Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1894)
S M Farm for Sale. ____ WEDNESDAY APRIL 18. IM<4 « i)n® ■®Ct>On °f | ASBNT FOB ftb°Ut 7 r,,ileP J. H. Jett Marble Co ---- -------------- -----------north of Burns, fully 160 acres of which car« be irrigated, and quality i of soil unsurpassed. Good outlet Business Locals I » g to range I For sale cheap. B yrd & K ing . | Baker City, Or. Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel. Work Notice. —School book« at the drug store A l umber one Durand Organ for of H. M. H >rton. —School books and stationary sale cheap. Call at the H erald ch»*p for cash, at the Hardware | Office for further information. •tore of C. H. V oegtly. A go“»i ranch belonging to H. G. -Don’t forget Henry Cheatham I A ", 12 i , , , t f . Campbell. containing IbO acres 12 bather, desires a part of votir pat- va" H m tills miles south east ot Burns, ronage, at the new barber shop. mu® | ranch has about 100 acres« —Who said you couldn’t get a mea(low land. Price $800 or will good flavored cigar in town for A*«. tra(je for sheep, cents? Call at the Citv Drug Store • B yrd <t K ing . and inquire. I I ijuaianteed on delivery or no charges made. Post Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idaho. Mrs. M. r. lion« 111 Wao a Wreck With catarrh,! ar; trou’„loa:idn-’Ilerally broken I'jwn. Beforj l k.-.J ta!:cn half a bottle of Hood’s SarsaparilLi I f?:t batter. Now Kow I x am la Q »u goou health, nwu., for:. ------ J cl which my thanks ----- are du® good to Crtraaparilla. ” ’’ Mas. Nas. At- p- — Hood’s EiraaDarllla. F onk , Cloyer, Iron Co., “o. Get Hood’s I Mood’S P'.“3 «’ r® Constipation by rextor- Hui Lao perislul’deuctiou of th® uamoaUryuaual. Hood’s^Cure Oo----- of- A. J. McKinnon I I —Job lot of spectacles and eye , glasses at Jorgensons from 25cts • H untington , Oreg., March 1, 94 i ■ A vlarveloua Diacovery Er«* lo$l per pair. Photographs $41 D ear S ir :—We again call on you Shop opposite the Clerk’« Office. soliciting your business for 1894 per doz , Cabinets. Superfluous hair removed per-1 Our Warehouse will have the same An experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed. — Don’t forget the old “stand-by manently, instantaneously, wit hon’. | attention as formerlv, Jail business French Hotel.” Board $1 00 pet day and less by the week. . entrusted to us. will be carefully pain, bv Electro Chemical Fluid i He solicits a share patronage of his frends. looked after. Ship vour goods ini In order to prove superiori!v. we — Builders tools and all kindsol| our care j will for next 90 days send sample building hardware at the Burns We continue the jobbing in Gro •ottle and testimonials free, on re hardware store, al bottom prices | ceries, etc., and will be pleased to ceipt o f nineteen cents to pav for casi>. ■" post r Electro Chemical Co., 25 East j quote you prices at any time. ge. I —Mrs. Racine always sets the We buy our goods direct an«i 14th St. New York. b< st of tatúes, every tiling nice and I plentiful. Iler rooms are unex- i will be pleased to divide Margins ceptlonable, and every one of hei with you, thus giving you goods as AN OLD AND WKLL-T k IRII R KM Kh V. — M r». Wltelilow’s Soo " nip has '••en uae«l fol ji . or cheaper, than they can b patrons kiiowi she spares no pains 1 . '’beap ver flfn ye irt. bv millions of iiotherh f. r thei Proprietor, 1 placed here from Portland. | chihlien w hile tee hi ng. with perfect sue, m. to accommodate and please. G. W. H ayes taoo'he« the Cliilil. Roflei:® toe tiling, allm» solicited Ti— a > ■ . 1 Your correspondence t all pain, ctireg wind colic, and ig the beet rente for iiiarrh oea. la pleaaatit to he taau . « ^domi, in new hotel | Respectfully, O. C. Co., J. li edy Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« ■old by Pr'igKig g in every part of the world. 1 wenty fhe< euig a nottle. Its value ig inval- Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P M. building, Richardson and Slepheni- Aitkin, Iatde. he sure and ark for Mr*. vVini'.glow'r . ' ’ ............................ ’ ‘I proprietors, is nicely furnished ami ■ I •«NiihhiK Syrup, and take no other kind. One way 47.50. Fare, round trip, $12. its customers is given the ‘æ"1 i Dissolution of Co-partnership. brands of liquors and cigars. | . Zno’i]', coNSX “f.-Ti. " ’ ......... .... wa L „ 1 • . .. .j Je,um. In ili'U :i «At c : | • ■ • .YjJVltl® I Through freight 2ict8. a pound. Wrrkh ' Notiee )H herebv given to «11 to- hiiJ y» Ait hid L au UU b by ua i.a. .. -•tun- | — Do you take a California I 1 la’k.g.av a. . . . f 'ryi.AOiillUAuUk Ut iktealullu VjQjiaUU/AU 4 vm AU.< uf paper? It not try The ' ■ j . . whom it may concern that t»e firm ra-.iKuicio .» c. I JjiOUUiil.I, '__ v i.u. . . a..d u.i :. I: uw.j.n. M. i t. I Bee! Pui’lished at the State) 1 l<ctg Allei lio.i'. r...'O u 1« .1 v< uu.l n.c.cul of Bailey ai.d Johnson is this dat Nervous ue. n.I. ;i ui..i erv 1< i. LSI ol .|>1. i . i . Capital, Bright, breezy, reliable. 1 . for r.herhavin fol. d!K' i.r.duli rxt:vi joi , 1 dav dissolved by mutual assent thon-n'i K of c.i«es. ini- t ■ t it his dt ty l-. l .» ku . independent, literary aiid*iiewsv. I ;wi»llt 'hi-;'t rt ’ e .<vs. A. >nnt''! 1 y Ihfa 1 ’ivc a.><l adi- - i r- v.<• 1 •u.-.n,: < —The Best Week y Paper in Mr. Johnson collecting all accounts .1 sen I I.—« <■■ < a.irre, t • n': > hoib sirc it, tbi ■ : -.nn, in l errrl i, I 1< ti< i ■ r I eu h, v h !■ California. Only $1.50 per year , due said firm and paying all debts .iic<" >• « I "I' .ri d it- r ■ I v n.c .1 I Address r ad’ i « ~ t i p-prr. of the same. AJiov >i .. r.»’. I Dated at, Rtirns this 2nd day ot | 'I he B ee ; Sacramento, Cal February 1894. i R. B ailey , —The R--i| From Saloon, now | KENYON BROS W. \V. J ohnson again igun under the management i Alo. ----- Burns - Ontario I 1 ol IK old propi leior. I. ••• I'ald.veil hi-< triemi.. »ill tind mm the miiik ’ co rteoiis mod.i (I ng gentle Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Werld’5 Fair Hluhrst Award. man, di-p, n.'ing the nest iir.mds ot ! liquors, cig »r-, etc A 1% ÍU I I ' I wro * •• ry . Hr Checini s Electric Spavin l’uri p sp i . | \ : ■ . Span in, Kiiigoone, Kplmt <<r Curb in 4> hmirs without p.ii. ; ail -«wurd t.iilnrv or slightest injury. I'tu giratesi Wodder of the Nineteenth Century, •sluuiidting as it dova tin • olile vetttriuarv *orld • ni la i f til and testimonials free Dr Guv bermi, Ü7b Cauol St N. * r York. K I rw rMMrtta-a lh.1 do i -4 m * , ' Itm k-dl® «T l«trr*rj»il i«>.. »t; la a - - - mr «» il cos Ì OF BURN’S MEAT * MARKET.’ U a F U Ilf M1H* «VIMltlTUailt. UiCM* U. Tinware Sb t ran Good t-t-AI.SO DEALERS in paints H ARD- OILS AAf A GLASS, doors KENYON BROS. WIN- y DOWS HANGLH o I AMMUNITION A F18H. . I ackl E TINW a RE. GRANIT 1 W are , CROCKERY AM- i .LASSW i RE GARDEN SEEDS, FAR MERS’ A MECHANICS COOLS A UNDERTAKING GOODS. GRAND BALL. A T Call and see cur HoinUv gts'ds. r I I Stenger & McGowan -» lorwn. M a nu facturera Pre prietors OREGON - i. m fcj vt »•<?■*•>« »nd -J im « line«» twiat » - Stage Line. S. GEER & [0 ■ Fresh Beef, Pork, and Mutton — Aimlmr pi up.sit ion lo su.-I 'constantly kept on hand also all Jan es Edwards. sei .hers i o t now w ho M ill pay up ' • other meats, sausages, etc., kept in back sUosci ipllons one year in 1 Real E*’ i'e. I ife and Eire insur i first class Meat Market. Sold advunce, mid deriie the I heap for Ca.-h. Give us a call. ance. (’•»lb étions a Sp ada It V. imuie, Me win hviiilto their address BURNS. tin' iirralu and Blade tor r'2 <•>. I — A tarrn oii Trout crcckcoiitalii- log tuo ivr. I ms ramm ■ UooUl IMO ..vies ol Ilo ailo.v and is alluni a 1_» sii mio d lui .» 111 si e.ass blieep, calili' ni ilortM l.mvli, l»ellir suriouiiiuu lo ine very i»isi Culigi J lille << hhì l'or lenita cali al luis viliiv or alile nini A King, K< a I Abbiale lb< ulti, niitiir. Uiegviu. t Eveiii^i? istoi.i.. H M. HORTON • fir <! rnc ▼%* t pnrrna vwnroTx’wc ''*YrvTr>«vq n<Tr\’T VFDTCTKFi, cT’TTovrnv nTi*’^\-p t'x-T'c cpatf rFFFT’MFR * V I'-r-x’-rnTi V'V » n-rTpy FQ 'rnnACrn CTHARR FTC. I■ vine xXr;^r>" ' ' & L-KAUOr^ ^i' MpHienl Purpose* Alusic by l'uri.s string band Í^T~ Proscriptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Done.