Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1894)
» Tr Hr-.’.’ Shysters,it does notsignify wh ittici - __ WEDNESDAY MARCH 28.18f4 w. c. BÏKI» Editor. army of tramps $100 Reward $100. THE PIONEER FIRM they rre on wllbe gloriously left. The readers of (hi* paper w Combinations, past ingratitude, trickstering, and soft soap, will not pleased to learn that there i win in this county the June elec ie.od out*dreaded disease that tion. •-•lice has been aide to cure in all » 1 hen we say to our candidates its stages, and that is Catarrh for the nominations on the demo .lull’s Catarrh Cure ir I lie only cratic ticket, be men with sufficieni positive cure known to the medical courage to take your stand for jus fraternity. Catarrh being a eon tice to the people, do not be mealv «titutional disease, -«-quires a cun- Hall’s^ mouthed, through fear of losing the stitilliimul treatment influence of rings am] clicks, but oil Catarrh Cure is taken internally, l the contrary condemn with a c<>n in-ting dirvetiy up<m the blood ¡¡nil demnation, that cannot be mistak mucous surfaces of the svstfin, en by the voters of our county, a 11 th< rein destroying the foundation clicks and rings hurtful to the de I of the disease, and diving the pa velopetnent of our county and I he tient strength l>v building up the welfare of its settlers .-•onstitiitiou and assisting natu • AND-:- T he man Coxey who is heading the army of tramps, sain to number 1,UOO,OUO will gain for himself and »r.ny noto iety if nothing else. This multitude of indigent and indignant men of all trades and W. B3JWN, Ei n Cpn, callings, we presume, now on their way to Washington, will have quite an imposing effect upon the citizens while on the wav to our Capital But what will lie the effect when in doing its work The propriet r> | have so nint h faith in its curative this army reach the city? To Democratic Candidates. It is said they are going to de powers, that th-*y offer One Hun i “AMEHCAIN” EAGLE JOB OFF i CE Biand of congress employment, re dred Dollars for anv case 'hat it I B e careful in making your slates, fails to cure. Send for list of lestt- >_ ____ function of foreign immigration for, have reliable representative men to montals. at least, ten years and that protec I i Addres-, F. J. CHENEY A CO C**AS a . I iyko , tion of labor so long prayed for by represent us in the county conven tion. Toledo, O Sold t-v Dr ngv¡sts. 7- r >e * ..... . the laboring class, Lee coinage ot Remember it. is easier to pack silver the poor man’s money, and convention than it is to make the a that our law making power, rid themselves of the influence now ex people swallow the candidates se I’AAlPHLETb, preised by Wall Street and money lected by intrigue. Nomination is not equivalent toelection. corporations of every nature. We are going to find this the LKÌTKR lIEAlro, NUT. E l£ADb So far so good, but th.s move *r ment bears upon its face either a g.eatest off'vear in countv politics a few day», and you will be startled at the u »ucce»a that will reward your effort» K N V EIA )PES, 8 F A L’J M E disgruntled mob not worthy the that has ever been experienced in I peeled xisitively have ti-.e beat busiuesli io oiler an tig<.-. that can be found on the face of this earui respect of the people generally 01 this state and this countv although 1 815.00 profit on 875 OO worth of bualui ».• i- easily aud honorably made by and paid -c shows up otir government law new, is not behind and men not I bein'» hundreds of men, woiueul boy», ami girl» in our employ. You can make money faster at work for makers to be ignorant of the wants (tarty will be recognized hy the us than vou have any idea of. Tile business is s > easv to learn, ami instructions so simple and plain, of the people or to rascally to re voter. that all succeed from the start. Those who take of the business reap the advantage t'..a’ Then we say, if you don’t wan^ hold gard their welfare. arises from tile sound reputation of one of the oldest, most successful, and largest publishing Take the movement in any waj disaster, and ignominous defeat do bouses in America. Secure for vottrself the profits tliat the btisine»» so readily ami liand’omelv yield«. we will, it looks bad and does not the square thing at. the primaries All beginner» succeed grandly, and more than realize tlicir greatest expectations. Those vno speak well for this, so said, glorious and don’t forget to be honest in the trv it find exactly as we tell them. There is plenty of room for a few more workers, and we urge county convention. republic. them to begin at once. If you are alreadv em ployed, but have a few spare moment*, awl wish How foreign powers will look up o use them to advantage, then write us at once for thia h vour gran-1 opportunity), and receive , on it is a matter worthy of consider ull particulars by return mail. Aadre»», TRUK A CO.. Box No. 400, Augu»ta, Mr. ation. A VOICE THAT IS STILL. Corner of 1st, and B Street. Our sister nations, who envy us our reputation of stability in the Is Cleveland a hoodoo that his'» light of a republic, capable of great friends are afraid to carry him ii BRENTON Proprietor. things and establishing permanent- their vest pockets? It is a signifi S TABL ly the theory that man is capable i cant fact that a democratic coriven OFFICE of self government, which is our lion in Banker Bush’s county al effort, will begin to think that the most unanimously refused to ir. voice of the citizens of this great dorse - the Cleveland administration republic does not count for much if there is a man in Oregon who lareats. Trade marks. Design Fater’j Copyrights, Au 1 ¡11! Patent bu<iln<w conducted for in our congressional halls, when it has had a null on Cleveland it is W5OD7RATE FEES. becomes necessary for an army of Mr. Bush, and he owed it to his Information nnd ndvt. . . n t<> inventor» without a million of men belonging to ou> patron , saint to at least give him charge. Addres» laboring class feel it a duty—like I the indorsement of his home county PRESS CLAIMS CO., Cromwell dissolving the long par Still, prudential reasons may hav» JOHN WEDOERBURN, liament—to present themselves < ojtweighed the sense of gratitude- Managing Attorney, personally to our congressman for Doubtless the candidates on the ’. O. Box 468 WAgniNQTOX. D.C. redress. Marion conntv democratic ticke f7~ -''i '-onpeny 1« managed by a combination of mr ■»! n< most Influential new»p»per» tn the It’s a shame, disgrace, and a had a voice in the convention, and i -■> t.-s, for the express pnrpoee of protect snr«!h«Prien8 V the Wh'te Front Liverv Stable a^ ’rlbwrs »train» t untcrupuloua stigma that wiil rest upon our na there are not many candidates this or i I t'~ ii- t riulMM .it I’.t.eui Agent», and e»< h paper in every wav uCt|thULlU'eV are PrePared accommodate tion uh long as time lasts. l:ir: till advertisement voncheaforthe responsi. year who want to go around shout j jar V y 1 htlr Jln® bubiness. ..lUty and liigli»uadlug of the Pre-* «UalmaCompany. Ami that the laborer has good ing for Cleveland.—Telegram. f a,"I grain constantly on hand, and careful help. I excuse for this array of force can not be successfully denied, but t° Passengers taken to all parts of the country. Hearse and Job Wage* the contrary the acknowledgement ir, conneetioi- . i will have to be made that facts compel us to state that the people Preutlss lu-cil tying pills euro count ipatlm PreuilKs lim-tityliig pi Us cure consti patton have just cause for loss of confidence Prentiss Rectifying pills cure constipation Prentiss K»s-titylng pulscuto colisi I pat ton and a demand lor better treatment and that protection guaranteed by our forefathers and our constitution. No doubt but that many of our SMITH dr BAILEY, Proprietors, cnngre*amen will regard this army us a hoodlum element not worthy wimT, Liquors, Cigas and Cigurrstts of notice, but we hope the more sen . Good Billiard tables, Pleasant Card Room., etc., etc. sible portion oi them, will learn a SaloTn is first class in every particular. Experience barta lesson, which will not only be Irene I Almost al' pillsand medicine produce constipation, here Il a I I t i.-.t cure* torpl-l if ficial to themselves, hut result in liver, biliousness, rheumatism, ludijestlon. sick headache and kidney aud liver Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. H troubles without griping or leaving nny trace ot CONSTIPATION, which great benefits to our laborers. w ♦ WORK FOR u Is the prime cause ot all sickness, beware of it gutting habitual and chronic with you. see to It In time; these pills will euro you. POPE LISTS. T he populists of this county will all probability run a full ticket, and that signifies the same, in that organisation as in the democratic ’»nil republican parties, that is, voters in all parties are going to vote, in the coming election in this county for men not party, and the I I Lm M I Fee PRENTISS RECTIFYING PILL, ^^^lx«auso It 1» the only safe and harmless | L b MI remedy that will surely DCAUTIFY the I II COMPLEXION clear the skin and remove all blotches from the face. Try a box and mo for your •alt. >5 Oents a box. COLO CY ALL DRUGGISTS, Or sent by mail upon receipt of price by Prentiss Chemical and Manufacturing Co., 40« CALIFORNIA STREET, ________________ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Frontlas Recti tying pills cure ^oa»t!|-ali->a 1 i-* Le- llfying pills cureeoMllfMtM Prentlse Rectifying pills e tre constipation Pr-nt1 s T-c- - ■ r1 Isrnrw e*8<8foM|0> as I s» ■7? T.'S SUBSCRIBERS TO THE HEP.ALD if Should Take Advatage of its f i Free Brand Cob