nothing remains of you but your Charles Pedley Warner has written The univeisal good »leiitistry done for the Salem Woolen Mill Store, by him has gained tor for the Dr. a jn thisand <•’rant c« unties. Plar k for publication in Harner's M iga .by teeth It isn’t funny . WEDNESDAY APRIL 11.18'4 eta fife as silk, robes inferior to __ 1 —The am rial school election iast zine later in the yt ar is “Tin < b lden lasting reputation. none, overshirts and underwear aa House.” Itisastorvof NrwYmk J Parties wishing to purchase BAH THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Monday result» d in bonding J the small ham] of gentle dairy rattle « ‘heap as th»* cheapest, socks, gloves, «ociety. a sequel to tin* same author’s AfjY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. “A Little Journey in the World.” • would do well to call and see Austin mittens, overcoats, flannel« by the ______ — ••1 ~ ~~ a more commodious and respctable ami will be illustrated with eliarac- ' Goodman fi.r a bargain before go ya*.l. cloth bv the yard, ladieadres» J *’»<’• Tak»‘» measure. school house. John W Sayer wh « eristic pictures by Mr. W. T. !ing elsewhere. p mHHER. NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING _______________ i for men ’ s and youth’s clothing. L . Arent 21 Merchant«' Exchang.. Sah Fr«n- elected director to fill th« unexpired i Smedley. .Uro iiour author!»««! agent. Th!» paper 1» « I Cal) and see him, office at the term of Enoch Reed. Jept on file In his office. — There will be a Grand Ball at prench Hotel. ; To the Populist County Con ver. the Stenger dt McGowan hall, on —Frank Bowers a resident of It ion April the 4th., 1894. We vnnr Committee on Resnhi- ,he «**«»>“« of ,une ‘,*h- See ad‘i Willard Oregon, but who has been We your Committee on Kesolu H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 ;in our town for several months, left tmn« beg leave to submit the follow - » | |)EAK S1R; Our artides of Cor- Local News. here last Monday tor his home —poration provide», and wehavear- Frank made many friends while mg report. When as the industrial masses of. | QilMUilVvi i. . ir for the «u j .• SUMMONS. —I. S. Geer and Co. have an ex- , here, who regret very much his !8UM¡JltCTM. | ranged accommodation of r .. . i seed from . ’ .. ’ '".......... the county are hemg rohhed nv ' the countv are beine robbed bv I . , , . > J • .i ----------- our customers, who are desirous of cellent selection of garden seed I n absence, and join with ua in wishing • , - — -- - * »-• i ’ J *1 corporation«, syndicates, trusts and tie firm of D M Ferry & Co. him a safe journey home and a,___ L:___ _____ *•___ ,___ i____ ] In lhe Circuit Cour! of the Stale carrying their Bank account in combines, causing colossal fortunes of Oregon for Ha. nev County Huntington. and have opened an —Dance at the Stenger hall on happy and prosperous life. to be acquired by the few and re Zimri L. Thomas Pl’ff.) “Exchange Office” as a Banking the evening of May 1st. I —In this issue we publish th » ducing the masses to serfdom slav | , ? ' department 1 ,l)" . p_ county democratic ticket. The ery, want and suffering brought I — Lloyd Johnson fnm the We are prepared to handle alt _• . ... i io Emma J. 1 homa* the above candidates are all well known to the about by unjust and vicious legis-. na||itd (Mendant Ranche was in town several days of cheques presented. i voters except L. Stallard,candidate lation. I |n the name of the State of Ore Issue certificates of Deposit, pav the last week for commissioner. Mr. Stallard’s I Therefore be it resolved 1st that gon you are hereby required to ap ing sm-h interest on time deposit a. —Mr. I (¡¡lend is in Burns visiting home is in the Drewsey precinct, our only safe ami peaceable guar- |w*ar and answer the complaint | conservative banks do. Mr and Mrs Huntington. He is and we can honestlv sav of him • dian of human rights and liberties •filed against you in th»- above en titled suit on or before the first dav i Receive money on deposit sub a brother of Mrs. Huntingdon. that he is a good man in every par is the ballot box of the next regular term of the ject to cheques. tic ’lar and well qualified for the 2nd: That *we heartily endorse Circuit Court of the State of Oregon We ask — In this issue we publish the office to which he aspires. the national and state platform of for Harney County, to wit; : on or populist ticket. Theii selection of the 21st. day of May 1894, solicit voiir account. —Hugh Harris accompanied bv 1 Peoples Party « and that it is '» before ’nd if von fail so to answer for warn | Respectfully. Oregon Commercial candidates is good so far as we the duty of every American Citizen Charles Simons arrived here sev- thereof the plaintiff will apply to Co , J H. Aitkin, mgr. know. rral day s since from Linn count* vho has at heart the welfare of our ,¡^'cour’t’ for the'relief' demanded —Congress is in a muddle, mon- ( I this state. They crossed the inoun •onntrv and who is interested in in the complaint, to wit: for al ey is in a mud hole, the government: tain on snow shoes. Hugh say» »uilding up a home to pledge his ! decree of the Court d’solv’ng the» in the ntire and Coxey’s common ime money and influence tn 1»> th» mr-( marriage contract now existing tie In the Countv Court of th*» State lhe first man he met after getting it tween plaintiff'ar d defendant. weal army still marching on. Imaha platform untilth»* county. Harney county he [Hugh] asked This summons is ordered to b» of Oregon, Harney Countv: In the —Assessor Miller has moved in him if he could not accommodate *» rid of tyranny monopoly and | served upon the said defendant matter of the estate of Wm. D. ippression of every kind. Emma J Thomas by publication Hudspeth, deceased. to the residence he lately purchased him by giving him a proxv to th Notice ia thereof once a week for six consecu 3rd: We are in favor of less leg of Mrs Ada Iaeger. hereby given bv the unde signed, (democratic convention. slation in classes and more in the tive week in the E ast O regon C. B. Wickliffe, administrator of —The effort, to pass the Bland H erald , a weekly newspaper of E d . H erald : C. p. Rutherford n*erest of the masses i general circulation, in said Harnev the estate of W..,. I) Hudspeth, de seigniorage bill over the President’s the candidate on oir. [populist1 4th: We want men elected to Count v Oregon, printer! and pub veto, failed ticket for the office of Judge is no >ur national and state legislations | fished at Burns, in said Countv and ceased, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said B orn —On the 6th inst. to Mr extensively acquainted over th« vho will enact laws which they State and appearing to l»e the paper * i : i ;.• . i deceased, to exhibit them with the most liKelv to give notice to said * ' ” and Mrs Ed Walton, a fine , county and for that reason would vere elected to enact. «lefendant. by order of Hon Morton «’’fuessarv vouchers, within six healthy male heir. Ed has put beg you publish thia little notic 5th: We are in favor of the com D. Clifl'<>rd, Judge of said Court months after the first publication | regarding hi’ ability and popularity another stripe on his barber pcle. plete abolition of national banks made and dated at chambers in of this notice, to said adm;ni»tratoi in his immediate vicinity. 6th We want and demand a Canvon City Oregon on the 16th at Shirk Harney County Oregon, —Miss Daisy Robertson of Drew- 1 Mr, Rutherford is eminent! government of the people in fact as «lay of March a . 1) 1894, and duly or at the office of Waters «ey is here visiting her sister Mrs Gowan, qualified for the office and wher< veil as in name. filed hi this Co'irt. L. H orton H. E. Thompson, and will likely his attorneys. Burns Oregon. M R. B iggs tie is known is universally liked Chairman retm i i here for some time. Attorney for Pl’ff Dated Feb. 14, 1894. Our desire is, and our reasons f > C. B. W ickliffe , —The Rev Mr Winan a meth- isking this favor of the H erald Administrator. odist minister and Sunday School are we have no paper of our own W aters A- G owan organizer will propa<>ly spend th» ind wish to give our candidate ». ifr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder LIQUOR LICENSE. Most Perfect Made. Attorneys for Administrator. months of June and July m Burns. fair showing. Pop. Harney, and this county, Hie To the Honorable Court of* | W ashington . April 5 —A long I .Harney county jViarney County oi of me the slate state ot of i NOTICE. family will accompany him. 1st Readers at line of department rulings in th 25cts Oregon, for the county of Harney * u —In the school election Monday administration of school indemnit ¿nd. 40 ’ ' 1 ............................... We the undersigned, your pe Is hereby given to whom it may afternoon 63 votes were cast and laws are reversed bv a decisim I Id titioners would respectfully repre 66 80 “ *bat we are each and all resi concern that the promissory note 60 were in favor « f bonding the rendered yesterday bv Secretary I 4th. $100“ *<len,t‘a’"* legal voters of Drewsey given by D. L. Shirk and F. M. district for the purpose of raising Smith on the application of the * »th. • precinct, in said countv and state Shirk, to C. W. Parri ►h for the sum money to build a school house. stale of Oregon to select doubl« Monteiths Elementary Geography i and we ask t hat, a license be grant of $6(N) dated the — day of May Monteiths Comprehensive Hd A. I. Johnson & Bro to sell ajid —Captain Waters candidate on minimum lands for lost single mini i5cts. 1892 due on or before two years of «•pirituoua vinous and the republican county ticket for the mum lands. The decision h >ld* •leography $1.25. Clarks Normal Jrammar 80cts. Sills Grammar 4,.wl‘’T’Pre from date has been paid, said note ofLce of Judge, informs us he is go jihat the selection of the doubl .. eu,ct 1,1 ,PHH quantities than one ’8 supposed to have been lost in the ing to canvass the county thorough-, minimum lands involved may and ,acta. And ah other school books • g dlon for the (>eriod of „jx lir,nths U. 8. mails. if now in the possession uint after aftos this ihia date I I * from *1. -J_ of * May >« « r» ly in his own bchalt bchalt. . «ought allowed to ■ ougnv to vu be i>e aii'iweu vu the me t»cho»>> «ciiw. n si nrnnnrlinn proportion an<l the 5th. day A. D. of any one or in existence this -------------«....I no* I grant in lieu of single minimum *ill sell school books at the above • 1894. County Clerk P. L Shideler I .... - I Dated at, Drewsey thia 2nd. dav tice makes it necssary that said prices for cash and for cash only. left here last Monday in company an 8 °8^’ note should he presented immedia | Orders by mail promptly attented j of March A. D 1894. with his wife, for his native home I tely to D. L. and F. M. 8hirk or NAMES NAMES. Ito. Dated this 1st. day of Ma.-ch in the state of Indiana. He will! )John D Daly ¡otherwise be considered cancelled. Geo N Rann Willie Aknow be absent 15 or 20 days. His wife Al Weatherly Dated at Burna Ore. this the 22nd Or. Price’« Cream Baking Powder ’. C. H- VoJCGTLY. I W A Rotiertson F M Gilder World’« Fair Hi.h««t Award. being in i|] health will remain i day of January 1894. 1 « Perry Robbins Jesse Bartlett 9 in Indiana for the time being. D. L. 8 hihk . Joseph Sivkgny 8 N Williams I Z T Moffet E L Robbins Messrs, M. R. Biggs. Ben II H Masterson Math Wayera I Brown and Adelor Ricine left here I Chas P Rutherford C 8 Stewart this week for Portland. Messrs A G Johnson 8 W Hamilton « B'ggs and Brown to attend tht i W M Harness M F Howard democratic state convention and (W F Kingsbury W F Muffet Adelor R mine we Goe Morgan J H Wright t understand to C X Cochran R Drake hunt a b i*it ess situation of tome W H Wilson W J Smith kind. M J Masiker John H Wright Geo Lindenburger Andrew Hassett The democratic, republican and I * 8 B Stewart Wm Fredrick« Populist county tickets are now Thomas Delany Rolla 8tewart cast upon the disturbed political R O Lehman. At Stenger & McGowan Hall. Will be given on May 1st. 1894. 0Ce,n’ each bark claims to have the t rhe secretary of the Elkhart Carri Carnage w,hn,n8 pilot at the wheel, each M Harness Mfg ( <>, of hlKhart, Ind . EHBlIi ■■B ’lB Informs ua that uricM will wiii"be that Aeir their prices be ’ lower lower confidently exiting to •or 18!M than ever. He wishes «■« t» r*w from the others enough to Good muaic and a good time guaranteed. our readers not to purchase anything in MOST PERFECT MADE. the line of carriages, wagons, bicycles m C0l8e out on top. harness until they have* sent 4 cents ia A4 »4 44 <4 A = I A GRAND BALL. " CREAM BAKING 11 w cream Baking Powder Ed Jordon, Manager. they have sent 4 cents i stamps to pay postage on their 112 dm » catalogue. We advise the readers of this paper to remember hit suggecttoo. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frm ^om Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDARD.