the truly american tvpe? Is it l'tifiate to the people DISTRICT ATTORNI Y. the bloated bond Holder that, lives in VV.M PARDONS this nation temporarily in gilded •fl 00 Reward $100 MEMBER BOA k DOEEQ »L1Z »TI0N. unlaces? But most of the time these O. P GOOD a LI,. splendid edifices are closed and the The readers of this paper will I t>i Lords of the manors, with their pleased to learn that there is families are in foreign parts having least one dreaded disease that i SCI COUNTY NOMINEES. a good time at t he expense of th» ence has been atile to cure m al truly americau patriotic citizen. its stages, and that is Catarrh COUNTY JUDGE. Are the ninion< or Wall Street our Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the oui' ,,.r nf 1-». and R Street. C. P. RUTHERFORD. truly american citizens? Who never positive cure known to the med i cm take a thought as to the ultimat» fraternity. Catarrh being a eon CLERK. result to the neople occasioned bv stltutional disease, requires a cun Proprietor. G. O. HENDRICKS. their diabolical scheming to enrich stitutional treatment Hall’* SHERIFF. themselves at the expense of the Catarrh Cure is taken internally JOHN JACQUEMIN. government? acting directly upon the blood an ASSEseolt. Coruoeations and trusts of a na- mucous surfaces of the systen I MARION HORTON. turr «olely to work out their owii tti-reny destroying the fnundatio Selfish interests ure detrimental to of the disease, amt giving the pa TREASURER. the true interests of ’he people Ml tient strength by building up th J. N. JORGENSON. large and as such should be «•are- eon.'iitution anil assisting natm COMMISSIONER. fllllv • bittt • d ai d t tie rein drawn taut, in doing its work. The proprietor HENDERSON ELIOTT. and instead ot being protected and have so much faith in its curat! v> SURVEYOR. petted by the go» eminent shouhi be powers, that th**v offer One Hui. I.. V. SEAVVEARD. comp lied to hoe their own row, and dred Dollars for anv case that i' • the p. ople protected from their in fails tu cure. Send for list of testi COUNTY SCHO U Si'PFriX’T' X DENT. iquitous designs. menials. EDITH CLAYPOOL. It’s the middle class of our‘O- Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO CORONER I'luptH iui.- o. It nite Front Livery Stable as­ cietv that is our truly American Toledo. (». Sold by Druggists. 75c sure the ptli.li t.t, are prepared to at eviuuivdate GFO. SOUTH WORTH. citizei The other two classes, in every way id ihtir ln>< oi OUbiness. which are the extremes, we mean, I and grain cunslautly on hand, and careful help. «*1 the millionaire and the vagrant. t I. > __________________________ • rematile« th»t do not in-l • tha health health oi At ibtarfera with oue'»busin« mie’« hiiAiin# A 0 the isterfere with w '•assengerv taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wa|H 1 he »niddle class upholds the gov* ' . »sure. It builds up and improves the g< < W . alth.eleara the akin and beaut ines the conipleii in cor.nec’ in» ’rnment and is infused with true, ., w.tnMe« o» flabb*”— ♦-’low this t- *■ fret*« At* ¿ ’» »% Es« ...MiU by physicians u«u .eadlng society 1. r J atriotism and love for our countiy.; FAtlEhTS TREATED BY MAIL. CO%7IOrNl„ 1X>X •¿4K*s ^\jW \ ‘M'li Cll.V 11.irwIn*. «• Karri,«. Send « enU li itamp, (or porUrulw V M hat does the vagrant or million- | Mi. LW. r. MTHL ■ IIC«I 4 THUItL C4IUCI IU aire care for our republican institu tions? The vagrant’s only desire is to live at the ex|*ense of the middle clasa, and the millionare has the' a a . premia« Kvitilylug pills euro couHtipatloti Premiss KorllfylbK plilseurwcousUpatloa ¿2 Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss Rectifying pins «-uro constipation SMITH A BAILEY. Proprietor, fame patiiotic feelings and inten tions of the vagrant, that is to eucre, | the laboring true american citizen, Wines, Liquors, Cigas and Cigarretts °:>t of his hard earnings and grow Good Billiard fables, Pleasant Card Rooms, eto., et«. rich. Salom is first class in every particular. Experience barto Both the millionaire and vagrant Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. ciass receive more attention to-day than the truly deserving class, that is cal ¡ed upon to support the govern- u-ent. It is to the intelligent mid­ Almost al' pills and medicine prm’.ucs constlpatloa. here Is a i, I to..t cures torpid lirer. blliousne«». rheumatism. lnCl^Mtlon. sick headache and kidney and Ilwr dle »'lass that the government owes troubles wl thou I prlplns or tear In: any trace of CONSTIPATION, which ■11 its wealth, former prosperity— Is the prime cause of sit sickness, beware of It setting habitual sad chronic with you. Now Alas! rapidly declining—and see to It la time; these pills will core you. ■ A I f Use pnENTICG RCCTIPYINO PILL. peatness. Jj (o class the g I I Ml ^^^bcrauoe It Is the only safe and barmlaee La I NMB remedy that will surely BEAUTIFY the JOHN SAYER 8 'Vernment must turn for that true Proprietor support to save us from utter de rtruction. The hand-writing is on Situated on Si Ivies river 1 mile East ef Berne, near the brtdgi *he wall, this class ^.ust be honored rrtTi~ the skin aad remore alt Motcbes from the tees. Try a he« aad see Nr yw- self. M Cents a hsa. *»d their advice taken or the va- GOLD OY AU DRUeetGTQ. Or seat hy mail «pen receipt at price by $r*nts and millionaires will certain- Customers wii receive GOOD FLOUR front PrentiM Chemical and Manufacturing Co., tainly sever our independent inati- 4M «AUfWMA rraecT, san lutions. Good Wheat If is this class that urges the re- DEMOCRATIC TICKET N. BROWN '{öS* PRENTISS RECTIFYING PIEL u HUMS rWUmAW MILL COMPLEXION