H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. Tbe ‘ Oregon Commercial Co.,” bave this day bought the entire business of the “Oregon Construc­ tion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable, Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Fanning Implements, Warehouse and Real Estate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of said “Oregon Construction Co.,” and have Incor porated with $50,000. Capital ’ ’ in. ’ The officers stock fully paid are; R. M. S teel , President. ,J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per J. jj . Aitkin, mgr. L iberal O ffer .—The big I . WANTED. I eight page Sunday Statesman will | Agents to sell our choice mid bar- j be sent to any dress from now untill July 1st for only 50c, cash dy Nursery Stock. We have many > I new special varieties, both in fruits1 to accompany the order. This is land ornamentals to offer, which are! a most liberal hard t’me? campaign I controlled onl y by us. We pay offer, as the Statesman is the sec­ I commission or salary. Write us at ond paper in Oregon, and republic­ .once for terms, and secure choice an to i he core T I his is a campaign | of terntorv. of edcation and it is our purpose to M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, assist in the good work. The states Rochester, N Y. man gives all the news of state and nation and during the campaign its A high-class illustrated monthly Sunday edition will be a symposium magazine in the home is no longer of political news and gossip for the i a luxury. It is a necessity, and to entire state. It is illustrated and meet the demands created bv this consists of eight full pages’of select necessity, THE COSMOPOLITAN reading matter, including a short1 MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it story and a wealth of poetry and 1 does, 1536 pages of reading by the miscellany. Every voter in Oregon I ablest living authors, with over should read a paper from the capi ' 1200 illustrations by ch ver artists, tai during the campaign an i we j has stepped into the breech, with make this offer to suit the times. * a reduction in its price that has I Sample copies free. All suhscriDtion tartled the li terary world. will be consecutively numbered up The H erald , fully alive to the PLANT FERRY’S SEEDS on receipt and to each tenth sub ­ needs of its patrons, has made this year. «nd make up for lout tlma Ferry’nSced Annual for lmM will j scriber will be present a year ’ s sub- special arrangements with this k give you many valuable bin la 4 K about what to raise and bow to sersption to the Cosmo|H>litan ¡superb monthly, whereby it will raise it. It contains informa. ^kuob to lie had from no otbej^^g Magoziue, csoiing $1.00. Address receive orders lor yearly subset' p- source. Free to all. D. M. Ferry i Co. I all orders to The Statesman Salem, tj(Hls £O botti publications combined Detroit, Oie Mich. 1 for the sum of $3.00. I The price of the great illustrated monthlies in the past has been • $3.00 and $4 00 a year, ami they e were to be found only in the more pretentious homes. Our offer fur- I nishes a help to all families, no matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the greatest < minds of the world, as The Cosmo­ politan has today the strongest regular staff of any existing period ’ At Stenger & McGowan flail. ical. Send orders to Will be given on May 1st. 1894. T he H erald , Burns Ore. Don’t Lose Heart. A **■* .... w . »4M vxr u 1 v via V H II MJ' K,’. 1 VU U V H I'I I J I I lid Z V |/l IVU A GRAND BALI Good music and a good time guaranteed. A ¡¡.liable Woman Ed Jordon, Manager. The Improved Queen City Wanted in every county to estab­ lish a corset parlor for the sale of' , Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spiral I | Spring Corsets and Clasps. Wages | $40 to $75 per month and expenses We furnish complete stock on con signment; settlements monthly $3 Sample Corset free. Send Id cents postage for sample and terms.' I Nichms Mfg Co., 378 Canal St. ! New York I Incubator, First Premium Seattle Wash., First Premium Los Angeles Cal. | Send for illustrated catalogue of Thorough bred Poultry Fggs for hatching, Poultry Supplies, English Setters, Irish Setters, Fox Terriers, Skye Terriers and Pugs. Our stock has won 83 premiums in the last three seasonp I Mention this paper. Caldwell & Larkins, 1510 Front St. Seattle, Wash DEXTER SHOE CO., lnc'p. Capital, •1,000,000. BEST *1.60 SHOE IN THE WORLD. 'S. “• rn CD i » o — 5 = 3D 2 CO P = z - > 2 > CD D ■ s» Eg œ lst-It.is the Leading Paper of Harney County. FREE ______ D exter S hoe C o „. Special terma to Doaüro. I I 4 LTTLE’S mm FLUID SHEEP-DIP &CATTLE-WASH fW* Improves the Woo), and in­ creases the quantity. One gallon mixed with cold water makes 100 gallons of strong wash. JAMES LA I DEA W A Co & ' ft ft “55* «rív'fn? ? -ryl» " >» . «ay»: < ¡-nr tri • .yirur nafrmcnt t t •; - ;i«bt act! m • nw tbo r--u.tacf . : X three good reasons . 2nd--lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu- lation V * 4 ' l__a r* 2 m » 0 o 2.5 o . » PTS, Q » Cata­ logue SAFEST DIP AT AI.I. TIMES. CERTAIN DEATH TO TICKS, LICE.EtC. BEST CURE FOR SCAB. ‘ ‘.h i 4 "A dollar aaoed la a dollar earned.” Thia luMlier.’ Solid French IMongola Kid But­ ton Boot delivered free nnywhere in the US., on receipt oft’aeh. Money Order, or Postal Note for $1.50. Equate every way the boots Bold in all retail atores for 82.50. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar­ antee the Jtt, alula and wear, and if any ouo is not satisfied we will refund the money or send another pair. Opera Toe or Cam mon Sense, widths C, D, E, & EK. » sizes 1 to 8 and ha.f izes Send your euu, wa wilt Jtt you nstrated ■NON POISONOUS CD ONLY $2 CASH. l Cannot be overheated and has no equal. 3 $2 CASH p ft ■ * ,-r -■ Wright Bri... Warn.. Fhj«.... 5 TREATE3 RY MAIL > v ‘ *• ■ vi Ire*», wjt • r ••fer®. no lh* 49 1». 4tte. U ». After Ib* M<*. «1 )• 40 la. T5 |wV iBftr U CONFIOEKTIXu , »- Mi •• In ilvnp, R Î. «. 7 »»’HR. ■“< ’«r« Itirtu 1 atun l‘ year , you can