iW BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. APRIL Tr Hr/1. IU31.ISHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: yj.uu .1.00 . .75 One Year .............................................. Ma Months. .............................................. Three Months HERALD CLUB LtbT: Herald and Harper’s Magazine........ 8eraid and Harper’s Weekly .......... ¡.-raid and Harper’» B^gur............. 5.00 5.20 Ó. 20 3.75 eraldand Harper’» Young People Herald and Alden'» Maniiulu Cyclopedia, .2.1/0 I • i n additional volume alter Vol. 1 5u cent»: »i cent» extra uer volume. postage. gOr^L'opiel of all ibe above work» can De ex »mined at leisure iu tile Reading Room. ____ I <®F-Publi»her» of periodicals are solicited send clubbing rates, a copy of their woik fur ttu Free Heading Room—Me tile and bind the Auer at close of every half-voluine, and r«v < i tuples bv advertisement. hi ADVERTISING KATES: 8PAUK l Inch î 1 4 “ ’’ k col. £ •• i •• 1 wk 1 2 wk 1 1 mu 11. mo o mo 1 _1 K 1 «1 .*) J Ü0 3. oO 4 .«I 6.00 12 V0 20.00 ♦Ò ’M 12 0 J A.f.UU .0 00 zrt.uu 4».00 60.00 ♦-.OU ♦u.uU A.M 4 00 5.00 Suo 6.00 IO uu 9 00 ill.00 iti.UU 1 2S.0O 30 00 40 00 . 0.00 5 LUO 120 00 140.00 JOB WORK Of every deacriptiou executed with neatness Slid despatch, st reasonable raies. Circulars, Posters, Pamphlets Bill ilends, kuvelopes, Letter Heads, ■Uleuieii.s, Note lieui.a, cani», Tlexete, Uenioraiuia. invitations. Dodgers, Etc. T hk ilEKALt- is kept regularly on tile for re­ ference, in ibe oeo. r. Rvweil Newspaper Ad­ vertising Bureau, io spruce st.. New York. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ------------------------------------------------------------------ ( national : resident ............................... Grover Cleveland | ice-Presideut. ......... Adlai Stevenson Secretary of State Walter Q. Gresham . Secretary of Treasury John G. Carlisle I le'.rjlury of Interior ................ Huke mil 1th Secretary uf War Daniel s. Lamuut Secretary of Navy .. Hilary A. Herbert Secretary of tgrieulture. . J. Sterling Morton Aitor ley General Ricliaru S, olney Post man ter General .. .. Wilson S Bissell r STATIC—OREGON: J. N. Dolph J. H.Mitchell. | Binger Hermann Uungressineti .................. t W. R. Eilia Movernur .. D.sylveater Pennoyei Secretary of state .R Geo. W. McBride •reasurer R Pbil. Metachan. |upt. Public Instruction R J. B. McElrov Slate Printer R........... FPnnk Bakel ) ......... Supreme Judges I > K. S. Bean. .................... t Wm. P. Lord ’ F. A. Moore SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT: ¡strict Ju4ge .. tn.net Attorney D M. D. C lifford •».riet Attorney ... i, h . C ham . F. H yde 1 " ...... »■H.it-depresentàtive (R> ....... A. W. Cowan Joint-Senator (D) llKNRV BLACRMAH { “ As old as the hills” an I never exceil­ ed. “Tried and proven” verdict REGULATOR^ o is f the million«. Simmons Liver Regu- t t lator is the r\PTTP)'' <> n 1 v Live’ and Kidn.” medicine to which you 4 c m pin your faith for a cure. A mild laxa­ tive, and purely veg­ etable, act­ ing directly on the Liver a n d Kid­ neys. Try it. Sold by all Druggists in Liquid, or in Powder to be taken dry or made into a tea. Pills The King nt Liver Medicine«. “ I have use! your Simin >ns Liver Regu­ lator »nd ran eoiiacieiiclously imy it is the king<>f till liver medicines. I consider It a medicine chest, in itself.—G eo . W. JACK- ts>s, Tacoma, Washington. r.tnucE*sa Mu., the 7. Vt-linp in red on wrapper. N ews I n G eneral FROM OURKXCHANGEB. » HITTING THE PIPE. of the ‘ joint” to some safer quar- | Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ters in the citv but where cannot be learned. It is a deplorable state of aff tins $ indeed when such a detestable prac- 1 I tice can exist among civilized pen- • j pie and indulged in lv youths anil, I maiden« who are otherwise reyog | niz*1 Assaulted His Employer. ack ami nine met covered with logu all round vour eni’jiid?, loci >>n»d > loud. as if he bad been Welliam Atkinson, an employee her lipin her mom and vow if«b "tligl-d. It W.iB supposed that 11« of a well known hotel, assaulted marries him yon won't b-me her i vi»s muidered by nis criminal ass«»* his employer Morris G Davis, I penny. You will nrtheve to wait i it« «, when they learned that ho on Wednesday night, with a knite ' 1 mg after that for the ebqieineo! is a Pinkerton detectives, as ho Sixth — If she ha? no voice en and was only prevented fioin carv­ iad evidence mi which they would ing him into mince-meat bv the .courage her to sing whenever vm latter’s agilitv in dodging and I give a partv. • It will attract atten* e sent to the penitentiarv. "Irish Jimmv Sharon.’’ a gambler, keeping tables and chairs between lion to her and give your gueMa ai vim was found dead last, week, oc­ himself and his assailant- Th exenae for complimenting her Severnh—If you are a poor in an cupied a room next to the one in trouble occured in a rum house on Ninth street where Atkinson sur teach your daughter how to danc< .■inch Crowber wa* murdered, and he detectives have conclud d that prised Davis in company with hi« and play the piano. She can lean tie also was murdered, because, wife, who is “!• < employed at the cooking Hiid drrRBinakiiig ami Atkinson ithoae thing? after ahe ia married.— vhen intoxicated, he dropped re­ hotel as chambermaid mark indicating that he knew who has suspected that all was m >• right I Philadelphia Times killed Crowber.—The Bee. between the pair for some time past l Baking Than *3 cvrinv 1» wnd when Davis left the hotel short­ A Den in Walla Walla Where ly after his wife had left for home he followed them. Davis sneered Youtha and Maidens Smoke ed ill making his escape without re Opium. |caiving any seaious injur*'. The Walla Walla Statesman , Atkinson who made th-» attack learns from authority which cannot .upon Davis when the latter wa « sur prised by him in his wife’s room on be doubted that an opiu.n j tint ex - I f -- . has u......... j_..i i.. ..i Ninth strict, not. evidently, al | ists in that city which is the resoit I lowed his righteous wrath t< co d ( of a number of young and respected citizens, sad to relate, the habitues down, judging by the letter he sent ' of tills vile and disease breeding to Mr. Davis The letter is a brief quarter are not confined to the male one, but very much to the point, as sex. The reporter’s informant wili be seen from the following states very poaitiv« lv that a number |copv: Mr. Davis—You can keep thia. of young girls Belonging to rest ed I will kill you on sight, so keep your to,,r ’•‘"••w _____ _ ed families have been enticed hith­ SXZor . er ami the habit contracted gun loaded. I will give you a show, Fbool Clíper,ntemjgm " W A. •lock Inspector ’ Whether the "joint” is still in oper hut I mean this. Atkinson and his wife, Mary, who Commissioners fD) / W m . A ltnow ation is not known for certain, as ,R' ( K. K.Sits was employed as chambermaid, the former tenant has vacated the —— HARNEY U. M. LAND orFICR: were discharged by the clerk of the Register ......... j. B. H untington premises, but up to a short time ago Receiver ............. H arrison K elley • hotel by request of Mr Davis. It is it was known to have admitted • young men and women of this citv also said that Atkinson and his wife ‘ and it was only a few days since have separated since the episode, SOCIETIES. [that a pipe and tools were found in and their present whereabouts are SYLVA REBEKAH Ilegree No. »a. Meets everv 1st and 3d Wednesday. the room by the owner of the build ■itknown.—Sundav Welcome. Alice E. King, N.G. ling, who had rented it tor a far E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. Management of a Daughter diflferen» purpose. The room used A. O. U. W. Rum» Ixidge, No 47 ! for this loathsome purpose is in the Miet»«very'Jd and 4th Thursday» First—You can't do it. j very center of the business portion W R Graden. M. W Second—Give her her ovn way; j W saver. Rec <1 ¡of the city over Main street, tint the ( operations of the devotees and the .it will save her the trouble of tak BURNO n IA HONOR 1 odge. No. S 1 devotees and the unprincipaled pro ing it. vo-rv .a »nd 4th Monday. Mr» A E Young C or H Third—Pay for her dreaaea, if ■ motor of the “enterprise,” were HO 11er dressmaker HARNEY LODGE. NO. 77, 1. O O F. can afford to I quietly conducted that even the you \ » *t odd relluw» Hall, every Saturday. 1 will sue you if you don’t. W. Y. Kin» N. <• officers had no suspicion of the ex W c. Byrd. 8e«y Fourth—Ii she takes a fancy to — istenCe of such a scandalous practi* e H ARNEY POST NO. 4A. G. A. R within the shelter of one of the la-at any man you do not want her to Meets everv 1st and ad wev*ry swear she shall never marry any i U. S. MAILS. and the information given bv a one else Yon can then give her a UWRwa—TALK Chinese employe on the nremires free hand, and she wouldn’t have1 MaHvesand lepan* IsHy, There is no doubt but that the him if he was the only mvn left Irish Jimmy Sharon. D enver , April 6.—J»ck Crowber. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World’» Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. COUNTY—HARNEY. County , Jdge Fr’eMurer .................... ( . ü) ^i ’ W m . M illies 1 P. L. Shideler I. S. Geer J ... H. Neal I i . A S. W. Miller C ham .N bwbll David Cary I 1 IMVV'/i 1W.I-CJKTOII »••■1 »»■>»•<» IG/, w— ---------- discovery has led to the removal A McGOWAN t On June 4th 1894 Ed Jordon, Manager. a W. W. Johnson Proprietor. I : 4nn4ay STENGER Fifth—If there ia any man you Beer « The Wines Liquors Best Brands Pleasant Club Room Cigars New Billiard Table When in Burns come and see me- W. W. Johnson..