Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1894)
1894 THE TOLEDO BLADE. F a g azine Journals ¡r a few dayi, and vou will be »turtled ut the ui. -s I* cu-i ruccch tlint will reward kuur.etlortH H < > »itlvely have t::e be-i l.ll-ua -» lu Oller an at'. ,i that .an be found ou toe t.a ot ria- < .tn » 15.00 proUt <>U 8,5 OO woi'.hot Li.siu 1« iuz • a-ilv and uunuiubl,. i..a..e L ami |—i I liu. red, of men, women, ip, ..him girls i < .<- < uplay. You can luuke money fu-tei :.t nuik I l.- ' roil have ail ■ id' a of. '111. l.r .1.1-- . ea«v t > 1 ar:i, a i I in ruction« so >i:i:| ■ and p. . that all > '-reiil froai the rlart Tl:o ■ »lio hold of t t*. b'ldne«« reap the udriintup*- uri-e« fro-3 t le »auu*i reputation of < : of ohlent, ino»t »ic -e»«fnl. and larpe-t j- I lirlilnp- lioiiHe* in America, s.-mr,. for vorr-elf I' e pr> i the I a’inei» » '' All beginner» » 1 rniulli. and more than realize their greatest < xfiectation». Iliose v-o pre i* H,.d exactly a» we tell them. Ther -i of room for a few more workers, amt w- e them to liegin at once. If you are a ri-a.l- cm ploved, but have a few -r>ar<; moments, and wi- < io ii-e them to adviintn'.*». lhen write 11» nt or. . f.e • ils i< vour grand opportunity), and reo-n e ull articular» bv return mail. Address, TRI E A CO.. Box No. 400, Auguata, .-»I .Tri SEEDS üiirm¡rjyiT¡3 ILLUSTRATED. ,D. * . EtkRV A CO. L.t.ur., M eh. THI / ye * R ---------- I Are JuM what every a er uve«»», i h‘ 11» « ¡.a of ten iN . rfi tLr iHuiHhiiioh up on Which hi.n i««,n Lui i the laigest Set d I lift'll» • « 111 ’ k*' WO I id. Itrry’s Setd Aantal for 1894 C'.fiiu.i.s I i.e s».Ju i nil Mil.ftiaucv i»f the lukesL I*, rnii.g k t u».\uc. Freo lor it»»» to king. RD: C’f IO And book containing all tin* Mas* by Letters lor One Dollar. ------- —THIS PAPER — .-----WITH----- THE S N FRANCIS'0 THE DISABILITY BILL IS LAW Stildiers d’sabled since the war • * Emit le<l Harper’» Magazine for 18'J3 will centinue c mai 1 am the unrivalled a aodard of ex> ellence whi< h han <-li ratftrizeu it from rhe bezimdtig the notable feature, of the year there will t-e new ' ovt-b b< A C oiihii Dovle, C .n- h >inc<- '-’e'dinme Wo< I hoh . and William Hlavk. ShW .'..lie. vili 1.« < ■> frib 1 e.l by the most p.ipu'iir wrl'era of the <'av, in< hiding Mary E. Wilk'i ». Kk-haad Harding Davie, Mar aret Deland, Bra aer Matthew,, and many othet». Ti e i bi.tmted .1 -aeiii.tive pal er, wi'l emb ace Hr ic e, ■ y Julian Hal h new Southern and Western ml-jei t, : by Theodor-- child on India; . 'In i'." t eyiiiiel w on |{it,sfa and '¡er nany:1 i.y lii' h rd liar, i g D hv ' h hi 11 I. .mimi Se ih .ni : lo i ol. i .lT A. Il.irlveoti l-’astrfn Itiderg: et.-. 1 i'duin ’sili atra ions,.f shaki Bpe-ire’e li • ionie ie,ubi e m-nti 11 ned 1 i-er irv urti le, »vili be < ntributed b> ' harle, Eliot N* rt in. | A Mrs limes I'. I-ield». William Dean Ilowella. Bran er M iiihewa. anil others. I Il XRI’ER’S PERlOi‘ICS ---------- H ¡ic « ntorn without •l: « SA \ l l!AX< IM O \\ EEKLY « ALL a lian'iMiin>* *izM- y.ijc li is i-.-ib <1 »-very 1 liiir■>'!:< , a <1 cmi'ii-n all f C ie llli|> rlalit II''«- ni ilie week, ¡zie <m*.| troni cv tv < ju <- ter ol tl.e gioii.-, c<iiii|.|-te ui> Il llll- to «iute ni i llbi catboi. li I h ! i es tlu* Intel ami iim-l 141 .4 1 ' L A ’ * 1S co. •V L Ö J -?B JRN K roliablH rill *ll>*IMl new*» .Illi ■ io.ii kei quotations, i d gne< ' k |M'<*IHI Hlt'litl II to li >riieu!- d i t*ws. mi ai uml nini iur oiilttu <-ultiii .1 SHILOH S i W H pt ’ s . an i ih in evi-iv r*-- eoi a tir ■ a-- Inmily i hi i-r, Hp|i • i !.. (io> iiii»-ioHi ni rvoiy in.-. ‘ I Ilio 11 ■ U-oliolU. I L LT ST It \ T E D. . Mi » it 'I 't; < ’ ’. i ( ' ►. V KN 1-SlLJt A ft h r K J > H live In ti II* O It 11 18 (he MOb 1 HELI HU«I IM I ei-iltf II «/.»• I th»- LEAbiXG NEWs- RABBIT AND ?OULTR1 GETTING. I tile (’■• ♦ <♦. li.r ab \e R|»»T po-ti» hi !h 4 ;»ie linn» i’* Wc*ek!v ifl »» k «» ; ire ’ »• fl «’•* tlfl'fl ID.»’ J ¡:infl-' <M?k1v peril li» a’f «1 ’ 4-ri 'ii. '?»•"» ijpirfl n v ’ hi »* ’ »etwee» ’h" f ihchini».» ni \ piq»»T HU’. Char »»f tile lesi i «•’ »• t»,h’v d 'H’ jh (| ?’irbi ' or h 11 i »»in ni'*' » ■ ii"WF. »in 1 hn»R«*idf* wih'vqni» r • - * b«• r• ». ■ i ■:»Yirreh ifl !»• a* •' the hnimina ivi* >h’» <’«•» of fi i • » »n'1'.iinir ,).t‘ ì R vvr\ « e 'I t»'«‘ v siTipfl .»f il ’ • ■ t? «ati. t s "f the W» rl«‘*F ìli»' 1* u ill be not ..»»1\ De •> 'ni •• b> he .;’<» i 'vp »fliiion. but r I r i p .s f?nv«»’iir. ' U\«,r\ vu »1 i<■ «• v(»'11 .»f‘je,,era i !» T’-Ft ' I efn’lv rate’l ill ì R p’l 4«’F ’tRfo itr lri { i R heing frani the beg' u ri'er» i ml ,»r ¡ r ’ h in this « »»un r» ir will r«*n1i» lie ’• x* el i’i literatii-«•. ik * vf . »» »»I iH ur : ra ioi fl. a ♦ her unb v atmnfl f i h < rf . Home of (hem ,bnt who has read nil <>f them? The hook contains over 500 large pages, and all the Nasbv fatter- written during a portrait of D. R. Locke Ti e volumes of the Magazine begin witl he Yumbers iwr .June and December o' cue li veah When no inie is sneeiiied, sul viiption-’will begin ividi 'In* Number cur* i rent a' time of r< eelpt o'order. I our.d volumes of Harper's Magazine foi hieeyeuts ba< K, in m*; I cloth bin ling wib be sent bv mail, p st-p id, on receipt of $ j er volume. Cli'tli Cases, for binding 51 vitiiseaeii—by mail, post-paid. Kemitlani e- should b • made bv Post*>ltic< Vmi-ev Oruer, < r Draft, to avoid ehanc o OSs. .V.dre-s HAIil’EK .V ItK< >Tl[EIts. Ne» I York. I Il E one volume, cloth bound, all of the "Nashv Letters” ever written by the late 1). R. Locke, omitting per hap* a few unimportant letters on local <>r fogotten topics. C Onl . y . a fe >v of the-e letters were ever pliblisliH.I in Book 11 1 form. “ Everybody hn read period of twenty-five years; also a Per Year: lie-i ndtn’ widows mid I’.rit-ts m»w peibit it who «e '«»lindi I ’ • m th ‘ ‘• rs o' lIAIil’tfS V AG AZI ve 11 ' 'J*'- vi dl I iir<i»y- ^rvi- e >t <» inrhideil ............. .*».<* It AiiPEIl’S WEEKLY --(>■ h >ro<e . >.o< ’ (Mii t h n *r»ecdi y nn«» HAKPEI.’S it \ 7 \ i: T 1>-v.. ................. lited, id f A \i lIAliPER S vorxG ................................ . ,.r. PEOPLE .......... ?.<> I Rte <'tur miBsloner of P* rfli' i R. Postage Free to nil I Subscribers . .1... i V TOS . 1» ' • in rh< tniu <1 States. Canada, or Mexico. ■to Design Faterà C^rights. In answer to a general demand from all parts ot the United States, the Toledo Blape has publiihed in ' i from his iast oh »tograph. It Would sell at on.- <li.liar or more. but will never Lt* placed on s lie. On« hundred thousand copies are now living printed and bound, and one copy will be sent postpaid by mail free to every person who this winter r.. nuts one dollar for the Weekly I >la<'|e one yea r. Every Lod v invited to send for a specinien copy of the Weekly Bhi<1e, which will given tuff <b*scription of the book “The \.|t‘ v Letters.” T hk T oledo W eekly B lade is the t st ami most popular weekly uew-piper pU'*hsh<*tl ‘itt tliis conn* rv. ft his the rrgest circulation »f h ♦• weeklv n**wspiper. and goes m ev.-rv Stat, Territnv and nearly • ver eountv of th** Union. Only • me dollar a including the iboy nn'tiomal ok free Send Itos . I t o T he B l ah T oledo . Onto, f >r a free sp •<*!iii'*n copy ot the pv Send the i Idresses of vour P«-r. , 1 Irion HARPER’S PERIODICALS. '»v'-’i Cura f< ”1 ’ I il op a p :h re re < I ! beco PER year : _ J :iml < .¡n.'ida. n.»t, r»r Bron- vfin. If your i ; < ’» hut H . uxe li vou dread •int;<»n, use it. . (M; 4 ?(’RF, t. I f \ t'tir Lung* 'i<‘j shl’oh’H Porous j or sale by all Drug- I gl ■»(’• «.liti D UAPPEK WEEKLY HAKI’EIPS M v: V/IX’E FOR FVHT1IEK 15FORMATION The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co Its aaJ 120 N. Market St., Cblcugo. i Cr I Scientific American Agency for y U o . t.i'/ 1 IA Ki” P’S 1? \z \i:.................. tfa I.' KPEIFS V >px<: pc »IM E ?.'l P* h I hu ’ c F ceto ■—* all sull, -riber, in the l’ . nite H ■ Hi. .. a. a. r '‘e < co. Thi- Volume, of the Weeklv will beriti le flirt Number for tniiiiarv of ea'-h >'tun not me i, ment .med. su' , rip-i.m min with the Nil uber current at time of re i lp . f order. if <• .' v,, ■’ nine, -------- ... .......... Wp.-kl • f.irlhre of ihirjier', * i iuf back. ne it i-'< ‘ '»indinir will besen ... i - In ----------- 'o'h '- mal1 I’,-, a 'e uh d. o !. ..r '>. exeri* « fc-e of ex pen,e (pr vide-11 >■ freight - .lol,. doe, * . 'tex eo.1 S ’or «’.O'* a v. 'urne. Cloth C hsi - s for each c .............. . v”bi• p up s-paid, . RirtahJc Oi binding will In- sent h< mail on f re re f t of *1. Keiiiittnii■ e, should be made by Post Offici M.mev Order * Draft, to a < chan* e of loss. Address HMtl'I-'R -.-'I't > I' lERs. New Y..rl H^ip’ I I. L r ST II A T • CAVEATS, TiIADE MARKft, DZ3ICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. F«’i Inf irmatlon l»n<! free IlaudDook write to Mi \ x < *».. 1 B roadway . N fw Y ork . <H.L............ 1 i»'C beruriiitf | ai« In A iiti K p . V'vri yi- tn\ n out by i > n i . h broiitfbv l’«'f<* \» thepu* »* oy iHiMin v pivvii UOvoi charpu th*> ^uuTiciir. I.. ^■Loort A ! . , TVTTAcnMtrtTb: T.T-» Vs ’ItflMCST« : "„.A .4, .. WaCDV.-3RK’ IM YOlll OWN HAND. □, ?s unici ' •oSIOh.MASS I nru’« 4 ctmilatbin of nny Ri'lcntlfio papor In the uo.Ll. >p\'iHiuny 1II um rated. No ii’te li’Durt, t tn ¡»lu'it'd bo without it. Woe lv, >3.t>(> a \ t; « i . m ' f I x month« Addrv-« MI’X'N CO. . mi 3(> 1 1’ ’ wm ), MewY rkiU.- FOR I ;• o R aza 4 a . All*«1* &* SALE DY . . ■ ♦ Í *•*•’«* J <A1_ CAL l AJ TLX* ' • w ’ |l< im » >EWIN(1 • ' ’ ' M-' ‘ < (>., 7'25 Mark '¡lic’ic San Er incisi Del» i’■ton nt MA o. i E D . I« i Loos i - ■ '. * Hariter’p V hzht is a i.uir”nl i»r.ndbc. ’C »'i « k ’he hiten’ lnf.«r,»’H ’ •» h for the IpHpr L\1 cLoe i wiih re zur I t* h • h!i! «pF. and it< mi nor. up (Ib’frtra i.> s P ais « «’ l - df . fin ? T-at'er ” F b e**t Fiipn e nenti r»- : ilif»»»- •’ foD'r» “ ’ .... »like hn honiedri r ........ ’■ .. link«*’- i «1 ’ht* profvFsi ’ ' • al "I ’ . • I'h’ •>. \ - » X vxpe f • ’> «» u nke (is i rii» i<* Httnu* X Viibvst .’<l<‘*\ I fl L.. . h' Rt .r t F ’ i ve ‘ *‘SH of t Ilf i Ji’nufli 12 r»»ni u 8. ami th >i h ni <*FF I Vfl flivifl’ ail inafvF J. » : i f his Dau in hi 11 11« h a bu I xvt of \i i ic--, i i • <1 hntnor. i a • i fl A A K ’ < »FUvfl Ok’erv’h ivj b 15eo*‘-o i if”rd wh’f" ¡«o’ 1 ■ nix-.: ‘ •* w.» 'ien ’1 h* . » i : < " j lu-. e •»I in Is -«r 1<L< t vili bf' erf-: •» t al ?:«!•• » 11 bv Waite * :7* F»>n ( J I • inert 4. <'.... 7. I.;:. ■1 ’ ‘ a — ri r fl if. »1 . < • hr r. I’ • 1 o-r»< J. ! J • -3 r. : :. Vs I f’ln ish a p’ n' t 1« a ! for Terhune .: I.- ! i R. vu’ 1 le “ \t 1 b* t. : IJ.-U r i * ” .; J. r. n »• > i ( ’ ? Vi L-.l) . Th »me *» i *»»r. m d I I I : du ........ fa: - H ' <I h \VI ‘icr er \ " . : 1 ho ’ 're<|U4 ‘ i* o »ntii n rfl Th. .» « t k . i !cj. ; T. 1*. -, vit in the Co! I'nh h M E xi »«» :*.«• < "ohim ’ t hm •’ I >*r wi 1 I « fulh rvpr* Feuted with mnu\ P for.*»procpcc: our stockholdci s, etc., er sr,<<7 > n • r. ' » I n . I. iV. iliKKhi8u«i in ••A’ome '• inly cHíUirr’» cAert, ca»/i < r < » * p rn*r h ■«! i vale I HUuien( c. . a inlrnn mure eh.-irvs. Onl I -rs taken far for one or morn chan s, a share. I •i •- tn teil ul at tur line- in vorn ir w .1 n e you. il i«u hit g i» ne. i in. -i explain* il»vii. TU« : Ob’ I IFE indicar*** probable " 1 .• Each I HACKI.ET W. 1 n.D k. I. Nh vK i o..* » : ci« nr LI.XE OE • l’ »:li cominneu ¡nenn m«t r vi p n u ii li in«’*!« rn 1 limi 1» • nijr nf Ihvee in uv F<> Mf nirtiwly p**- r of the family ìf « ni< r- •r 1; ’ :i si ’ iiv A ('LE \ K s I t h ed :ik< t-, ndviner*: a Mr il lift«: ihr ri ve r » if < a 1 ine <»F 111: \i i il Per V..J, r ; mi u li. thv I va t liiì'ti* r li ncNEii <• p Uli'hefl m > . urne cirri Yon «ili I- t \ 7. A R • * <1. ’ 1 in’i ? 1 ’n its or (1- ond- ” I U u; \Zi\i- ’IDLE OF vi: is veil i > A • ••'’/IV • ir *-• 1 a by havii g Den orvM'i» i o It’S Y » X«. I’♦•■'If r. ? o ►id - • ribi» g io if f» r DPI n j.’ r»-f tu n.s’ ». f (hen ■R ili the Hiilte rr of cxnni» tv work* • i art 1» t • r .’i «.or Ivxi’«». i naile easily and honorably, witboat cup. iiadc cosily without rap. v »ni»« ri» pr» mimi»plv’i re. 11). during your sj»are hours. Any mat • v ’’’ uIlici» i>< a n»<»»i a »vai vsíii» ir i! h • hr firs »ii I» al « il p.’ iivinsr vl.ivh w Oman, I h > v . ui * go lean do the work li mi 1 • ’ 1 »»‘T* « » h 'ini. M hrn • uv a m iL.izim th t vanno! s lime i, dy, without i x|M*rience. Talking :n i. ne 1. r » i ivU n *viH hr«i in the vo hi for ìd ben' ifnl . he < ; rurrent -it thvrime of rri’eij ; k * ci * ss , ry. Nothing like it for nmm 11 lìvittrr. t» ai whl ke p enter 10 vp re of tì c day. ft’ d all the in iking ever offered liefore. Our w ork d v. hi ",o ri e ► i »rar mr thre. it I’» ! »«« of it h rvM ab. ut the always prosper. No time wasted •ri ni-at .11'b** ,en« h,-mal neat <-lo'h'.in* <-l,>’h m -h’n * Inlcrcfltini? read ns . • -i ■ •: or by <- - • a * expre ,. ir,....... . exect'li lenrii-ng the business. We learli y<>u I my. hvr ¡he uholv fhtnilv : » .ted led ’ hr he f'elirh' f-elitlr dia-, it* il ex eed one do' i* • ’t a fa «It Ion n n-jaxito», a nialit buw to snc<*ecd from the Ar ’•rv lume) . , ■ r >7 S7 « H o u- o .a »1 y. 11 c : « ni» ir. hour. You <-an make a trial without i l lo h cane, f ■ • ■«-,< . ... i. . h vo tin e.Miitable <« r ‘ In* y- n « ’ I. to ip»- »'n* ins w i 1 tie «ent ’ y ■ ma —a m spaia, n n.eip «’ peir<eto yourself. IVe start you. Dun i «-it ch o*»* >1 rd in il ng i a< h. tin M d yor u ill t » rything needed to carry on the etni tante, «honl't te . .**. c bv r t’orii’i A «ir» » * tt • pulu •1 , v -n ■> -s successfully, and guarantee ) r D af * ’. nvoi I chn- re «>’ lo-t . V» En*r Wil M., A I-,« igiiiKt failure if yon but follow 1 I’RHIK* IK TH - K3 • icon..¡vied v\'’h the »*>_ e r-**ner< ,-. I to ,i inr owe till» simple, pl du lustrierloris. Header, t i copv A lav • <*l* D r ” of h ibov» a. * .-.urn» wl’h.uit ih a I r~.* n in 1 \t:i g vou are in ned of rv-ulv money, aw xpr , i-i\ O : 111 '’l: o er o ti \K ’I- K i Ko HESS want to know ail alwnit the Is-st pa)i s» l> |H\ I* »ON. r. a«<»n i’ « ‘F J ' ' IT!’’* * '! • business liefore tin* pttbli*-, semi it- v ’*• EN. pnol 11 I V« N ■’duress, ami we will mail you a do.u r; im ' • • a ä axat giving you all the particulan. c: ar M» l « I RY ‘I IS V, (a..»- . is Hre. AE«!- \ -,r U qx è\vw \ u« j • riodicals OETiTR SHOE r*n . ’ DOLLARS PEP month TH I '■*. . . . i- o Ho. tea. E 2LOI 7KS. CH'liH* N, I n You a O wn L ocaut ’ »>H-. «XMN •• • WY u ' **.♦ o ¿¡inrnev v . i lì'N I' v il', U EI' WI^O’V! NTr. •’•.ir 1 <wa ■■»Su' ' -a •«»' le I i. <*•■ > 1,- e.-num,- ir,. , i v ' «tore S Ir -r< • .»f . |H| tt. ir • la. «, now 1 « » I •» ’re » »is-* «nuuv i to bb K I UArvv tvr a 4 ii » u. .1 • ren- ?» A 5VÍ r- IRUE£ CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine