Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1894)
f « 1894 » WORK FÜR US I a few dny>, and you will l»c . arlletl at the uuaa Bceu-'l »ucce** that will reward your edurt» W< zuitivi’ly hav« the ben bu-iui -s 10 otter 101 a^eut that <3u be fourni ou toc f.wc ut ibi- curtli H 15.00 prout un 8»;5 <»•> «... .b of bua! ih ►» è Iniug t U’ilv unii hoiiorubi.t »■ .* -e b. ami paia limi Ired» of men, women, bo », umi girl» i.i our empì.y. You can make money faMer i t work l-r us'1:1 1'Ou nave imv idi ¡1 "L Th*' bR’inc'» i.> »0 en-’ t 11 ’¡nr, no I in I’rticiimi- -o •imph ami plain, flint all " i eut from the siari. Tho».- wlm take il.,'.I ’.f 1 •!• buine-« reap lie advantage liât ini«. • fro I t It' »0110'1 rcjiiitnljoii of one of tlm «ilil-Rt, most «’ieee»«fiil, .and larger! publishing |,on-< - 1 Aini riiai. S-cn-e loi oivr-i’lf !’■« profit, tliat th- binine»» so rami lb ami baml-'imfl'-1 iel'l«. All beginner» »uccée.l rnimlly. ami mort’ tlia'i r-alize ’t'itar greatest explanation». Ihose wno o rtn.f zxuctly a» we tell fileni. Ther- i-pl-ntv c.f "».HI for 11 few more workers, ami we urge them 'o begin at once. II you are already cm. |,l<,.... I blit nave a few spare moment», ami wish y. II hem to udvantHge, then write us nt once ■0; t’d- i, vour grand opportunity), and rereive nil - rirtfcn)ars by return mail. Address, TR’’E Al CO., Box No. 400, Augusta, M' i ' I i i Fun TH fRIO ÜI- HE. — rH— ÍOi THb YEAK THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISi'O Weedy (ali! Pitici-.. »I.ÜS.. FEH 1 ah . Hi SAN FRAKCiS 0 Momio? Call! I Filler. «01 I h Harr, r’s Magazine FERRY’S SEEDS Joma •.1er- Copyrights, hu I u • <1 for •~s inventor«« without < n co., 7BURN, In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United State«, ILLUSTRATED. Harper ’« Magtzine for 1X93 will eentinue , _ _ _ G the Toledo Blnpe has publiihed m maintain I he unrivalleu a andard of ex. ellence which I ihr . h racteilz ■■! it from the be-'inninii I one volume, cloth bound, all (1f t|)e Among the no'abl« features of the year there will be new novels h A Conatl l>o> le,Cin. "Niisby Letters” ever written by s'mice I’ei'imore Wools m. and William Black, sho’t st.'iiea will : i co tribmeit by the most the late D. R. Locke, omitting per popular wri'era of the dav, including Mary E. D. J . FERRY & CO Wilkii s. Richasd llardini.’ Iiavls, Mar are! haps a few unimportant letters on L t.c. . Mich Ilehind, Bra tier Matthew«, and many otheis. flic i lust rated <1 aiiiiitive papers wiU embrace local or fogotten topics. Only a ii - lc es i y Jillian Ital h .n new Southern and Western subjects; I y Theodore Child on India; of these letters were ever published b> Pon t ey Bi-el won Russia and Germany; I a ny Ki. h rd llar j g l>av.:a in a I. inion in book form Everybody his read I lit < ol. nt lT A. iiodgeon Eastern Riders; et-. ' I’.di in ’a illiistra’ionsofShakespeare’s some of them .'mt who has read ;*3W Come ieswi l • niinueii t.trerarv nrti ies . iviP be c ntributed In . 'liarles Eliot N. rt •• , all <>r them? Ttie book contain« f <: ' Mrs. allies I'. Fields. William Dean Howells, THE DISA 1'II.ITY BILL Bran er I "thews, and others. over 500 large pages, and all the ' - LUV . w h r . rp Nas iv Letter- written during a H xRi ’ ER ’ S PERIO i ’ ICS I Soldiers d'SMiiled since the 4. _ En’itle<l period of twenty five years; also a Per Year: de Dei indent widow- ul l’-r. • ta r< o portrait of D R. Locke from his penm i t whose -ons di -d f'i'm th fl A llREH’H M Ad AZI nr 0.1« vi < ar . ' -rvi'-i 1 e included If HARPER'S WEEKLY last oh »tograph. It woiiM sell at t OS.*: • (Uiri a u «peedi 1 ami -’ic'e f h HARPERS HAZ \ l{ L<* j mw ifidlar o- iii . ii - h . (nit. will never uti <1. mi ire.« LAMEf'1 HA RPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE . .............. 2,ni' I are Commissioner of Peiisioiis W ASH I Ni T< ’otage Free to all Subscribers in th,1 ilio ti >.a(r>>, ( 'miada, or Mexico a comi».nation of wm | i p r* Pi the o of pruieei* in t un <rupulous ii i*t vidi paper rt • re* nena I- .«* >i... i I i —>HE SAX FRANCISCO « WEEKLY(ALL weak, giemed from every i|U tr ier ot ttie glo-be. coiiipb-te up It fur- to date of pubi cation, nlaliea thé late-t and most .nd reliable liiiitvial new», mm ket quotation*, ' <1 give« special attinti n tn horticu!- lilial unit aur'enltiirul news, ami i» in even re» eel a tir» • • a«- lainily i m ei, app" l a titlin’miereai ol every lur.i.iet PEIL'ONAL .\Ni> A l l E . rio.\ GIVEN BNT8, CAVEAT’. A K.s, etc. X ) P I f- l.emitlanee should be inaue bv Postotiie I oney orue , or Draft, 10 avoid chanc o (>< A dr- i Mtl’ER .t BR OTHERS. Nev 1 orl-. EE UN LE 1 Si.mnilED. CORI LIO* I i'.D "jDAiii é L12.IJ I 1 r li i a the MOST RE LI \ - I’tl.l’.. and is leenginze i a» i. , th- l.EAbiXG NEWS- PAPER I t’le I’aeitie Ottusi. E tnei ol the alit ie «per- wi re ill * nd l><>’In id as a ioe- llllolH oil r cel t of tile follilo, I * i I ’ T S T K \ I’ E ’ > Harp-r’s Week i ia a-kn.i oire.’ .-«a«- •fit»« imo f'liRtrate' teekH prrlo’i H’» r n' « r> e' • ce »hu f the huriied dal.y paper unu that ot the lea» ' e' - lo-ithl tnii 'ar’’ e. p Inofti >8 b th • h lire n- tn-v.a a- |iri*«i-nta tv> p equa r eat. i,. t, p. r,.H| ,,,• ,,,Pr,.n ia or a . 'he inn inatlve he > « .r fi | N VcT' ( e Ht) «‘ (• <i»*r<((R T»J’ ii >v. r ’s ’’ai I 1,0 11.0 lie -en ' yji ■■ j,m, imi i h i »■ • c’l lill'.lf i-ve- ’ .if-Je .e»’H 'I ’ it'tla ral|..l Ilia JIH.'.R i * eins from 'he 'm» . ri’ers his c.iil'i rv wil’ t’.. ill ne , il e. ne va. a il tis'ra'loi a. ail — Hl 11 < I H » I ■•(•<’ t i i ( • K» KN I -»UKS * »V KICK/ ■k I« a live it trie u it n ilei i « I be volume* of the Maguzilie begin will lie umbers lor June amt December o’ eac ti year. When no rime in -mecified, -ml • nption- will In-gin with 'he Number cur rent a> inieo. receipt of order. otiiiil volumes of Harper’- Magazine foi Ineeyears back, in n ■ t cloth binding will u'sent bv mail, n st-p id, on receipt of s:< ¡■er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5< cents each—bv mail, post-caid. .•I tin lloiiseliold. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION And book containing all the N ir . I by Letters for One Dollar. Are Just what every m _». y ( ; ñeras, ' a be mer li» of fr err j ’ m X mm I h 1 w the hiimdHlB'ii up on wbicb buH hoi Lunt the largest ot» ‘I I u»:I)»*?» in tfc»* world. Itrry’sSeid A nual for 1894 comaii.s 11.e si.m i.mi BUbsianee of the latest lai tniiig knoiviedge. Free h r ti e HsklllK. Pi K VISAI*. I« a l a iil'Oino riitht- p.ige paper. lt is ¡«-lit <1 every Thiirmlai, m d contains all oí tue imp rtant new« of tin* US T RATED IL -------- -H-------- ( THE TOLEDO BLADR RABBIT AND ?OULTR1 NETTING. tie placed on sile. One hundred thousand copies are now being printed and bound, and one copy will -e Sent postpaid by mail frefl to everv person who this winter re mits one dollar for the Weekly Blade one year Everybody invited to send for a specimen copy of the We' klv Blade, which will give a tViff'leseripltii'i of the book ' Ttw Nat v Letter- ’ T he T oledo W eekly B lade is the best, and oiost popular weekly newspaper pu hj-i.he'1 tn this coun It h i< ilif ergest circillrttimj try «if an week I * n vs|i iper. ¡Hid goe| to every Stq1, . Territfiv and nearly nf the* Union Onlf . ver count year, including th» one dollar a'»ov. m "ion • I -ok free Send ti 1- 1! to I’>1 e ti, yin-;. I'oLHii-i. O hio , j for ii t’r* i- -,> • piii’ti enpv ot l tie pi per. Sen I Ol - fm-iids also. a Idressen ot' vou^ *• mg lio io i pilees f-r the FncfAM nf tb*s Groat Cough Cure fj u it no ut ii piindlc I iu t he h tory of mediai ne. Ad dni^Ms -irr »»itborili • (o ell it ou a | m » itivi • ■ t i tí est • li. ol her c re ea:> r nt .i<; v aland. Thm it miy bveomo 1 n . thJ Proprietors, at an enormous ex . placing a Biinipi Bottle Free into V ■ »ui© in th«» United Hiut» s nod (’uundn. oiré a Cough. Sore rhrout.or B hhi « chili« ism it. for it will cure you. If your i It. i is i he (’roup, or Wbooning Cough. iv if I. or ntlv, nnd relief in aure. I " idioiiR diaeaae Co nau in pt ion, lise it. ' -ir nrtimdet for SHILOH’S "CHE, I'r c 'I ct«.. M eta. anil fl .00. If your 1.on « an s< re or Back lame, n.e Shiloh’» Form.a . mister. Felce 25 cl». For «alo by all Drug- Kinta uud Dealers. PKR YK\ h - Ali L> I! WEEKLY f •' R” VI \ZI N t .Jîl’i-i’- B\z\|> 4 It l’ER’S Y U’ ■ : • "• HtHae E eetoall «'iba rt1 ers in the Coite »'. r n s h , r e< co. T "f ’be Weekly will herln win I c fl i st N'i’i) » h * i‘or '«unan !ñ;¡ of <•>< h vent le 11 I II I ine I r mellt ’’te .-’I. RII R rlp'lon« |i (•giu «vitti the N’u ii'i^r ••iirreii! at time if re ••H' f.rder. U '•►of 'hirper « We.’kl for'lire. rts E h k. ’ cloth '.in imr, will lie «<>., ' ’H; P,,f| t.Hid.erb expresR free , e\ pense (pr v t K- frfight Itif’H 1)0« $ per • / •■« * <>'• h vohime. loth ► t’f eiU’B Folli ne. Rii'laltie fui binding ’’’ ' mali p ar-pniil . hi re nt - • Rpinittfti ho.ild he made bv p.ia'nni. , i- nev <>rde lira*' • hi ... id chini, e of I. as \‘1dl«’KR \ ” I I’R ’ ' • R- Ken v |3T SEND FOB FURTHER INFOIlJtATIO? The 11» McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co a-riiF N. Market »€.« Chicago. ÏOVR rUTU”» ' Aurj- 9 H 0 t TH » J ohn » P.O i. . ¡ -7«1 SOLDI*" <?S CM'LO^ch b :ATTA«f\MWMÔt C ism fHf(«T= A !••>, r r • i s dm y ’»i i nr rriíi. ,i»« \i I 11H •tu lr ' I low«, i. i • . »»1 * »preis it v i Bend for nt • 1 ■ ma 111 iuc ’- h »«, hi * AV00DWCIR1Ç ■IQM( S'sÄiWIlJiCQÄJKÄißc^ ^30. fS UtllOM SÇUARt. N. I' o«. FOR SALE BY k » win MfX •varos.nasi »»»’■••K.’ro w HOME SEWING MA V I 7‘JA M h rkt-i "i S;m Er i ni-iyi-n. • no.nt SoicntiQo Amyrh an Agency for -, r xou’i own re\n. I '* ' ’I’ |{ \ v D . "ar- it ’« I «zar is y i. M> for the home • M ’i( i ’f- r n ' i. ............ _ ’h rv4Hrd tc ’ M I ■►. H'Hl Its nil nerolis 'vi ilb'gtra i n »• a R Ji TH «ii ’ ■ H'l 1 natter.. Rhe■•• nipn emeiit» T“ ,1'1, ’ *UtM i . /’ " t144’1” homedri’R, nak'o d’h- pr. cRRi ni X . . expensé expense ■» «I mudiate. i.i'liaie. X « e 1.1 »IK.-I’R ritte h-filtrar ve « of the ’t-best tie . ^L.-Vr.rcr a. H’nuai 1. .m i< a. and h i n ,’ rr . iv . i,, „|, ||r.(,r * na ’tag ite fi am im „a a bild-et .,f 1 fi ■ d hnt'i.t . te Vi««*R * «tenvte ever* h ,I , »ir IV if iv e >vl iw .1 1 1 I er. -t ‘ - '., iv,, | jle ■•i ial» t «il tu b Walte < rhio Jij » • ’ h ■ a I" Terhune e Ick i fl) <»h P» n ! H r ... . r , enmle ■. •• \t r i U » .in ■ |ye Th.irne il’er. a< d >1 : <1M » 11. - er i I l>e frt-qtieut c ..itii'.ii r» I'lw k f w" In the f’.ilnmh an Exin, 4 icpri Retiied with mam i' R i te. I. "■ HiggiimiHi in -’Woniet "••H'. H iated iiidie’1 e. . - to tell ul at tfi. iir»'* in your • I l a v yon. it n« n . U.«nr in -I :.i1n* It • -.1 The <»*’’ LIFik inuicafe* nr* .1 1 • Each ............................... I • \UKLET - k- « \t k » p V »•In., k. I r « : c.. c • nr ar i.i .\K <>F J* •i comhiiien nvin i t i » n ri . i ii.mrii ; rt.m i nty «'■' itn.e in Vf y pia C «O 1. r ot tin fallili) 1« filter. » • -it.:.' » 1 • lie A t'l.ElR R’S PERIODICALS ..' • tendi li t-ce: « -ir iirht !■ if. i| hie ; Hie n ie «• if • J I INK I'l- IH M ill -'bi »; m nil Un- i i. i hint. !»-r N<> • t * r inevasi' e p btl.hi*» so I i • lo i I r -1 I n- i orno ein It. Imi Mill Z VR « . «H I I i.-ct tn dvr tes of I l.di .| Irli, or ib .|4md- IV < A G IMN’F . ‘V . V ' i i” eie ' 'i:i)l.F. <iF IE I > util I (M kr K’ >1 k -p up i «ir «¡i oí» by 'i.’ivii g I'en itnn’» •NG FEop r. 0 in r- d (ly -ub-. ribit v i. It for IbM * ».. r* • o ati RT a. ritiera III rhe ''nHe< r i « • Il rv of exiiuls re mi rk- ■ i art tnt ( * H x .»r .ilexb i>. ’ i i i;-, hee i . t i. mi« rn pn nituni ph ’i re, ' I'.iiD i-v!” Mliicli is n mo. l'iU « * mm 'fie »1 emu with flm •i” h»»r ••r , '» 11 , i I i i 'n» orc n ul i il inv uliich of , P ,.Rr \vhp„ •' 'voi nil li.-n a m«gRSiii< th ti-anno< r time ;n !• ne I. .ii «c lpt1 n W|p iH..^, "’ 1 I > any In the wo hl for Its bear itili i he •i t current st hr rime of reeetp' 1 -in -n'JCTt msttvr. t'ai will ke p »f order ■ i ill the op'i-« of II e d or, a’d a'l the •• <1 . ill t. j.t ri-e « arar i„r hr»» iTe- ru Ih m« of Inti n-it ab. ut thy intim’’’. Ill be sent h m.l I.-a f irn -li'n • bitercstit'c rcadms n p airt I H... ,r |,y ..pre . fr,., expense T.N ■ i J car, for the whole f.-.nid. ; n I a hi c I' ■ i Va f* ””t a fa-hioh r sraali’-, ' J 1 r * lume) »-r n n n ’ wp ’von ii • « - iM” . ■ Oft, feet, .tty rii y II nei »uh it, .. ’J’ , V I « Oll It, e,.uitahle f« » r r ma ind ..... in... • ' *’•' h vo un “ v,-uiiRnir "f ci ttevpntnrn i»8 ‘ . , y n - w> - ‘ I - t. - n»-en* - 'J 4 I ll XR< h ** ten< ' mB • b Meip .f 1 in in » ze ytw ch o— '. ml in ..... i .___. ... ’ m it ■■' ce. our } ’ ilP »»it ynv w i|j ’’ "i tance« Bhii-ild I e .«-a ;e hi p »»nrie« ■ r ■'»♦»■» re. A <!r» •- It • pub. » ’ J *>r r Ì* *^r- »voi I cha- ce o’ l.i-a W. Jennl -s h miifi'.l. 1‘. £»-' III! St., < <•’ liRf’Râ R THFRS If t -1 ii’t\ un.rctpi.sii’lerl p ’h the il O’ -I -iwcisiyncopr A lii'C (,•!' 0 h '*n’ena without h- -ar i- n.-.-, • a l ire-- n ir! i NGl E xpr-B Hero >l1R’’kR PRO HRgS I f— r l»iVIMoS O Till Mil LO H SECOND l*iy I- nN. r «son .'‘•r! ' I " . .. . 'll ' r or JI 1’ITEI’ i-e 'k- n, • f s 1 FI RN’, prill ■ I I- s| \ J 1 k I.< ÜC ' 4 e n .1-e; MOON’. inis;-it'« I I e nf o’es.iire : an i MFI’l I HY. . Vvmn I T ’ • -nr a I- lew a« alxive a»-d »—a ■ WpiMiNMra» i « I io po.«*w th« LM aati mo.t -aluabtr a ■free. Aikir-«-c-A1 1 . , 1 1 i CfiVKAT’L TRAD! M ai IKS. M> ’ ? t OCaiQM PATkHTa, CuFVRIOHTS, etcJ i:»- •« tK3 obtain itili» u*i for <’»'<♦• r (>•»»» ts»’e U . P »• |Ml< nt m ivtete 1 k .'»’Utfior • swine »r rhof rcLtahk >’orl-' rmstlon «nd fron llsnHl-ooV writs to >i Co. -i Hio’Àit’.i iv. «»w \ itine. O' ’ for ,1-ciiri wr | Amts In Amertra. Kt. 9 MR n (to by u I. brought l«.fot t the put av - > a cAKM giren lux) of ehat„«) m tho iicutific American Lsrcert rlncidRi' m of «n» MMcntlflo psror tn th« .i’tl.l, bi l.n.o’llr Idu.trsUsI No It to!Iliront . ,n »Sould iTSlIlHiul It. Work!.,«.1.00 « , -I 8I.N1.I b ii’oiith» Albín ■« MI'NN A I'D. nt ■■ saltiti- -V. tieni' .lit. •bn health nr interi iH». It i» . *h.rlreretiu - «i i. .i«t . u/ I’O.-l. .a. . Ill »fi IWf 41 .J I V ■ y* f * k I». f. » Altea«. . I ./I . •tn I • 'iir « > i 1 ■ ■PliuT -’Ata, .New loo Lil/. Incro a’ngio ret-.‘.i tS'O s'.iCi-sb1 rltk-j v bl. 'i scll’.’.it tlpa;r3Cl r.loi > a .. uu.-ipro;:;of$: J,n t) a year. b it v. j s. Il a great maty pa ra, t.’.o c P IT Lull.»’, mi.«« s’ cad children. 1. : t n c- :i;s a pair, a-d on o r ' ' e nt» a pair. V.'o rl-.ail cs’.a’. . 1 ■ each of tho City largest cit.csct t they sell only a..J pairs rt 1 .-.oe» a i )U J b <arnf-’2'i, Ma year. A.’o rao-a. y -n.riy divldctulof: ’.C' a,. ".'-' i», or over pj ; ii yearont'i iltiv . ’.mi" ’.. V.'o p ’■ « ‘ r ’r ’ e w - 1 r n i 'aarc. 'i ho price r-.r. t I « . k I: :l< : . r' t' f 1 a r ar . L’ >1 iiiiiipri • ’ i.-is tii n t ’. 1 price, c : • f oa-aaac.-rsa' ! . I :'.-o-;«> .... I. ( r,,r.:.d I ibonun Vi'c have o-r.r’, 11. J ; ■.::c ;ial ►: 11 Incrx-x i:: rd..I y. Fomei'f t. r. i > dilers arc: S. V.'a ". i ■ V. I.J r K. A.r . 1.J-..' :...■= ;,’i J-1-4,-,, ... 1 I. I. « ‘ l.i a au.'l. I....!'-les :■ i •r.l-J. j r Y-t Tur r r. rti.lx: B. ■ Cn -'t. Mich. ( F. F. llullrtt -. Area. n; Write for a prospectus cental: . / r our stockholders, Cte., nr w' ' i ' ’ I 1 rnr'n ¡ng c/’nhirr't check, cain nr Orders taken for one or more snari'. a share. » DEXTER SHOE CD., Xf/r-K a I' •'» e<l iOD DOLLAR per MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily and lionorubly, without (apt t.d, <li.ring your spare hours. Any woman,iiojr. vfgh l caiidothe work I. i ilv. v.iiuoiit experience. Tallin- 1 iiei’e-s rv. Nothing like It f‘,r '' \ in iking ever offered tiefore. Our""1 al.vriy« pr-i-per. No time ' leam’nir the InMness. We ten« '’ J” , a nleht how •»»• NWcccd from the 1 1 hour Y nt «'an make a tri tl "''hi'iit pen«« to y.Hirseif/ We start . everything uef tlerl carry on tin • qcss MK-iNta'-.fiiljyi and P'.. • ajiainst f’iliiri, if yon but, » simple, |d iii- Instr-’etion«. von an- in lie« <1 of rendv nmn _• want to know-fill alM»nt the Is '* P»- bki-iiu -s I m PUT’ Un- pilbli •, send aiMress, and we wiU mail y°a a u giving you all th« particulars. ( , ’ TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine*