I THE TOLEDO BLADE r’s Magazine • f« v day,, and you will Le Hurtled at the uue> p. < ti 1 »acce»» that will reward «our effort». W< »••itivvly ave the be«» bu.me»» to offer an ageiit that call be found oil lue fuco ut Illis «arili h >3.00 :>r.«.it on SG5 o<> um ili of bu»iin »» >• b« i:i‘.. < u.ll.* aud houuraùi.. ¡..u.e L aud pai • <( ii . ¡reti» ..ito, woiue.i, Lo », ami girl» In our money fa.-ti r ut work for ■ •mi '. i an __ make . ' ve auy any id« The - bs.-iue*!* is f - j * us’ I. -o i .ave idi a of. <.f............. .................... Miri 1-a :. an I Imtruction.« M>»iia|d< and pi. a, that all • • • il froa-i thè »tari TI..... who il hold 'ft- basine«, reap the advantage tl at ari e- fro- i t le sound reputation of one of t •«• o! ■ st, mo«t . ic .es«fiil. . nd lar>fe«t fit.'¡«hit t house* Io Aim riea. Seer.-' for vonr«elf the profits that the f'.Kia«-.» »0 ready- and i-and-omeli ’i’1'!«. All beginner, succeed '»nindl' . and more tlmn realize the'r greatest expectation-. Those who i. exactly as we tell them. There i> plenty o' . :• w mor« work« th"in to begin a', once. If you are alreadi em- ?loi « I, but rave a few »par«' moment», and wi»h 3i«-e«h« m to advantage, then write us at once ,f. t'li- is vour grand opjxirtuuity), and receive )ii : - articular, by return mail. Address, In answer to a general <lelHand from all parts of the United State» I Harper’s Magizine for 1893 will centinue ’o mainlHin the unrivalled « uridard of excellence the Toledo Blape has put.liihed in which has ch racterized it from the beginning Among the notable features of the year there one volume, cloth bound, all of th« will i e new novels bv A Conmi Dovle.U.n- “Nasby Letters” ever written by s'ance l-'enimore Wo «Ison, and William B aek ^iio< me» win Short stories will 1» t co <•«« momea tribute«! ny by tne mosti moat popular writers.>f the dav. including Mary E. ! the late . D. R. Locke, omitting -n per- A«e Just wbut every ; u a er needs. Ì be tier- h» oi 1 errj* m .. .in the iouDCialibii up on whico h« s Inn I mt the )ai£e«*t seed t i.ainv?* in the woild. Ferry’s Setd A .Deal for 1894 COUIMH.S l Le M.IU ; lid Mil-ianue or the la‘.eb l fui rning k now ledge, r ree ILLUSTRATED. fur H e asking. D. h . FERRY & CO WilkitiB, Kichasd Hardine I ihvìk , Mariaret Beland, l*rn ’hewg. «nd otticiw peland. Hr« aer aer Mat Matthews, and many many othets. I be i Iiiatrated d«wriptive papers wi>i embrace n>- ic es by Julian Kali.h on new Southern nnd Western subject»; by Theod re Child on India; by P.inltnev Mgel -w on Russia and Germany; bv r.i< hiird liar 1 g Hay's on a London Season: by ' oh.nel T A. D.Ml^eon Eastern Killers; etc. Eduin A. Anne 's ilhistr'i'ionsof Shakespeare's ( ome' ien " id ".oitlniied Li’erarv srti 'ies will be Contributed hi « harles Kliot N.-rt-.n, Mrs. sines r Field». Wit'tam Dean Howells Brainier Matthews, mid others. Litici-, Mich. YEAR --- H----- —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- jPeri £=*■* or? IS THE S N FRANCISCO À TrIE DISABILITY BILL LAW Snidiers d’siibled since the war «re Entitled lie indent widows ,i'nl P ret ts now de TRI E X- CO., Box S'l 400, Augusta, M -----i»K----- pen« « I t whose -on« di - i fo m th ■ elle rs o ur n’ “rvice a-e imlmleii if v”" wl< ■ ourc'a hi speedi'«- in ’icces-fn lv pro««’ i»t. •:. address I v VEST A' ’ Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 I «t- <'.iinmi»«toner .if I’engi. na. W.I-HIX' TON. 1’ KKII I «6.0 » I 'aterí; Cjpfighte, ( HE ndu • *d for tn SAN HtANf'ISCO WEEKLY c.\LL a haiiil-uine right- PAW page paper. It is i»-u> d every Thurvilai, a <1 con'ains nil <*f tie imp rtrtllt new* <>t Hie week, gie.ined from ev.-ry <iu .r- ter ol the gloli«'. rompb'te tll> li fin to date of pulil catl"'i. uUhra tile latc-t and most n»«>r* without < I ». C. H1 PEIISOXAL A.. ATTE NTiox <;iv X i ' : •. 1- l'ii •E en r -, < JA VE \ t MA IÑS, etc XTô i’EE lUxl.i X A 1 X’T 1 - S 'UREit. <(> Ri SP> D- EX* 'E s< >i j < j » i ;’i « i ÏÛüiJW *i « uX-j .7. t, J < «:H reliable tin ivial iww, »in mai ket qimtulioiis, ;• J give special attenti II to Imrlictl! tural ami aarmllltural news, : ’ it i: • ¡ir on ol i ¡i u g r . i • me • <• « in.t i.B ruptUom n . > h p.i’ e'/ r<‘ ' nti- ami is in everv re- e«'t a hr* - •¡as» family i - his - i , app'*'iii g totlie interest ol eV'-iy m«*«i.l>ei uI tli - hnii*em«ld. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE Tho raereaa of this Grent Cough Cure <» without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists arc authorized to sell it on a pos itive gn i-ante«. a te»t tliat no «dlierc re cat. ’ i ■ ' i nd I ...it it io iv b- iT.nn known, io Proprietors, nt tin enormous ex- I' ' I,, into <1.1'1 I in I l.e In, < I I I nd < amiila. If you l avo a Cough, ••'■ore Tlnoat.or Bron- chitis, us« it, for it w I cnre you. If you chihl lias the Croup, or Whooping Congh, us« it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask yo-ir Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 i'ts. 50 cts. and $1.00, If your Lungs are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price T> cts. for sale by all Drug* gists and Dealers. I Woven •i-x Hi. Mt>u v i . g CAI.», (SKVgN IsSCKX A WHKKf -yi 1» a live «> tl'oi <« it U! wire iiailv. li is toe M gs I’ REL1 \- I USTRATED IL F0< TH1 Either of theab will "»'ml po-ti> mium mi r'-eei t ing «iib-ctIptimi com inn a. toil: rERuiNU I RÂE3IT ANO P0ULTR1 I NETTING. lll.E. and is «eeogmxed a- 1«. i ■ the LEADING NEWS- I'A I'l- It • I th«' I’a tic C«’HMt. oe aper-w* i«i as a pte- <•( the follow prices (nr the X eM. it« ? • '•"""■*• tr « in «'..'Itb lie Bit WEEKLY i ZINE RPER'S razar . |^*SENI> FOR FVRilll R INFORMATION ANu -l.b I The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co .4.0« . . . .<» > o the unite V v'!" ‘ «"i'»’"« m- *»■ s»-¡»ahi. pu rp boul«! h- made bv p.>»t «upc, re«. ” FU s » - im. I A .? AOOüWeRIÇ —-Jí«- il LHICM SÇUArtt. f I CA.'m t ^^Tüu KOH SALE. BY HOME ' s- ! i i lv li.» *• .1.0. >E\\|N(¡ ma < 'F .' ». X» •AV». : I. <?<■-. ni-L s A HfLOTw *. •< w it! rS m ti'n« , • Fa »Ulli. t .U » Î hero aro s'nglo rcta'.l ck« o cióte» inc;. «- citie» \. !:k !i «eli 2,<XA> pairs cl rii " J a <i ; . i : a a.l pnil'.t of $2-O.u ;□ a yaar. \..’r I»-"" l.;:t v.-a 11 a great ma-y pa n, C.> c trj•• oar l.ul'h-«’, rain»« »’ cud ci.iidr« a.«* i. ■ s ' ' «rper's 1:«t«r |R A i.,., >» t a cent» a pair, cad on o :r tn«-::s’ cod I ' ; ’«■r the home < a 'he ' b I«. ri . „ • i > c-.'ii:» a pair. Wo f hail est- : ’•»slii.in». and n< nn .i. r. • with reirnrd t< « ich of the fifty largcat < '.lies cf l._:o I •/••; 1 , It« illl ’ Rt th i I » '« •-«i -n» an | n„t-,.r„ t'l'y »c!l only 300 paira ef ci.ocaa« -.yt.: y ' I di«ne|.« Me »lik.. «. h„ hi ■ ’ Fnpp'e-nenii • irn $ -’■>, 00 a year. V.'o f !: o ;:’..1 bo r. t ’ I' ‘ " <1 On- ]>r.ire««t nial •,,,, ) „ . ■ ’•nedre«« :ii«k■•« r’ydivlilendof>"'.C'«a«'!-.".r<’,orov. r .ip r«' N expeni, ■ i» • n iik«' it« rtls i<- „ . ' ' ' l’:3 stock r.ti • vei ess of tht ;i year ou thelav st:ne: t. V/nr " ” der. |i« I.,s ylcEHc’.ii ' a ilare, ’¡ ho price rut. t la-.-vi ■ .on »• «"d til m ;l, m y, - 1 «. S'TOl«l'ia ail .':an C i a f .ar •• No « ■ I .1« ■ :-r l -.-en H - - 1 ■ s ill .n L.i « price, x i. . 'i 111 n-r i •i • . • i’ : I i;• er h o ■ i, • n-asacxatitl •• laeo-.x)-::’ ' . < ■ hire •« .o' i Tern- wo .1 ihonuir. if V.’o havo over’, >«.-«.. lyo'nen the " * ' ■* 111 he w rioe , h Waite i • iaereari:; ; «lai'”. Fornaci t L j ;-:;nc’p-l E«x-- - - 4?. » i ’ N ’ 111 '«ll «'hr »«in.. Terhune 'o :l< k h ,'Jcr» arc : " n. V.'x. y. i . V. : i. J r “7;5 v •: Hnr,. * a "I'm pra tj, j " e|l H. "'''""h«' en »|tH. ] ,..vi t„ ( fill' ur « tu a II. j emm,. \. i:.« l,Jr.. l 'aÿ-i-oi .1. ';. « '1 1 i- ' ■ " 5»(A s I i.a au-"i. I.-al-’l;-s'.i. Z. ■•••.’• 5-.., J..I I'.- r. L“" .' ' th.irne -li «1.1 e IV. Wh . ‘5...2 eler v f’i ■'»"••r. m d T i.-1 Phiia.: 1!. Ibru. -, ... . , eh r « i «• freipienr c .’itilbu r, C •’!, r. Mich. ; 1'. 1’. Ilullctt -. An a. -. ... . t!:c n;ii'JC»ot n . ' fiiH**' ' "I'l'nbHii Exn.i Wiitc for a prospects con:;..: > ’ full’ u'pr.aeiited with man’. U I our stockholder!, etc., or ' r r’. r / r».'»«*« L ' iiitfxi, so-.i in ••w.ime« tnc’f'ing conhirr't c/ir< ca^/t • r m1 I . / < r “• l'C'i'« i< m nated .mdie < e. < Inters taken fur one or mure shares, I'li-'«*.'-. I s »’hare. .. .-■I •ibjl« I I', fth ed \opijrs periodicals I Han’ 13-az'i ' ' > ” < T R •• v n # ’• T ! **£_Ï>T: V x Í <> . 4.0< • 'f'iiPEirx young • US uuif '20 N. Market St., Chieu»». » ■ ' - on PER YEAR- • »»I lit». »• •T*.n Brs local or f< .gotten topics. () ,|y d of these letters were ever publish«] in book form. I' Everybody tus read HARPER’S PER K D1ICAÏ "»"i JOIIS A‘ ’ 1 haps a tew UiliniDOrtant » iir ¡some of them .but who his reai| all of them? The bu >k '- ’»tain» over .500 large pages, an.I d| t|ls Nasbv Letter- written 1 |rtng a HARPER’S PER10CIC8 period of twenty-five year-; il*» » Ter Year: portrait of D. R. Lock » f 'm hi» HA I! PER’S v AG \zr\E HARPER’S WEEKLY ■” ‘ It IV«HI I -H|| nt ... LOt last photograph, HARPER’S bazar ... t.K one diill.tr or more, but, H.A1! PER’S YOUNG .............................. ... vvr people Po.-tnge Free to nli Submrihers . - in . 2.0» “th" Olle be placed on sale, » nut (l »'Mate.'*. ('aiiad.t, <»r Mexico. thousand copies are im I he volumes of the Magazine begin with lie Number- tor June ami December o< printed and bound, and I »• I euc h year. When no time is specified, sut < riptmn- will begin wi:h -he Number cur will he sent postpaid by moi fre* rent at time of receipt «r order to everv person who this winter re ' muid volume- of Harper'- Magazine for i mits one dollar for tii- Ve-klr bice year- back, in i eat cloth binding will , ,,v ,ll;i|l. l>os -paid, <m receipt of ^3 Blade one year. Evervlmlvi ivitej i' r volu.ne. Cloth Cases, tor binding ,Vi I tn send for a specimen cop ()f th. t ills each—by mall. oo«t-nai«l. give a I’einiuance- should be made l>v Postoftice I Weekly Blade, w hich wi Coney Order, .«r Draft, mavoid chanc ol fuff description of the l>»»^ Th« Y<?ri'lrH'S "AK,’E : * Bn 'THEILS. Nev Xatby Letters.” T he T oledo W efki . y ii . adk ia the best and most popular weekly newspiper pub|ishe«| in tuis emm. tn , It h is the l»rg>‘st cir;:illation ’ LLTST R A T R 0. of iHvweekIv newspip-r, nvl goe» t.o everv Stat, Turrito/ ;i-i l iwrly Ibirpnr'» Wenk • n -knoiv-o red •>« «-«nd inCGH.rPa,,"rt l:,'’',tT'*‘' 'v,','klv "eri,. Ilea » ev-ry county of the Utii ti Only the h r ..«¿ i .' i P i ,‘" H " a ' ................ th "' »»i»- dollar a vean in -I , ling th. h. èr r," ),"‘l'v',s',pr »n't'hat ..f 'he les» " ei hi.mthl. majazu-e. t’InclitAe« h. th "«e id rr.'V„'"'5 "•••" -qn»> above metioned book fre ■ ’ in o.-P'i •»< a h (> f < ti iirrMtii dosji I to T he B lade . I’ o . e " >. O hio , iiiR I.- 1 h ,> the ¡uia 1^<* ri’iH FPill iv»» »he of ¡,/ for-a free specimen <tot»v >f the i» i- •• ••< (»..>Hif ot ils vervremtilett« f keV.7,.:i’i' fair, ir will';:, not ".Oh tier. Send the addresses of vour fri-nds also. DAILY GU’ .. «Ilio A.If HC» And boo\ containing all the Nan- by Letters for One Dollar. »i-j ►« i\>»Tv J«,. ■ 4. iVt •«* 1 H »r9 < -•* k I h »lifta ▼ •I. . II ; |\< V • tl.tl S,i * . ............................ ...... 4. KXl LXU-fs i*«& è, IN YOUIl OWN HAND. n-tatm •- to tell ul at tiw lino* in vour »•. It will » -u jon, if no Lnin«*ie. ii ”; i m -i explain* H- vii . The • L n ’ <>?' LITE indicart e pn’bable i i u ¡I I • Each EK.U’I.I.ET y \Wi Î nwikv'i 1. .XI'. <»F * » r » i « • : ch wr l.iN K OF ■it» or ri u. - Boih combine*) mean but yon rtlmpti u i: b n.<>d< rn \.’i ¡. i p i any th«»-« in h .v M no nr i.ici i\e y pts- *ry • ' • r « f tli>‘ family is < nrer- <‘ a laa < i.i < m* A CLEAR \ • I' '!» tvmL rner»* a Mr ivht I» ( ■ »I Hl«»: llie r. \ t se if 4 I I XE OF 11» M l II t’ •:*’ l»i s: wil. the t < : i hint* N.» < t • r n nvHiit e p '• he* so i .!• r t t io i orne cire!«-. A h w ill k»ci. toexirvM'i «* <»f I * »h iriti» or <i”*i'oiid. f '»'R V ’ ,» . I,:; I E OF h r. Is V« II hdkt d keep tip \ -.ir *‘j» by having I'c: on si's ',*1 z • ’»> rv »d I' «i ubi» g h» il Lr LUI V *il ai” r e v • g • ||<»rr of t xqui* te v< rk* • i art of rr ». • i'ip». h,»,» ,¡ 4 t >,« « * r»> pr* mi'. ni pit * i re, Lv? ¡h,» • Cm n D i-\u bien iî-n nu1!*; a »< al L » y *n I c; i 1 t » : ie »ri i» al « il | : iii' ing u loch e<* ‘ ' I i w I hav a ir '_’H7!i.t th t« ani!«‘t •>v < •’ : i i » a «î v in the mo lo for ite beau ifiil » r t ' a’ w i k.' p r n po^t > i iH ?he opir» of t» e d iy. n d ai tl.e ' 1 14 rt ’ K t item* of h'tcreM ab» nt the h * »” ’"» 1 »».« f irn -h n • Intcrentine n a«! nf nut»’r h.r . «r- ? «.d jTjir. for the m hoir funi'h ; s I " «ic I)cn <t’s i- ii *t n fashion n ajuxiiie, I « f <h on - . , » , fcvf a. y, n c » t » »th it. free of c»> ’, ill the pan« ri» n wi-li to »>•• » mine the rear and tn any » -e ««n ch o*c *• nd in vont r otii'n nt n? orce. # V f ' (10 it • ron u i|| ì onr •ub« «ub< Option r illy g ■ „ " r s «s jm p, , •' A* «!n ‘• ll • ra»b« l«*h< r W. Jvn J,«, i-. -, JV-. w,. ‘t. n i>» i4 st., N. » Y r< If < -n ««•«• nn.«cqAidntrd w«'h the M • ... ,i ■ „ i-i>, , incn enpv A larreQt D ).' ’ NOI.K ei-»r. I ■«'..«• « ; « Hee«, a R| « \ I«I R !' I.- !• --. ¡Ml'N O I Hl MB -si h Dlvr-i'ON m-on r < >E Jt'i lTEl' ■- k, '•» i'i r s. nni«' i ■. : t -IN, •i i -e; M' Mix.'. Im •••«’»■ -r : «n i MFl.i I RY, r »« «t-ne «• .1 US i.-I i.nò mn-t -aluauk- DEKTER SHOE CO., DOLLARS ’.-r Yi 'I > i \ Z A It I {t ■ 'I o. iz.! s ; I n - A V I- K I V I Of - Vorxt; !>;■• ip , 0 ni* 'o «II • i -, rtliers 'n the I’nf'-i s K. ur Mi'xi; «i. lo ’line« .« ihe i az e.iu with ’tie fir» " ’'«’• r or Jatinar« <>f >, ear. When • «. « une i« ic i f,.ne . . ■ vi \vi!i netriv il« ’i it n will tieyti h« x «mber current «t hetimeof reeein of order ' " 1 d '■ » lu ««■« o «,. t, e ► arar tor th re« > -r in beat eloth ’ Indino V » are „«¡.i« ,.r hy eXT>^, I' >«• »ent hr mai • free of cxperae - v *le«l the freigh' d«»es n ex eed one d«»l I '• •■« Hune) «r»7a « n-o i y \ ih>'k.’7 f i'e"' h *.»iit'»ble h r Mnd Ì1 ». h ' h ”* t‘”i'»t'tv» nreip , ’ii '»nce« aho'ild l< «-• -e «,v j> «to«»^ r Draft, «vai | rh.inre «f |O.R ' t < x • KP» K A (R «TIIERS «nsner» ,re , •J io « ,»n flnv one nor » D of ih » boT-* g , •en en » without ih.- ipr m itero mu FR bk Ó i ÌVÈ k Z’ ■ ' - 's”vv ♦ ’ K ir it <‘«re I- ............. . . L*rur i-t-uirinn.i.xi.,M„ fri-e..'..t ¡ it --“!.'» 11.1 .|s,w 24;u,Av*w \<uc. lukr. V -< E^V PER MONTH I n Y our O wn L ocality made easily ami honorably, without capi tai, during your spare hours. Any man woman,boy, or gill can do the work h in i’y, without experience. Talkiii- !“' liecc-sary. Nothing like it for mom 5 ni ¡king ever offered before. Our work« i. al.vays prosper. No time wnstid in learning the business. We tench yn ' a night h«»w to succeed from tin ' hour. You can make a tri d without pense to yourself. We start you, b"1 everything needed to carry on the ness successfully, and guarantee ' against failure if yon but follow simple, plain I’mtricfions. Re im • Toil are in ne< 11 of ready m<m<-y. want to know all about the best P*VI„, bu-incss Ix’fore th«’ puhli”. semi u* j >' address, and we will mail you a i|1K meet giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine-