/ —-/ I « — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy. —William Harvey is sole agent —L. R. Mehaffe.» got the contract r done f,, r the Salem Woolen Mil! Store, __ of sinking the court house well. The universal good dentistry hy him has gained for the Dr. a ■ in this and Grant counties. Blank Price *2.20 a toot . WEDNESDAY APRIL 4, IS'4 lasting reputation. |etsfineas silk, robes inferior to pOR SHERIFF. —Messrs. Ritterbusch and Fisher — - • • - - •----- 3 none, overshirts and underwear as I hereby announce myself as a HAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF who hit here-everal months since | Parties wishing to purchase a and went Io Brazil, write hire to small band of gentle dairy cattle <....... - eheai» as the cheapest, socks, gloves, candidate for th-» office of Sheriff, ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. fri. nds. that they are well satisfied would do well to call and see Austin overcoats, flannels by the BUl.ject to the action of the Demo- ; cratie convention of Harney County Anyone wish- Goodman fir a bargain before go- va-d. cloth bv the yard, ladies dress with that country ing elsewhere. , flannels, etc. etc. Takes measure* Oregon ing their address can get it from P. F. STENGER. ! T P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING _________________ for men’s and youth’s clothing. *—*• Asent, 21 Merehsi.ig* Exehanz-,.'-an Frau- Samuel King or Fred Lunaberg. c I bco , it our authorized agent Thia paper it I Call and see him, office at the kept un file in his ufllce. —There will be a Grand Ball at prencb Hotel. —Assessor Sam Miller ha« pur chased the residence, formerly the Stenger & McGowan hall, on pORSHERIFF. owned hv Chas. lager, of his wife the evening of June 4th. See ad. Local News. H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 [ hereby announce myself as a Mrs. Ada lager, and she has ntov. d ,next issue. candidate for the office of Sheriff P eak S ir : Our articles of Cor — Dance ar the Stenger Hall the into a house belonging to William subject to the action of the Demo poration provides, and we have ar Wooley. eratic convention of Harney County evening of April 6th. SUMMONS I range! for the accommodation of —Geo. Young who got the con Oregon. I —I S. Geer and Co. have an ex- our customers, who are desirous of W. E. ALBERSON. cellent selection of garden seed from tract for building the court house, In the Circuit Court of the State earrx mg their Bank account in is now on his wav to Portland to of Oregon tor Ha.'nev County th-* firm of I) M Kerry Co. Htintington, and hive opened an purchase, in that city, material , Zimri L. Thomas Pl'tJ.) —Dance at the Stenger hall on •'Exchange Office” as a Banking pORSHERIFF. vs > which he thinks he can not obtain d»-p ,rt ment the evening of May 1st. here for the same amount of mon | Emma J Thoma-» Do’ftj I hereby announce myself a can \t e are prepared to handle all To Emma .1. Thomas the above —Silvies river is having a good > 1 ev. didate for the office of Sheriff subject Inanird defendant clu ques presented. | tn the action of the Democratic con time. In the name of th? State of Ore Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder I-sue certificates of Deposit, pav vention of Harney County Oregon. gon you are hereto required to ap World's Fair Highest Award. —The Harper Ranche was dam ing such interest on tim-deposit as PETER CLEMENS. pe»,r and answer the complaint aged, by the Hood about $4 0 0 —Our nrimary passed off with i tiled against vou in the ».t»ove en-1 enn-orvative Banks do. —President 4'leveland vetoed the the usual amount of cat hauling, titled suit on or before the first day , Receive money on deposit sub manv voted in direct opposition to of the next regular term of the ject to cheques. pOR COUNTY CLERK. Bland seigniorage bill. feelings and promises just because Circuit Court of the State of Oregon We ask your consideration and —Silvies delegates: Steve Woods —well because it is nearly always for Harney Count». to wi»: on or 1 hereby announce myself a can solicit vour account. didate for the office of County Clerk i and .1. Craddock. the ease. The followjig named before the 21st. day of May 1894, Respectfully. Oregon Commercial end if voii fail so !•» answer for want | subject to the action of the Demo- —Curry delegates: W H. Hogan. persons Were elected delegates viz: ’ lh>-reof the plaintiff will apply to C«», J H. Aitkin, mgr. crane convention of Harney County Robert Bakerand Robert Williams H. E. Thompson. Geo. Maupin, 1». i the Court for the relief demanded Oregon. i in the complaint, to wit; for a| Notice To Creditors. —Embree precinct delegates: M. MeMenamv, Frank Mc> lintic, P. L. SHIDELER. ' deiree of the Court d’solv’mr the, Jacob Johnson, Ben Brown, J.S. M. Fitzgerald, Milt Modi and M. mainage contract new existing be Kenyon and John Witzell In the County Court of th State Rector 'tw-'-n pl 'intiffar d defen Lint of Oregon, ILirnev County: In the This summons >s ordered to — Now since Cleveland lias put pORCOUNTY JUDGE. —Messrs. McEntyre and Post I served upon the said defendant matter of the estate of Wm I). his foot on the seigniorage bill, Emma J Thomas bv punheation Hudspeth, deceased. I hereby innounce myself as a1 are going, in a short time to start Notice is congress had better adjourn, as it thereof once a wei-k for six conseeit candidate for the office of County a brick yard near Burns. hereby given by the unde signed, seems quite useless that the tax tive week in the E ast <).<EG on Ju Ice subject to the action of the — Saddle Butte delegates: F. C payers should be burdened with a H fhald , a weeklv newspap-r ot (’ It. Wickliffe, admini-tri. i..r of Democratic convention of Harney t Crowley. James Brock and J. H body of men, who cannot please the , general circulation, in said tiarnet the estate of W... I). Hudspelh.de. County Oregon. • Oard. President, neither can the President (^eKnn’ pntited and put» censed, to the creditors of, mid all 'THOS. J SHIELDS. lisheil at Burns, in said Conntv and persons having claims agai. please them The call session of] stiid — Delegates from Pine Creek : State an<l ap[H*aringto lie the paper __________________________________ I W. F. Moffett, J. P. Gearhart and congress and the regular session most likely to give notice to said I deceased, to exhibit them with the within six | have only been aide to repeal the defendant, by order of Hon Morton necessarv vouchers. William Gearhart. pORCOUNTY JUDGE I months after the first puNi. itim» sherman act, another moo should I) Uliffi.rd. Judge of said Court — Drewsev delegation William i | of this notice, to said adm t t-irutot I hereby announce myself a can now have possession of the emigre» s- made and dated at chain'» rs in Altnow, Al Masterson, M. F. How Canvon Citv Oregon on the 16'lJ at Shirk Harney 1'ount» Oregon, didate for the officeof County Judge ional halls and trv its hand at d o of March l> 1894. and dull | •abject to the action of the Demo ard an • ,'ohn Daly. or at the office of Walers Gowan, making reformations, for instance tiled ill tins Court eratic convention of Harney County — Lake delegates: J. C. Creas- Coxev’s salvation armv. his attorneys. Burns (Iregon. M R B iggs Oregon. man, D Cawlfield. A. Hembree Attorney for Pl'ff Dated Feb. 14, 1894 GEO. S. SIZEMORE. and George Marshall. C. B Wil Kill- EE, V an . Oregon, March 30 '94. I Ad miiij -11 a t< >r. | —Next Saturday the democratic It has been d» cided to I:..Id n -ld th« tin W aters A G owan political scythe in this county will Den locraltc primary in th Wolf LIQUOR LICENSE. pOR ASSESSOR. Attorneys for Administrator. tie swinging lively. (’reek school house to moro.w in To the Honoiiiule Court ut I hereby announce myself as .. a —A. W. Gowan has gone to Port stead of the Pine Creek house on Ha-nev Tniintv of the »-f.it • of NOTICE. f'1, f?1* *‘,epflice_of Assessor, | land to be in attendance at the re account of high water 0 goo, for lilt- count» ot Hurney »nliject to the action of the Denio | publican state convention. At the schist] meeting m the I We the undersigned »mir p< eratic convention of Harney County i Is hereby given to whom it may t ‘ >«i i v. tilnmeri- would re.-p» cf full; repre Oregon. * * Wolf Creek school house —The flood in Malhuej conntv eb-eted |‘,ul’ W,‘ "r,‘ ,Uh* f‘l1 r,‘H' concern that the promissory note is estimated as having damaged Mrs. J. H. Anderson was |d>-nfs and legal voters of llrewsev given bv I). L. Shirk and F. M. SAMUEL MILLER. director to fill the vacancy the citizens at least $100,000. 1,,< ■pr.eincl. io saifl <• mntv and stati Shirk, to C. W. Parrish for the sum bv the resignation of .1. G. liolebos • |H»id we ask that a license be grant of*600dated the— <ay of May —A special commissioners court ' »‘li I 1 .> •* «' ••d \ \. I I JiihiiMiiti Johnson <t llrik Bro fzk to «e|| and Mr. R. O. Ix-hmann who n. p"R COUNTY TREASURER. I 1892 due on or l»efore two years this week. Our commissioners vinous and <e..hin. .he 0.1. «.h.M.1 .. «.II...«',,,, ............................ ......... . from date has been paid, said note Messrs Altnow and Sitz are pres pre I hereby announce myself as a on some friends in this neighuor- cinct in less quantities than one •a supposed to have been lost in the candidate for the office of County I ent. I hood. ■gillon for the |»erio<i of six months. U. S. rn'iils. if now in the possession treasurer h if.ject to the action of1 w « , 1 from the 5th. dav of Mav A. I). • >f any one or in existence this no- ie Democratic convention of Farmers can commence plowing., ¡^94 ................. VUIIVI-------------- - of egates from here are in Harney to Harney County Oregon. tice makes it necssary that said Hated at Drewsey this 2nd. dav day in attendance at the populist in fact some have begun already. note should be presented imme4ia. of March A. D 1894. convention C. H. VOEGTLY V anity tely to I). L. and F. M. St,irk or NAMES NAMES. —Our daily mail on the Burns- John D I >a I v otherwise be considered cancelled. Geo N Rann —There’s no work l»eing done on Willie Altnow Ontario route is still irregular, Al Weatherly Dated at Burns Ore. this the 22nd 1*1 Readers at 25cts caused by high water and bad th« artesian well et preaent. Messrs |W A Roliertson F M Gi tiler day of January 1894. 40 4» roads. Kellogg and Westfall wish to get the 1 Perry Rom.ms Jesse Bartlett 3d D. L. S hirk . jetting process and have submitted Sivkgny S N Williams 55 • 4 44 4th. Z T Moflet — Harney delegates to the con their wish to the county commis E L Robbins 80 44 «4 5th. H H Masterson Math Wayers (4 vention vii: E G. Marshall, John *1.00 sioners. In the contract for sinking Chas P Rutherford Mnnteiths Elementary Geographyi Roberts, I. L. Poujade, J. W. Buch C S Stewart the well 50 cents per foot was re A G Johnson S W Hamilton blCt8. Monteith. r»_______ U..—.-’ Monteiths Comprehensive' anan, L. Forester and William served by the county court as a, W M Harness M F Howard ^raphy *1.25. Clarks Normal] Teunett ! bonus for the fulfillment of the ci.n- , W F Kingsbury W F Muffet ^»■»n.ar 80cts. Sills Gramma?! Goe Morgan J II Wright —Samuel Kenyon left here sever-1 tract as oer agreement. this5(J cents C N Cochran R Drake And ah other school books al days since for his ranche, near Mr. Kellogg ask < the court to allow W H Wilson W J South ^ Proportion and after this date I : Drewsey, to deliver several car to enable him to get the jetting pro M J Masiker John H Wright prices f. R *t the above, |( afj8 of beef cattle to Messrs, rian- cess. And be on his part agrees Geo Lind«-nl»urger Andrew Hassett Orders t ar>d for cash only., to whuin he made a sale some I to go deeper in the present well or if 8 B Stewart Wm Fredricks Thomas Delany » ¿2'.J'rO,npll)' •».» .«o- Rolla Stewart necessary sink another well to the R O Jjehman. lhrMD Ud U,w 18t <Ly of March! same depth of the present one free — Mr. Cal Geer receiving the sad of charge, the court agreeing topav intelligence that his father, who him for the number of leet below C. H. VoiGTLY. informs us that their be lower ' -■---------- jeir prices will 1», ...___ ap ritinluisainnara of « said depth. T Toe commissioners are •or ImM than ever, lie wishes us to ask I resides in the Willamette Valley, oything^n in I going to look at the prospect to dav our readers not to purchase anything MOST PERFECT MADE. was suflering with a second stroke BU(j givif ibvi-answer. Il IS thought the line of carriages wagons, bicycles or . harness until they bBTe have sent 4 4 cent cents * ln In ” A P ” urc Grape ^?e»m ot pure Cream of paralysis, started, from here, ini the commissioners will agree to Mr, •tamps to pay poataae on their 112 paw >■ of Tartu Powder. Free catalofua We «¡Vise th? readers of thia Ammonia, Alum or r any other adulterant mediately to visit him. Kellogg’s proposal. paper to remember bit •uggestMu. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD Democratic Announcements. , I I ■ I . -1 — 1 * /a a --------------------- - ...j_______ ______ 4 44 44 •Dit CREAM . .755^,- inw'tf I BAKING DftWnFD