Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1894)
4 BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. of the ‘ joint” to some safer quar- I Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ters in the city out w here cannot I U3LKHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY be learned. It is a deplorable state of affiirs W. C. BYRD & SON. indeed when such a detestable prae- 1 P ublishers and P roprietors . itice can exist among civilized pen-* r___ _ _____ , . . _ ———a— . j pie and indulged in Iv youths and , I SUBSCRIPTION RATES: maiden« who are otherwise recog Oue Year .................................................... 1'2.00 Six Months................................................ .1.00 | niz-<t in soeii circles—a secret, . .75 Three Months ¡uncivilized and unhealthy practice. HEltALD CLUB LIST: | which creates an appetite th I dpi -I 5.00 Herald and llitrperS Magazine .. 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Weekly . . be satisfied at all buzz.mis and nt Herald and Harper’s .................... 5.20 Herald and Harper's Young People 3.75 last drags the victim down so low 4 Herald and Alden’s Manifolu Uycloi>cdia, 2.:-0 • 1 u additional volume after Vol. i 5o cents: that where “res|»ectalde” opium *1 cents extra uer Volume, imstage. dens can not be resorted to the /^■Copies of all the above works can be ex t-allied at leisure ill the Beading Room. habitue, male or female, does not stint at reclining on the same hard Publishers of periodicals are solicited M send clubbing rates, a copy of their work for couch with a Chinamen ami “hit mu - r'ree Heading itooin—Vt e tile and bind the he associate "f gamblers ►iter at dose of every half-volume, end v«v < i ting the same pipe.” supplied with | want her to marr» . kirk him out < tuples bv advertisement. vonr house, »nlpr the «u-rv-m't hieves. known as “Aspen Jack,’ |opium from his leprous fingers vas found dead Septemt>er 13, 1893, « .never to admit h»m, disfribu* ADVERTISING KATES: < a lodging hou-e His face was mantrap« ami spring gm s and I 1 wk 1 z wk 1 tuo i :> uio 6 mu j 1 yr IPACB Assaulted His Employer. 1 ick and Blue idk I covered with logs all round vonr pro’jnds. loci OU I <■» uo ♦ô ‘lu , «Al OU « .UU 1 lueb <1 . ) 4 00 i 6.50 12 0 J 1 18.00 J 00 28.00 1 “ mud t lood, hs if he had been 5.00 1 8.00 AO.UU J ■24.00 40 00 3.J0 1 •• Welliam Atkinson, an employee her tip in her room and vow jf»h 4 .A) b UU . 10 ou 20 00 ÍS2.0U bü.oo 4 “ “ingi' iL It supposed that I10 y.oo 1 15.00 28.00 6.00 48 00 54 00 h e,>l- of a well known hotel, assaulted marries him you won't leave her .- 12.*) ib.UU 1 zá.00 48.00 1 80.00 120.00 vt»< mutdered by tiis criminal asso- 20.00 30.00 1 40 00 60.00 1 110 00 140.00 i •• his employer Morris G. I'avis, 1 penny. You will net have to wait The King of Liver Moillctnr«. 1 uc-. when they learned that ho “I have use l yourSiniin >ns Liver Resrn- on Wednesday night, with a knile' 1 mg after tlvat for the eliqiemcm l«ior mid run conscieni-ioUKly »ty it Is the JOB WORK 1« a Pinkerton detectives, as ho kingof all liver medicines. I consider It a and was only prevented from cat v-' Sixth — If she has no voice en Of every description executed with neatness ! medicine chest, in itself.— G eo . W. JACK- col evidence on which they would EON. Tacoma, Washington. ing him into mince-meat t v the. courage her to sing whenever voi sinl despatch. at reasonable rates. <3 rrrrnY package -®» Circulars, Ousters, Pamphlets latter’s agilitv in dodging and I give a partv. It will attract atten’ »- sent to the penitentiary. ti Envelopes. Bill needs, Ma,. low 7- Ct-xmp In red on wrapper. Letter Heads, r "Irish Jimitiv Sharon.'' a gambler, vonr tniests lion in to liar und and <rivp give your guests ai at * ■lateineii.s, Note lieat.s, Cards, Tickets, keeping tallies anil chair» Between ••L... II Memoranda. luvitstiutis. Dodgers, Lie, vho was found dead last, week, oc- himself and Lis assailant- Th excuse for complimenting her. T ub H bkali - is kept regularly on file fur re Seventh—If von are a pair in an •upicd a room next to the one in ference, iu tbe oeo. i. Kv«eil Newspaper Ad troutile occ tired in a rum house on vertising Bureau. 10 spruce st.. New York. Ninth street where Atkinson snr teach vonr daughter how tn dane< .•meh Urowlier tun murdered, and he detectives have conclud d that prised Davis in with his 1 and o play the piano. She can lean - - - company — — g- - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY employed at lhe cooking ! and dressmaking ami he also was murdered, because, EltOYI OÜK KXCH ANGEK wife, who is fl things after she is married.— vhen intoxicated, he dropped re Atk inson 1 those 1 hotel as chaniberniaid national : mark indicating that he knew who has suspected that, all was m >t right Philadelphia Times resident ...................................Grover Cleveland I ice-Presideut. ........ AUlai Stevenson I killed Crowber.—The Be?. HITTING THE PIPE. between the pair for some time past 1 8ecre.ary of State Walter (g. Greahaiu . leerecary of I'reaaury ......... John G. Carlisle I ij irjiiirv of lutjrior ................ Hoke einitn und w hen Davis left the hotel short Irish Jimmy Sharon. •eeretary of War Daniel S. Lamuut leerciary of Navy . Hilary A. Herbert ly after his wife had left for home A Den in Walla Walla Where •eereiary of Agriculture J. sterling Morion Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder he followed them. Davis sneered Aitor icy General KL-haro S, olney D enver , April 6.—Jack Crowber. World's Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. Youths and Maidens Smoke Postmaster General .. .. Wllaun S BiBsell ed iu making his escape without re Opium. HTATK—OREGON : |ceivmg any seaious injur»-’. K I I n . Dolph :------- ,or* ......................... J. J. H.Mitchell. The Walla Walla Statesman , Atkinson who made th-» attack I Binger Hermann Congressmen .................... (W. K. Ellis Governor .. D.sylveater Pennoyet learns from authority which cannot - upon Davis when the latter wa « sur lee ret ary of State . .R Geo. W. McBride Iceaaurer R ..Phil. Metsi-han. t»e doubted that an opium j >int ex prised By him in Ins wire’s room on fupt. Public Instruction R . J. B. McElroj tale Printer ................. R............... Ffank Bakei ists in that city which is the resort Ninth stnet, has not. evidently, al lowed his righteous wrath t < cool > K. S. Bean, tupreme Judges ....................... [ Wm. P. Lord of a number of young and respected ‘ F. A. Moore citizens, sad to relate, the habit ties down, judging by the letter he sent SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: disease breeding to Mr. Davis The letter is a brief »istrici Julge.................. D ....... M. D. C lifford of this vile and ■ Attorney ............. D . C has . F. H yde ! nit-ctep reseu tati ve (R; A. W. Cowan quarter are not confined to the male one, but very much to the point, as I oiiit-Seuaiur ............... (D) H enry B lackman sex The reporter's informant will be seen from the following COUNTY—HARNEY t states very positiv» lv that a number (copy: County a ydge ............... ID).. WM. MlLLRR Mr. Davis—You can keep this. .............................. .(D)........... P. L. sbideler of young girls belonging to respect rreamirer........................... (R) . I. S. Geer STENGER A McGOWAN I will kill you on sight, so keep your k^'^or ..................... (R) / J H. Neal I i ed families have been enticed hith ‘«nff (R) ... A. Gillii gs gun loaded. 1 will give you a show, Assessor ........... (D).... er and the habit contracted i'tiool Superintendent (K) .j S. W. Miller C hab .N bwell hut I mean this W A. oek 1 nspeetor David Cary Whether the "joint” is still in oper Atkinson and his wife, Mary, who On June 4th 1894 Commissioners { W m .A ltno » ation is not known for certain, as a. R. Sits V was employed as chainliermaid. the former tenant has vacated the HARNEY V. a. LAND OVF1CB: I premises, hut lip to a short time ago were discharged by the clerk of the Register . .......... J. B. H untington Receiver ................ H arrison K ellby hotel l>y request of Mr Davis. It in it was known to have admitted also said that Atkinson and his wife I young men and women of this citv i 1 and it was only a few days since | have separated since the episode, SOCIETIES. I that a pijie and tools were found in and their present whereabouts are SYLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «a. E<1 Jordon, Manager. Meetseverv ist and 3<i Wedneaday. 1 the room by the owner of the build ’iiknown.—Sunday Welcome. Th” H?" ' As old as the hills” an I never excell ed. “Tried and proven" REGULATOR; is the verd.ct o f million-. Simmons Liver Begti- x x lator is thn /-<PrrPY' ° n 1 v Live’ and'Kidn." medicine to which you ctn pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa tive, and purely veg etable, act ing directly on t.he Liver a n d Kid neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Baking ?owder Than Pills h àv N ews I n G eneral r Alice E. King. N.G. E May Worthlngtun. Ree. Sec’y. ¡¡ng, who had rented it fora far Management of a Daughter tliffereu* purpose. The room used A. O. U. W. Hurns Ixtdge, No 47 for this loathsome purpose is in the Meets every Jd and 4th Thursdays First—You can’t do it’. very center of the business portion W R.«radon, M W • Second—Give her her ovn way; J W Haver. Rec d . of the city over Main street, but the (Operations of the devotees and the it will save her the trouble of tak BUiCNOwlA HONOR I odge. No. s 1 devotees and the unprincipaled pro ing it. ever* -.« B11(j 4th Monday. Mrs A E Young C of H Third—I’av for her dresses, if j motor of the "enterprise,” were so Her dressmaker H arney lodge , no . 77, j. o o r. 'quietly conducted that even the you can afford to } ’ m (1 " <l Ddd Fellows Hal), everv Saturdai. W.Y.KingN.t. [ <.flicers had no suspicion of the ex ’will sue you if you don’t. W. C. ¿yrd. Secy. Fourth — li she takes a fancy to - islence of such a scandalou« praci i< e any man you do not want bei to H arney post no . 4s, g . a . r within the shelter of one of the la-st ’••¿•«»err 1st and 3d Wedneadar of each marry, tell her you hsve set your All comrads l is*.^-. . . . ---- ’ ” L f.«n.>ws reiiows Hall. ’..... .............. .. ........____ business buildings in the city, and • • /o » I standingfnrited. it might have continued indefinite heart on her marrying him and ly but for an accidental d>»c >v*ry swear she shall never marry anv u. s. MAILS. and the information given by a one else You can then give her a wnwwa—v»LR : Chinese employe on the •»remires free hand, and she wouldn't have Marlvesand lepartslsMy, There is no doubt but that the him if he was the only iiivd left -lraws—CAWT-VW WT : I »aw-t lot <4 tidv, Gnm Fifth—If there is any man you discovery has led to the removal W. W. John ho n Proprietor. Beer « The Wines Liquors Best Brands Pleasant Club Room Cigars New Billiard Table When in Burns come and W. W. Johnson.