Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1894)
I H untington , Oreg , Jan. 26, ’94. The "Oregon Commercial Co.,” have this day bought the entire business of the ‘ Oregon Construc tion Co.” of this place including Moneys, Accounts, Bills Receivable. Merchandise, Lumber, Coal, Wood, Farming Implements, Warehouse and Real Estate. And assumed all debts and liabilities of Baid "Oregon Construction Co.,” and have Incur- porated with $50,000. Capital stock fully paid in. The officers aret R. M. S teel , President. J. H. A itkin , Vice Pres. G eo . A. S teel , Secy. Oregon Commercial Co., per j. H. Aitkin, mgr. L iberal O ffer .—The big WANTED. eight page Sunday Statesman will Agents to sell o ir choice and ha' be sent to any dress from now untill July 1st for only 50c, cash Nursery Stock, We have man . ¡new special varieties, both in fruit to accompany the order. This is land ornamentals to offer, which at a most liberal hard t’ines campaign controlled only by us. We pit offer, as the Statesman is the sec-1 commission or salary. Write use ond paper in Oregon, and republic once for terms, and secure choir an to the core. This is a campaign of territory. of edcation and it is our purpose to M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, assist in the goo«i work. The states Rochester, N Y man gives ail the news of state and nation and during the campaign its A high-class illustrated month'} Sunday edition will be a symposium magazine in the home is no long* of political news and gossip for the i a luxury. It is a necessity, and t< entire state It is illustrated »<»<i meet the demands created by thi consists of eight full pagesjof select ( necessity, THE COSMOPOLITA 5 reading matter, including a short1 MAG AZINE, giving yearly, as i story and a wealth of poetry and 1 does, 1536 pages of reading by th< miscellany. Every voter in Oregon j ablest living authors, with ovei should read a paper from the capi- I 1200 illustrations by clever artists ^-n- '"JpuciOEM P r5 tai during the campaign ami we ( has stepped into the breech, witt o A ris P6, ”er «“»“I1* s* make 1 his offer to suit the times.'t reduction in its price that has hai-inlc»» berbi» / “* ' remedies that do not in-’ * tJf | Sample copies free. A11 subscription tartDd the literary world. •;ure tbe health or interfere with one’s bueinr J» pleasure. It builds up and improves the gel *1 will be consecutively numbered up L>aJtb. clears the skin andbeaiFinestheconiplcxi' The H erald , fully alive to th« jin wrinkles or tiabbinees ioilow this treat tow Endorsed by physicians and leading society lie.r^ on receipt and to each tenth sub needs of its patrons, has mad« PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTS pjcwlM.. *• Warring. Sand « cento Ir abunp. lor parUralanH scriber will be present a year’s sub special arrangements with this U. 0.1. r. »HOEL BIICKEI't THLATEL CIICASO. IU sersption to the Cosmopolitan i s>ijM>rb monthly, whereby it will Magoziue, csoiing $1.00. / Address receive orders for yearly subscrip _ Dr. „ . , _ „ . .all orders to The Statesman Salem, ’itions to both publications combine«« Price’s Cream Baking Powder ,, World'* Fair Higheit Medal and Diploma. Ie' World’* Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. ■ for the sum of $3 00. I I The price of the great illustrate«. ______ ! monthlies in the past ’— has 1 beri $3 00 and $4 OU a year, and th ex . were to be found only in the mor« pretentious homes. Our offer fur ' nishes a help to all families, i.< , matter how modest their means to keep in touch with the greatest I minds of the world, sh The Cosmo politan has today the strongest regular staff of any existing period Etc Liquors Cigars Peer Wines Etc. ical. ":ul- Send orders T to he H erald , i . Burns Ore New Billiard T? B?st Brands I --------------------- 3 oom A Whe <■» see m? InhtiMW c j o E o ' h ®3 P ? fi o S m 03 2 a _ 0 I for the \ liiiaiiie Woman \\ anted in ev/ry county to estab f z (lish a corset parlor for the sale ol . Dr. Nichols’ Celebrated Spira | Spring Corsets an«i Clasps. Wages $40 to $75 per month and expenses We furnish complete stock on con 'signment; settlements ment hl V I$3 Sample Corset ire«-, Heid IS .cents postage for sample and terne-. •Nichois Mfg. Co., 37K Canal St ' New York i three good reasons BETTER NnOK CO., ioc’p. Capital, «1,0W,OM. BEST P1.5O SHOE IN THE WORLD. “A dollar tattd it a dollar taraod." Tht. I julle«' Sol 1« I French Dongola Kid Rnt- t delivered free anywhere In the U S., on receipt of Caab, Money Order, or l’oetal Note for A 1.40. Equal* every way the boot* «old in all retail etoree for $2.40. We make thia boot ouraeivm, therefore wo fuar- anltt thojtt, tlulo and wrar, and If any one fa not eatiatled we will refund the money or ««nd another pair. Opera or Common Benae, 1st—It is the Leading Paper a D exter tpooial S hoe itrm* CoTKJ^fmfc* Io Portion. FEEL SICK? LTTLE’S Disease commonly comes on with slight symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. RIPANS TABULES TAKE RIPANS TABULES PtPSUgr IN0?6ESTI^L*!*’ TAKE ^LIYtJt^OMPLAMnL^T*^’**-"^ SUFFU OISTREM AFTM^TIIIttr" T*?E Ripant Tabulet Regulate f—*“ "tllllttlllllllttllllll RIPANS TABULES t«*r f M ptar« qf A COMPLETE : MEDICINE CHEST RIPANS TABULES RIPANS TABULES Ms ¿/staw and Preterve the Health. j PATINI' '■'XJb SHEEP-DIP POISONOUS” 2nd--lt is the largest Paper in the County & has the largest circu lation. &CATTLE-WASI SAFEST PIP AT ALL TIMES. ’ERTAIN DEATH To TICKS. LICK,Etc I REST < I RE F or SCAB Improves I he Wool, and itl- creases the qua ntity )rie gallon mixed with cold water makes 100 gallons of »trong waah l' JAMES LAIDLAW dr Co EASY TO TAKE, QUICK TO ACT. SAVE MANY A DOCTOR’S BILL. RnM by Dmgxteta or lent by mall on receipt of price. Box (• Ttai*)7i5 cent*. Package (A boxoa), $2. THE r T p A n V’ c HE m T c AL CO. 10 SPRUCE STREIT. • REW TORR. «r r.lfM «1Ss IH Ite Il wll .11 wilW .... B<>« «r y u ■w l..w. jiì ««. ■»<•«. ir. « wm .. • . wiu. .ih «M t., -Hw.4, ...IHI«. _. etti mia. ite wyto n i W»l -Wwto'ir rnj to te^ai.taa »*•■, PATIENTI TREMI J BY MAIL CORF.fÌERTlA; «Mte». *• teaeMns. •»« • ewu r> toamp *br parto« :wr M. a. ■ r. MTML INUII IIUKL UICM4. h I i