BURNS PIONEER LIVERY STABLE. Or»g . March 1. M j . IIcxTiMiToN. — • D ear S ir :—We again call on von soliciting your bti-inea.A for 1694 WED5KSDAY MAY ». 1*< Business Locals. Our Warehouse will have the game attention as formerly, ’all I. i-in —- J i entrusted to ug. w ill lw car full*’. looked after. Ship vour, go id? our care We continue thej ihhing ; > Gro­ ceries. etc., and will he ph a-rd to — school book* at the drug store quote you prices at any time. . | r>f JI. M. Horton | * We buy «»ur goods dir-et an«l^ —'»chool books and stationary will be plea-ed to divide MaVgillP. cheap for cash. at the Hardware witti with you. you thus giving voli gomis as clieai .or cheaper, than they '-an be | StoreofC. H. Voegtlv. ’« placed here from Portland. Ymir corresponden e- -o' cited. I — Don't forget Henry Cheatham .1. H, ba * •■er. desires a part of your pat­ Respectfully. O. C. Co, I . Aitkin . ». ronage, at the new bartier shop. A h’gh-cla-g illustrated monthly’ Prop R A URIS & BE (»ELI *» 1/r-s. if. F. siis'otn ■ The Proprietor’s are well prepared t > accoro >n hte Job Wagon in connection. Charges very reasonab’e. 111 VJ20 □ V’-cc’c WiUj.eatax.-J_:. ’ :• UxiLJjuHc ’ -Jybroken ■’ w-v. Beior.- I L..J »l.e.i a bc’..^o I Head's ixrsa. I f?:: batter. ” ov 1 Amia liV^U • ------. — r‘*rli C Cu I — Who said you couldn’t get a tna'azine tn the hoie s no longer good health, for nil if v .. a my arodue good flavored cigar in town for five -dia.” M hs . .:. 7. • Hood ’s r,T:on C2T0-P It i- a nec s-nv, and , , to I I to r<,xz ,Ci0TC C-< o. Get Hood’S cents? Cull at the < it v Drugstore a luxury. i. imet the demands «-r«-a‘«d by this’ 7 wood’s P!”» o ' Co :by rodar-- and inquire ujt...uuoi laeu—eutaryumuL | Iieces.-itv. THE 0<»S.MOFOLITAN’ (BguwiwmkU — Builders tools and all kindsofl building hardware al the Burns M A’' \ZI X E. giving yearly, aa it] t 1536 pages of reading by the* bird ware »tore, al bottom p’iceB' doe-. > A nurvei.o«« ni-covery >‘v- f- >r can . a»d -t living authors, with over A. J McKinnon •4 • ’■ •>>-- ’i- •• I'JM* illii«tr.itiims by clever artists Superfluous hair remove t per | Shop opposite the Clerk a Oilice. mi- -b pped into the breech, with ■nmientlv. instan’aneouslv, wi’linn'd » ». that' has i reiiucimn in ¡Is price i nai”, by. Elec’ro Chemical Fluid, i experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. t iri ‘ <1 the Jit« rmy wml«’ •’ I In order to prove supeiiori’ v. we | I he H krai . o . fully alive |o .th« '.ill for next 9(1 days send sanqt’e j of it- patrons, }>as . made He solicits a «ham patronage of his frends. ot'le ami ’••»' i liimii a I - free, on re- —T ir SiliMin. in ih? new hotel needs arrangements with -thi ■ < 1 i , •nipt of nineteen cents to pav n«»st, building. Ri»'hiir«l»on and Stephens', -pecl.'il ii.on ’ t.lv, w herel.V it wil ,.ge Electro Ch« mica) Co.. 25 East proprietor'», i- nicelv furnished ami 1 s-ip- rn oiders for Veirlv ’subscrip rec. i Ve its cu-'olliers IS given the beet !4’h St. New York I ! i< »11 > to • «•t.'l pti lica’if.m-1 oml'i1m-«j I brands ot liquors ami cigar.- -mu of $3.00. f «r ’he -um $3.U AND W s LU-TKIBP K< ¡H K1 > V.— ■ TP. Win.ini..w‘»-‘.»<*-’hPir '-''rilé '-«(i on uki -.I fet —Do ♦on K" a L;i Ebe price "f the great il Ilfs!’•Ml t ver fl ft ' 'tore bv milli.n « r n. th -re f,r theij paper? If mil trv The 1 H Ï t • c'nhlfen while te • hii-tr. wtthnerert »ne- ‘-es. Í Illi»li’îilies in I he past Tilts me! Fu li-l «1 a’ the i «•><>• h - s the ehi Id. « f « il t e ‘inm ♦ ill i . h I ii , cures vtnd colic, uuU is the her- rent ami 3 00 ami s 4 lM» a ♦ ear. < apil d '(rig , •»Terzi. 1.1 f. r Iliairh > es. Is |.l, mnl to -he la- e i old by Dr.ngg s s iji every |o«rt .if the w.x-ld. ■ jmfep ,i|« nt I ■r in .. ,<| u w er<- t i i.e Imi mi ni i Ç In l;ie^ U.i'i « '.vein.' tl»ei ci.s II houle, 'isoline is invulg I < hinoilt-r . tur «ble. Be spre and nek Cor .Mrs. Win . preleiitioiis li'iiiie — t he lie -I \\ t-ek ♦ F; Proprietor. oo'hll.k -vru mol I like ho other Uiml. G. W. H ayes Cailto ma. Onlv il.od per vear i iii-h« s a h» Ip Io all f'tinlin-s, i « I •r ■ 1 i matter how niod«>t th«-ir lijphli’. Addr-ss CO.V'iÜX •- ..ha :n< i Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* ui ’ -dù- î I hk B ee ; til kl'rp III touch With the I U«4 U.i * - .4 V A. »«*-►» 1.».. r.M’- l.eavoö Burns daily at 6:30 1’ M- . I V.. • v»4 f'JL v>í U r.v-. j Xc \ CX*. I m U i U U«. VU. .T S. ict imeiit.i, ’ 'al . ini tills <>t I tl > ■ >' Id . .IS I hl- .y..4Vx^i*-* » a * i]> i' C»4:-"U1 a «1 v JI. ) It, k Ol •. a . . '_» J tail ll«¿< ¿4, I L I t ; • _„..IL. 4^* One way ^-'50. —The R-d From Silonn. now politali ha- today the r • . , .. \ • :. i t Fare, round trip, $12. j AL v tin . I. • it .»i.’.ki tr\ u.i( ;u.¡ i*.iu., I Í r 2»ef4«n.A a • giiii 'gun under ’ m- manaj •m«" 1 regular sta tlHf an « «-xi • t:qe p. u . itsv • i *’• Th ’< •: > I «* l r? T haviu • ♦ !• • !.□*• i t it b. <" ty I«. h "Lu 1 ical. Semi orders to r*i Through freight 24 c ' r . a pound- 11’ ’» • . V. / '■! < I \ Jjiq ol its old pTopiirlor. L--e ('aid Well T he H e ; ali », »•v’i l » I p • :• ¡ hi m r.» i ".a; t .?•’ r. I r. ó • »1»; (.«•*..'•, i|t tJ,| < hi- friends will find mm tie' -am» I 'm i s Ore. i ,’T i . ’ ! i‘ I*. V. 1.11 ¡t- I • ». i » 1 »T* .* » • »Df »‘ » tîyrpf.j <-o >rteo||- 'iccmu imld 111 ng gentle r. 1-4 : 7 1’' < p^TiÇF. r<". J Inati. disprn-iiig the nest brands ol . J — To Stl ‘»crihris — -Th»- H e , ai i I liquors, cigar-, etc f..r th» at ti Burnì Xm-thw«'et both I T • .Rural": ' — Another ptupo-itiou to >111» price ot till- (I EH A I P ■’/[KENYON BROS in-riliem l’o tlm-.- who will i X i >1'1 II West i- I good m w-v p-eper 3 of th a£ri- j back eiinseriplion- ami one y devoted to the wall’s lidvalice, ami deslíe I lie Pre pt ielors | -1111 II r’Ht N'lW I- Ito- fili ! tú ’ pii ♦ I ill .J Iliade, we will Hendto I heir on vi nr lirr. -a’ and <»'••• yi-nr Tf . ----------------- ,,a-- |.()F BURN’S MEAT MARKET.’ the Herald ami Blatte t> ir •* —Mra Bacine a’ways set« thè b Hi ot tal» es. t-Vervthlltg Ilice and p ■ untili. Il» r ro<>iii' are unex I <-ep’lonable, and eVery ime ol ber I p t r->ns K ' ow -he spares impalila t<> accmii ne «date and pio tar A Stage Line. Burns - Ontario .1- •. V 1«'” /V inware & Sb — A farm on l imit cr< vkuoi.taii iug I6u iiures. I m.- runt'li has . — I'l.Olll loti ,Hlf. Ol III' .lllow ami Is I Jan edmirni.lv situât. 4 |o< .i li fs I c usr ! Hlvcp. cattle ol tlol- ramlt, Ix-ing i surrounded tn the v--i oval I ange, I ‘I It tv g 11111 •» ■ i. eg» to • ....... _ .--------- n.. ( * •’ * — I Fresh Beef. Fork, ami Mutton •co istanti« kept mi hand also all es Ed Words. < r'AlNTî i H APO- OILS ■txr a rlAq^ KE X YON BROS. V el.f-IK'N I ooo^s % 1 1» ».«Iwifni WIN' l»vii\ri. J l ir t’iieclm a Fi. ,-lrn- <'lire |h s|. VrK ICO.«»Vi .» B Iti' . I.iugi-o.i* ''pimi <> ( in ''paV- io botiti, .♦ niioiiì palo. t ' I I '. 1 < 1 -llulltC-t iuju »♦ glealc-t Woilder ol III N III» I et'liirv . «•'om-hlng .<« H i ni. velwi inar» ih 14. r. Hi ami lertlu» toni- tl>." b <-tti ■. I1 > i * imi '»i X I • • • » «»*.* V. • «• • I •| AMM UNI l’IoN A- Flrli W a RE, CKUCKEKY AN - MERS’ a M ca II a N i ( » i i a i.» i >»•' « u r 11 < » • 1^ \ gr*»d t ii.c’i I lo'..,i >g to »I •■ Campbell, cm 'ai' ii .< I • ’ e- 12 luilcs Month cast ot Buri M lias ranch Ims about Im* acr* s <>f gissi meadow lami. I’m e $ a (IO <>r wnl trail«' for sli»-rp. By hi » A* Kixo DOWS I KAN ûl H j ." .aviti « ✓ AT.QO nvU-FW« TV tie r tin als, Siiiisaa« s. etc., kept III tir-t ein-- Me»' Miitket. Sold lie.-.-p lor i -i-h-. ’»!♦'«• us a call. I I t ran Ciod r un wake , granit ♦ KE GÁKi’i'.N SEEDS. FAR- - < • ndertaking goods . 4.» I kB« i » V A - t I » 0 £ £ • Ste; I One sect ton of limi about 7 miles | north iti Bnrmi. fully 1G4» weros of which cali le irtig •»**♦!. .m 1 quality ♦ f a ’ll nmmrptss <1 Good outlet « I ng« Fu • le chrap. B y hi » A K i su . I I I I » vuntcKf’. jwan Plorar» c V>r I r* « 22 îîd . ■% A.x«i,iv4y e luiûiaHy Invited. *> orpTT A’V*’ Q*V A •> Han. • ih îmaï ......... propri et«r n M. wokTOv T?*** • ▼*•*•*■*'*▼ r*Q ***f>rv < C’C’A rvr? A P° FTC. rr; — <-» 5*r;T» \4*».<,’r‘aI s . :» ■»•’.. » •» * ’ . , * J • Music b. Rums stiing band ¿und»>d. First Class I’ental Work Dons. I