—William Harvey is sole agent —There will be a Grand Bail at Parties‘wishing to purchase a small band of gentle dairy cattle the Stenger A McGowan hall, OU for the Salem W<x»len Mill Store, W ednesday march is.Wi would <’o well tn call : i d ire Austin the evening of June 4th. See ad. in th’s and Giant m unties. Flank els fine as silk, robes inferior to ----------- Goodman for a bargain before go next issue. p-OR SHERIFF. none, overshirts and underwear as ing elsewhere. I hereby announce myself as a HA8 THE LARGEST CIRCUÌ ATION <:F eheap as the cheapest, socks, gloves, Republican Nominees. candidate for tin office of Sheriff' ANY NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. mi’tens. overcoats, flannels by the Van Items. subject to the action of the Demo I van!. cloth bv the yard, ladies dress County Judge. Candidates Har cratic convention of Harney County I V an , Oregon, March 23rd , 94. risen Kelly, A W. Wat ts and Geo flannels, etc. etc. Takes measure» Oregon. P P QTPNGRII I P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER VDVERTISING The weather has been ver»’ much Hayes, six hallo's taken on the far men’s and youth’s clothing, r, r . e 1 r.i V j F.1V. I—<• Aaent, 2l Merehmit»’Excha»«. , Sun Eran- cisco, is our authorized agent. This nat.er is i-i • _ .. .. 4 . . .. j . i sixth !>a!b t A. W. Waters received j Call nnd see him, office at the _____________ kept on file hl his jfti. e, 1 ’ l'ke spring v esterda v a nd to day. The people here ‘about are quitu 35 votes which I eiug a majority lit* French Hotel. pORSHERIFF elated over the prospect of a m*w whs declared the i o uinee for t > e j Countv Clerk, I I office of Judge. Local News. flouring mil! this summer. Dr. Price’s Cream Bak*ng Powder I hereby announce myself as a '.I. B. Huntington and Horace Dill World’s Fair llishest Award. candidate for the office of Sheriff’ Mrs. J. P. Geaiheart, who h is ard were the candidates. J B. —Dance at the Stenger Hall the subject to the action of the Demo been very ill hi Jan. 1st., is re I 11 uni irgton got the nomination cratic convention of Harney County I evening of April 6th. H untington Oreg March 1 ’94 ported feeling a little l etter. \l Sheriff, th • candi fires w.-re P i ’ au Siu: Our articles of Cor Oregon. _ _ . i . —I. 8. Geer and Co. have an ex W. E. ALBERSON. ) cellent selection of garden seed from School meeting will be held at Gittiugs sod Grant Thomps ii Mr. por tion provides, and we have ar- F ,r the Wolf Creek school house March Hitting-“ g it the i ; the firm of D M Ferry Co. mg* (I for the necoiiiniodattoo • f T th Oth. <>1 jict, io elect one director I Treasurer. I, S. (> or enstottier h . who are desirous of —Dance at the Stenger hall on pOR SHERIFF. S ! and hire a teacher. | nomination For i rr»ing t hei r I hi ok account in the evening of May 1st. ‘ Swiin A. B Marks was cl ' notinglon. and I m ve < p'-'i't <| a h I hereby announce myself a can-| — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy j Has anv one seen any crickets | for eomniir-ioner. Countv S-. Exchange Oiliee” hs a Bunking didate for the office of Sheriff subject ■ . vet? V anity . I Superintendent Chas Ne to the action of the Democratic con-j The universal good dentistry (tone I i • ' b-p irt ment vention of Harney Countv Oregon. J by him has gained for the Dr. a I Precinct or district office f >r We a re prep i red to Lawn I turns. lasting reputation. PEl’ER CLEMENS. district of Burns. John Vaughn for | • h< t)ties pn-seoted. —Democratic primaries the 31st I<sue certifie ite<i of Deposit. pay- L aw en . Oregon, March 19, ’94. the justice of the i eao ami J. Gould for constable. Delegate« to! of this month. Convention on the iie ’such interest on ti 111“ deposit as I send a few items as I have seen pOR COUNTY CLERK. the state convention James Spar •on-iTvaIive h inks do. j 7th of April following. nothing from here for some time. row and A. W. Gowan. Receive money op deposit sub. 1 hereby announce myself a can — M. N. Fegtly moved into town At our regular sch ol meeting. didate for the office of County Clerk last Friday. Mr A.S. Swaine was elected direct- I ’ LIQUOR LICENSE. subject to the action of the Demo We ask voiir consideration and —C. W. Jones was in town last or and J. L Sitz, clerk. cratic convention of Harney County «elicit. vmir account. I Oregon. To the Honorable Court i Saturday. The water is higher here now than I Respect hi I Iv. < tregon Commercial I .Harney Countv of the state of P. L. SHIDELER. —Editor Roberts was in town ! we have ever known it. i Oregon, for the county of Harney 1 b’o , J II. Aitkin, liter. the day of the r< publican conven The bridge on the Malhuet I We the undersigned, vour pc Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder tion. World’s Fair Highest Medal and Diploma. slough has gone < ut leaving th» ■ titioners would respectfully repre pOR COUNTY JUDGE. sent that we are each and all resi : —Sabbath School will be re. Crane Creek ami Happv Valici dents and legal voters of Drewsey Notice. I hereby announce myself as a organized next Sundav afternoon at ronds nseb ss. precinct, in said countv and slate candidate for the office of County 2o’clock. I The cattle that have wintered in and we ask that a license be grant Notice is hereby given that the Ju jpe subject to the action of the ( •*d A. I. Johnson it Bro to seiland Democratic convention of Harney’ • ”• Hogan, Lari Cecil and the swamps look very well consider dispose of spirituous vinous and hour of 1 oc|< ck p. m is lhe time County Oregon. (Tom Allen, were intown two or ing the winter. ‘malt liquors in said Drewsev pre set for the respective primaries cf Sheep men are having seme trmi in less quantities than one the democratic partv to meet on THOS. J SHIELDS. three days of last week. . , . i . .., g’llou tor the period of six months, j —Charley Johnson has been em- hie getting their sheep to the bills'frnn|the 5th day of M (y A p I March 31 1894, to elect delegates to ployed by the L. F. company and • because of the water, 1891 'the county convention. I also pOR COUNTY JUDGE left here last Monday morning. Dated at Drewsey thin 2nd. day | think it proper that I should state Prof Fegtlv's school will close of March A. D 1894. ( that in the election of alternates it —Mess s. Drink water, McKin 'the 23rd. inst.. if not terminated I hereby announce myself a can NAMES NAMES. 'should be understood what regular* high water. didate for t he officeof County Judge ney, Copeland and several other t eonn,‘r L>hn I) Italy Geo N Rann | ly elected delegate each alternate subject to the action of the Demo Harney cilizens yisited our town Al Weatherly Miss R. C. Dickenson will teach Willie A It now cratic convention ofHarney County in the last week is to represent . W A Robertson F M Gibier the spring 'eim in district. 23. Oregon. Petry Robbins Jesse Bartlett J. L (’ ross . —Charlev Peterson is in town Some of our neighbors are III IV- j Joseph Siv ph Sivkgny S N Williams Charman. GEO. S. SIZEMORE. today. He came in yesterday ins out and it looks now ns jfa|! |Z T Moff'et E L Robbins 'll 11 Masterson Math Wavers* | evening bringing a half dozen fine will have to go C. Chas P Rutherford <’ 8 Stewart | beef steers, to our butcher, Samuel NOTICE pOR ASSESSOR. \ G Johnson S W Hamilton Kenyon. •V M Harness M F Howard i W F Kingsbury 1 hereby announce myself as a W F Moffet Is hereby given to whom it may — Bro. Shepherd, editor of the I ' !oe Morgan candidate for the office of Assessor, Vale Gazette, says he is now out ot J II Wright SUMMONS. concern that the promissory note |C N Cochran subject to the action of the Demo R Drake given bv I). L. Shirk and F. M. the swim and in the mud. The W J South cratic convention of Harney County , . ,, • .. , , W II Wilson In the Circuit Court of the State j Masiker water in his office a few days ago. Oregon. John II Wright Shirk, to (’. W. Parrish for the sum of Oregon for Ha. nev County ' was over two feet in depth. I ‘ b o Lindenburger Andrew Hassett of $600 dated the — dav of May Zimri L. Thomas I’Tff'T SAMUEL MILLER. _ S B Stewart Wm Fredricks 1892 due on or before two years —The members of «he Odd Eel vs V .Thomas Delany Rolla Stewart from date has been paid, said note lows of Burns are requested by the Emma J. Thomas Do’ft) R O Lehman. 's supposed to have been lost in the To Emma J. 'Thomas the above ■ I), of R. to meet them at the Odd pOR COUNTY TREASURER. named détendant U. S. mails, if now in the possession Fellows hall Friday evening thei In the name of the State of Ore- ; Notice To Creditors. of any one or in existence this no I hereby announce mys» _ ’f as a i 30th inst., to perfect arrangements I gon you are hereby required to ap-t tice makes it necssary that said candidate for the office of County , for the Odd Fellows anniversary ' pear and answer the complaint) In the County Court of the State note should he presented imnitHia- Treasurer subject to the action of festival tiled against von in the utiove en- - ~ titled suit on or before the first dav r< Harney County: In the tely to I). L. and F. M. Shirk or the Démocratie convention of | Harney County Oregon. —Albert Rieneir.an is spoken ofiof t)te neXt regular term of the1lnH^er ’he estate of Wm. D. otherwise be considered cancelled. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Hudspeth, deceased. Notice is Dated nt Burns Ore. this the 22nd C. H. VOEGTLY [ as a probable candidate on lhe pop- | ulist ticket for the office of county for Harnev Countv, to wit: on < ••r . hereby gi ven |(V th„ undersigned, i day of January 1894. — judge. Mr. Rieneman has many '-(»re'!.« 21... day o( M», 1HIH c. B. Wicklin-e. „d„,i„istrat„'r of| 1). L. S hirk . end if vou tail so to answer for want . ,,,, T 1 1st Readers at 25cts friends in this county, he is capable, thereof the plaintiff’ will apply to Ith® ®8tale ,’t W“i’ D’ Hudspeth, de- , u honest and trustworthy and we the Court, for the relief demanded 'ceaH‘*d’the creditors of, and all 2nd. 40 think would creditably fill any I*11 ’b« complaint, to wit: for a persons having claims against said j 3d 55 . _ .1 ' dwr««n decree i of the Court d’solv’ng the deceased, to exhibit them with the 4th. 80 u county office. I marriage contract now existing lie- necessarv vouchers, within six 5th. 11.00 —We received a letter, two days I tween plaintiff ard defendant, Monteiths Elementary Geography since from our friend George) This summons is ordered to he months after the first publication Duncan, this notice, to said administrate) I •'Sets. Monteiths Comprehensive Duncan, a a resident resident of of Silver Silver Lake, Lake, «^ved * upon I’P<^,1 the said defendant , A _____ , __ . , Emma J 1 homas bv publication ( at Shirk Harney Countv Oregon Geography $1.25. Clarks Normal who spent a good part of this last thereof once a week for six consecu BH W*' Grammar 80cts. Sills Grammar winter with friends and relatives in tive week in the E ast O regon G5ct». And all other school books this county. I He .............................. writes he left here H erald , a weekly newspaper of Dated Feb 14 1894 in proportion and after this date I the 2nd of this mni.tl, month and f. found ' ' crpneral general circulation, circulation, in in said said Hurnpv Harnev fDEAU C. B. W k kliffe , "'llsell school books at the above the roads, from hereto his home, in j j/’“”]v ()JeRon’ printed^ and^ pub- I lished at Burns, in said Countv and Administrator. pnees for cash and for cash only, a miserable condition. He writes State and appearing to lie the paper W aters & G owan Orders by niail promptly attented that in going over the divide be- . - - « _ most hkelv to give notice to said Attorneys for Administrator. Dated this 1st. day of March tween Paisley and Silver Lake, defendant, by order of Hon Morton 1^94 when he got to that point where he I). Clifford. Judge of said Court ’rbn secretary of the Elkhart Carriage anU Hai'.e<ui Mfg. < «>., ol El k hurt, I ik L, - — — could see the beautiful lake cover made and dated at chambers in C. H. VoEOTLY. informs m that their prices will lie lower ed with geese, swan and other fowls, Canyon City Oregon on the 16t.h •or l’-r.si t han ever. He wishes u.r to ask screaming and flying in every di- day of March A. D 1894, and duly our readers not to purchase anything in MOST PERFECT MADE. the line of carriages, wagon« bicycles or rection. he was verv much elated, filed in this Court. harness until they have .-. 'it 4 ccnti in A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free stamps to pay postage on their 112 page tom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant M R R iggs «*• Price’s Cream Baking Powder *nd “ feeIinK of «»’'"faction and con-. \V> advbe the readers Ci Lbi.s Attorney for Pl ff. catalogue. Most Perfect Made. tentment, pervaded his whale being.! paper to remember his suggestion. Democratic Aunouncemcnts. , TV 'T'.« ■’ 1 ! ! ! H it ’ i I » vìi 44 44 U it 41 44 Dæ l . CREAM BAKING POWDfR I I 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. i i