I »T iff'1 THE TOLEDO BLADE. WORK FOR US I • few day», and yon will be i-nu-tled at the une.« p- cled nice«», that will rew.ud > our effort» W. >i»ilively have the be»» bu>iner» io offer au age at (tuu cau be found on tin fun l>t thi. eurtli S4S.OO protit on «73 bo w 01 ih of bu»iu<-»» i; b- ins i a.ily and honurab.. - n,.e tn auK- 1H3 SAN FRANC'S 0 I Morning Call! i I PK4CF. •«.<» I* -------- ~H- Calais. Trade-marts. Design Patents Copyrights. l IIE ' ei nt lim household. FENCING HF. M«*ll »1 MJ CAI.«. I i I SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION I I I I (SKVHN lnHUKKA WKKKI Is a live in tnu it it u iimlv. It is the MOS T RELl \- a« m.E, niul is ie<-og'i'ze i 1». in • the LEADING NEWS- J’A PKB ■ f the I’B' ltlc C NETTING. Ediiei ot the above aper will send iH>-tu id aa a inline Oil recel t Ilf Hie follnw. iug aub-crlptiou priced (or the comblnai Ion; CUHE. rr" sur *»«i nf ti» Groat Cough Cure is * unout a iralM in « «” history of medicine. z\ 11 dniirgL t r.itl .t t ■ aell itot> a pus- it ¿liar . te u.tao <>lhere re can F •«• m W >4. ih.i. t tn.iy become iet< ~. a' u i enormous ex- . I , a •• ¡. t .-.I c Bottle Free into .• hot ti i.i ' United state» nini Canada. I' on bn . i urli. Sore Throat, or Bron- <■ •tie, u*«'« l..r it will < " ' vou. If your ch 3d has t •Croup, or WhooningCough. use lit uromntlv mid relief I- mire. If you dread ____ • -h-raae ( '<•■ it vo ir DruKKÍRt for SHILOH'H CURB, Pi «e loots . Mete, and Si.00. If your Lungs arc wore or Bark lamo, use KhBoh’a Porous Planter. Price Meta. Fur salo by all L>rug­ gini» and Dealers. i In answer to a general demand ILLUSTRATED. from all parts of the United States, il» or Ferry’s needs Harper'» Magazine for 18, .. 4.ÍY | on* dollar or more, hut will never HARPER ’ S YOUNG PEOPLE Cninmiaaloner of Penaiuna, „ ....................... 2.0« Postage Free to all i.ii ouo-«-riD< WASHINGTON D .Subscriber» in th< He placed or. sale. One hundred United States, Canada, or Mexico. ‘thousand copies are now being The volumes of the Magazine begin witl the Numbers for June and December o' I printed and hound, and one copy eac h vear. When no time is specified, sub » •criptions will begin with the Number cur­ will be sent postpaid by mail free I rent at time of receipt of order. to everv person who this winter re« Pound volumes ot Harper's Magazine fot hree years bacg, in neat cloth binding will mits one dollar for the Weekly PERbONzXL AND PL»' >\JPT be sent by mail. p< st-p id, on receipt of $3 Blade one year. Everybody invited per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5« to send for a specimen copv of ths ATTENTION Gl VEN TU PAT­ cent» each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should l»e made by Postottic, Weeklv Blade, which will give a ENTS. CAVEAT CAVEA r -, rilADE Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o fuff description of the book ’’The VI A KS, 1 etc loss. NO I-EE UN LE S PATENT Address HARPER A BR 'THERS. Nev Nathv Letters.” York. T he T oledo W eekly B i . ade ii CRED. CORRI 8POND- I the he«t and most popular weekly S 'LICiTED. W Han’s newspaper published in this conn- JDDART á Ci.'., I trv. It has the lerge-o circulation i ' L LT STR ATE D. uiö /th ütroot, IJ. w. ofanvweeklv newspaper, and go»« . C.HCIII Otti e.| Harper’s Weekly is acknowledged »« stand to everv Stat. Territoy and nearly !nKv">'r"7O"* eeklv Peri., lies’. » ........... a .Yi pciiiriirl Only in vmeri‘8. 't occupies p'aee lietween tha’ every conntv of the Union. I of the hurried <1 tillv paper and that of the les, one dollar a Year, including ths monthly magazine, tt include» boil i era’ure >o d news, and present» with equa attove metioned hook free Send ri e and fe i'itv the real evenls of i nrrett pnsal to T he R ladk . T oledo . O hio , ’ds’or' and the Imaginative theme» of fl -flo ii seeount of Ila verv < eoirvle t- scriea of illns- ,| fur a free specimen coov of the pa­ ratii i’S of tl e World's i-'air. it will be not wily K he beg' uni etorhegres' Exposition, hut als per. Send the addresses of your it» 1 es snvenir. Every nnldicevent of genera RABBIT AND P0ULTR1 interest will e fully illustrated in i'S pages friends also. FOd THL YEAR I USTRATED ruser needs. 1 be tuer FRIQi OF CNE. — i I L I And book containing all the Nas- I by Letters for One Dollar. Are ju»l what every ricicF j Han r’s lYag azine FERRY’S SEEDS Its eontr'hn’i r s being from the best writer, ml ar'istsin this country, it wit' eontintie • • xr-el in literature, news, a'”i il'ustratioiis. a 1 • her tiiibiii'ationa of its class. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. PER YEAR: DAILY CiL’. AND iEb t SIND FOIl FVBTHEB INFORMATION The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co IIS ’»• N. Market St.. CbleM* P I) . *■ Sdentino American Agency for HARPER WEEKLY .............. HARPEIUS M \GAZINE ! I » RPC R ’-i < BAZAR j; \ l> ..................... HARPER HARPER’S YOUNG PF H’l E . . . . I.O, 1.0' .... '.O' .... I’oatage Free to all »>ib»> rPier» in the Unite «tntea. i aiiada. or Mexi< <>. The Volume» of the Weeklv will beuiti wi’l he first Nutnlie' for Innuarv of «••« h year «ton not mo ia mentioned, an!'» rptton» wil login with the Number current at time of re cip of order. • hind Vo1 t ne» of Harper'» We-kb' forth'«- vi ar» bai k. 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Il thoe J • ' ’ nii'iierotia ' i ’ toiir 1 illnatra 1 liiftT rn i.» I’ ai» i'»ign». an ’einenti r ich ot the fifty largest cities of tiio U. S., a 4 i rj,J I 1.L nattern-»heet ,"7*‘r" *ue"' »npp ’’"VP'emeiit» i rv i dl«i-ei>athle alike to • be home dr«'»« make’ they sell only 300 paire cf ci-.oes a day tii y v 1 u- d th«- profeaai >nal mediate. N > expense i, < irn $'.2*>, Waycar. V/c sSouiJ bo a'!e to ] . > :r’y divldendof f.'i.C'ashnre.orovcr 'Jpcrri . ■i » f o make i'a .rtis-ii- a tractive' e«n of the highest ■ 'der. I wo -ten The roti>aascseui.l.*. Incorporat'd.! it..I fl,OO.’,C \»'o have ovi r 1.WJ 11 aci.ii .i r., a: d the num! < r vr »'» r. >r |v.i! 'll be vrp't n hv Walter Bvaiin’ i < Incn a in ; daily. Some cf ti:a principal sto<' - •i l tin al 1 hr » it" Terhune ’errli k v»i furniah a prai tG al »-"-i'». entitled "At Io » itlcrs are: T R. Wai. g. : . V.: I. J Tnttrr. It ; T i et ” Urn e Klne. ••live Thorne dll’er, at d W. A. I’ls.l. Jr.. < tiicagoi J. U. c-.. . g”i ■ I Kais-augh, ladle Hock. A.-U.I I. II 1. ii. I 'vrsgoi J I a t i » oi. t a. T. W. Hiagii sou in “Wotne1 our stockholders, etc., or •rr>' . Nl i. Men " will pieane a in ivated atidieace. rnc'o.Zity cwsAtrr*» cAeck, caaA or moi ^'' .» A _. »1 I Rwo AKWST . >r« Mrw VftMK Ml N.I a IX).. R hoauwsy Y ohk . Okhwt bureau burvMu for MHntrtiitf Asn.-nr*, Old«te«KA pafwrtjt te) in A bihics fahrn out otri t>y br tin i.rcNiwi.i before iCrrry patent taken un <■ la limurtu v»t f mtsy, ' W80DWOR1Ç , i - : •?(« ftcMC seWQG ¿WK coioivvfcCM»* --------------------------- -- tbs puUUc by a nuooe gtveu true of otean: v .n lbs biw f* to UNION SQUAD L R. .. Y •« .. „ u-------------------------- __-------- ST vJVk>* rOR S A LX fcJY Scientific ^mciican % • I Mwwat almilatlan of an, »ci ent I Be paper tn tli. world. Bi'IenOidly IlhiMmtad No U'lellG-niU nina »hould bo wlih.nu It. Wwkh al.il» a • ear i »1 JO.ic month. A .Uro.« MTN'S A !\k »1 kUtUlHA lit Unwi.y.Anr ’ 11V. ’ W HOMI —— “«• •*■*?* b-vvAvruv vSEWIN(j M V 'turki t .' m .. 'S.iii Ertili- IF TOU W4.1T _ * * -*-• •' „„Jrnr ett»r ■'! -.t i eer-t ... <’>■ MMN HOirtST. M.A'qira Attorney t> « ' JOHN W. J'HriURN, r.o.Hoiaaa. W ashington BOLDISRS, CHILDREN, WrO'VS, PARENT'- Akvt ’jv.. • n.ia»|i<»r« I. ................. r »in.* t In, in Ik, ref.I.r Imit r > . « .lere" ,A »nr Hir»l».»r» of o r Indian « »»- of |?F <•» i rn n | oi.t r : cl. sr LINK OF ie or ri I.. « 15o:h eotnbitie.1 mean e: Irit you i ni-t k.n p u.< • i.h modi nt I. You » i I flint p .niy of th.-»« ia F.'ni » Mi -.me »o atiracllvety pie- very tn , r of Hie family is enter- • ni l' ti lu.iL'izin » in • tie A CLEAR II Mir's-' iks tendemes»: a »tmight TATI || life; tlie me »e if wi n. d LINE OF HEALTH i d.«ctors’ bi » ; so sill the I ca tti hint« Ill I . '•« ’- No i t -r niagssii e p Wishes so mm ... ---- sill ri » to i. t- r -t i .» ie ....... t orne ....... circle. You be -ubi«« i to extreme» of I l-.-h »ptrit» r«r dv«p pn nilum picu re. Uri "•«. ■ I in a I) i-r !” which i» a'tnort a «vai t»a >v in I eqn Itoihe ori^iral oil palming which e.»-t *3 •>: an t yym wi I hav a tnagaziix Ih.-'Ct anno* ,«e equat'd l«v anv in tha «<> Id for It» bean Iful 4ln-tr»t m* ani «abject mattet. Hat will ke p you po-t -n all the op r» of tl-a day. a> d all th» I» - a d (Te nt Item« of Intervet sin ut the hon-, ho I h«>» d •» f irn -hin .« Interratine rvavbne m»fer grave d nv, foe the whole f»mdv ; • >d «ie D- no«v«t'» I- i»v< • favhlon n »gazine. It« f -b on pi- » »re • . feet, a'd yon g«-t w ith it, free of cwt, all the p» y-w wi-h to we-- l'niing toe year and In anv - -e »<-n th n-r «.nd in your . r pi,on at — on y | ’ 60 »rd y«w ««ill r * r » • ot « a» A- dr»--» lr« puh- li-h-r W. Jenni •« b morr-t. 1A Ea-» 14it. St., New J -7 If - m e nnacqnainted wi'h th« M-- vd'iirs-i ’1-ncopv A l»rrrÇ<’ ’ D- R ’ N’. m> »n« I ■ - » • » large Tit I « Ñ GI R gnen io- • F’t:«i' IHVIsfoN 0*' THUMB invi; v)ii«»n i » i \ i « io N’ rxwm T "O' XT <>F JIT’ITKK he-ok'-n» 1 a’ of «ITI RN, prm' wer . the sUN. « M ' ' « i ar; MOON. Imarln*. - an i MÈI.» I KT, » HARPER’S PERIODICALS P. r Year O H Rpl R'A H\7.AR KP’ R’S M \'i \ZINE K PE K'S WEEKLY \KP RS YOENU I’KoP r. •tace free to nil an'*ertbera tat » < atta la. ur Mexico. DEXTER SHOE CO., 120 I n Y our DOLLARS PER MONTH O wn L ocality made easily and honorably, without cap! t il, during your spare hours. Any man, • vo urne» <> ’he »1 e i egin with »he flr» nmhrr or Jnt unrv of em-h - «-ar. W hen avoiuan, I m > j , or girl can do the work I»:.»Ki­ • time i» nen’ieneI. »u »c-iptl -n will beirii I lly. without experieoce. Talking ’-in- i he s umber current atthetlmeof recete | ue< e«s:iry. Nothing like it for mom y- of order o d vi lu n--»o »rpe » Baiar tor ihre» i in iking ever offered t>efore. Our workers -ver in neat cloth viti be mal always pros|>er. No time wasted In ....... 'Indine, .......... .. -o i•»- »ent »ent hv nv mal „ »lave . vald — u. ’ or - b» expre , ». free frp,, o« expense p Icttrning the bu.«iness. We leach you in i. v ded the freigh’ doea n • ev eed one dol i a night how to succeed fnnn the tir t 1 ■ i er v fnme) or 47 a o n-ne doth raeee f • ea< h volume.»uitahle f< r Mnd lifiitr. You can make a trial without < x- iny »II br r-nt «mail poopald «.■ rtceip ..I: pen«e to yourself. We start you, Oirni'h It ea< h eml tancee »honld be maoe hv r P runirt etoTice ! everything needed to carry on the bu«t- . _ ___ W M • « y Onte' r r ivaft. .»'•»« '■ - HToi —• • I -«• chance of l.».a ness -iicces^fnlly, and guarantee yon va» I iRPHA iR iTNRRS against failure if you but follow mir V, awanera .re r.ot to i ’KK HKO i HKRM want to know all about the best paying busincM itefore the public, send un your Address, and we will mail you a dotu- “AUS ta ^ |t,wx tuent giving you all the particulars. i TC ak *. -< m ! to an *•.. !S FO Car» fhr > f