Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1894)
1894 a few days, and you will l»<- »*urtle<l at the uuex j)cci»“j »ucctflf that will rewuiti »our t iiort» VV'< joflitivvly have the beet. bu*in< -s lu otfvr un agewi that (an be fouud on tne t.i<< of thi> uurtb Bi 15.00 prout oil IB «5 b«^ u o »h <»f hm it- b< in*.'(a-dlv and lionurabij i. .< .e b\ und paid ,c liu.i !rvd^ <4* men, women» bo », and girls i i our rmp! y. You can make money faster i t work fur lis ♦ ju i ’ oil have anv idea of. The bariness is so rii-’ ? > I n i I in drucu»dis so si’nph mid plain» that -ill s i i’ecd from the start. Thus»* who take tinhl -»f t b itrine«« reap ii r advantage i!*m rriflcs fro i t te snnml rcpiifntioii of one of the cldesr, if«r««t «’tcceufiil, :m«l largest publishing L oum ”< i.i America. S^cn-f lot yourself t'»e profits that the bu«ineM flo rofldlh nnd hnndsomelv t i« kl«. All bpginnerfl fliicceed rrandlv, mid more than F’ -tliz»- thVYr greatest expectations. 'Ihnw* vno f.-v- it Hr»d zxactlv as we tell them. Then ispl-nfy cd rorin for a tew more workers, and we urge them begin at once. If you are already rm- but liave a few spare moments, and wish •o it hem to advantage, then write us at once • to. thhhvour grand dpporfunttv)» and receive u’l 1 nrtlcujars by return mail. Address, WE A CO., Box No. 400. Augusta, M- r’s Magazine FERRY’S SEEDS Journa I Are lust ubat every r^»v( needb. i be luer- Harper’» Magnine fur 1898 will centinue -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO THE DISABILITY BILL I. W . Soldier« d' « h I>le»l since the w«r Entitled I'KICf. »¡.if , I'P.IC » !i • i ■ . AH, Hi SAN FRANC S 0 Morning Gall! Filiti Nas iv tif tier written during a period oftweutv five year*»; also a Per Year: portrait of D R. Locke from his HARPER’« MAGAZINE... . HARPER'S WEEKLY 1.0« last ph itograph. It woiil<l »u|| »t HARPER S IIA'Z \ R...................... 1.0 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE ... one dollar o** moce. tint will never ?.o Postiige Free to all Subscribers in th*' tie placed on a de. One hundred 'tiio d x^iie.«, Canada, or Mexico thousand copies are now being The volumes of the Magazine begin wilt lie Number« lor June and December primed and hound, and one copy eac li vear. When no time i« «"ecified, <ul eription- will begin with Hie Number cur i will "e Sent postpaid by mail free rent u' itne of receipt of order. 10 everv person who this winter re I oiind volumes of Harper’« Magazine fin litre years back, in tv* t doth binding will mits one doilur for the Weeklv lie sent bv mail, n st-p id, on receipt of Blade one year Everybody invited ¡.er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5' to send for a specimen copy of the cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittance should ne made by Postoth'* Weeklv Blade, which will give a t oney iirue , ■ r Draft, io avoid chime o fuff-l»iscripM','t‘’f the book ’ The o- A dr. XRI’ER <V HR 'PITERS. Nrv Nat v Letter« ’ Yuri T he T oledo W eekly B lade is the liest and ni-ist popular weekly newspaper pu Ijji.he'l in tins conn- tri It his 'Ilf ergest circulation 1 ’ TMT R A T E ' > of a'i week I' •vsp.iper. ami gor» to everv St*,'. Tummy and nearly Harp“!*’* Wvok ' is a- kiiM <• ue«’ s w •fits . r’us’rH’p 1 'eeklv prrio !v. • Ver enil'it <»t' t.iif Union Only bivri h . t 1’pirR h i» h < <• -et ’ «•** *hs f the huriivd ¿air, paper anu ihm «»t the « vkf one dollar year, including th* I o’ * ».vithi Tn»»"«*’* o. I’ biotu es b th • <•'« lire : o ........... neun ............ H" proftoniR ni ■' li»u ahoy • I • ok free Send f wj h eqiift r e an 'e b tr. he real *’ hi emit ,,f t nrrpii »•> T he ’ > i.\l)|.:. d'oLEIio. Odio, 11 i« i ! ifl nr h ♦ 'he ma ioa'lve .ter- Copyrights, Pl R YEAP» -J-JIK SAN FRANCISCO /I < WEEKLY ' ALL rflf* I- a l a id-iiiim t-ight- ititlu • (J for* |mp<*r. li is is-ti' d every T'hiir«ilai, a> <1 cmiiains all <>( t'in imp rtrtiit new« ut ihe Inventori« without < •3 CO., 7BURN, • PI iirOAAL AM) I I I. - T1ON GIVE? E\’i:s, ca VEAT n M a K.s, etc. Xi) EE UNLE s 1 ' m . CRED. (Olii E A ’E S <LI(L i ED wmk, gie med from every <»u .r- ter ot the glo-'ie. compì' te Uli Il flir to date of pubi cation. biaben tile Ifttu-l and in<»»i illd telili III e tìn:<n*'ÌRl new*/ mm ket quotations, i <1 give* '-y. ■•«. D.C. a combination of wm | i j » r* hi mo ü of protrrt- tii’l un rupuloua u i>l v u h paper rt * wnonti» .u •«... special Htti'litl 11 to ImriietlJ- turai nini agr'cnltiu-d news, i ; I arri i» tu eveiv re- eci a : a*— iHiuily i ai ei, »pp** t... till* litleresi ol fViTV ilie g : •'JÚAIÍI .nu /’ •) •p •>l III. tl'iiiieliold. ------- 1- MuR >1 'll ('Ci (-K, KN l-HUKSA W h KK, .« a uve o. ti«' o it ti li i» tre M<is I RKLl \- ami ls ieeo»{lilgH I a- III- LEADING NEVV.S- l{ I l’aeitic C"a*>¡. ni lhe nlii ie aper- we mi i«»* tu id ss .1 ine. mi r eel t of the follow- SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. EEliniBSr rtHwmlS RABBIT AND 70ULTR1 NETTING. .................. fi I. •im.dllt .'f i h Ve r. < e on <■ •• « t or of i' R.j Ht!» t fl . f the W. r '• fai * i* . Lp • - 4 ni he "ea t*"' xp r I ¡.»» i . hur i M ¡ I fl a fill if ir ' i e* V miMt 'i ‘‘V«» ’ ’p» - ’H J tereflt il IltilFTrated I > i a pa o r ’tfl re’it'- i r ieinit from 'he ». hr ri ere i’ nr* i«ic i •• hla ■ oil*, r. wit iti lie . x<e1i »rerntii»e. lie vu. a .. ibna'ra'ioi a. all ihrr ♦ il’’ r Hihiiifl f i'H rliiffl. HARBER’S PER for n If* i* «¡I J li'’" tt'tpV "t Hie pl* per. S hi ». I ih- a bIrestes «if you$ friends also. »<' (’ \ I. • li-ci In' io i pi let*, li.r the "■''O fu "*-«. of thi. nr<"it Conr;h Core fl « it a parallel lu t lie ' tory of medicine. All drumiats arc n-ithori to sell it on ft | m >. i - Itii e • t ■ lo otherc re cun v <»t.i h 1. I’u'ii it in iy bveoino . ........ ti * Proprietors, at ui enormous ex- i plucing » s «tn’,.. Bottle Free into •.»me in tlie Vnitcd Staten uml Canada, ■ live a Con eh, Sore rhroat.or Bron- « hi J- umm it, for it will core you. If your » !• ’is i he Croup, or Wboouinur Couah. umj i. :-r ntlv. and relief is sure. If you < 1 : : H our (linenae Coiiflumption, iimo it. o’ < u.-ir I)ru«im for RHILOH’8 "ITRE. I‘r <••• ’•» eta.. BO ctfl. and $1.00. I f your I.utu:4 iu < Hi re or Back lunio. uro Shiloh’fl Porous .Plaster, price Meta. For Malo by all Drug* aintfl and Dealers. if Ï11’.' Woven WIRE _____ __ 1_ .1___ ... j T.l <*___ —'h— ir ( In answer to a general demand from all parts of the United State», the Toledo Blape has puhliihed in one volume, cloth bound, all of tlm ’’Nashy Letters” ever written bv the late 1). R. Loeke, omitting per* hap-» a few unimportant letters on local or fogotten topics. Only a few H xRPER’S I’ERHii’ICS . re de r< o vi ■ ! OS»1' l»ei «ndert» widow- ■ m | J’.r. >t» pernii i t who«e -mis di • i f'otn th iiir.i <*rvi'*c h e imlmled If ! 'tniri a o -needi « ami -'icce -f tit. <1. i.i Ire-« TAME"’1 j I ate Commi»»ioner of Pengi.rn» WASHING Tl And book containing all the Mas- by Letters for One Dollar. maintain t hr unrivalteu a undard of excellence which I ihr < h rarteiiz *o it from the hejin iiiim Among the no'able features of the year there will l e new t ovelR h A Conan ho. le, C in* r mice Fenimore Wools >n. and William Hlaek. Sho*t Rtotiea will :t co trilnneil by the moat popular writer» of the dav, including Mary E. Wilkit a. Richaad llardine DaviR, Mar aret ltehtnd, Hra aer Matthew», and many otheta. I'm* i hiRtratcd deacrintive paper» wi'j embrace a« ic e» i • y Julian ,, Kai h . on ||i-uuinein new Southern hihi and ai (l r . • ’ Wertern i Miliject.; ” I j* Theodore Child «n India; "I t ht-se letters Were over tin i>li«h 1 Ktieaia , . . • ID'(1 bl Poll 1 levHi. l r. . ’ej won ,n lpp.n and noo Germany: .ciuimiT. I . ny Ki. h rd Haroi g Havi« on a I. udon seas.i'i: Everybody h as read I b\ i ol< nelT A. Hodge on Eastern Rider»; etf*. iii book form Ed' in A* ’a illiialra'ionaofShakespeare’» some of them .♦mt who has read Come ieawiil e - niinueil l.i'erarv arti ies will be c ntributed bi Charles Eliot Nert o', all of them? The hook cintatili Mrs. ame» f. Held». Wil'iam Dean Howell», bran er I iithew», and others. over 500 large p-tges. and nil (ha THIS PAPER— Wee dy ( all ! illustrated . I on wbicb iu.M U« ii Lunt the Im^eM bt» (I I Ubine?* in Ike wut Id. ferry’s bet d A.. noal ior 1894 coniali.e li.e i.ixl Rul sluDce of tin. Ulest Im nin.g k now ¡edge. Free lor tec HRklnii. D. » . FERRY & CO L t.o. , Mich. JO I THb YEAH i US TRATED IL ri fu iLv iouiiUatimi up- I THE TOLEDO BLADE. PKK YK\ii- •'• I! WEEKLY ( A [{!.•■■• «ar send roil n iiriiEi: i . nfoiimatio ? À I'm \zt \ F. MI ']?P'»” B\Z\R. ' Ill’ER’S V >r • ' • The US McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co uni ilio N. Market SU. C'hlciMto- atage F ee to all »uh» ri1 er» in the l’niter ut* » » h ». r e« co. Th'* Volume» of 'he Weeklv will beliti ivi»« be fiist N'vn >er 'or --------- HtiiiHri of e» li venr te n i o t nu* i» ... ment ...... ..eie'.»il » r'ptf.m» . p egin with v thè N'u ii'ier *iirrei" at lime >< re •*iv f. rder. h e» of 'fnt*|>er r We**kl for'lire. ir r b» k. * rloth ''in 'log. ivill he RO'i "'H*' I’.,» M e i.»ld, . r c ex|ire»R free ■ ex l>en»e (pr v • thè fri*fgh» loi R no' ex-ecd i l*er • i ■« 5 o' » volume. lotb eiu*!' Volume; wirtable foi booling •e t mai ri st-miid. <m re ni • • Rpiniitft’i ho'ild he maile bv I- >»' '»*»b < 'I.-ne\ • >r»l« lira» lo ai iti chini' e of !< rr . \<1d« (*Hfl FR • ' ' l( « N'ev '■ ' k At -Ä1*“ / t aero »’ng!o retr.ll th'O »¡Zi'cslo rille, v h!, h rc !| 2,0: a pairs ci thou a <! a n. i pn>;ii of $_• ,a,u 0 a year. (Ver i « I b :t v. e ». !| a great ma-y pa ra, t!;o c' - ! oar Lullc»’. c .I mi »* c:i<l ci.i'dren«* ci . t *n c* n:» a pair, r.**d cn o :r iae:;«’r: .! I I !> cent» a pair. V.'orhail esta!.i;. T i' ■ r ich of ibo f.fty largest ciFeiif I' *i ♦ liiey »ell only kJ pairs rf li’.oes a i' / t! ' earn $ J*i, oo a year. A.'c r’ao'aid be :■ 'I •« *.r!y divlderalof: '.C'.a.i'ar.'.ori *• r i a ycaron t’i ilav tirn t. V.’ cr !. a I ilarc. 'i ho price i ll: 11 * *\ .i.’y'e,:: !i T t :an f > n r ar *. .‘i > . > k I i < i r I n irrs tlr.n t'i i price, i i.i. ii 11! > p r i I oa-assc.*'».*:’.! . 1 :*ro~»>-::' '.< H V.’c have ov.r’. Ji'. < .! *■■,* .1 ' I'lacrcx I: y. Foiaocf tiu ; . ■> ,"d * " > -iders ere : *.* .1. V.*« . V.: I. J f K.A. i: ■ I. J-., i :...*= .s J.. I.a a au h. 1....: * 1;. k ':. .* ■ 1. Il I. i. Tur i r. 11. Ur . -, .*'. Y.| <?n*'*’c, Mich, t F. 1’. Iiullci: *. Area. ! Write fora proepcctus enntai: a : our «tockholders, etc., or ,rn<t <*n . ■ rnr’ i inrf cothirr’» chrtk, ca^h or ' I Onlera taken for one or more «hare * «hare. •«. .. J / o S T H \ T I*. O. Bo . «11. "• «» » «* I I SOLDI*? <??■ CHtLO . r- ■. 1 A l»o, t r - s dun 1 a tin* e^K,..a»r «iirvlvir. ot i • •I** >*■ - Idow», ». • •|ir. |, liV i 0r-» ÏOUK CWN V X’lh H VNIOW SÇUAItr. N Y äti MTTA <4. FOH SALL DY «*’0*1 tor h. * a« •uill oui'ocw, u. • vSTON.MAsi TLA- linME SEWING MA • 0.. 7‘2«r> Mj«rk»’i >i., San Er «nrìnri». Scientific Amrri. an Agency for 1 ment CAVCAT’» TdA_i MA'IKR, D.--SIC. M PATkNTd tÁ> CuPVniOHTS, etcJ Feri”« «mallo« »ri., freo llsn<!i«>ok writ*»<» M IO, I mii’Al'W \V. N kw \ oiir . <>' ♦»> for .«xin w » .»<*n,» In Aineru*«. K,. è MS 'i «w’t by li I» brouvht t«>fi»i■» lue pu.... j A vuo. girmi tosi ot di» □ lu Ilio £iirutific ^muirac Ks il» tk*I |\»r •’»»«♦« r !>•»•»-itre U .• P i p. ti nt in leer to h'ngtor iwlli*.* >r rhoto ■ dOJUf I I V . »1 etrcwl»' Il o» »nrntie.* parer In thn «uria, b, lerioi'llr lilu»lr«le<l No li telUirmil ... »•». <■ IH ; 'l'ioui il. Wrrll, '•1.00 • > -r| Il *•’ »1» ' ■ ulti» A.IOx •« MI N X A CO. • .ito l ' ■ x>. New V, » Clt. I I fOL’*1' haainl,» reine.Ile, t _l •tra brailli r inter. t» Il bil! ;» ur ■ 1 ho I'tratli. - , p nd I • P«* » ' i» »•• ’ •♦i. ifi Hf 4) -3 IV I <• **• V. u fc. r. n. .ei. ( 'ATTAGf\MWIT¿: ■ Tai ’"l fd.-ttST: r-'^r <^W00OWflRtç i ’ioAK r< i, .. I” I . »«..A . »»• U m • »»ilk * krr<»«l t, I vm I* i»X- M. •*»». «* • V <rlii»laK.Tr ir. r • lM,ir. » W. il'irtea.m O h U mi « . k . . m, . » • I» la h, pao. »I. i.... » a. «i , . M» ria.!« «V tt.»i «V, i . r,«.. .. . • » iwaolwg MA aaua. baa •, I— • in teil wl at Im lin«** in vom I a c 3 ob , H M .. t in .1 ¿r :.iin- H-. J The i <>/ 1.1 F l . inuicaîe- probable ‘ . il 1 ••. Knch I ‘ U EI.KT .. k’ 1. Xr vKw c • ur i.i.XK <>F i ’i coin buie»« in’vin I H n 111« hit tn ru . nty < • ih»?e in 1 I. “ veiy pt- of Hu fuinily h ’mter. fl i • lie A t’l.E.l R •« tendel i ern: a >ir ivlit ¡ if , I> arci il lile: Hie r 'n ««• .. — d t INE of IH M l 11 Ajdiv I. s . »o «II ti.v 11 i hint. No it *r InftvMt'e p ISi-hv» ho t .«• I unie ein Ù on _ « — ill !• io i I : ■ -i -__________ ___ Í. - . ___ fri to dvr ir* of I Ldi ?| IrlîR or d< ‘ioml- ' i ft»» ’l.’DLF. OF vi'. Is well .« «I keep up « »nr f tiifl hy h.nvii g Pen orrsi’fl ir «• to F’ 4. ' i». piih-< ribi» g i« ii fer l.'-vi ’ r • v • s 7 Herr of exfiiiU fe v« rk? « I art • ’ \ » i?, bes t s t <• »no» ri» pr« mlnn« picu re. ’ 1 ni) i-v î*’w hieb if n musi a •« tj bn 11 e , i I k » .‘«e ori. i» ni « il | : in ing uliich •' • yo i ui I h.n a magnaim th trniinut • h ’ i i» - »i v any in the *<> lu f“*" its bear ifiil I ” • «in -n'Jòct matter, t* ai will ke p « i ill the opYs of t» e d:ty, a d all the fb* item* of h’tervflf ab« Rt the »»<•* di*e f irn .|i‘n * Interratine rva<I ns m 11’« r h : nd gay. for the whole'l* ; !•» I wl«l e P * » t»*a i’ i’’‘t h fa-birth n neaj.h ’\ p • « |M h-ct. «i a «» «I /• y M n li« c- » t W«IU u »th it. • ■ ’•. «»X», II, ’ ’ ’’ ‘ Ihr paü« r- n w’ I I« u—• • u’hq» I - 1 in i (A > /r \««n ri» o-»* *• n«i in 4 • >n it. ” <r. on r < ’ HD .11 d yon a ill ♦ ’ r ** S » lh v :sr. A lîr«-- 11 • pub- W. Jvr»»t -s 1’ Ka-i M>’ St., 1 fl’«\ nn.ic<tnMÌi'»rd w vh the -tw-fi *'xrn cepv A la*t*rQl’ O n.-’t ; a lirr* n ’fl ' x<’’ F •v r I»» V 1*1«»N O Till MH L«v «) <rro\i> |i|\ 1- 0N. r a«oa •it ' r nr jri ivF»- h -M u V . r ( ri ps, pru»’ - f - '‘VN ' I'S om a *r; . imagina I- I r' f pVi.nrc ; ariMFlit RY. t • •••ir ih'ce • ■ .*._____ . . above a» d : »<»• • io , >);t i^i um 11.0.1 «aluaulr i i » 1 arar is \ 1 if' al for t he home at.*»' i f. r *i i * - wPh ... i. regar regard t«> ». and It« nil neroli» ilb'Rtra I !>• fl .......... ■ i - ri th 1»' « ■* I * an 1*0 I ’ --- - ----- - * . ..« ’t i Fiipp Dfttteri ’-flhc ’euienú M»,M*|. h ' ** n*ike t ’ he home drefls uake» d 'll*- pr .*' i * rrí «1 'todiflie. X' • expenfle Jf 'f y e i* • ilk«- ' ‘ i’fl rtia !«• turrar ’ve expend«» cw of the dehest ■ •I«* . 'Rt...hfR .r • h . h mìni t. -m li a. and h 111! 11 «‘RH’l V»* «H fl«' ftp 'imtVH "" “ H’’ »»te» ► a» "ay i. r. M " ------- na in a J.u,| ;et ,,f , j, • d h'lino*.. I i I« \i*« k ♦ ‘- r ’ icr ever> h ne U ■ it't IV h i«* •» i er»‘>t Si wn 'irn I he ■: ial» t • « H •• • ? ‘» ti ............. h Walter ‘ ahiii noe ■ » CRHtlt » h r lo Terhtt'ie .* ■ i< k i fio »eh •a • a r .**' r , entttle "\t Ir ■ ir ’ a < \in •’ Ive Th irne il 'er. a>d n : dH < e Io -.*r i t be freqtie't’ e **'til'm r» Hifi k . I o *ion in thè t’.dttmh un Exr*o- S O»| H ' t I* o' lepri Rented wlth mani t' fl I • i fl. I. W. llimdimon in "Womei d . « fa«.* a i ated itplie' • e. DEXTER - SHOE CO., H” s I.’ ftt til k’S I’l- R l()!)|(',A LS iOfi DOLLAR. B-r Veitr i 1 BÄV PER MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality Z \ R »» * * it- « Y i 1 ¿I N- F «»• I >v • "\l V I (M kr K’ ' N'. PE'IP ... 0 * H.V r« o »! i »o ii 'dæn in the f’»il«»*< tat - » -r .Mexi< <». made easily and honorably, without capi tai, th.ring your spare hours. Any man. vouian.lHiy, of girt can do the work li mi* Uy. without i xpcrrence. Talking' ncce«s rv. Nuihing like it for mom?- nt iking< ver offered hefore. Ourwork* ' al.vay« prosj^r. No time w. stcd in leanfng the l>n«lne«s. V’e tetn li you 11 a nl'^ht h«»w go swcced from the Hr t hour Y >n nai, make a tri d without *■ pen«« t i )o,ir«eif/ We start you. ft'm ' •very’lii'iir uec*iU>d 0 carry on the 'b' • nes« .'•"»•'•e*»niO/,’ and gfiarAntec J 1 against' f’ilfirk If yon but, folio« 111 • simple, (d in* lostrnctlons. Ibeuler t* von an- in ne-d of rcadv mon y. at. 1 want to know-nil* aixint the Ig-st paying bw»in> - m la Pin*. Uie pnhli'N scnil Ji« ' ,uf Tihlre»s, ami \,e will mail you a docu« giving you all th« partienlars. * * nit » ihr «X e^iii with flr» •i* ti«*r »•r . ■ "r* of 1 h car. When a time !a i. ne l, »o «e Mi n wiP w qi i he •' *i ' titrent hi hrrfme «»f reorffv >f order ,. d i. Ill "fl” rve ► arar lor hr« eirlil neat loth »i ..... •>■•, nd ’n* ’«. 111 be »ent b- mat P ► ave vai**’ *.r by capre ». <re. of expen»e ■- V .fed ’ha treiiih’ doe« n ex eed one dol I ’ i er y lume) . *r >7 a ____ o time «'loth <••.».■« f • ea< h .. vo . un e.RUitable ». r ind tn/ * i 1 be «ent • « « “ m»t S> tl ■ ai h p. Rpai'i in r< f e'p f .ml tenr ea ahô’lld I e ’ a’• bv r »tory*» M i y *>r tit aft. < ayot 1 cha* ce o’ lo-» A e»« I OU" R ?. A i R THFRS WSIU'e ---------- »"•ner« re tí. t to o »ny one n« »r i boy i a’. ••amen» wi’hout h • xpr » Ì. st è'll\Rt*k R PRO HERS al' «f h ÜC flLÍSS »niFKHWirm.hi. . |ft*e..AiMn«w* AX «à, . IKxX 24M, Now \ urk UVJ. ..J» Í i TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine-