At SMITH Faiin for sale. 1 S •» \ S HUA Y APRIL 11.18! 4 . ... J * One section’of land about 7 miles ' north of Burns,’fullv‘ 160 acf'es of I ■ • . *» I . . I’. ' which can be irrigated,'and quality of soil unsurpassed, : Good outlet to range For sale cheap. » • . i . B yrd <fc -Kun». AGENT FOR J. H. Jett Marble Co • *’ ! I » H ~—7—:——r — school books at th drug store of H. M. H »rton. Baker Cityt Or Notice. Also takes orders for enlarging pictures: Crayon or Pastel Work guaranteed on delivery or no charges made. —Sch"o| books and stationary cheap forcish, at the Hardware Store of C. H. Voegtly. Poet Office Address, box 361. Boise City, Idah. 1/rs. M. F. Bone A good ranch belonging to H. G. “I VJfaO □ V/reCk — Don’t forget Henry Cheatham broken containing 160 acres 1*?, With catarrh,! ;a-trough ¡„•neratly baiber, desires a part of your pat Campbell, alt a liotllo )f ¿paw B,efora 1...1 • i ., . , " ¡'j'.iwrs. Belo??, -. I l.-.l miles south east of Burns. This', iioo<| n t. bitbatter. . Now I am la ronage, at the new barber shop. . "!» — L. — ranch has about 100 acres of good, p — Who said you couldn’t get a I meadow land. Price, $S00>br *villj‘ good flavored cigar in town for five (trade for sheep. ¡.'»x i gObd health; for Cl tf v.Mili fnylha.iks are dua to Hood’s C-roaparlMa. ’.’, cents? Call at the Citv Drugstore P one , Clover, Iron Cx, Mo. Cot Hood’s B yrd A arid inquire. HcoteM , , •» ' Hood’S Pi"' < ■r<’ Constipation by restar- ■— ' 11. uiM liu>pèjl*Udticas..uuvf l.iv ¿...Ai-ntary e. ln al. —Job lot of spectacles and eve flassesat Jorgensons from 25ct» H cntinoton , Oreg., March 1, ’$>4 -’iV' ’ M‘-'1 l'»$l per pair. Photographs H ‘ D ear S ir ;—We again cal! bn Von’ Derdoz.. Cabinets. i”5 À ÂaVvèiuiiH Discovery F rèe soliciting your business forlMfa • ••», I ' >1 . _______ . ‘ — Don’t forget the <,|<| ‘ stand.hi Our Warehouse will have the sanie French tlotel ’ Board $1 oo SupèrnùotiM h:iir h*ihbv<M per ’l attention as formerly, ’all busniésr day and less by the week. entrusted to us. will be carefully’ nanently, instantaneously, withoutd -Builders tools ami all kinds of looked after. »Ship your goods' ’in piiii’ bv Electro Cheinical Fluid, ■• ' *| In order to' prove superióritv. we building hardware at the Burps our care hard ware W e continue the jobbing in. G,ro wilt for ne!xt ‘90 days send sample - ....... J at bottom prices for casi.. ceries. etc., and will lie ’’•otilé and testimonials free, on re quote you prices at any time. *< •! cant of nineteen cents to pav post We buy our goods dir-et and ge.' Eb ctró Ch» micalCrt., 25 Efist will be pleased 16 divide Margins MtIi St. New York. • ■. •... with you. Huis giving you goods as •j chea-, or eh iper, th iti they can bt placed bere frinii Portland. I Your correspondence solicited. I Respectfully, O. C Co.. J. II —01—”-----Q-^O—- ■ » (04 •’ > H' » ’■» i> McKinnon Shop opposite the Clerk’s Office experienced Workman and satifaction Guaranteed He solicits a share patronage of his frends Burns - Ontario Proprietor. G. W. H a V es Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour« Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 P M One wav $7.50. Fare, round trip. $12, Through freight 2|cts. a pound » ' • •, KENYON ■ i BROS Proprietors Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Manufacturers World’s Fair th-hest Medal and Diploma. OF f • • i • • BURNS MEAT MARKET Tinware & Sb Janes Edward Cool z- ■ALSO DEALERS TN'f-f- HARD • . OREGON , ,,, • • tf • ‘ • PAINT3 ‘ I » . KENYON BROS ! & WIN DOWS ‘ BANGEKo —- ( GLASS, DOORS ■■U—J J ÉTTO ’ I AMMUNITION A FISI l.i ' , > . < 4, IX i, E ,-i I i NW a RE, GRANII W’ARE/ÓkùcK.EKY AN i>\ .. »>4W \ RE GARDEN SEEDS. FAR MERS'” A- MECHANICS I. hil K A UNDÉilTAKING GOODS. Call ami ser iur iiono.iv g<s>äs. Hr ChreiniH Elect Í ( tire rely reuipvcK in. RinglHUie. Sphnl or hours ANikour paio. faillir* yr slightest ”» $■ ii great».»» »odder of the I enlury. astonishing ha •••tire vetgrinarv vor Id. and testimonials hrcini. 3¡> Canni St H McGowan i . -, M. HORTON Proprietor « T Q l 'TT î ’V’T VFr>TCTvr<: I'no’cv rFpFT’VF*’ Purnn^°* Everybody is cordially Invited Mutue by Burnt string I r«>»<Ti|>fn><>« accurate. >inp unded. hirst Cl. -- etit»l Work Done •'