THEST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREE! Shown* th»» INITIATIVE & REFERENDUM people, could not be declared Miovtiug u w . constitutional by any court in th» ----- -- tut the highest »y»‘w » “ —ar- | (the 't'“1, ? ?" highest JA_J Vogue to a Limited extent in Nearly Ever State in ‘r ^'JP power. 'e “ lawmaking lawmakiJ " ‘ ‘g Each county, city, or district w^uld the Union. have full control of its own afl'tir« and could try experiments in laws i No 2 and systems of government that a B by requ.:tt uf the Jul nt Committee on state would hardly dare to attempt. — r- GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEAR Publiihed nireit laiglilatluu. W. S U’Keu, 8ec*y, » Wto« urratliM ---- a practical We would soon U have Milwaukie, ore. Anv teaber of the E ast O regon H erald can get The Twice a California is a larger state than I demonstration of the different gyi Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscribers to The Oregon, with many times our pop (^rn8 nation and could then Republic with $3. choose the one that was best adapt In aldition to obtaining the greatest news weeklv in America,every ulation, yet thev voted succeesfullv suhscrioer to Die Republic will save ten timss the price of the paper, or on nine laws and there was no com ed to our conditions Any reason­ more, everv year by the special offer« marie subscribers from time to timet able proposition would soon find Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon receip. plaint of lost time to voters, nor of some county or precinct willing to too much territory nor of ignorant of a postal card request. Address all orders. give it a trial. THE REPULIC, St. Louis- M) • voting, and yet there had been no The Initiative and Referendum education by the state on these would enable ub to carry on great measures. public improvements such aa the . The Colorado legislature applied 1 the Referendum at the last election portage railway at The Dalles, or fe- TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. I j / Maur— of Vriu'i Celebrated Coaady 0a* Freauun Band and OrchatVE t>r. If llro Sf'frral CV.( fZLAar*. You will remember the condition I wax flv* *»*•- af". when 1 wax afflicuvl with a comblna- Lou of di*ea»e.. and tnou«bt there vu ap hclp roe er 1 med ell kind»oimudicinea,and »rorea of eminent pbyMcai-e My nerve, wereproetrated. pmdurine diixine i heart thsible »nd all tbaiUa Uai make lite mtearaUe. I com me» ud to take DR. MILES* NERVINE and In three month« i wae «»»»aeviv eoete Jn mv travel»each year, v> hen I f o the thou».i.ds «i poyMcal wreck», aulk-rli.g from nervoui nro». . . — —, tration, taking prrerr'prior.» from 1 t.roleaaJon, . |»»-r^ where there * ea-manyri fferera from over« ork men tai preatra lion a d Lerroua ethauatlon bmuafat on by the cb»ractrr of the buaiueaa ea«atfetl In. 1 would M A rjlllJ [J ^.‘THOUSANDS nuv .i '__ ■ ■ ■ w M a aure cure tor all auflbrta< from these caueeK __ Jaaaa K. Wam. Bold oa a PoeUlve Gu»ranl»r. D r . Ml LES'PILLS. 50 Doses 25 C ts . SIMMONS ^REGULATOR ; Better , while u constitutional amendment ... .. one form t o <■. 1 roads, street . car lines, electric light i providing tor of r.u the Refer- MANHOOD RESTORED! de 1 , and water plants, or take such other cuataoleed to euro a. i nerv<-u» Uisea»e».»ucii as Weak Memory. J am » of Urals endum when demanded, waa Power Ueadacbe. Wake lull'«»». Lost Manhood, hixiilly hiui»»ions. Nervoaa- steps as the majority at any time ne»» ail drain» and loss of power in General. veOrkans of either sex caused feated by the state senate. hr overereruon, yourhCul errora, excessive useot tobacco,ot>lum or stim­ saw fit ulant» which lead to Intirmltv, Consumption or Insanity. Can be carried la Under this system measures, not par box. «for as. by »all .prepaid. With a »3 order w. •Or, written ■uarnnteetoenrenrre.nnd the moB.r. Sold by all It being the dutv of the state to arueri.ts A • k fur It. ta«e no other. Write for I ree .Medical hook sent sealed men, are the subject of discussion tn piuih wrapper. Address A EK Vi NKEU CO., Mutunic retnp.e. C hicago . For sale m Burns.Ore.. by U. M. UOBTUN. Uruxnutt. and a voter is not compelled to furnish a printed statement of the effect, togeth* r with an impartial agree wholly with his party, but rewiew of reasons for and against can select the laws on their merits. the enactment of each law the vot­ It is the same system under which the famous New England town ers could make an intelligent de- I cisión without reference to a suhsi- meetings do all their business, I : dized or interested press. voting sometimes bv ballot and ai The cost of making and deliver­ 'others by show of hands. The 2^ ing to everv voter a pamphlet copy j American Federation of Labor CD £ 2 of fiftv law s and reasons would bo o E. o Knights of Labor, and the Inter­ CO = =■ less than $17.0JO. All laws could z national Cigar Makers, Iron Moul­ be voten on at the regular June ders, Bakers, Brewers, Carpenters I £0 ro 5 election once in two years. and Joiners, Carriage and Wagon By thia system, one man power - Makers, Garment Workers, Granite fl 5 w’ould be destroyed as no legisla­ ’ O 9 O Cutters, Tailors and Typograohical o £ » ture could table a proposition, no Unions, with a combined member­ s ? governor yeto it, or any court de- ship of over half a million, extend, •clare it unconstitutional after the mg over the whole country and with ■ people had given it their approval 10,000 members hi the state of I I at the ballot box. Oregon; make all the laws for the ( By reducing the salary of the government of their respective1 office holder as wages and price» bodies by the Initiative and Refer-1 fall and times grow harder to the endum, and have done so for years ' I amount, the same work and talent past. 'would command in other lines of labor, the professional office h ijdef INITIATIVES REFERENDUM. w ill soon disappear, When the pt »pie make the laws, there will be Disease commonly comes on with slight Its Successful Operations iu all ■ no money in politics and it will symptoms, which when neglected increase Instances where given a trial | cease to l>e a trade in extent and gradually grow dangerous. — Its Adoption by the All the partv platforms of Massa­ It you SUFFER FROM HEADACHE. DYS­ Labor Organiza­ TAKE chusetts last year demanded the RIPANS TABULES PEPSIA or INDIGESTION. . . . tions. vstem for the state cities, and II pa ar« BILIOUS. CONSTIPATED, ar hill LIvER COMPLAINT.................................... TAKE RIPANS TABULES I counties. The republican governor no 3. It yer COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, ar yoa was elected on that pledge and i» TAKE RIPANS TABULES SuFt-EH DISTRESS AFTER EATING. The Refer® id uni would soon con­ w rkit.g hard to keep his promi-e. Fer OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR- TAKE RIPANS TABULES vince the originators of all viciou- Present indications are that ths DcitS OF THE STOMACH. . . . and unjust laws that they t were sulject will be submitted to ths P pans Tabules Regulate the System and Preserve the Health. was ing taeir time preparing bills pe q»le * >ple of that state this thia vear to be EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. p .: pans tabules that were not to the benefit of the. voted on. t ■ .<■ pht-v of SAVE MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. . eople. | Ah citizens, regardless of party, A COMPLETE ----- ♦ RoM by Iirninrists or sent bv mail on receipt of price. MEDICINE CHEST ' Box (tt vials), .5 cents. l*ackagr (4 boxes), $— The fact that the people would be I are earnestly req meted to study the Far Free Hamplv» addre»» iU hr trpi for < at lib Tty to at all times resort to'atsttmand h-Ip make it a part of .ry family... { Í THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. »«»>*««**»»***a*»a 10 SPRUCE «’UrrT. NEW YORK. the Initiative and thus do awav the constitution of Oregon this with the necessitv of legislative year. It can be doi:e by refusing to ion on a propos'd law would stop vote for any cmdidate who does nut fillibur-tering, talking against pledge himself in writing, that he 'line and running away to prevent will do all in hie power to accom- the transaction of business, as ia the' plish the reform at the earliest po sible date. ■ a.« • in our congress todav tl^ve »nltl I» v—nonine r-» for »I year . Of ibe -» 2 7U-\4J>6. 17, appropriated See that your party platform con- »uv in« t < a. ilio dt-ali r‘» profit. W >< . - I’ j Sil.GO l.»».UIn« Oldr i* .U'l l.-.i'Cr.l minutar»arerò in Arr' t t»v the last legislature of Oregon a! | tains • plank dema Hiding the Initi­ V» lilclr» »nd llamr.ithu way , •> with rrivUce« ti»«xar-iln« Scforeany > c- 1» paid. X r p ay frcl-hl both viyslt in t »ati«tm • least one-third could have been' ative and Referendum. torr V,*rraatí< riyi-ar». V. hy ray an « ;cntf 0 t •» t 3to or '.er for ) if Writ - y ■:-r or r> order. •avid to th»- taxp.if-ra withoutdet- F >tin< Ire«. W« take all risk ot damage in •btppiM. riiiii nt to the state, and would havt i WHOLESALE PRICES. Spring Wagons. 831 to SCO. <■ .»r* tr,-1 No.TSl, Burtcy. L iterary At’.vr:—“Are you fund reti by the H'ferendtrn. Thia .............................. • i <• a. «Il lei ajet.-k'.v Bureeva. SC3 to SICO Surrey llarne»». aama a, »ell Cor lira to II.a Top Euf-.ii 937.50. a» C e a» m'l.l tor aa\ pniptou v ; -> iv ing aould amount to almut $10 ■ of Crabbe’s Tales, Edna t> SIOO. Farm Wagona, W»ronr-t>- Wagons.Bribery Wi’itoiv Ct P r voter. ‘ E dna :—‘Don’t know, aunty, Carts, aititi in tv* aak. tioat.'. s < riL.o.i With the Initiative and Referen- I ve never eaten them, but 1 1° si»t-:. dutu. United States senators would ; the meal in lobsters lege. D*ul • dt-t :.o.Koad Wkmu. ne elicteli by a direct vote of the eat lamilv Magazine, $55 people. It is only necessary to Ko.. Û «. TOP lo«» ’ $4¿ 03 provide in our constitution that » • Ï t« K » -»»»IA • The qualified electors of the state Hr:—’‘Could you marry a man I. Fan* Karre»-». CXNMI < KDDI J'* * b 4 FLT M TA. of who ia your inferior?” r ilarinv >11 "Deels shall constitute the legislature F prrr . líO whk -, t «•>.- I'.“ re •> a.~«u.NB u k . ' i*- j M mw m I IM- My.w « • 4.. I. ■ .-« ■ I i .AiHot.dn.i» Ivttfi. »*■ Oregon,” a hich in truth will be the 8 h <:—“1 suppose I shall hara a .'¿rcci V?. C. FRATT, Ccc’y, ELKHART, IND. fat L aws once approved by the to."—Dt mortal Fa toil — FEEL SICK? I I n : : eiàRÏ CAR&ifcÊE and HARNESS •ell on’v O ak ) pair« cf * t 5 a year. We ? d •*•! < f F *• î* a» . n t‘ r. T h * J le i -i li » a r j . • i al ’• J V I . I » o - > If. •» I Ol Vt. -r t- . e. .’ .1 , c I i Lx* m irJ » pt ’ j r *!rr. n » .< - »X. » A < J I I r r, W X . ; Α k * Dail’«’« ul CO