Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1894)
to come earlier. Without any preface °r polite phrase, George Baid: I ‘ Otto, I have been a scoundrel CHAPTER III. The two friends walked awav to Knowing that you were engaged t0 her, I have allowed myself to love gether, in the clear starry night. her, and have tried to make her All rivalry, envy, hatred, and un love me.” charitableness must fade under the And she? said Otto, hoarsely, GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY, ONLY $1 A YEAR pure soft light of the winter moon The other hesitated for a few Any reaher of the E ast O regon H erald can g»-t Th«* Twice a Its rays seemed, to Otto’s fanev, Week Republic free by sending in three new yearly subscriber» to The more blinding than the sun. He’ moments, and then said bitterly; Republic with $3. felt hr if his heart wore being, “It may be my punishment to In addition to obtaining the greatest news wetklv in America, every searched, as he walked beside his repeat what she said: That she auhscriiMtr to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or would rather kiss your lips, even if more, every vear by the^ppcial utters made subscribers from time to timet friend. The night, it is said, “has you were dead, than to touch mt S imple copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon receip. • a thousand eyes.” To him, it hand.” of a po.-tal card request. Address all orders. seemed "as if each star read the He turned abruptly and walked THE REFUBLIC. St. Louis- Mo l newly-born thoughts and suspicions awav, as Otto hurried forward. in his mind. The drawing-room was deserted, He hade Arundal good-night, and as he entered to await Ethel’s com passed to his room ir. the large ho- ing; and. true to his instinct, he e •el which had been his home since i went to the piano. his father’s death. Surely, never had Ethel heard Otto did riot know how long he 1 such music! She knew she was no sit before the glowing fire, living j interpreter of the marvels of sound MANHOOD RESTORE! I >v< r the life of the past year, with —that mus;c did not appeal to her uarunleed to cure n.l nerrou» disease.. . \\ t-ak Memory. I auso I brail f ness.ail *c»wer. Heartache. Wakefulness, Lost Manboo«!. Ntgudy EmiRbions, Nervous- the usual unavailing regret that as it did to others; but this pathet drains and loss of power in Generative Ort'n hr of either sexcati-ed by overexertion, ynuthftil outhfnl errnfw, errors, excessive excessiva use nseot ot tobacco, tobacco,opluiu opium or orstirn- stiro- nlants. which lead to intlrniity. Consumption or Jnwnniiy. Cun be carried in something done had been undone, ic air, that made the tears spring ve*-t pocket. £ 1 per box. for .*>.», by muil preoairt. WlthnS.» rdf r we f. <$rl ve fa written gnarunter to cure nr ■■e.'ii:ul the moner. S« *. ty all (iruKViAts. A«k fur it, take ntijnthpr^ ^¿rlt<T i<>r free .Mertlcni took«.. T wiled I Too cleat Iv he now saw himself as to her eyes—these stately solemn bitVKA aau 1 fcU lbiAU. in plum wrapper. Address JÑ£1< CO.» Masonic Temi.;- 1 he must have appeared to- Ethel— chords of consolation—this melody, For sale in Burns,Ore., by U. M. L1OKTON, Druiutist. ' Eth» 1, young, bright, beautiful, with that was like the beauty of an April h- happv dancing eyes alwavs day—seemed more than music: 'ooking for the bright side of life, words-that her own heart could in and somehow alwavs finding it. terpret. H<-r happy ‘disposition had seemed She stood outside the door until •ver on the alert for amusement, the last sounds had died awav be Hid there had been times when, in fore she entered. a dreamv surprise at some action, She spoke with hesitation: he had half despised her easilv- Qd “And what is this new improvi pleased nature; while he, the sation, Otto?” music-mad lover,” as she called He sprang up quickly and took 1 him, had sat before the piano, and her in his arms. CO neither looked nor cared how the “It shall be our wedding-march,” world moved on about him. he said. Yet Ethel had loved him. lb- THE END. cmld have sworn to ‘hat fact, as he /called her »looks and words of a vear ago. Had he blighted that INITIATITE& REFERENDUM 'ove bv his unconcern? He realized n iw, when perhaps it was Ico late A short explanation ofan import* i ant Reform being Advocated that to this happy ‘nature the c< m in Oregon-*Law-making ng of George might have been a Have sold to consumers for fl year:, By the People. fascinating change. òli AA saving them the dealer’s proUL We aro tbo allaUU Oldest and I.arcest m'niuiaetnrcrs in At r- lea sellin« Vehicles ond Harness this vrir7~s..lp As he leaned back in his chair and ! with privilege to examine before any mot-ey is NO. 1. {mid. We pay froltht both r ryslf not satisiae- bsently thrust his hand in his ory. Warrant for » year*. Why pay an ajent f 0 to $50 to order for you? Write your uv.-n order. by request of the Joint Committee on Boxing tree. We tako ali risa of damage in '.coat pocket, he drew from it the Piibiiehed lireci l.egislatiou. W. S U'Keti, see'y, shipping. Milwaukie, Ore. WHOLESALE PRICE8. novel Ethel had advised him not to Spring Wagons, $31 to SCO. Ouaran»eed N0.ÎSI, Surrey. a» sell toi $50to the 6iirroyS, $65 to SI00 ead, and opened it. The story: The Initiative means that when m sell for «100 to «1.A TOP EuBCiC-5, No. ST. Surrey Uarnew. same $37.50, as tine as sold for Sta. Phaeton a. SC8 was not much more than a sketch/ u certain percentage of all the voters to $IOO. Farm Wagons, Wagonettes, Milk Wagons, Del I very Wagono “'"I Rond f er all; hut it was well written, sign a petition in favor of the en< Carts. sictrLBt »•>« ■«*, uumks « < uilukl .\. .»nd, for man v reasons, proved verv , actment of any new law, or repeal Blagle, $etv$«e No. 727. Road Wagon. ntere.-ting. It was the story ofan i of an old one, and file their petition Double $55 |a 'ist. an enthusiast, devoted to 1 with the proper officer, the proposed n«ecy. $14-434 »is art. to the exclusion of every law or repeal must be submitted to Farm. hingelse: oblivious to the love and all the voters at the ballot box at $10 te 4JU50. suffering of his devoted wife, who. the next election. If the proposal No, I, Farm Herne»». U’DINO SADDLES «iti FLY XF-TS. __________ Elkhnrt Bic/ele. 2Hln. wheel«, vith a painful incurable disease, receives a majority of the votes ______ Urce.» it (H-.r-1. o-T f-r ea»h with arder. fL-nd 4.x tn pnenmaMc steel „irix, lulling. drop forgili«*. •<uiv m , » , y i .Mac . on 1 IL-«ngw » >re hrrself calm as a martvr at(cast it becomes a law, otherwise No. 3, Farm XVa«on. AddrtwC. PRATT, See’y, ELKHART, IND the stake. Daily she sacrificed , not. Laws made by the Initiative I a miething, making her chance for , are not presented to the legislature ife so much l«-ss. that he might, 1 at all. undisturbed, endeavor tc reach the* 1 The Referendum means that all fnne that always seemed just a bills passed by the legislature must "tie way ahead Living in his be referred to the voters at the Do } ~ou a .d of dreams, he woke onlv when I ha II o I box at the next election, and ■os wife lav thing, and realized that no bill can liecome a law U0- •• r dr< tcion. her sacrifice. less it receives a majority of tb0 I he heavv shadows on Otto’s votes cast. i e were lightened as he read, and District, town, city or county 1*** Disease commonly comes on with slight h finish* <| the book, sad as the are voted upon only by citizens of symptoms, which when neglected increase s' »• v was. with a glow of hope, the locality to which the law will in extent and gradually grow dangerous. Why mol Ethel not wished him to apply. Only general laws are re It ye« SUFFER FRO* HUU4CHE. L?J- r -i I it’ Was it because the dreamy I ferred to all the ■ itizens of the state. TAi\E PEFSIR or INDIGESTION. . RIPAKS TAD a ist was like himself—the neg The veto power is taken from th® If yoe are BILIOUS. COR3T1P’.FED. Or hx-e LI.ER COMPLAINT.................................. T. ,.E RIPADS TAD ect-d l< ve like her own? Ah, if he governor xnd placed in the hands V It )0<-r COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, or ye« I of the people. ou'd Hit hope so? TA tí kuFIER DUiHESS AFTER EATING. □PADS TAD A n bob t of sleep, with All laws are printed in full and For OFFENSIVE BREATH and ALL DISOR TAKE dream«, war all the with each is a short statement of I rest DERS OF TKE STOMACH. . □PARS TAD iffotded him; and the rersona and a sample ballot i® R pans Tcbules Rcju,'. f® ihe and Preserve Me i that propriety wou delivered to every voter. Making EASY T‘ a law is purelv a business propisi* RIPANS "ABULCS h m at Eth« l's hoti«e. SAVE 1 TOR S I At the gate, he hesitated for a tion. The reason for and against A CUR- ♦LFTt 1 iw D | being plainly stated in print by the I Ct» F»**« 1 MEDICA . CH MT m.»n ent. The door had opened. parties offering and opposing the <1 b $»»».? W ’ .** /i>r 1 nd G»urge Arundal came toward hiw. onlv a htll« I j common sense NIC M im ” ‘ as he was, Arundal l»eing necessary tor a wise vote Earlv * NEW ?.:»»! considered himself privileged Az. - . To BK CUNTINUBD. I T1HE ST.LOUIS REPUBLIC FREEL:.” TWICE-A-WEEK 16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. JAMES R. WAITE, Bui-r ef Wilts'« Celebrated Comedy Co, Premium Band and». fTr. flllrn M'diral C ., Elkhart, Ind, \ ,u rrpl remctnSer the condition I wm In fire T»i -» ugwhen 1 win afflicted with • combina tion of <h»«a-e». and thought there wan mo mils .on »- 1 tried «11 kinds of medicine«,and «oore» if eminent pbyaioai.a My nerve» were pro«tr» ted. pmduMng anime ». heart tr able »nd all the ills Uno make life miserable. I commenced to lake DR. MILES’ NERVINE «rd In three month" i w»a sirkctiv curt« In rr.v travebench year, when I mu the uioumuh M of Physical wreck». «uttering from nerroii. pros- _ - — trauon, taking preacrtpiion« Irom l. I A 1 cal physician" who hare Ifo know L I i M kz ,<ize of their case, and whoee death la certain, I lurl like going to them am. saying, -acr dr M iles - N isvim « »" o ¡i™ m, nr<7eMioii, ZW| >nm w. ” r™™ are au many su r IJ ITeteri frora evvrnorkienVZVO^kZ t.t proura, lion u. d nervous eihaurtion. broujbt <»n by the Cijarwcter of the business engaged iu. 1 woaia thousands M a"X cure tor «U »^er^^ViL^wlIm* Bold on 4 Positive Guarantee. O n . MILES'PILLS.50 D obab 25C t «. I i i I «•r ' 4. i . i r < 1 I > ( 4 . M »ti. r. 111 ‘V I ih» f. r U pTXM •• r s' '-»< U ho I de .•«, o’c n f t ' • • k .*• . . » • ui..e:x1 r otic or n 4 » I , t ; f pitQ«: p-v .I*/* *« A I -î ’. <r, I <4 A . * y j * - i - - "JU, 7 <•—] «% M. 4 / * T) •// ’ *///s 4 I 11VIL Koi I bv all ert i P.»w lor lie it*> i tea. • • i * I ÍLKHART OARRiASE and BARKERS ,4,4.4»»♦.».♦«»♦« • ••♦♦44 4»••••4444 I I 1 • 4 4 4 1 Ae ♦ ♦ 4 • ••.»».»