Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1894)
—To Subscribers—The H sul * and Rural Northwest both for th, price of the H erald . The Rur>l J Northwest is a good newsy paper .devoted to the wants of th- agrj. enkurist. Now is the time to up your arrears’ and one year iB advance and get an additional pa- per in the bargain. STOCK BRANDS. House, sigii and carriage paint ing. KaUomiug, decorating, graining, and hard uh dnidhiug. Cowa, nurgea or anything suited my purpose wiH ire taken by me fro.u parties su desiring. Price« reasonable 1 believe in the uiutto "to live and let live.” L. B. C ulp . Proprietor. JOHN RAYER Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burna, near the bridge Customers wi. receive GbOL) FLOUR REAL ESTATE AGENTS M. R Biggs ood Wheat FREE BRAND coLl'MX. attorney - at - law , NOTAR Y PUBLIC, AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Burns Orogon. Hora brand bar ten on left shoulder: Cattle t ar ten on left hip and tinner «-'ip on both car». T. A. McKinnon. Burna tire. We have at this time for gale Hardin A Filler, cattle branded Von lef* »'de Horae brand “ left aide, r ■ . Burna,'»r« gon Olice at Sheri 11 b Oilice, BURNa, --- - - - - Oregon. several productive farms, well im proved and well watered. J. c. Foley, cattle brand = on rignt aide Hors«- b'and — on left shoulder. Parties wishing to purchase cal |on us we will show them the land J. A. Willlama rattle brand, II , on left rib horse bread 71 on rieht a’ifie. GKO. s. SIZEM oke , P.O. Rile? Or. i Cattle diamond on left hip: h<ir«>-»< Vnn lei «boulder. Chari», H Voe/Cev. Burna Oregot HARRIS & BEDELL, Hors» brande ! P nn rich’ shoulder. r.ttle P on right hip. R. A. Hendri, ks. P < i I aweii Or •t i D burgeon. A graduate ol Horse brand :>■ on left ahotfder, ,'ni thret dota . . tri ahapeof I'fatule. cat’le branded fante K. E. Grout Burna Or. i Mira P..«a Dickeneon Horse trend anvil or eft » id«.. ' artle brande«! t ar K on left hip. F i) I-aweu Ore ,t/Je l'»»« Univ relty und College of l’ State h IVMI Claim and öurgeo.’m. (•ilice ut n-B.dt i ce in Burns. u I ms, b< rsea an<l mu’». brande rounding w, uti right a nie P o. Kiley ore. 3 hop Horse brandT on right s i.le Eu w k in his 1 Ci.lSB Jatuea R oum .'I P O Burns ' >re - l.ampsh re A bou» < mile btatid Correspondence Solicited. Office 1 I E ast O regon H erald .. CH. I nule marke swallow fork n right ear ♦> it ui.deri it iti left-at, :>ta:.*. Z on ad i: < fl tup; hone biaii l :he same, u 1< .' hii>, « liai .< » Ze.g er. ni.i i a < ire. I' ko ! g connected, ear tn»rk »« allow fork in right moler bit in ieft. I' I Burns ore MRS. LOUIS RACINE, Prop't. I ''’t<d ha* recently beet* ep'arpe wnfj entirely renovated in first class style. H< ree brand ? uu left shoulder am; .are ■ t. oi.ti le uf right hiud Jv„. l'h . -iimii Hutu, leg, u Everything in my Ime gu>■<•<■ A cription of the same, also the title I i < TOSSO RIAL PARLOR, , we have for sale, and parties desir- ,ing to dispose of real estate cannot better than to put their lauds in Po,p ur hands for sale, because » f ad vertise freely bv sending circular» and cards in all directions solicit ing purchasers and describing the ’and. We will also buy lands for per- The Proprietor's are well prepared t" Accommodate thm'r custome* Isons wishing to purchase in out Charges very reasonah’e. Job Wagon in connection. countv and living at a distance, giving careful and accurate dis ear a ip in each ear, and wh ti Horse brand ti.ure 7 on either hip J. II. Buiiyard.Burns ore. JOHN ROBINSON LIVERY STABLE Horses branded H on left »’lilt . Cattlebrand ed )•( on left hip Marion Bunvsrd. Po Burna ATlOR.vty Í, ................. s^vns, l.unj bu.'i O regon . • pruwptí, a'JtnTLj “u,d r- ny aiUltin WC BYRDS. 77 YKIM. frorn DO Y0Ü WANT TO ADOPT A BABTl Maybe you think this is a new business, •endingout babies on application: it ha.« Isen done before, however, but never have th, se furnished been so near the or.gma. samp j this one. Everyone will exclaim. " W.,11 that's the sweetest baby I ever saw 7* This little black and.white engraving can give you buta faint idea of theexquisiteori'-’’-1. Ti‘4e is Supplied with the Best the Market Affords. to b« dune r.itHi.ictorily. ' file uni v piace in Bnrn.x you I can g. t baths. Ttavelir g dipi v ill f r d <1 ir Hotel s nice and ■stop. i i I i ¡LA 111 òunGANStó < i u. „e« i ,.thh, u * Paniti A<i*ui New Jeitey. i Beall' urns Restaurant. I I .merica’s Great Danger | a UR M ba >te 1 IM 1 A I 4.7 e . jcu :: i WORK DONE, MA ME x JOHNSUN A 1ÆGER. crjuzxTÂir. Meals at all hours, First-class meals served . ni ’ i J an<mincntEn. ii lincienti tic cr.l’y: Ì*' ihoil.nigc i liut Colili uni. liioj.i al ¿'.ni,.. ■ —(0I-.-H— i i p up u lo uy 1> 11-4 ilio |>usrii .Jj iu j Promptly, 11 ii ut’ a ». ittig iTna.hLl |n.i y Tur 1 ti.itiun. i. • Ciò iprvaj <f soctu ni, < r t!.c i.i r 'O « f c ri !■ ii t.imui^ | .1 iic r cn. I ,ii -v " u i <1 minigli, 1 . l*> tu c, I , | Ci v aro i ■« e dliiiigc nip «mi I • t o te : l ! ni l' —i lud nlniu 11 .a I n le im? >'f ov< r <>r’:. T'o t I t -i I !»■• ii<» litui. ~p..r,. . .1 i..o. . ( .i l'V ilio »i y<»i /»c r. V u aro likc jlU i cnat fl ; v.o. r ¡¡U'.Tllo »V. I. / 1 cc nw’U • Í«íii3 ’i» Coll i<i l.l.'l .» l : 1 * < r \ • ñutí • |" i '»‘ t lic !; . hervous I a,in mltnir »... i feu ul r;i iô.’ »1 lll|i UIIA li . • - >.,>»■' lie. I. lì ■ la I I I ||. , - , ¡•HI g S.11- n, J • til Ily.niii,’li. i « Un V, | .li i ri d »"*, .• b Vu"i 1 R> v.’< « I* It; ,c ¡I rj . /.:<t’ h« li J » IH *, Il v IF TC J K.lBT WOKAnoa A3 OUT II ivitig purchased the entire slot k formerly belonging to Cal Geer, comprising all linen of t i <•• i H ardware , i • I V, ) Î . < i; t 1. i . *< WH f ìt. ivo ? c X ÎI it mi !.. » wi Mt A ■: r. A •» I KtXI'Uri) r ’1 wi^o-vs, Pifi' NT-, '« ir • f r Un » »»J »>• L J.*’6rr”i,t:.,r” taxi »rrr’wi-s teiua.0^1,1 F M ♦ f. ItfCV HARI WARE, 8UNUERIES, <£ CARPENTERS IOOI” »;il V” V <1.1 t III ■»• ' « to be i •• O’ five » ;.r< I I d VO tn « 1* . »Ir 11 n, I V t« »I )> *1 lie I r I <’ live M'’vine ■ i > i< an <1 u . I r* i I but »• done n, *—. I» » • ». crckery , glassware , tinware , I >:h r tin -.uni- fur sale at grvally reduced prices fur CASH. I . ! C. H. VOIOTLEY fleinl I ■ rn<-Cmyon Stag« L .inc j I I M.ig.izine for 1-Hl will posse’s a gall» rj 1 ei- <1 ui<ite works of art of i r»at value, beai’Us • M i razine that cannot l>? equaled I y any ¡a the world for its beautiful l.lustratl« ns and subject matter, th it w 11 kcepeveryonc post ed on all the t »pii-s of the dav, rr«l all the fa i» and different items rd interest ul out the li I'leehoM, besid-'-s furnl lung intcicsting reu linz matter, b'th grave ana gay. for the whole family: and wb'le Demorest’s is not a fashion ’lag-izinc, lu f shion rag»* arr Per fect. an I we give y<>u. rr«e rvnf, al! the pat ter 's you wish to u«e during the year, and In anr size you eb«»"eo. Send in ycur sub- •c-it>>k»n only |2. an I you will really get oyer A S in value. Ad ln-ss th<’ publi« er. W. Jennings Demorest. 15 East 14th St . New York. If you nre unacquainted with the Magazine, aeud 10 eeuia for a specimen copy l w. "» • f Ì %>.* » l*M’X “M O d» i rv>. » ,4 e Ititi'» f. J fwttt , P ropkiktor . Cl'‘tea f«r *j,, Arrives mJ DcpaiU daily, exeept Sunday. » which we propose to e* n<l to you. tran«r< r- tut inn paid. The Jittio darling- ie»ts aga.rsl a pillow, and U in the net <f drawn g < fi it, pin.» soc t, the mate of which ha- liven pulled off and ilun? agile with a t.iumphant coo. The fl -sh tint, ore perfect, and the ev< l follow you. no matter wh?r? vo.i ,tan<l. Th’etqui- titere iroductiougof tLis grean st painting of Ida Waujjh ithe mo t celebrated of me i rn painter.!of baby life’ are to be given to tb"ge who «ub*?ribe to Demorent's Family Muca- xine for 189R. The reproductions cannot :>e told from the original, which cost and are the same siao 17x2.' inches . The li by s life size, and ubs<..ut. ly lifelike. We have also in preparation, to present to our sub- •cribers during lwn, other great picturis by I »uchart sts:isPercy ?Ornn.Maud Hunii’hrfy. Louis Daechamps. rnd others of wi rln-winc renown. Take only two ezamoles of wl'i.t we did.1 Tinzth" past year, “A Yard of Fsn- sies." and “A White in use < nhil” 1» the wife of Presi I «-nt Harrison, and you wnl see wh it our promises n eon. Those who subscribe for Demorr’t's Famny I i <-• J i if. .. ■ * i t ,o J • OH. F • ;.i I •V» SOLOlTtes?' i i • I w I I Il A » - lie* ----- .K.. ” ---------- remeatte« that » .1, d ' r i • » *u* uv • r t • t ln-t — ïe health or i. ten« i* * • U » 1; H l’.'ùlds up .n t ..clearstbesUn .¿ádU-a a by puyiui-.*..’ ** ■ - i.n* VTJ TREATED BY »” L sts-t-» 5^4 o-’t F. CCN.TOf M Al. f. NTML rVKUa »uurci • • 4 , * |A