VOL. V 11. BÜKN8. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON Ths ‘’fferp.. pUBblOHKD EVERY WEDNESDAY W. C. BYRD à SON P ublishers and P roprietors . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ose Year |ix Months. .* Wree Months HERALD CLUB LlbT ■•raid and Harper’» Magazine .. 6«raid and Harper'» Weekly . . eraldand Harper’s Bazar.......... eraldand Harper’s Young People . 3.75 terahl aiei Alilen’a Manifold Cyclopedia, 2.90 «uh additional volume after Vol. 1 55 cents: lo cent« extra per volume, pustage. ¿^p'Copietof all tin-above work« can be ex­ amined at leisure iu the Reading Room. g^Publiahera of periodical« are solicited U> ««nd clubbing rates, a copy of tlieir work for »ur free Reading Room—We tile and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, e»d t»«v ci topics bv advertisement. ADVERTISING RATES: »¿.IX» 4 00 5.00 ti.UU 9.00 it..00 30 00 M. 1 1 >• »1 OÜ 3 UO «>. i)U 4.50 O.ÜÜ 12.40 00 £ 1 wk J 1 inu J o mo 11> mu 1 ?yr pi ‘W '♦11.00 '♦15.00 12 b) 18.00 28.U0 l.l.OU 24.00 40 00 ■¿o.uo 32.0U 50.00 ■¿».00 48.00 54.00 Z.S.U0 4X.0i> ■80.00 120 00 40.00 1 tiO.OO 110.00 140.00 ♦O.UU <1.50 8.00 10.00 15 00 is repaired easily with very little "As old as I Highest of all in sleep if you also take food. the hills ’’and “Of mv own experience the re­ never exceil­ mark holds good; and it leveals a ed. “ Trie 1 V i v curious and in some respect« and proven” is the verd.ct anomalous condition of the brain o f million-. I and its wavs ”—London Illustrated Simmons New-. Liver ll’gii- lator is th ‘ LABORS OF THE POPULISTS only Li .’er and Kidney medicine to The populist convention which y o u Oregon Citv yesterday completed can pin your its labors bthe nomination of the faith for a following ticket: cure, A in i 1 d 1,1X1- Governor—Nathan Pierce, a nd live, A Pre mining Secretary • of slat»— » lra \Va kt (iEo. Vx . JACK* roN, Tu ’»»uta. Washington. Creature. SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION The success of this Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to Hell It on a pos­ itive guarantee. a -. st that no otherc recto iiiecessrn'.ly stand. That, it may become mown, the Proprietors. at an enormous ex- lense. arc placing a Sample Bottle Free Inta verv home in tile Cnited States and Canada, f von have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron- hitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your hild has the Croup, or Whooplug Cough, use ; iiromntlv, and relief is sure. If you dread hit insidious disease Consumption, use it. isle vnnr Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, ,'ricc 10 vte., SO cts. andSl.OO. Ifyour Lungs •ire sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 eta. For said by all Drug- gists and Dealers. | Charles Miller; second district, around ? “Onions?” * Joseph Waldrop. Kinel “Worse than Of every description executed with neatness , First judicial district — Ah Axtell, Slid despatch, nt reasonable rates. busi ' prosecuting attorney; Samuel Dix orange blossoms, crnvrnY package -« Circulars, P< mera. Pamphlets envelopes, Bill Heads, Leiter Heads, | on, board of equalization. h r. k * k* mp in red «»n wrapper. ness, hence 1 must naieinems. Note I lean,, Cards, Tiegels, I Memoranda, Invitations. Dodgers, Etc. Im» Second distr.ct—J F. Amis, She is not able to 'S T he H erald is kept regularly on file for re­ girl band. How presi attorney; J. F. Weekly, board of ference, in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper A<1- ter.ising Bureau, 10 spruce at., New York. are getting to be nowadays.”—Tex equalization. I , T iird district—Judge, S. R as Siftings. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ,Stott: attorney, C. S. Dairy mj le; I.’ I board of equalization, John ditoni OUK EXCHANGES. national : Roiiertson. p. ... Grover Cleveland i e-Pre«ideut. ... . . Adlai Stevenson I Fourth district—Judges. II. N. leerciary of state ............ Walter Q. Gresham T- litx I racre.ary'of 1’reiJMry Jolm G. Carlisle | McGuire and A. 8. Chute; attorney, a.t.'et irv of InteWir Hoke binith SHORT NAPS. fleretarjr of War ......... Daniel 8. Lamont T. A. Wood; board of equalization, e reiary of Navy . Hilari A. Herbert J. Sterling Morton J. C. Miller • 'rotary of tgricultnre. It I mistake noi, Sir James Ricliarn 8, Olney Attorney General . .. Wilson 8 Biasell Fifth district—Attorney. Silas Fustmaster General Crichton Browne, in the course of a STATE—OBKGON ! B. Smith; board of equalization, | J N. Dolph recent address, remarked upon the ................ I J. H.Mitchell. Al Lacev (Binger Hermann curious elasticity of our brain as u-mgressinen..................... (W. K. Eilig Sixth district Judge, Nat Hud He cited the case of FJ*‘-Ti|or ................ D.8ylveater l’eniipvei regards sleep. Mere ary of State ........... R. Geo. W. Mcliridi eon : attorney, Colonel Wm. Par- treasurer R Phil. Metachan. people who rarely slept well or sons; board of equalization, 0. P. »apt. t none Ibitructlon R . J. R. McElrin much and who, nevertheless, are lute Printer R........... Frank Bakei K. 8. Bean. able to carry on intellectual work • loud all. easant • upreme Judges Wm. P. Lord F. A. Moore with ea-’e and ability. 1 suppose > j Seventh district—Attorney. E. P. sixth judicial ihstkict : there is a “habit” of brain in the Sine; board of equalization, B. K. see me D ....... M.l) CLIFFORl. • tetrict Attorney ............D C ha ». F. H ype matter of sleep as in other respects, Sea ov. !*' ,' ■(R) A. W. Cowan Joint representative for Yamhill loint-seuator .......... (D)..H enry B lackman and while ordinarily we demand a COUNTY—HARNEY : fair quantum of absolute rest, some I and Tillamook counties—J. County jjdge ........... (D) W m . M illea of us contrive, as a hatnt, to get Over. t*erk ................................ (D).. P. L.Shideler Tre teurer................ / u, Joint senator zor Rakerand Mal­ 1.8. (leer along with a minimum of somnolent • urvevor ......... zu. J. H. Neal Sheriff ....... l,o’. heur counties—Will R. King.’ A. Git t it gg repose Isaessor .............. bbb.fU?.. This subject was lately 8. W. Millet Joint senator for Morrow, Grant fc i >ol Sitpetintended tR) CHAR.NEWELL recalled to mind when I happened lock Inspector David Car) a id Harney counties—George Gil­ SommiMionera U>) | W«. A ltnou to be dining alone with a well w Od bert- zR' 4 » ». t it« known surgeon in busy practice ■ ABNEY U. S. LAND OFFICE: My friend is a man who, like mv MeeTwr .................. Î B‘ H untinoton pelf, journevB over the length and elver ...H arrison K elley She H uh Discarded Skirts C/3 breadth of the land. He had just returned from a long and tedious O SOCIETIES, Miss Eugenia de Forrest, an act z I ® .journey, tired and fagged. Wr sat •5. STLVA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. 2 g rc«8 who makes her home in San | down to dinner. Between the Meets every 1st and 3d Wednesday. Alice E. King, N.G. courses he fell sound asleep, let us Jose, Cal., has received the Mnc* E May Worthington. Rec. Sec’y. ' say, for three minutes—not more, lion of the authorities of San Jose to wear men’s cloth»*» in public, Have ••id tn cnnaam«ra For Cl »»ar:, certainly. After each nap he woke A. O. U. W. Burns Lodge, No 47 flil uvlng them th« dealer's profit. We *ro llio «llaW Oldeatand I.ur0<-at mnnutki loreri In Amer­ Meets every 2d and 4th Thursday s and proposes to obtain a legal right up, fate his quantum, and went off ica Milina Vehicle« and llarnens thia way «hip W R. (»radon. N. W with privilege to examine before any money la to appear in the game garb all I flaid nothing, J W Saver, Rec'd again into’lumher. Bild. V/e pay freight both wnyair not «ailufiK - rr. Warrant for2 year«. Why pay an agamrio to 150 to order for you! Write »our own order. but watched him closely. I oh over the country. She made her Boxlnn free. Wa taka all risk of damage in BDRNO n IA HONOR Lodge, No. 8 •bipplng. served that after each awakening apparance on the streets of San Meets every 2d and 4th Monday. WHOLESALE PRICES. Mrs A E Young Cor H. Spring Wagon«, $31 to »SO. Guarwntwd No. 781, flurrey. he grew brighter, the tired look Jose a lew day» ago in a double- •amaa*Mlltor*iiOtol.'.>. Surreys, SOS toSlOO •ama aa aall for tlOO to »150 Top Buggies, No. 37. Surrey Harnew. breasted flack coat and HARNEY LODGE, NO. 77, I. o o f . waistcoat of dieappeared, and by the time din­ »37.80, •• fine aa «old for »M. Phaetons,S66 ,X”"lg O<,<1 f,1,otr« Hall, every Saturday. Farm Wagon«, Wagonettes, dark material, trousers of a striped ner Was at an end Richard was W. Y. King N. G. one,Delivery Wngonsand Road rrrLcs » oh men , »out a iuiluh ».». Mr. C. Byrd, Secy pattern, and a derby hat of the himself again. I joked him on his Rias lr. In her hand she HARNKY POST NO. 48. O. A. R. installment» of sleep. His reply lateat alyle. S«M»«0 No. 727, Road VVuguu. 1st and 3d Wednesday of each swung at» ebony car.«. She saya X.' A ! ’J1 Hall. All Conrads was characteristic. " a.»od standing lavlted. “Don’t yon know,” said he, “that ■he is realizing the dream of her No.«Ls'4< Top Buggy. it isn’t a long sleep which is need­ life. She is tired of skirts, and as ed to refresh an active brain? Nerve her stage appearance« are mofltly U. fl. MATT.fl. Mo. 1, Farm Harness. itr,,«-nit ; tissue ifl repaired easily with very in male parte she knows the great­ RIDDUi HADDLF.il a»4 FLT NET* Rertvciaxd depart« daily, ElkhartBle/rle. Sfm.whaal • Merenrt. «T f*»r r««li with •rdrr. Mend 4e. In pneumatic ,-------- 1 tire», weid'Ci little Bleep which is needed to re- er comforts of male attire.—New 1J pAf p xHage M 1 lt-{Mig« eatalflgflr. ■tael lutilo«, drop forali g». _ . «•«»•« 01 VV : No. 3. Farm Wa