I THE TOLEDO BLADE r’s Magazine • f« v day,, and you will Le Hurtled at the uue> p. < ti 1 »acce»» that will reward «our effort». W< »••itivvly ave the be«» bu.me»» to offer an ageiit that call be found oil lue fuco ut Illis «arili h >3.00 :>r.«.it on SG5 o<> um ili of bu»iin »» >• b« i:i‘.. < u.ll.* aud houuraùi.. ¡..u.e L aud pai • <( ii . ¡reti» ..ito, woiue.i, Lo », ami girl» In our money fa.-ti r ut work for ■ •mi '. i an __ make . ' ve auy any id« The - bs.-iue*!* is f - j * us’ I. -o i .ave idi a of. <.f............. .................... Miri 1-a :. an I Imtruction.« M>»iia|d< and pi. a, that all • • • il froa-i thè »tari TI..... who il hold 'ft- basine«, reap the advantage tl at ari e- fro- i t le sound reputation of one of t •«• o! ■ st, mo«t . ic .es«fiil. . nd lar>fe«t fit.'¡«hit t house* Io Aim riea. Seer.-' for vonr«elf the profits that the f'.Kia«-.» »0 ready- and i-and-omeli ’i’1'!«. All beginner, succeed '»nindl' . and more tlmn realize the'r greatest expectation-. Those who i. exactly as we tell them. There i> plenty o' . :• w mor« work« th"in to begin a', once. If you are alreadi em- ?loi « I, but rave a few »par«' moment», and wi»h 3i«-e«h« m to advantage, then write us at once ,f. t'li- is vour grand opjxirtuuity), and receive )ii : - articular, by return mail. Address, In answer to a general f the dav. including Mary E. ! the late . D. R. Locke, omitting -n per- A«e Just wbut every ; u a er needs. Ì be tier- h» oi 1 errj* m .. .in the iouDCialibii up­ on whico h« s Inn I mt the )ai£e«*t seed t i.ainv?* in the woild. Ferry’s Setd A .Deal for 1894 COUIMH.S l Le M.IU ; lid Mil-ianue or the la‘.eb l fui rning k now ledge, r ree ILLUSTRATED. fur H e asking. D. h . FERRY & CO WilkitiB, Kichasd Hardine I ihvìk , Mariaret Beland, l*rn ’hewg. «nd otticiw peland. Hr« aer aer Mat Matthews, and many many othets. I be i Iiiatrated d«wriptive papers wi>i embrace n>- ic es by Julian Kali.h on new Southern nnd Western subject»; by Theod re Child on India; by P.inltnev Mgel -w on Russia and Germany; bv r.i< hiird liar 1 g Hay's on a London Season: by ' oh.nel T A. D.Ml^eon Eastern Killers; etc. Eduin A. Anne 's ilhistr'i'ionsof Shakespeare's ( ome' ien " id ".oitlniied Li’erarv srti 'ies will be Contributed hi « harles Kliot N.-rt-.n, Mrs. sines r Field». Wit'tam Dean Howells Brainier Matthews, mid others. Litici-, Mich. YEAR --- H----- —THIS PAPER— ----- WITH----- jPeri £=*■* or? IS THE S N FRANCISCO À TrIE DISABILITY BILL LAW Snidiers d’siibled since the war «re Entitled lie indent widows ,i'nl P ret ts now de TRI E X- CO., Box S'l 400, Augusta, M -----i»K----- pen« « I t whose -on« di - i fo m th ■ elle rs o ur n’ “rvice a-e imlmleii if v”" wl< ■ ourc'a hi speedi'«- in ’icces-fn lv pro««’ i»t. •:. address I v VEST A' ’ Hi SAN FRANCIS 0 I «t- <'.iinmi»«toner .if I’engi. na. W.I-HIX' TON. 1’ KKII I «6.0 » I 'aterí; Cjpfighte, ( HE ndu • *d for tn SAN HtANf'ISCO WEEKLY c.\LL a haiiil-uine right- PAW page paper. It is i»-u> d every Thurvilai, a <1 con'ains nil <*f tie imp rtrtllt new* <>t Hie week, gie.ined from ev.-ry li fin­ to date of pulil catl"'i. uUhra tile latc-t and most n»«>r* without < I ». C. H1 PEIISOXAL A.. ATTE NTiox <;iv X i ' : •. 1- l'ii •E en r -, < JA VE \ t MA IÑS, etc XTô i’EE lUxl.i X A 1 X’T 1 - S 'UREit. <(> Ri SP> D- EX* 'E s< >i j < j » i ;’i « i ÏÛüiJW *i « uX-j .7. t, J < «:H reliable tin ivial iww, »in mai ket qimtulioiis, ;• J give special attenti II to Imrlictl! tural ami aarmllltural news, : ’ it i: • ¡ir on ol i ¡i u g r . i • me • <• « in.t i.B ruptUom n . > h p.i’ e'/ r<‘ ' nti- ami is in everv re- e«'t a hr* - •¡as» family i - his - i , app'*'iii g totlie interest ol eV'-iy m«*«i.l>ei uI tli - hnii*em«ld. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE Tho raereaa of this Grent Cough Cure <» without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists arc authorized to sell it on a pos­ itive gn i-ante«. a te»t tliat no «dlierc re cat. ’ i ■ ' i nd I ...it it io iv b- iT.nn known, io Proprietors, nt tin enormous ex- I' ' I,, into <1.1'1 I in I l.e In, < I I I nd < amiila. If you l avo a Cough, ••'■ore Tlnoat.or Bron- chitis, us« it, for it w I cnre you. If you chihl lias the Croup, or Whooping Congh, us« it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask yo-ir Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 i'ts. 50 cts. and $1.00, If your Lungs are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price T> cts. for sale by all Drug* gists and Dealers. I Woven •i-x Hi. Mt>u v i . g CAI.», (SKVgN IsSCKX A WHKKf -yi 1» a live «> tl'oi <« it U! wire iiailv. li is toe M gs I’ REL1 \- I USTRATED IL F0< TH1 Either of theab will "»'ml po-ti> mium mi r'-eei t ing «iib-ctIptimi com inn a. toil: rERuiNU I RÂE3IT ANO P0ULTR1 I NETTING. lll.E. and is «eeogmxed a- 1«. i ■ the LEADING NEWS- I'A I'l- It • I th«' I’a tic C«’HMt. oe aper-w* i«i as a pte- <•( the follow­ prices (nr the X eM. it« ? • '•"""■*• tr « in «'..'Itb lie Bit WEEKLY i ZINE RPER'S razar . |^*SENI> FOR FVRilll R INFORMATION ANu -l.b I The McMullen Woven Wire Fence Co .4.0« . . . .<» > o the unite V v'!" ‘ «"i'»’"« m- *»■ s»-¡»ahi. pu rp boul«! h- made bv p.>»t «upc, re«. ” FU s » - im. I A .? AOOüWeRIÇ —-Jí«- il LHICM SÇUArtt. f I CA.'m t ^^Tüu KOH SALE. BY HOME ' s- ! i i lv li.» *• .1.0. >E\\|N(¡ ma < 'F .' ». X» •AV». : I. pairs cl rii " J a c trj•• oar l.ul'h-«’, rain»« »’ cud ci.iidr« a.«* i. ■ s ' ' «rper's 1:«t«r |R A i.,., >» t a cent» a pair, cad on o :r tn«-::s’ cod I ' ; ’«■r the home < a 'he ' b I«. ri . „ • i > c-.'ii:» a pair. Wo f hail est- : ’•»slii.in». and n< nn .i. r. • with reirnrd t< « ich of the fifty largcat < '.lies cf l._:o I •/••; 1 , It« illl ’ Rt th i I » '« •-«i -n» an | n„t-,.r„ t'l'y »c!l only 300 paira ef ci.ocaa« -.yt.: y ' I di«ne|.« Me »lik.. «. h„ hi ■ ’ Fnpp'e-nenii • irn $ -’■>, 00 a year. V.'o f !: o ;:’..1 bo r. t ’ I' ‘ " <1 On- ]>r.ire««t nial •,,,, ) „ . ■ ’•nedre«« :ii«k■•« r’ydivlilendof>"'.C'«a«'!-.".r<’,orov. r .ip r«' N expeni, ■ i» • n iik«' it« rtls i<- „ . ' ' ' l’:3 stock r.ti • vei ess of tht ;i year ou thelav st:ne: t. V/nr " ” der. |i« I.,s ylcEHc’.ii ' a ilare, ’¡ ho price rut. t la-.-vi ■ .on »• «"d til m ;l, m y, - 1 «. S'TOl«l'ia ail .':an C i a f .ar •• No « ■ I .1« ■ :-r l -.-en H - - 1 ■ s ill .n L.i « price, x i. . 'i 111 n-r i •i • . • i’ : I i;• er h o ■ i, • n-asacxatitl •• laeo-.x)-::’ ' . < ■ hire •« .o' i Tern- wo .1 ihonuir. if V.’o havo over’, >«.-«.. lyo'nen the " * ' ■* 111 he w rioe , h Waite i • iaereari:; ; «lai'”. Fornaci t L j ;-:;nc’p-l E«x-- - - 4?. » i ’ N ’ 111 '«ll «'hr »«in.. Terhune 'o :l< k h ,'Jcr» arc : " n. V.'x. y. i . V. : i. J r “7;5 v •: Hnr,. * a "I'm pra tj, j " e|l H. "'''""h«' en »|tH. ] ,..vi t„ ( fill' ur « tu a II. j emm,. \. i:.« l,Jr.. l 'aÿ-i-oi .1. ';. « '1 1 i- ' ■ " 5»(A s I i.a au-"i. I.-al-’l;-s'.i. Z. ■•••.’• 5-.., J..I I'.- r. L“" .' ' th.irne -li «1.1 e IV. Wh . ‘5...2 eler v f’i ■'»"••r. m d T i.-1 Phiia.: 1!. Ibru. -, ... . , eh r « i «• freipienr c .’itilbu r, C •’!, r. Mich. ; 1'. 1’. Ilullctt -. An a. -. ... . t!:c n;ii'JC»ot n . ' fiiH**' ' "I'l'nbHii Exn.i Wiitc for a prospects con:;..: > ’ full’ u'pr.aeiited with man’. U I our stockholder!, etc., or ' r r’. r / r».'»«*« L ' iiitfxi, so-.i in ••w.ime« tnc’f'ing conhirr't c/ir< ca^/t • r m1 I . / < r “• l'C'i'« i< m nated .mdie < e. < Inters taken fur one or mure shares, I'li-'«*.'-. I s »’hare. .. .-■I •ibjl« I I', fth ed \opijrs periodicals I Han’ 13-az'i ' ' > ” < T R •• v n # ’• T ! **£_Ï>T: V x Í <> . 4.0< • 'f'iiPEirx young • US uuif '20 N. Market St., Chieu»». » ■ ' - on PER YEAR- • »»I lit». »• •T*.n Brs local or f< .gotten topics. () ,|y d of these letters were ever publish«] in book form. I' Everybody tus read HARPER’S PER K D1ICAÏ "»"i JOIIS A‘ ’ 1 haps a tew UiliniDOrtant » iir ¡some of them .but who his reai| all of them? The bu >k '- ’»tain» over .500 large pages, an.I d| t|ls Nasbv Letter- written 1 |rtng a HARPER’S PER10CIC8 period of twenty-five year-; il*» » Ter Year: portrait of D. R. Lock » f 'm hi» HA I! PER’S v AG \zr\E HARPER’S WEEKLY ■” ‘ It IV«HI I -H|| nt ... LOt last photograph, HARPER’S bazar ... t.K one diill.tr or more, but, H.A1! PER’S YOUNG .............................. ... vvr people Po.-tnge Free to nli Submrihers . - in . 2.0» “th" Olle be placed on sale, » nut (l »'Mate.'*. ('aiiad.t, <»r Mexico. thousand copies are im­ I he volumes of the Magazine begin with lie Number- tor June ami December o< printed and bound, and I »• I euc h year. When no time is specified, sut < riptmn- will begin wi:h -he Number cur­ will he sent postpaid by moi fre* rent at time of receipt «r order to everv person who this winter re­ ' muid volume- of Harper'- Magazine for i mits one dollar for tii- Ve-klr bice year- back, in i eat cloth binding will , ,,v ,ll;i|l. l>os -paid, v Postoftice I Weekly Blade, w hich wi Coney Order, .«r Draft, mavoid chanc ol fuff description of the l>»»^ Th« Y‘st cir;:illation ’ LLTST R A T R 0. of iHvweekIv newspip-r, nvl goe» t.o everv Stat, Turrito/ ;i-i l iwrly Ibirpnr'» Wenk • n -knoiv-o red •>« «-«nd inCGH.rPa,,"rt l:,'’',tT'*‘' 'v,','klv "eri,. Ilea » ev-ry county of the Utii ti Only the h r ..«¿ i .' i P i ,‘" H " a ' ................ th "' »»i»- dollar a vean in -I , ling th. h. èr r," ),"‘l'v',s',pr »n't'hat ..f 'he les» " ei hi.mthl. majazu-e. t’InclitAe« h. th "«e id rr.'V„'"'5 "•••" -qn»> above metioned book fre ■ ’ in o.-P'i •»< a h (> f < ti iirrMtii dosji I to T he B lade . I’ o . e " >. O hio , iiiR I.- 1 h ,> the ¡uia 1^<* ri’iH FPill iv»» »he of ¡,/ for-a free specimen f the i» i- •• ••< (»..>Hif ot ils vervremtilett« f keV.7,.:i’i' fair, ir will';:, not ".Oh tier. Send the addresses of vour fri-nds also. DAILY GU’ .. «Ilio A.If HC» And boo\ containing all the Nan- by Letters for One Dollar. »i-j ►« i\>»Tv J«,. ■ 4. iVt •«* 1 H »r9 < -•* k I h »lifta ▼ •I. . II ; |\< V • tl.tl S,i * . ............................ ...... 4. KXl LXU-fs i*«& è, IN YOUIl OWN HAND. n-tatm •- to tell ul at tiw lino* in vour »•. It will » -u jon, if no Lnin«*ie. ii ”; i m -i explain* H- vii . The • L n ’ <>?' LITE indicart e pn’bable i i u ¡I I • Each EK.U’I.I.ET y \Wi Î nwikv'i 1. .XI'. <»F * » r » i « • : ch wr l.iN K OF ■it» or ri u. - Boih combine*) mean but yon rtlmpti u i: b n.<>d< rn \.’i ¡. i p i any th«»-« in h .v M no nr i.ici i\e y pts- *ry • ' • r « f tli>‘ family is < nrer- <‘ a laa < i.i < m* A CLEAR \ • I' '!» tvmL rner»* a Mr ivht I» ( ■ »I Hl«»: llie r. \ t se if 4 I I XE OF 11» M l II t’ •:*’ l»i s: wil. the t < : i hint* N.» < t • r n nvHiit e p '• he* so i .!• r t t io i orne cire!«-. A h w ill k»ci. toexirvM'i «* <»f I * »h iriti» or rv »d I' «i ubi» g h» il Lr LUI V *il ai” r e v • g • ||<»rr of t xqui* te v< rk* • i art of rr ». • i'ip». h,»,» ,¡ 4 t >,« « * r»> pr* mi'. ni pit * i re, Lv? ¡h,» • Cm n D i-\u bien iî-n nu1!*; a »< al L » y *n I c; i 1 t » : ie »ri i» al « il | : iii' ing u loch e<* ‘ ' I i w I hav a ir '_’H7!i.t th t« ani!«‘t •>v < •’ : i i » a «î v in the mo lo for ite beau ifiil » r t ' a’ w i k.' p r n po^t > i iH ?he opir» of t» e d iy. n d ai tl.e ' 1 14 rt ’ K t item* of h'tcreM ab» nt the h * »” ’"» 1 »».« f irn -h n • Intcrentine n a«! nf nut»’r h.r . «r- ? «.d jTjir. for the m hoir funi'h ; s I " «ic I)cn ’, ill the pan« ri» n wi-li to »>•• » mine the rear and tn any » -e ««n ch o*c *• nd in vont r otii'n nt n? orce. # V f ' (10 it • ron u i|| ì onr •ub« «ub< Option r illy g ■ „ " r s «s jm p, , •' A* «!n ‘• ll • ra»b« l«*h< r W. Jvn J,«, i-. -, JV-. w,. ‘t. n i>» i4 st., N. » Y r< If < -n ««•«• nn.«cqAidntrd w«'h the M • ... ,i ■ „ i-i>, , incn enpv A larreQt D ).' ’ NOI.K ei-»r. I ■«'..«• « ; « Hee«, a R| « \ I«I R !' I.- !• --. ¡Ml'N O I Hl MB -si h Dlvr-i'ON m-on r < >E Jt'i lTEl' ■- k, '•» i'i r s. nni«' i ■. : t -IN, •i i -e; M' Mix.'. Im •••«’»■ -r : «n i MFl.i I RY, r »« «t-ne «• .1 US i.-I i.nò mn-t -aluauk- DEKTER SHOE CO., DOLLARS ’.-r Yi 'I > i \ Z A It I {t ■ 'I o. iz.! s ; I n - A V I- K I V I Of - Vorxt; !>;■• ip , 0 ni* 'o «II • i -, rtliers 'n the I’nf'-i s K. ur Mi'xi; «i. lo ’line« .« ihe i az e.iu with ’tie fir» " ’'«’• r or Jatinar« <>f >, ear. When • «. « une i« ic i f,.ne . . ■ vi \vi!i netriv il« ’i it n will tieyti h« x «mber current «t hetimeof reeein of order ' " 1 d '■ » lu ««■« o «,. t, e ► arar tor th re« > -r in beat eloth ’ Indino V » are „«¡.i« ,.r hy eXT>^, I' >«• »ent hr mai • free of cxperae - v *le«l the freigh' d«»es n ex eed one d«»l I '• •■« Hune) «r»7a « n-o i y \ ih>'k.’7 f i'e"' h *.»iit'»ble h r Mnd Ì1 ». h ' h ”* t‘”i'»t'tv» nreip , ’ii '»nce« aho'ild l< «-• -e «,v j> «to«»^ r Draft, «vai | rh.inre «f |O.R ' t < x • KP» K A (R «TIIERS «nsner» ,re , •J io « ,»n flnv one nor » D of ih » boT-* g , •en en » without ih.- ipr m itero mu FR bk Ó i ÌVÈ k Z’ ■ ' - 's”vv ♦ ’ K ir it <‘«re I- ............. . . L*rur i-t-uirinn.i.xi.,M„ fri-e..'..t ¡ it --“!.'» 11.1 .|s,w 24;u,Av*w \' address, and we will mail you a i|1K meet giving you all the particulars. TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine-